Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

  • Total voters
right is REALLY going down in flames!
the resident pervert is leaving soon... just not soon enough!

Report: Conservative Justice Thomas Considers Retirement
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is reportedly considering retirement from the nation's high court after this year's presidential election.

The Washington Examiner, citing unnamed sources, reports Thomas has been mulling an exit "for a while and never planned to stay until he died."

Appointed by former President George H.W. Bush and approved by the Senate in 1991 after bitter confirmation hearings, the conservative's retirement, along with the vacancy left by the late Justice Antonin Scalia, would have a big impact on control of the high court.
The court is currently divided 4-4, the next president will certainly tip the balance with a replacement for Scalia. Republican Justice Anthony Kennedy, considered a swing vote on the high court, will be 80 next year, the Examiner notes.
The court is currently divided 4-4, the next president will certainly tip the balance with a replacement for Scalia.
Just another screw up by the Republicans ... could have had a fair, conservative judge through Obama's pick, but nooooo, their hate for him is so deep they'd probably turn down the Pope if Obama could have chosen him. Now, if Hillary gets the presidency, you can bet she'll pick judge(S) ... note plural ... that are left to center. It would take the Republican party 3 decades to unwind this screw up if she was to put 2 or more SCJ's on the bench.
could have had a fair, conservative judge through Obama's pick, but nooooo, their hate for him is so deep
so true!.... the guy he picked is pretty fair minded... but McConnell and Grassley just being an ass!.... and it would seem the Dem's are a shoe in for the white house.... and now the Thomas considering retirement after the next Pres is sworn in.... this will really cost them for a long time!.... they reap what they sow!
they have been the party of the few for a long time... just always managed to pull something off using some kind of "skull duggery".... but think people aren't buying it any more... some real strong republicans I know are very "testy" here lately... one gave me a couple digs the other day and I returned the favor... really pissed him off.... the hand writing has been on the wall... they just refuse to read it... although the voting public has a short memory and easily swayed... so still anything can happen... and they can still throw ******* like crazy
Just another screw up by the Republicans ... could have had a fair, conservative judge through Obama's pick, but nooooo, their hate for him is so deep they'd probably turn down the Pope if Obama could have chosen him. Now, if Hillary gets the presidency, you can bet she'll pick judge(S) ... note plural ... that are left to center. It would take the Republican party 3 decades to unwind this screw up if she was to put 2 or more SCJ's on the bench.
Fair? Conservative? Please Mac. The Democrats current gun control proposals if passed would rendered the 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments meaningless. Obama has publically stated the U.S. Constitution is a seriously flawed document and you expect me to believe he would appoint any conservative justice? You have been in the electric orange juice again haven't you?
Just another screw up by the Republicans ... could have had a fair, conservative judge through Obama's pick, but nooooo, their hate for him is so deep they'd probably turn down the Pope if Obama could have chosen him. Now, if Hillary gets the presidency, you can bet she'll pick judge(S) ... note plural ... that are left to center. It would take the Republican party 3 decades to unwind this screw up if she was to put 2 or more SCJ's on the bench.
I wouldn't want the Pope, way too far left too much of a socialist for my liking.
This election is most interesting because of the two presumptive candidates neither is qualified to lead this country. Trump's only real talent is for self promotion. He would come out in favor of the public burning of witches if he thought it would help get him elected. Trump is a thin skinned pussy, probably the reason Poroshenko has talked him up. Poroshenko knows that Trump would even be easier to push around that President Obama.

Hillary Clinton is a consummate politician, she lies so well that most of the time she believes what she is shoveling. Unlike Trump she doesn't crave the limelight. She is just in it for the cash. The Clinton's finances are rather interesting. They have gotten quite wealthy from Bill being an ex-president. They really aren't too shy about it either. While Hillary was Secretary of State Bill got paid around 48 million dollars for speeches to foreign companies and governments. The Clinton's have been going this route since Bill was governor of Arkansas. Hillary had to be aware of all the speeches that Bill was getting paid for while she was SoS. Everything was ran by her Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, a long time Clinton troubleshooter and reputedly the main person responsible for damage control when Benghazi blew up in their faces. Under State Department protocols there is supposed to be an independent advisor within the State Department to advise the Secretary of possible conflicts of interest. Apparently this function was usurped by Ms. Mills. Judicial Watch found many irregularities and clear evidence of conflicts of interest in the many of Bill and Hillary's activities

My dear compadre @Torpedo: I'm not a Hillary fan by any means but she is WAY More qualified than Trump or even Obama was when he was first elected. I'm a Libertarian and support John Kasich out of all candidates but I'm also part of the 'TRUMP NEVER' republican leaning group who say that they have a moral obligation to stop Trump at the RNC National Convention.

Lets look at the resumes side by side then lets also look at the lying and misrepresentation of facts by Trump with his resume:

Serving as US Secretary of State, US Senator, and being First Lady and living in the White House for 8years whether you like the person or not is clearly more qualifying experience than being a Community Organizer (which I respect highly because that is no easy job to just dismiss), and Senator for One term or being a Business man with this track record:

Donald Trump's casino business in Atlantic City was a 'protracted failure'

Donald Trump's casinos in Atlantic City were not nearly as successful as the presumptive Republican nominee makes them seem in statements on the campaign trail, according to an investigation by The New York Times.

