Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Don't get your hopes up, dear.
Trump is not a great candidate but Hilary is far worse. Trump is an entrepreneur whilst Hilary is a a failed establishment career politician. The election campaign was not a good reflection on the US.
Trump for President.
Or you could have another 8 years of the same failed policies, dear.
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It's hard to tell how most people will turn out once they get into the Big Chair. The last CEO I worked for was personally a real asshole. In business though he treated the people working for him fairly.

If you harken back to Roosevelt he had three different Vice Presidents. during his 3 plus terms in the oval office. Roosevelt was a control freak and the main reason Harry Truman ended up as his last VP was Truman wasn't seen as a threat to Roosevelt's power. Roosevelt wanted someone that would sit in the VP chair, collect his paycheck and not make waves. Truman wasn't even aware of the existence of the Atomic bomb until after Roosevelt's death. During WWII he ferreted out fraud and waste in the war effort. However he really shine when he became president Everyone knows he stood up to MacArthur, but he also presided over economy transitioning from a wartime to a peacetime economy, formulated the Truman Doctrine with bi-partisanship support, was key in formulating the Marshall plan ( there are some strong pros and cons to this) presided over the start of the cold war, was key in the formation of the United Nations, ordered the Berlin Airlift to break to Soviet Blockade, and recognized Israel. I doubt anyone thought he was capable to leading this country to even half of these achievements when Roosevelt chose hin for his last VP.

So how will Trump turn out? Damn good question. The pluses are he is already wealthy, he doesn't have a need to use the office of President for financial gain, he has no real baggage or obligations to the Washington establishment, and he is a businessman. The down sides are he isn't a very good businessman, if I had been advising him he would have done a lot better. He has a lot of ego, but so did PT Barnum. Only time will tell. I am more concerned about what he does on the future rather than what he did in the past.

The Clinton's were/are an easy read. Politics are their ticket wealth. They weren't the first by any means but they have done it better than just about anyone else. It will be interesting to see what happens to them in the next couple of years. I am sure a lot of countries and businesses contributed to their foundation in anticipation of Hillary being in the White House.
A lot of people had their hopes up with President Obama Black Americans especially didn't do well under him
We're in complete agreement there. Probably the worse US president in my lifetime and in my limited capacity of living on a small island 3,000 miles away who just happen to be a country who've stood shoulder-to-shoulder with our US allies more than any other.
America could become a much better place; democracy has spoken so as Britain will have to with Brexit, embrace it and make it work.
We're in complete agreement there. Probably the worse US president in my lifetime and in my limited capacity of living on a small island 3,000 miles away who just happen to be a country who've stood shoulder-to-shoulder with our US allies more than any other.
America could become a much better place; democracy has spoken so as Britain will have to with Brexit, embrace it and make it work.
I am assuming that you are in the Philippines. A lot of good Philippine soldiers that fought alongside our military got screwed. It looks like the United States might finally be making amends after 90% of them are dead. During Vietnam we walked away from the Hmong. But you shouldn't feel too bad because our country has been screwing it's vets and fighting allies since the Revolutionary war
Trump is not a great candidate but Hilary is far worse. Trump is an entrepreneur whilst Hilary is a a failed establishment career politician. The election campaign was not a good reflection on the US.
Trump for President.
Or you could have another 8 years of the same failed policies, dear.
Personally I was hoping the Gary Johnson the Libertarian candidate would get enough electoral votes to deny either Trump or Clinton the Presidency. This would have thrown the Presidential election to the House and given that Trump and the GOP were at odds they likely could have elected Johnson who incidentally has a workable economic plan that could fix economy or at least get things going in the right direction
Locking Hillary up would send a strong message to the out of control liberals to stop commiting crimes. Stop damaging property, stop breaking the immigration laws, stop supporting the ******* cartels, and stop fighting the police. The people are NOT on your side.
Your narcissistic egotistical "president" stands a better chance of being impeached inside of 2 years than hillary stands of being locked up! You and your ilk are the reason why there is such a divide in this country. The election is over, move on. I'll give your guy enough rope to do the job. I doubt he'll need more than 2 feet to do it!
Your narcissistic egotistical "president" stands a better chance of being impeached inside of 2 years than hillary stands of being locked up! You and your ilk are the reason why there is such a divide in this country. The election is over, move on. I'll give your guy enough rope to do the job. I doubt he'll need more than 2 feet to do it!

