Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Obama and Hillary both have said more than once to give the guy a chance

not sure just who the protesters are... or what the hell they hope to achieve.... but maybe they are just looking for a reason to protest??????
one more thing to add today..... I saw on the news today that the woman that bumped into Hillary on the street and told Hillary how bad she felt for her..... is receiving death threats.....add that to the guy in Chicago that got beat up for wearing a Trump shirt....... this election has brought out the real hate in people!

I know there are some on here I have developed a.... real distaste for... but still???????

not you HH... your my buddy!
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I might not be an American or be able to to vote in your election, but I am envious of your new future leader. After four years, he'll get another four years. After eight years, by unanimous consensus you'd probably have to make room on Mount Rushmore to chisel his face on it for the amazing things he has achieved over his future 2 terms.
Trump??? Donald J. Trump???? Uhhhhhh....nope.

Thanks, I read the book, but if you searched youtube you might find more about "Hillary's America", by Dinesh D'Souza. If Trump's critics actually watched this or read the information, some might be blown away from this incendiary information that dwells within it and they might change their perspective on things. But sadly not all.
The electoral college still makes sense because the USA is not a democracy, therefore we don't depend on "mob rule". Our system is set up to give a voice to the minority and the electoral college does that. Also, very rarely do the absentee ballots get counted and they usually go in overwhelming favor for the republicans so it's unlikely that Hillary actually did win the popular vote.

Regardless of what anyone says about the "emails" the fact is four soldiers died under her watch in Benghazi. Hillary has a history of mistreating soldiers personally under her as well. The military vote makes up a large number of absentee ballots and I am confident she lost the soldier votes. She lost the popular vote but the media won't release that information immediately.

Like others, I was a never Hillary voter. Shes been in politics for forty years and what does she have to show for it other than personal gain and wealth? She can't answer a question regarding her most important accomplishment yet she wanted voters to believe she was a good leader? A woman who the FBI deemed too mentally incompetent to do her job as Secretary of State to get her off treason charges that others were fired for wanted my vote? I'm sorry, but that alone was enough to not vote for her. This woman was the very definition of white privilege as well. Bought her ******* a $15 million dollar home in martha's vineyard, paid her way through Stanford as well, the most expensive ivy league college in the country, and spent nearly a million on her *******'s wedding. Gets away with scandalous activity left and right... Whitewater and Benghazi, two classic examples. She did not lose the election to Trump, she defeated herself with her lifestyle and political track record. Her record has no accomplishments but plenty of shady things she did. On top of that, she had no grounds to attack Trump on, most of what Trump was preaching Bill Clinton said twenty years ago in front of Congress and received a standing ovation for.
Regarding "SubHub" feel free to argue with him all you want, he'll just hurl insults about your intelligence and lack of education because he's butthurt over being wrong. I hit the ignore button months ago on him because he's a condescending jackass who verbally attacks anyone with libelous words who doesn't agree with his close-minded point of view.
Not just him, I know of people in Canada that go to war over Trump winning the presidency. And more apparent on your side of the border, I hear that that Baldwin family is equally divided on this matter as well. And there are probably a lot more people enraged at Trump becoming the next president until at such time he proves himself as being presidential during his first or maybe even a second term as president.
Regardless of what anyone says about the "emails" the fact is four soldiers died under her watch in Benghazi. Hillary has a history of mistreating soldiers personally under her as well. The military vote makes up a large number of absentee ballots and I am confident she lost the soldier votes. She lost the popular vote but the media won't release that information immediately.