In an investigative report published on Saturday, The Times found that Trump's casinos were largely financial failures riddled with debt.

One of Trump's Atlantic City casinos, the Trump Plaza Casino and Hotel, is now shuttered, and another one, the Trump Taj Mahal, is under new ownership.

Overall, profits at Trump's Atlantic City casinos "consistently lagged," behind his competitors..


Donald Trump ran his public company into the ground, but pocketed millions for himself




Republican presidential candidate, businesswoman Carly Fiorina speaks during the CNN Republican presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015, in Simi Valley, Calif.AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill

"I only say this: She can't run any of my own companies," Trump said. "That I can tell you."

Fiorina said Sonnenfeld is "a well-known Clintonite" (referring to a supporter of Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton) who's criticized her since she started at HP. She then switched tack to criticize Trump's own business record. In particular, when he filed bankruptcies for his casinos in Atlantic City.

"Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy not once, not twice, but a record four times," Fiorina said. "Four times! A record four times. Why should we trust you to man the finances of this nation?"

In response, Trump said he's made over $10 billion, and blamed the bankruptcy of his casinos — as well as the others in Atlantic City — on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), who was also on the debate stage.




Donald Trump: "I'm the king of debt."
The scariest thing about Donald Trump isn't what he doesn't know. It's what he doesn't know he doesn't know.

"I'm the king of debt," he said Monday. "I understand debt probably better than anybody."

He said this as part of his recent musings about the American public debt. In those musings, he talked up the benefits of restructuring, in which creditors are paid less than 100 cents on the dollar, and then said it's "crazy" to think he would try to get Treasury bondholders to take payment haircuts, and then floated the idea of inflating away the debt, saying "you never have to default because you print the money."

One defense sometimes made for Trump's candidacy is that, while he may not know very much about the intricacies of public policy, he will surround himself with experts who do. Of course one problem with this theory is that Trump has a track record of choosing questionable experts, such as his doctor and his lawyer.



*Note: Sorry about the all caps, I type really fast and the 'Caps Lock' got clicked on and I didn't feel like re-typing but I'm not trying to yell at anyone on here either.

Mitch McConnell: Donald Trump should release his tax returns

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell joined the growing chorus of voices calling for Donald Trump to release his tax returns.

In an interview promoting his newly released memoir, "The Long Game," McConnell pointed out that for decades every major presidential candidate has released his or her tax records, a tradition intended to shed light on whether a candidate attempts to take advantage of the tax structure.

"For the last 30 or 40 years, every candidate for president has released their tax returns, and I think Donald Trump should as well," McConnell told Business Insider on Tuesday.

Over the past several months, Trump has resisted calls to release his returns, citing supposed legal advice to wait until the IRS finishes an audit of his records.


Vote for Trump at your own peril and doom America.


Hillary is down one superdelegate:

Pennsylvania Democrat Representative Chaka Fattah, a super delegate, just got his ass convicted on 23 counts of racketeering, money laundering and fraud.

Hell with a resume like that I'm surprised he hasn't been promoted to a senior position in the DNC :bounce:
@hoping hubby,

I dont get what your celebrating here? What about this:

Inmate No. 47991-424: Hastert to report to prison soon


FILE - In this April 27, 2016, file photo, former House Speaker Dennis Hastert departs the federal courthouse in Chicago. Hastert's attorney says that he will report to a federal prison in southeastern Minnesota this week to begin serving a 15-month sentence in his hush-money case. Washington, D.C.,-based attorney Thomas Green confirmed Monday, June 20, 2016, in an email that the Illinois Republican will report to the Rochester Federal Medical Center. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast, File)

CHICAGO (AP) - Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert must report to a federal prison in southeastern Minnesota by Wednesday afternoon to begin serving a 15-month sentence in his hush-money case, one that revealed the 74-year-old sexually abused at least four boys decades ago when he coached wrestling at a suburban Chicago high school.

When he enters the prison gates, the nation's longest-serving GOP speaker who for eight years was second in the line of succession to the presidency will be known to prison guards as Inmate No. 47991-424.

A look at what's expected to happen in the coming days and what awaits Hastert, who will become one of the highest-ranking U.S. politicians in history to do prison time...

FACT CHECK: Trump's Clinton smackdown was full of distortions

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks in New York, Wednesday, June 22, 2016. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

WASHINGTON (AP) - Donald Trump's fierce denunciation of Hillary Clinton on Wednesday was rife with distortion.

He accused Clinton of announcing a withdrawal from Iraq that wasn't on her watch, pulled numbers out of nowhere on her plan for refugees and went beyond the established facts behind the killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya in stating starkly that she "left him there to die." In doing so, he assigned her far more influence in the world than she exercised as secretary of state.