You mean the way Hillary's Husband was impeached for lying to Congress? Love how easy it is for a Trump hater to say he will be impeached when Hillary's Husband, former president Bill Clinton, was impeached. Hillary likely would have been impeached based on her scandalous track record, especially under a Republican congress. Hillary belongs in prison right alongside Bernie Mac and all the other bankers that screwed up the housing market in 2008 that coincidentally funded her campaign this year.
Hillary was going to lose no matter who the other nominee was. Had it been anyone other than Trump, she would have been destroyed. Trump was the worst possible candidate and he beat her. Anyone else who knew how to exploit her weaknesses would have destroyed her poll numbers. The fact that she lost to Trump speaks volumes about her incompetence as a leader. The fact she herself could not give an honest answer to a question about her greatest accomplishment in forty years of politics is a testament to her incompetence. That is one question she should have a prepared answer for, and one she should should have seen coming. Not having a prepared answer and swerving around the question to avoid only made her look worse. She can't answer simple questions how can she be expected to do a good s job as POTUS? The president gets asked much more difficult questions by chiefs of staff and military brass almost daily and she couldn't even give an answer about the one accomplishment she feels most proud of... I'm glad she lost, this nation doesn't need another indecisive shady politician running the show so people like Bernie Mac can get presidential pardons.
A lot of people had their hopes up with President Obama Black Americans especially didn't do well under him
We're in complete agreement there. Probably the worse US president in my lifetime and in my limited capacity of living on a small island 3,000 miles away who just happen to be a country who've stood shoulder-to-shoulder with our US allies more than any other.
America could become a much better place; democracy has spoken so as Britain will have to with Brexit, embrace it and make it work.
@Torpedo, @BustyHotwifeLou, Yeah its hard to do well when on the 1st day your inaugurated you have the leader of the opposing party make a statement as such:

And as for the worst President strong hyperbole for a very weak historically factual reality when reviewing the state of the US nation after 44 US President terms. This is especially a weak statement in contrast to not having to look any further than Obama's predecessor which was a major reason why he was elected and in turn with Trump's success as well. Perhaps you got amnesia, were under a rock, or born after the catastrophe of the Bush Presidency (pick either of them) but how about these inconvenient truths as a Conservative Republican blog even called it[2]:

1. Lies about an unnecessary Iraq war.
Some may argue that Bush wasn't lying about the weapons of mass destruction -- that he, and many others, believed they were there. The problem is, he, and most everyone in his administration, misrepresented (lied) about the nature of the intelligence that (they claimed) led the US into war. Within the intelligence community -- yes, Bush's own intelligence community -- there was much, much more disagreement about the nature and threat of these weapons (and even whether they existed) than what Bush-Cheney-Rice-Rumsfeld claimed. Also in the category of outrageous lies, it is now clear that Bush, during the run-up to the war, was routinely lying when he said he had made no decision about going to war, that he was trying to exhaust all diplomatic options. Memos and staffers have since made it clear that Iraq was a target for war even before 9/11. [1]