Like others, I was a never Hillary voter. Shes been in politics for forty years and what does she have to show for it other than personal gain and wealth? She can't answer a question regarding her most important accomplishment yet she wanted voters to believe she was a good leader? A woman who the FBI deemed too mentally incompetent to do her job as Secretary of State to get her off treason charges that others were fired for wanted my vote? I'm sorry, but that alone was enough to not vote for her. This woman was the very definition of white privilege as well. Bought her ******* a $15 million dollar home in martha's vineyard, paid her way through Stanford as well, the most expensive ivy league college in the country, and spent nearly a million on her *******'s wedding. Gets away with scandalous activity left and right... Whitewater and Benghazi, two classic examples. She did not lose the election to Trump, she defeated herself with her lifestyle and political track record. Her record has no accomplishments but plenty of shady things she did. On top of that, she had no grounds to attack Trump on, most of what Trump was preaching Bill Clinton said twenty years ago in front of Congress and received a standing ovation for.
Let's agree to disagree on HRC's accomplishments. 9 congressional hearings...nothing found to incriminate her.
Not just him, I know of people in Canada that go to war over Trump winning the presidency. And more apparent on your side of the border, I hear that that Baldwin family is equally divided on this matter as well. And there are probably a lot more people enraged at Trump becoming the next president until at such time he proves himself as being presidential during his first or maybe even a second term as president.
He won't get a second term. I think he's still in shock that he won in the first place
and I don't live on an airplane so again I really don't know if it is common on all flights or not... but more of today's headlines

United Airlines Pilot Calls For 'Common Decency,' Bans Political Rants On Flight
MorePassengers cheered a United Airlines pilot for taking a stand over a reportedly racially charged onboard dispute. Video footage features him making a public announcement to tell passengers to respect one another and refrain from venting about politics while on his flight, in an apparent reference to the fallout from Donald Trump’s election win last week. YouTube user Jon Bauer uploaded the now-viral cellphone video Friday that his friend shot on a United flight traveling from San Francisco to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Bauer wrote: On my friend’s @wirelessness flight from SFO to Mexico, some kinda scuffle broke out where an individual with a “plaid shirt and a camo cap” said something racist (about

But I'm sure Latin4BBC with your union job paying you 2 hundred grand a year and your wife with a bs... you fly a lot and would know!
that was his platform.... or didn't you take time to notice?.... just more statements from a Trumpie!

View attachment 1041639

Here is an idea for you.... why don't you put on your trump hat and t-shirt and go into one of your local areas and make a purchase!
You are like trying to converse with a wall. You are so closed minded! I really sometimes wonder who really is the "uneducated" one. I AM NOT A TRUMPIE, I AM NOT A RIGHT WING TEA PARTY FANATIC, I AM NOT A RACIST, I DO NOT MAKE MY DECISIONS, UNLIKE YOURSELF, BASED ON WHAT I HEAR/READ BY NEWS OUTLETS ESPECIALLY THE DISORTED ONE SIDED LIBERAL PRESS. I know it's hard for you to comprehend but I chose the candidate who I felt wouldn't continue with the same BULLSHIT that has been going on for the past several years and especially the past eight! My reasons for voting for Trump are the same reasons I voted for Obama in 2008. I thought Obama was going to take this country in the right direction. I was so proud that America seemed to move on and voted for a black well half black president. Like most liberals you believe the lies they tell, the false accomplishments, and the promises they rarely keep. So again if the democratic candidate was anyone other than Hillary with a true vision there is a good chance I would have voted for him/her. Said it before and I'll say it again. I know what we'd get with Hillary. The same old tune, more debt, higher taxes etc... With Trump I don't know and for me it's worth the risk. So it seems to me that if Americans wanted the same old *******, everything is so great, and the liberal ideology is the answer then the criminal would have won in a landslide. Three more pay periods to go Subhub.
Gross Pay 7,967.05 176,383.23
Deduction 3,282.15 93,194.04
Net Pay 4,684.90

Pay Date11/08/2016
Type Misc Adjusted Current YTD
Federal Taxes 33,713.92
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In the UK but relieved that Trump won. Trump might be inexperienced in politics but he has it in bundles when it comes to business and he has the best interest long-term interests of Americans at heart.
Hilary is the offspring of Satan and would damn us all with weak and ineffective policies.
I believe that if you give him the opportunity then he will turn around the fortunes of the American people.


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In the UK but relieved that Trump won. Trump might be inexperienced in politics but he has it in bundles when it comes to business and he has the best interest long-term interests of Americans at heart.
Hilary is the offspring of Satan and would damn us all with weak and ineffective policies.
I believe that if you give him the opportunity then he will turn around the fortunes of the American people.
Don't get your hopes up, dear.