A look at some of his assertions and how they stack up with the facts:

TRUMP: "In just four years, Secretary Clinton managed to almost single-handedly destabilize the entire Middle East." He blamed her for an invasion of Libya that "handed the country over to ISIS," for making Iran the dominant Islamic power in the region and for supporting regime change in Syria that led to a bloody civil war. He charged that her "disastrous strategy" of announcing a departure date from Iraq created another opening for ISIS there.

THE FACTS: These statements make only passing acquaintance with reality.

There was no U.S. invasion of Libya. Clinton initially opposed but then sought credit for the NATO-led air campaign to help rebels overthrow Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in 2011. (Trump spoke in support of U.S. intervention at the time.) While the violence destabilized Libya, Islamic State inroads there have been more recent and are largely limited to a small coastal area of the country.

Arguments about Iranian domination of the Middle East predate Clinton's tenure, going back a decade to the George W. Bush administration's deposing of Saddam Hussein in neighboring Iraq.

While secretary of state, Clinton supported arming Syria's moderate rebels, but the Islamic State group only arrived later. It's unclear what effect such a policy would have had as President Barack Obama rejected the advice at the time.

And she had nothing to do with the "disastrous strategy" of giving a departure date from Iraq. It was the George W. Bush administration that announced the planned withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq in 2008.

Brennan Linsley and Chris Carlson for AP Photo

TRUMP: U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and his staff "made hundreds and hundreds of requests for security. They were desperate. They needed help. Hillary Clinton's State Department refused them all. She started the war that put them in Libya, denied him the security he asked for, then left him there to die."

THE FACTS: Trump greatly exaggerates the security requests, not all of which were denied, and gets the history of U.S.-Libyan relations wrong. The reference to security requests appears to reflect the Republican-led House Select Committee on Benghazi's tally of "requests/concerns" related to the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi. For many of those, there's no record of denials. And some security upgrades did occur before the Sept. 11, 2012, attack that killed Stevens and three other Americans.

Clinton did not start the war in Libya. She supported a NATO intervention well after large-scale violence had broken out between Gadhafi's forces and rebels. Nor did the conflict put Stevens or any U.S. diplomat in Libya. The U.S. had maintained a full-fledged embassy there since President George W. Bush re-established diplomatic relations with Gadhafi's government in 2006.

Several congressional investigations have shown that Clinton had no role in military decisions related to Benghazi, and that it would have been impossible for U.S. armed forces to intervene in time to save Stevens.


TRUMP: "Hillary also wants to spend hundreds of billions to resettle Middle Eastern refugees in the United States, on top of the current record level of immigration."

THE FACTS: For a businessman, Trump is shaky on his numbers. The entire U.S. budget for refugee resettlement is less than $1.2 billion a year - and that includes refugees from Cuba, Bhutan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Even including the value of all future public benefits they might receive - and excluding their contribution to the country through taxes - Trump's assertion about the cost of resettlement is still baffling.


TRUMP: "I started off in Brooklyn, New York, not so long ago, with a small loan and built a business that today is worth well over $10 billion."

THE FACTS: Trump's $1 million loan from his ******* was just the beginning of his family subsidies, which included a far larger inheritance, loan guarantees and even occasional bailouts - one of which was found to be illegal by New Jersey casino regulators. As for the value of Trump's business, every independent appraisal has found his assets to be worth far less than he says; Forbes says Trump is worth less than half what he claims.


TRUMP: "Hillary Clinton accepted $58,000 in jewelry from the government of Brunei when she was secretary of state - plus millions more for her foundation. The sultan of Brunei has pushed oppressive Sharia law.

THE FACTS: Clinton is not sporting Brunei bling.

In September 2012, she accepted a $58,000 jewelry set with gold, sapphire and diamond earrings, a necklace and bracelet, given by the queen of Brunei when Clinton visited for meetings and to inaugurate an English-language training program, according to the Federal Register. The gift was not to her, but to the United States.

Federal law prohibits officials from keeping such gifts unless they pay the estimated value to the U.S. government. According to the State Department's protocol office, Clinton chose not to buy the jewelry, and instead turned it over to the General Services Administration - the standard procedure for most gifts from foreign leaders.

It's true that Brunei is an Islamic nation that observes Sharia law and has been widely criticized for its human rights record, particularly when it comes to gays and lesbians.

But gift exchanges are standard practice. As with almost all gifts to all officials, the Federal Register notice says "non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. government."


TRUMP: "Our trade deficit with China soared 40 percent during Clinton's time as secretary of state."

THE FACTS: Trump's claim is more than double the actual increase. From late 2008 through 2012, a period coinciding with Clinton's tenure, the trade deficit with China rose 17.6 percent. Trump's campaign may be using data from the end of 2009 through 2013, when the deficit did rise 40 percent, but that does not match up with Clinton's time in office and leaves out a sharp, recession-induced drop in 2009.

More broadly, the secretary of state is not typically held responsible for the trade deficit, which mostly reflects the health of the U.S. and global economies, the difference in how much the nation spends and saves, and trade policies implemented by the U.S. trade representative.


TRUMP: "We are the highest-taxed nation in the world."