2. The destablization of Iraq produced Isis and the failed state of neighboring Syria which is Isis's strong-hold capital city (Raqqah).
It was clear that an invasion of Iraq was not tied to 9/11 and that it would not do anything to deter terrorism and that, in fact, it would make terrorism worse. Bush and his followers might believe otherwise, but I would argue that this is empirically true. The vote for the war authorization was pushed right before a midterm election, and Bush was demanding its passage, clearly making war a political issues. That alone is outrageous conduct for a president.
The fiasco in handling the optional war that was started from lies. Even John McCain, military strategists and such right-wingers as Pat Buchanan acknowledge this one. Because of arrogance, ignorance and just plain stupidity, the war was mismanaged from the start. It led to countless unnecessary deaths, a disastrous loss of prestige and diplomatic clout for America, and, predictably, it became an al-Qaeda training and recruitment tool. [1]

Tens of thousands of lives both US, UK, and coalition soldiers in addition to Iraqis, Kurds, and Syrians thanks to a war that was totally unnecessary.

Who attacked the US on 9/11? None of the hijackers where from Iraq. Were any WMDs found before hand or after? Ok, lets look at it this way, your the judge, I'm the prosecutor. Hey judge your neighbor has made threatening remarks to blow up our neighborhood, give me a warrant I'll go into his house and get the proof and smoking gun/******* weapon that he is guilty. Ok I get the warrant and never produce the evidence and leave everyone in the house murdered and the house falling apart and the mess spreads into other neighbors houses. And Obama was worse than that? Get real and we are just getting started here.

3. Tax cuts during a time of war which reduced Federal revenues and exploded federal deficits.

that overwhelmingly favor the rich in a time of war. It is possible, as far as policy goes, to argue for tax cuts, even in the face of crushing deficits. It may be possible to argue, in a supply-sider's dream, that it is appropriate for the rich to garner most of the benefits for the tax cuts. But it is nearly impossible, unless one lacks sufficient powers of reasoning, to argue that we should enact tax cuts that disproportionately favor the wealthy, when war demands sacrifices and sufficient revenue to be waged successfully. [1]

Trillions in new debt, and annual deficits in the half-trillion-dollar range. This may be paired with the item above. Bush and the Republicans have not only failed to pay for the tax cuts they so eagerly handed out to rich supporters who then gave them campaign contributions, they also put forth billions in new spending, making Democrats look like chumps when it comes to pork-barreling. Oh, and by the way, they also enacted the biggest entitlement program in history since Social Security, the pharmaceutical ******* bill, that provided billions to ******* companies while restricting ******* price competition. Also, the Bush administration lied to members of his own party about the cost of the 2003 Medicare bill, just so they could be tricked into voting for it. [1]

Screenshot 2016-11-27 at 12.17.34 AM.png

4. The weakening of the dollar and flood of easy money from the Fed creating the Housing Bubble and Credit Crunch almost ruining the Global Economy.
Again, this may be paired with the items above. Many experts have speculated that the dollar's reign as the world currency may end fairly soon, and its displacement can be directly tied to Reagan-Bush-Bush policies favoring vast debt, massive gaps in wealth between the rich and middle class, a weakening of the manufacturing economy, and changing the U.S. from the largest creditor nation in history to the largest debtor nation in history. I won't give Bill Clinton a pass on this one, since the manufacturing sector decline continued under his watch and, some might argue, accelerated as a result of NAFTA. But it is clear that idea that taxes are heresy under Republicans -- even at the expense of the nation and at the collapse of the dollar -- has taken on its Biblical status under George W. Bush. [1]

5. The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Here was a president so disengaged that American citizens were left stranded, and people died, during his inaction. Yet, in his words, "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job." [1]

6. The suspension of habeas corpus and Patriot Act (1984 Big Brother is realized).
This has taken several forms under George Bush -- by executive decision, through legal opinion by the likes of hack John Yoo and by the establishment of prisons to hold prisoners without charge or trial. But one moment Americans should never forget is the passage of the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Congress must share the blame on this, but without Bush's "leadership," it never would have passed. The law cast aside the Constitution and the principle of habeas corpus, which protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment. The Congress also gave the president absolute power to designate enemy combatants, and to set his own definitions for *******.