THE FACTS: Closer to the opposite is true.

The U.S. tax burden is actually one of the lowest among the 34 developed and large emerging-market economies that make up the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Taxes made up 26 percent of the total U.S. economy in 2014, according to the OECD. That's far below Sweden's tax burden of 42.7 percent, Britain's 32.6 percent or Germany's 36.1 percent. Only three OECD members had a lower figure: Chile, South Korea and Mexico.


TRUMP: "Under her plan, we would admit hundreds of thousands of refugees from the most dangerous countries on Earth, with no way to screen who they are, what they are, what they believe, where they come from."

THE FACTS: Clinton has called for the United States to continue to accept refugees, including as many as 65,000 from Syria. But Trump is wrong about Clinton's stance on refugee screening. She's never said she would scale back the current refugee processing system. Under that system, a person's beliefs are not generally a disqualifier for entrance into the U.S. Refugees are checked to make sure they don't have criminal records or have been identified by intelligence agencies as having ties to terrorist organizations.


TRUMP: "She has pledged to grant mass amnesty and in her first 100 days, end virtually all immigration enforcement, and thus create totally open borders in the United States."

THE FACTS: It's not true that Clinton's plan would create open borders. Her plan does call for a pathway to citizenship that would allow people currently in the country illegally to stay, but only after going through a series of steps to become a citizen. On enforcement, Clinton has called for focusing on "detaining and deporting those individuals who pose a violent threat to public safety," but not ending enforcement outright.


TRUMP: "We will repeal and replace job-killing Obamacare. It is a total disaster."

THE FACTS: Job growth has been solid by historical standards since Obama's health care overhaul took effect in March 2010. Since then, employers have added nearly 14 million jobs and businesses have been on the longest hiring streak in the post-World War II era. And 2014 and 2015 were the two best years of private-sector hiring since the late 1990s. The unemployment rate, meanwhile, has fallen to 4.7 percent, an 8 ½ year low, from 9.9 percent when the law was passed.


TRUMP: "We'll pass massive tax reform to create millions of new jobs and lower taxes for everyone."

THE FACTS: Trump's proposed tax cuts are indeed massive, but most economists conclude they will create a huge amount of government debt. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates that Trump's tax plan would slash government revenue by $9.5 trillion over the next decade. Trump hasn't specified any offsetting spending cuts or other sources of revenue to make up the difference. That means the tax cuts would balloon the deficit. All that additional government borrowing could push up interest rates, the center concludes, and offset much of the economic benefit of lower taxes.


Associated Press writers Christopher S. Rugaber, Chad Day, Michael Biesecker, Eileen Sullivan, Alicia A. Caldwell, Jeff Horwitz, Nancy Benac, Matthew Lee, Jill Colvin and Cal Woodward contributed to this story.

EDITOR'S NOTE _ A look at the veracity of claims in the presidential campaign

I'll rest my case against trump when the election is over.

e05287ebe034fa948b071e98835e5531.jpg nevertrump.jpg tweet2 copy.png
@hoping hubby,

I dont get what your celebrating here? What about this:

Inmate No. 47991-424: Hastert to report to prison soon


FILE - In this April 27, 2016, file photo, former House Speaker Dennis Hastert departs the federal courthouse in Chicago. Hastert's attorney says that he will report to a federal prison in southeastern Minnesota this week to begin serving a 15-month sentence in his hush-money case. Washington, D.C.,-based attorney Thomas Green confirmed Monday, June 20, 2016, in an email that the Illinois Republican will report to the Rochester Federal Medical Center. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast, File)

CHICAGO (AP) - Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert must report to a federal prison in southeastern Minnesota by Wednesday afternoon to begin serving a 15-month sentence in his hush-money case, one that revealed the 74-year-old sexually abused at least four boys decades ago when he coached wrestling at a suburban Chicago high school.

When he enters the prison gates, the nation's longest-serving GOP speaker who for eight years was second in the line of succession to the presidency will be known to prison guards as Inmate No. 47991-424.

A look at what's expected to happen in the coming days and what awaits Hastert, who will become one of the highest-ranking U.S. politicians in history to do prison time...

Trump's only talent is self promotions. The Clinton's only talent is using the Federal government to enrich themselves. There is over 44 million dollars that was paid to the Clinton's and their foundation by people and governments that had business with the U.S. Department of State WHILE Hillary was Secretary of State. There is quite a list of very questionable practices that they blithely choose to ignore
@hoping hubby,

I dont get what your celebrating here? What about this:

Inmate No. 47991-424: Hastert to report to prison soon


FILE - In this April 27, 2016, file photo, former House Speaker Dennis Hastert departs the federal courthouse in Chicago. Hastert's attorney says that he will report to a federal prison in southeastern Minnesota this week to begin serving a 15-month sentence in his hush-money case. Washington, D.C.,-based attorney Thomas Green confirmed Monday, June 20, 2016, in an email that the Illinois Republican will report to the Rochester Federal Medical Center. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast, File)

CHICAGO (AP) - Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert must report to a federal prison in southeastern Minnesota by Wednesday afternoon to begin serving a 15-month sentence in his hush-money case, one that revealed the 74-year-old sexually abused at least four boys decades ago when he coached wrestling at a suburban Chicago high school.