FISA/illegal wiretapping. Bush still claims that violating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is okay because he's fighting the terrorists. But there's nothing in the law that prevented wiretapping; it allowed temporary wiretapping until warrants could be issued. That didn't matter to Bush; he'd rather violate the law when possible.[1]

7. "Enhanced interrogation"/*******/extraordinary rendition.

Bush said he knew and approved of the harsh tactics that led to such outrages as Abu Ghraib. Bush says the U.S. doesn't ******* because it doesn't *******. Whatever you call it, it amounts to an illegal usurping of executive authority. John McCain was against it before he was for it. Some Americans may believe terrorists deserve ******* in some cases, and I won't disagree; however, it is clear that, under George W. Bush, America tortured some innocent people, and in some cases it transported prisoners to other countries so they could be tortured there.

8. Halliburton/Blackwater - No bid single source contracts making their shareholders very wealthy of a firm where the the sitting Vice President was a former CEO.
These companies are by symbols for the privatization of war. Military contractors, often having no accountability to anyone, have stolen billions, wasted more billions, and kidnapped, raped and murdered in the name of the United States. [1]

9. Guantanamo.
While military prisons are routine in wartime, the problem with Gitmo is that it has been set up to hold terrorists as well as the innocent. And because of the end of habeas corpus, there is no way for the innocent to be set loose. In addition, it has undoubtedly created terrorists out of innocent people; even setting loose the innocent has become a grave risk, thanks to George W. Bush. But Guantanamo is not the only place where the innocent are held. Just last month, the U.S. released AP photographer Bilal Hussein after holding him in Iraq for two years without trial. [1]

Here is a good video from Jon Oliver (a British guy) criticizing Obama rightly about his Political promises to close Guaantanamo but the real truth on why its been so hard to close Gitmo:

10. Global warming.
Bush now admits it's a problem, although Bush officials trashed science by redacting independent governmentally commissioned studies on the issue. But even though he says it's a problem he has no proposals to do anything about it in the near term. [1]

Criticize Obama all you want, but scientists are having been providing hard scientific facts that CO2 emissions are at the highest, global temperatures and seas are rising, artic shelves are melting, the Polar Bears are going into extinction and we want to put our heads under the covers and pretend that all of the emissions produced by human beings is not having an impact or play a factor. [1]

11. Health care.
More children (9 million) are without health insurance today than when Bush took office. The nation is facing catastrophic health care costs for the next century; Bush has ignored the problem. [1]

12. Energy policy.
The records of Dick Cheney's task ******* on energy are secret, so we don't know how much of the nation's energy policy was dictated by energy companies. But it is certain that it was a great deal; Bush's pattern in this area is the same as in others; i.e., put oil and gas officials in charge of energy policy; put pharmaceutical companies in charge of ******* policy; let health industry lobbyists write health policy legislation. Gas prices have soared and record profits are now routine business for the oil companies; people think their taxes are lower under Bush, but they are paying more for gas, food and other basic necessities - and they are also paying more state and local taxes because of federal budget cuts. [1]

Anyone remember Enron - who was Enron's biggest friends and set forth the policies to make them happen?

13. Immigration.
For Bush or against him on this issue, it can hardly be argued that he has put forth a successful policy. [1]

14. US Economics, and jobs
here these numbers clearly show you who was the worst:

Screenshot 2016-11-27 at 12.05.08 AM.png [3]
Look who had the highest unemployment rate that skyrocketed in the nation after Reagan and someone's Daddy thanks to points 3 & 4 above:

download.jpg [3]

Look who had the deepest red drawdowns to GDP since Einsenhower.

download.jpg [3]

Now please in a non bi-partisan, and objective way explain to me how the Obama Administration was worse than what was all listed above? I get it, people are out of work but the labor market shifts in the US happened because of Globalization and Automation which occurred way before Obama and even Bush. Trump is not bringing any of those manufacturing jobs back -thats a pipe dream and if people want them that bad then they need to move to Mexico, China or go back to school and get a degree in Mechanical Engineering and robotics.

Its easy to make baseless claims because of one's personal feelings and emotions but as an adherent observer of Global Dynamic Politics and Marco Economics all of the facts differ. Also remember it takes 535 people to make the US Government work, not just 1 and its hard when 300 of those members just want to sit on their hands and refuse to work with you to hopefully have you fail to get their agenda push in 4years.

They've gotten their wish, lets see what they do. Either suceed or fail the electorate will swing the pendulum to get a change which was the result of Obama and Trump but more change needs to happen down ticket too.


[2] http://www.theamericanconservative....truth-the-bush-administration-was-a-disaster/
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1. Lies about an unnecessary Iraq war.
Some may argue that Bush wasn't lying about the weapons of mass destruction -- that he, and many others, believed they were there. The problem is, he, and most everyone in his administration, misrepresented (lied) about the nature of the intelligence that (they claimed) led the US into war. Within the intelligence community -- yes, Bush's own intelligence community -- there was much, much more disagreement about the nature and threat of these weapons (and even whether they existed) than what Bush-Cheney-Rice-Rumsfeld claimed. Also in the category of outrageous lies, it is now clear that Bush, during the run-up to the war, was routinely lying when he said he had made no decision about going to war, that he was trying to exhaust all diplomatic options. Memos and staffers have since made it clear that Iraq was a target for war even before 9/11. [1
Both Iraqi wars could have been prevented if Saddam has complied with U.N. resolutions. To jog your memory here are some of the keys events between the the first and second Gulf Wars. As you can easily see Saddam had many opportunities to prevent war. The first war was caused by Saddam invasion of Kuwait, the second was caused by Saddam's refusal to comply with the terms of his surrender.
Key Dates: From the end of the First Gulf War to the beginning of the second
April 3, 1991—The Security Council passes Resolution 687, allowing Saddam to stay in power but demanding he destroy all weapons of mass destruction. Until he does, economic sanctions are to remain in place. Iraqi officials begin hiding weapons and data.

April 14, 1993—As former President Bush visits Kuwait, police arrest 14 people in a plot to assassinate the ex-President. President Clinton orders a retaliatory strike against Iraqi intelligence headquarters.

January. 26, 1998—After nearly seven years, Iraq has not disarmed and continues to obstruct the disarmament process. On this date, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and others send an open letter to Clinton calling for him to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

August 5, 1998—Iraq suspends all cooperation with U.N. weapons inspectors. After four months of fruitless Security Council negotiations, Clinton orders four days of air strikes beginning December 16. Weapons inspectors do not return to Iraq. The U.S. shifts to a strategy of containing Saddam.

October 31, 1998—President Clinton signs the Iraq Liberation Act.

December 2, 1999—In a New Hampshire primary debate, George W. Bush is asked about Saddam. Bush responds, "If I found out he was developing weapons of mass destruction, I'd take him out." After taking office, Secretary of State Powell tries to develop "smart" U.N. sanctions.

September 15, 2001—President Bush signs a directive for the Afghan campaign and instructs the Pentagon to develop plans for a possible war in Iraq.

January 29, 2002—In his State of the Union speech, Bush calls Iraq, North Korea and Iran an "axis of evil" and says, "I will not wait on events, while dangers gather." In the next few months Bush will tell Condoleeza Rice to begin planning a strategy for Iraq, and General Tommy Franks begins giving monthly briefings to Bush on plans to topple Saddam.

June 1, 2002—Addressing graduates at West Point, Bush declares that America should be ready to use pre-emptive action against possible threats.

September 12, 2002—President Bush addresses the U.N. General Assembly and challenges it to hold Iraq to its promise to disarm. The following week the Administration discusses possible resolutions and stresses that Iraq will have "days and weeks, not months," to comply.