When he enters the prison gates, the nation's longest-serving GOP speaker who for eight years was second in the line of succession to the presidency will be known to prison guards as Inmate No. 47991-424.

A look at what's expected to happen in the coming days and what awaits Hastert, who will become one of the highest-ranking U.S. politicians in history to do prison time...


I was just pointing out the latest political corruption scandal which happens to be a democrat. I didn't say the republicans don't have plenty of corruption on their side too. If you'd like to start trading examples of politicians who've been convicted of crimes....well you might want to ask the site owner's to expand the hard drives. We'll be here a while!

Here's a good one:

Mel Reynolds (Democrat) was in the US House of Representatives from 1993 - 1995. During the 94 campaign he was indicted on charges of sex with a 16 year old girl on his campaign staff. Of course felony indictments can be a resume booster in some political parties....and he got re-elected despite his indictment! Then when it went to trial he got convicted and had to resign as his statutory ******* scum ass went to prison. He also got convicted of 16 counts of bank fraud. He should have spent many many years in prison. But you know what they say about bird of a feather....his ole buddy Bill Clinton commuted his sentence on his way out of the white house. Why wouldn't he....Bill didn't mind having a little sex with a subordinate now and then right? At least Monica was of legal age at the time.

So what happens to Mel...he gets hired by Jesse Jackson in his Rainbow Push coalition. Why not...Ole Jesse didn't mind having a little sex...and a baby with one of his subordinates either.

What job did Jessie think would fit this statutory ******* well.....youth counselor of course.
The Democrats current gun control proposals if passed would rendered the 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments meaningless. Obama has publically stated the U.S. Constitution is a seriously flawed document and you expect me to believe he would appoint any conservative justice
you don't really believe all that do you? or is that just more twisting of the facts!... you do know that there are some republicans working right now on legislation with some dems and going against the nra to get something done!
I was just pointing out the latest political corruption scandal which happens to be a democrat
I think the corruption scandal scales tip a lot more in favor of the republicans!... it's just in that party of no morale's and scruples it is tolerated... but then they want to dictate OUR personal lives... like gays and same sex marriage abortion and on and on
• The sexual antics of President Bill Clinton have been a dangerous tool in the Republican campaign arsenal, used to the fullest possible extent, but what have they been up to all these years?
• (SALEM, Ore.) - "He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones." It seems that old adage may be lost on the confused mass that we call modern society. The Grand Old Party, once known for controversial abolitionists, has become the moral party of today, or so their elected leaders will tell you.
• As we evolve as a nation, too many people seem to be clinging to ideologies that make little sense, fighting against a woman's right to abortion while demanding that schools not teach children sex education or instruct them in the deadly virus, AIDS. It creates a vicious circle when we fight ourselves, and deny education to those who need it most.
• Our nation spent more tax money conducting Ken Starr's investigation of President Bill Clinton's affair with intern Monica Lewinsky, than they did in the investigation of the September 11th 2001 attacks on the United States. Many Americans fail to see the logic behind this.
• Now Oregon's Governor stands at risk, as a right wing radio pundit named Lars Larson levels an accusation against Kulongoski that could mean he could not be a lawyer in Oregon again. Larson says that Kulongoski had the goods on Goldschmidt years ago. Sources are reporting that he could have known about what has become known as the Goldschmidt scandal, as early as 1994.
• Kulongoski walked angrily out of a press conference Tuesday, after a TV reporter asked him about the former governor's involvement with the young babysitter.
• Perhaps the Governor is guilty of having known something he didn't tell. He stated that he is not, but if he is, he may lose his right to have a license to practice law. That would be a real burn if you were Ted Kulongoski, and quite a feather in the cap of Lars Larson, no doubt about it.
• As Lars Larson is totally political in his pursuits and ambitions, we thought it would be interesting to offer perspective by determining just how many Republican lawmakers and officials have endured similar scrutiny in recent years for sexual perversions, extramarital affairs, etc. It is a hard number to pinpoint, it just depends on the number of years you account for.
• As a subject, it was important enough to see an impeachment of former President Bill Clinton, so fair seems fair.