October 10, 2002—Congress authorizes Bush to use ******* against Iraq.

November 8, 2002—After two months of diplomacy and three proposals, the Security Council passes Resolution 1441 by a 15-to-0 vote. The first UNMOVIC teams arrive in Baghdad 17 days later. Iraq does not give inspectors full cooperation and refuses to acknowledge stockpiles of chemical weapons.

January 1, 2003—The first 25,000 U.S. troops start deploying to the Persian Gulf region.

January 19, 2003—Hans Blix, chief weapons inspector for the UN, carries a message to Saddam Hussein warning him of the "seriousness of the situation". Blix states, "Inspection is not a prelude, it is an alternative to war, and that is what we want to achieve." But, Blix, adds, “There has not been sufficient co-operation. They need to have a sincere and genuine co-operation."

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of protestors took to the streets around the world to show their support for the dictator of Iraq. This was not lost on Saddam. "They are supporting you because they know that evil-doers target Iraq to silence any dissenting voice to their evil and destructive policies," Saddam told senior military officers and his ******* Qusay, commander of Iraq's elite Republican Guards, Reuters reported.

January 20, 2003—One week before Hans Blix's first major report to the council, French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin blindsides the United States at a U.N. press conference, saying France will oppose any move toward war.

February 5, 2003—In an address to the Security Council, Colin Powell presents the case for ******* against Saddam Hussein's regime. America's former allies are unmoved.

March 5, 2003—More than 200,000 U.S. troops, five carrier groups and 1,000 aircraft are in place or en route to the Middle East. France and Russia pledge to veto any resolution authorizing *******. Two days later, the British begin a final effort at diplomacy.

March 16, 2003—Bush, Blair and Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar convene for a summit in the Azores. They announce the next day will be the Security Council's last chance to act. The Council does nothing.

March 17, 2003—President Bush issues an ultimatum to Saddam, giving him 48 hours to leave the country or face war.

March 19, 2003—Cruise-missile and bomb salvos hit Baghdad an hour after the deadline passes. Operation Iraqi Freedom begins. Bush 19 March 2003.htm
Trillions in new debt, and annual deficits in the half-trillion-dollar range. This may be paired with the item above. Bush and the Republicans have not only failed to pay for the tax cuts they so eagerly handed out to rich supporters who then gave them campaign contributions, they also put forth billions in new spending, making Democrats look like chumps when it comes to pork-barreling. Oh, and by the way, they also enacted the biggest entitlement program in history since Social Security, the pharmaceutical ******* bill, that provided billions to ******* companies while restricting ******* price competition. Also, the Bush administration lied to members of his own party about the cost of the 2003 Medicare bill, just so they could be tricked into voting for it. [1]
You really need to use up to date numbers Obama has increased the national debt nearly 10 Trillion dollars
The first war was caused by Saddam invasion of Kuwait, the second was caused by Saddam's refusal to comply with the terms of his surrender.

Bush Sr. was smart enough to know he had to leave things alone to stabilize the region... not Jr.... he had to prove something and he did
That's where the lies came in!... they even fucked Colin Powell to the point he wanted nothing to do with them any more!
Bush created Isis when he brokered that deal to pull out of Iraq!.... every EVERY war we have ever been in we left troops there to help stabilize the country.... not in this case.... and yet the right wants to blame Obama for pulling out!
had Bush built a garrison or post there and left troops there for an indefinite time... there may not have been an Isis.... he said the country wanted us out.... news for you... we still have troops in Germany... Korea.. and etc... we were supposed to be in control... since when does a conquered country dictate!.... unless a whimp is doing the negotiations!
this whole mess falls on Bush and his lies!
he was another one that fucked the country and the world!... making him the second worst president we ever had behind Reagan!