• Then we ran into a problem with the idea of naming these scandals and their Republican perpetrators; there are so many they would hardly fit on the page. Using data from "Moral Values," these citations are otherwise attributed to the original agencies. Here is a partial list of names of serious problems related to GOP movers and shakers.
• Randal David Ankeney is the Republican activist who was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a baby with *******. He was charged with six counts related to getting a 13-year-old girl stoned on pot and then having sex with her. Ankeny has also been accused of sexually assaulting another girl. Source: Denver ABC Article
• Jim Bakker is the infamous televangelist who worked with Pat Robertson at Robertson's Christian Broadcasting network. Sources at the time, and then later Jim himself, confirmed that he committed adultery with Jessica Hahn, and then used charitable donations to pay her hush money. Fellow televangelists have stated in the past that they believe he's gay. Bakker was indicted on 23 federal charges of fraud, tax evasion, and racketeering.
• Bob Barr is the Republican Congressman from Georgia who sponsored the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act, saying "The flames of hedonism, the flames of narcissism, the flames of self-centered morality are licking at the very foundation of our society, the family unit." He was married three times, and paid for his second wife's abortion (she also suspected he was cheating on her). he failed to pay baby support to the children of his first two wives and while married to his third and present wife and was photographed licking whipped cream off of strippers at his inaugural party.
• Parker J. Bena was a Republican activist and a key player in the campaign to elect George W. Bush as President. Bena was charged and later pleaded guilty to possession of baby pornography and lying to the FBI. Bena reportedly told the feds that he had received an unsolicited e-mail containing pictures of children (some as young as three years old) performing various sexual acts, but agents learned that he had in fact voluntarily entered a number of baby pornography websites and downloaded the images himself. This is said to have involved acts with children as young as 3 years old, on his home computer. Parker J. Bena was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Source:
• Louis Beres is a past chairman of the Christian Coalition of Oregon. Three of his family members accuse him of molesting them as children, when they were pre-teens. In an Editor and Publisher article, in August 2006, Beres confessed to the accusations facing him. The Portland Mercury
• John Bolton, President George W. Bush's highly contested appointee ambassador to United Nations is suspected of forsing his former wife to be involved in unsavory group sex acts. Corroborated allegations that Mr. Bolton's first wife, Christina Bolton, was ****** to engage in group sex have not been refuted by the State Department despite inquires posed by Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt concerning the allegations. Mr. Flynt has obtained information from numerous sources that Mr. Bolton participated in paid visits to Plato's Retreat, the popular swingers club that operated in New York City in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
• Jim Bunn Congressman of Oregon: Many attribute the success Jim Bunn experienced in great part to support from the Christian Coalition. Congressman Jim Bunn won his congressional seat, and then sources say that he immediately ditched his wife, the mom of his five children, and married a staffer. Jim Bunn is said to have put his new wife on the state payroll for the unheard-of salary of $97,500, thereby becoming one of the biggest waste and spend conservatives from the state of Oregon. Source: Conservative Babylon
• President of the United States George W. Bush, was accused in a criminal complaint and lawsuit of ******* Margie Schoedinger, who later died in a questionable case of suicide. Bush was also accused by Tammy Phillips, a former stripper, who was quoted in the National Enquirer in 2000 saying she had an affair with Bush that had ended in 1999. Another serious question involves statements from the wife of Red Blount, whom Bush campaigned for, while possibly A.W.O.L from the Air National Guard at age 26. She stated that he was "all over their 14 year old *******." Multiple Sources
• Neil Bush, brother or G. W. Bush, in a March 2003 divorce deposition, admitted repeatedly having sex with strange women who just showed up at his room while on an Asian business trip. Overshadowing the sex scandal at the time was a business scandal. Neal Bush keeps a low profile and is not seen in public very often. He also has questionable ties to the security of the World Trade Towers in the September 11th 2001 attacks on the United States. Source: Washington Post article
• Ken Calvert, Congressman (R-California), has been called the champion of the Christian Coalition and its "family values." But in reality, Ken Calvert was sued as an alimony "deadbeat dad" by his ex-wife who said, "We can't forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky." In 1993, Calvert was caught by police officers receiving oral sex from a *******. He attempted to flee the scene but apparently couldn't move fast enough to get away from police, and was arrested.

• Helen Chenoweth, Congresswoman (R-Id.). In 1995, Chenoweth had denied having an affair when asked about it by The Spokane Spokesman-Review. In 1998 she called (in a campaign ad) for Bill Clinton's resignation saying, "I believe that personal conduct and integrity do matter". Days later she admitted to a six-year adulterous affair with a married associate, but now she claims a pardon from a higher authority: "I've asked for God's forgiveness, and I've received it," she revealed.
• Mark Foley, Republican Representative, Florida Sixteenth Congressional District. Resigned after trying to solicit sex from male congressional pages via an instant messenger program. The conversations included his asking a sixteen-year-old "stud" whether his penis was erect and requesting that he take out and measure his penis. The cover-up involved Republican House Majority Leader John Boehner, Ohio Eighth Congressional District and Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Illinois Fourteenth District.
• Newt Gingrich, well established crusader against legislation that assists women and the poor, has married three times while spouting Christian values the entire time. Newt Gingrich's campaign worker Anne Manning, admitted that she gave Newt oral sex while he was still married to his first wife, essentially placing Newt in the exact same position President Clinton had to endure when Gingrich and his cronies maintained their pressure over the Lewinski incident. Gingrish informed one wife he was filing for divorce while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer treatments. Salon article
• Philip Giordano, the former Republican mayor of Waterbury, Connecticut was sentenced by a state court to serve 37 years for forsing two little girls to perform acts of oral sex on him in his Waterbury City Hall office. While investigating municipal corruption, the FBI discovered phone records and pictures of Giordano with a ******* named Guitana Jones, as well as with her 10-year-old niece and her 8-year-old *******. 37-years is a very long prison sentence, many said at the time that it still wasn't enough. Source: NBC Article/Newsday Article
• Rudy Giuliani, New York Mayor and Republican Presidential Candidate, is reported as having had an adulterous affair that failed to stay out of the public light. Groups also cite Giuliani for pocketing an $80,000 fee for speaking at a charity benefit for tsunami aid which raised only $60,000 for the victims themselves. Critics of Giuliani say there will be more revelations about his character and past as his presidential aspirations gain momentum.
• Matthew Glavin, president and CEO of the Southeastern Legal Foundation, was a big player in the Clinton Impeachment proceedings, and he has spearheaded a good number of anti-homosexual jihads. He has been arrested multiple times for public indecency, sources report, one time it was for fondling the crotch of the police officer who was arresting him at a national park. Opponents say his actions were treated "with kid gloves" and therefore inadequate.
• Neal Horsley is a political figure of the far right, and the author of a website devoted to his advocacy of militant pro-life, secessionist, and anti-gay views. He has called for the arrest of all homosexuals. He admitted on the Fox News Radio's The Alan Colmes Show, that he's had sex with mules. He put photographs on his Web site of naked men engaging in homosexual acts and a nude woman engaging in ******* amid shots of grotesquely maimed fetuses. ******* dealer convicted of possession of hashish with intent to sell. He calls for "the establishment of a new government, one that can obey God's plan for government."
• Lewis "Scooter" Libby is the former Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney who was convicted but recently exempted from having to serve his sentence by the President. In 1996, "Scooter" Libby published a novel containing bizarre sexual content, including ******* and *******. Other high level White House officials were said to have been involved in the book that Libby published.
• Rush Limbaugh is the infamous talk show pundit and advocate of moral values who has been divorced three times. A staunch anti-******* crusader, Limbaugh is in reality, a 30-pill a day ******* addict. He also takes questionable trips to locations where many western men travel to buy sex under shady circumstances. It was a return from one of those possibly sordid journeys when one of his ******* arrests occurred. Limbaugh was returning from the Dominican Republic. The Rush Limbaugh sex tourism story could seriously lead to his downfall if any of the allegations were founded. "Turnabout is most certainly fair play," is how one news agency worded it. Then there is the report of Rush’s use of Viagra while he was single. Sources: Smoking
• Jeff Miller, (R-Cleveland), Senate Republican Caucus Chairman in Tennessee and the sponsor of Tennessee’s Marriage Protection act. He was divorced in April 2005 because of an affair he was having with an office aid. Miller described the Tennessee Marriage Protection Act as a means of preserving the sanctity of marriage. He opposed an amendment, however, which stated that “Adultery is deemed to be a threat to the institution of marriage and contrary to public policy in Tennessee.”
• Joseph M. McDade, 75, was issued a summons on a charge of exposure of his sexual organs, a misdemeanor that carries up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. The longtime Pennsylvania Republican congressman who served for 36 years in the House and now works for a Washington lobbying firm, has been accused of exposing his private parts to two women at a beach resort on Sanibel Island. Source: DKOS diary
• Bill O'Reilly is the highly controversial right-wing conservative talk show host on Fox News known for the "O'Reilly factor" and the "no spin zone." O'Reilly is highly contested over his ability to polarize people along political lines. Bill O'Reilly has been sued for sexual harassment by his producer. The female Fox News producer named Andrea Mackris filed a lawsuit claiming that he subjected her to repeated instances of sexual harassment and spoke often, and explicitly, to her about phone sex, vibrators, threesomes, masturbation, the loss of his virginity, and sexual fantasies. He settled with the producer for an undisclosed amount of money.
• Bob Packwood, Senator (R-Ore.) resigned in 1995 under a threat of public senate hearings related to 10 female ex-staffers accusing him of sexual harassment. A pro-choice Republican who often rallied for women's rights, Packwood let down generations of supporters, and is a good example of the complexity of human nature, since he supported legislation to protect women’s rights during his 25 years in office while simultaneously making unwanted sexual advances toward many different women. In the end, 19 women testified to outrageous behavior which was mostly carried out when Packwood was *******. The most damaging was the charge of a former staff woman who was only 17 years old at the time. Packwood might still have survived the challenge had he responded with his former talent for compromise, but he was defiant and confrontational, trying to bully his way through the situation and alienating even his friends, it is reported.
• George Roche III, carried on a 19 year affair with his *******'s wife, while serving as president of Hillsdale College, which "emphasizes the importance of the common moral truths that bind all Americans, while recognizing the importance of religion for the maintenance of a free society." The scandal broke out in 1999 when the wife of George Roche IV, Lissa Jackson Roche, claimed to have had an affair spanning 19 years with her husband's *******. Shortly after, she was found dead in the college's arboretum with a handgun, and the death was ruled a suicide. Following his resignation in November 1999, Roche left public life and moved to Colorado.
• Joe Scarborough, former Republican Congressman, is currently a conservative talk show host. He resigned his congressional seat abruptly to spend more time with his family, amidst allegations of an affair. His intern, Lori Klausutis, was soon after found dead in his office. The medical examiner, who had his license revoked in Missouri for falsifying information in an autopsy report, and suspended in Florida for six years, ruled the case an accident, after giving conflicting information about her injuries. He said he lied about them because "The last thing we wanted was 40 questions about a head injury."
• Ed Schrock was a two-term Republican Congressman, with a 92% approval rating from the Christian Coalition. Co-sponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment, consistently opposed gay rights. Married, with wife and *******, he withdrew his candidacy for a third term after tapes of him soliciting gay sex were circulated. The Virginia Pilot reported in October 2000 that Schrock favored ending the Clinton administration's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military, BlogActive noted. "He supports asking enlistees whether they have had homosexual experiences in an effort to try to keep gays from serving. 'You're in the showers with them, you're in the bunk room with them, you're in staterooms with them,' Schrock said."
• Dr. Laura Schlessinger, right wing conservative radio host, is known for promoting family values. She is estranged from her mom, opposes birth control, has had her tubes tied. She espouses saving oneself for marriage, and admits to having had sex before she was married. She opposes adultery, but has committed adultery while she was married, and has slept with a married man. She opposes divorce, but she is divorced and remarried, and has posed for nude photos which are available online.
• Arnold Schwarzenegger, the hit Hollywood movie actor turned politician and California Republican governor, has admitted during a Oui interview, having sex with a 16-year old when he was 28. Today men who commit similar acts in Oregon are branded sex offenders and placed in correctional facilities. At the time of the Oui story, Schwarzenegger, then 29, was appearing in "Pumping Iron," a documentary on the bodybuilding circuit. In the Q&A with Manso from Oui Magazine, today's California Governor spoke about his sex life then, his ******* usage, and his belief that men "shouldn't feel like fags just because they want to have nice-looking bodies." Source: Oui
• Jean Schmidt is a Republican legislator from Ohio. Though not herself implicated, she employed a campaign manager named Joe Brauns in her 2005 election who once wrote an article condemning gay men for running sex ad profiles, and who was then accused of running his own sex profile on Collarme, an S&M sex site. The profile called for "submissives" to wear only a collar and handcuffs and to have hot wax dripped on them. Source: DKOS Diary
• Jimmy Swaggart, televangelist, exposed in 1986 fellow Assemblies of God minister Marvin Gorman, who was having an affair with one of his parishioners. The following year, Swaggart then exposed Jim Bakker's sexual indiscretions and soon after appeared on the Larry King Show stating that Bakker was a "cancer in the body of Christ." As a retaliatory move, Marvin Gorman hired a private-detective to follow Swaggart. During his investigation, the detective found Swaggart in a Jefferson Parish, Louisiana motel on Airline Highway with ******* Debra Murphree and took pictures as proof of the tryst.Source: Wikipedia
• Randall Terry, Right to Life activist, founder of Operation Rescue, was involved in the Terri Schiavo protests. He was once imprisoned for sending former President Bill Clinton an aborted fetus. His ******* Jamiel is gay; his ******* Tila had sex outside of marriage, became pregnant, had a miscarriage - she is no longer welcome in his home; his ******* Ebony had 2 children outside of wedlock and became Muslim. He has campaigned against infidelity and birth control, gays and unwed mothers. Terry himself was censured by his church after committing adultery.
• Strom Thurmond was an outspoken southern republican senator and racist. According to information revealed toward the end of his life, he had as a younger man raped and impregnanted a 15-year old African American maid. Throughout his adult life, as a politician and U.S. Senator, Thurmond quietly contributed to the family of the young African-American mom of his baby. In contrast to, say, George "I Was Wrong" Wallace, Thurmond had always been an ornery redemption project. He did not repent. Even so, his illegitimate ******* further complicated the moral picture. Source: Article
• Jim West, Spokane Mayor, supported a bill which failed, would have barred gays and lesbians from working in schools, day-care centers and some state agencies. He voted to bar the state from distributing pamphlets telling people how to protect themselves from AIDS. He proposed that “any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person” among teens be criminalized. He ended up having a sexual affair with an 18-year old boy. Source: Spokesman review
• Larry Flynt taking John Bolton to task? Political leaders funded by the Christian Coalition watching their lives and political ambitions end in disgrace? I know people won't change their views over this article, that would be too much to expect, but I have a feeling some of this information, much of which is not discussed in many circles, is important to share. Major hangups over sex do not seem to get people very far, at least in the end, and it is obvious that many of the stated motivations of these individuals are the exact opposite of what lurks in their hearts.
• The Democrats have no shortage of serious problems when it comes to extramarital activity, some of it illegal, all of it wrong. But that will take another story, it would not be quite as long of a list, but long enough.
• The case of former Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt came to light on May 6th 2004 in the Willamette Week newspaper. Goldschmidt publicly announced that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with a 14-year old girl for an extended period during his first term as Mayor of Portland. Their relations constituted third degree ******* under Oregon law, a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. In this case, the statute of limitations had expired, making Goldschmidt immune from any prosecution over the matter.