torp... you seem to have a hard time facing the Facts that the right can't mange money and only seem to be good at wars!.... not good for the country!
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Bush Sr. was smart enough to know he had to leave things alone to stabilize the region... not Jr.... he had to prove something and he did
That's where the lies came in!... they even fucked Colin Powell to the point he wanted nothing to do with them any more!
Bush created Isis when he brokered that deal to pull out of Iraq!.... every EVERY war we have ever been in we left troops there to help stabilize the country.... not in this case.... and yet the right wants to blame Obama for pulling out!
had Bush built a garrison or post there and left troops there for an indefinite time... there may not have been an Isis.... he said the country wanted us out.... news for you... we still have troops in Germany... Korea.. and etc... we were supposed to be in control... since when does a conquered country dictate!.... unless a whimp is doing the negotiations!
this whole mess falls on Bush and his lies!
he was another one that fucked the country and the world!... making him the second worst president we ever had behind Reagan!

torp... you seem to have a hard time facing the Facts that the right can't mange money and only seem to be good at wars!.... not good for the country!

My only argument from what you said is that you should refer to ISIL/ISIS as how they initially called themselves, "DAESH". In Arabic is an acronym for "Dawlat Al Islam fi Iraq Wa al-Sham". Because I don't speak Arabic, this is my proof....(, or (

In Arabic, "DAESH" closely sounds like a verb to stomp on something. So, by unwittingly calling themselves "DAESH", they are inviting others to stomp on themselves. In Middle Eastern culture being stomped on is a high insult. Recall when Bush Jr went to Iraq on a surprise visit and someone from the journalist's area threw a shoe at him and Bush Jr exhibited his mastery at Dodgeball? Outside of *******, to them nothing is worse that being hit by the base of a shoe.

That is why DAESH quickly had to come up with a new name as it is very embarrassing to them. Therefore, Secretary of State, John Kerry always refers to DAESH as DAESH because they hate it as well as other world leaders like France as well as the Kurds as they also have direct conflict with DAESH.

Therefore call them what they should be called. Don't show DAESH any respect! Call them DAESH.
I'm going to give Trump a chance, I like most of what I hear so far and he has already saved a 1000 jobs with Carrier. Time will tell and we will know for sure within the first 2 years.

It's funny how the left quickly forgets that the Democrats were the "Party of NO" during W's second term. He couldn't sneeze without the Democrats permission - which indecently tanked his popularity. So was it Bush that did a bad job or was it congress? Either way - it really has noting to do with today and moving forward.

It appears that the Democrats may be the party of NO again as well, They are already duping millions of Americans out of their hard earned money with a re-count pipe dream. Hillary can't call for a recount becasue she already conceded - and it really speaks volumes as to who the so called "Green party" really represents. There is more "hate" spewed from the left for Trump then their ever was from the right for Obama.
I'm going to give Trump a chance, I like most of what I hear so far and he has already saved a 1000 jobs with Carrier. Time will tell and we will know for sure within the first 2 years.

It's funny how the left quickly forgets that the Democrats were the "Party of NO" during W's second term. He couldn't sneeze without the Democrats permission - which indecently tanked his popularity. So was it Bush that did a bad job or was it congress? Either way - it really has noting to do with today and moving forward.

It appears that the Democrats may be the party of NO again as well, They are already duping millions of Americans out of their hard earned money with a re-count pipe dream. Hillary can't call for a recount becasue she already conceded - and it really speaks volumes as to who the so called "Green party" really represents. There is more "hate" spewed from the left for Trump then their ever was from the right for Obama.
I agree, for me it's been post election that has showed how out of touch the Democrats and Media are with the country. Both keep doing the same ole same ole and think it will change. Trump has done a great job exposing the media for the special interest group they are, they have as little influence as they have had in my 34 years. Democrats, you keep Pelosi in power, appoint Ellison as DNC chair. Tell me how that works for you
torp... you seem to have a hard time facing the Facts that the right can't mange money and only seem to be good at wars!.... not good for the country!
The national debt has went from around 10 trillion to nearly 20 trillion under Obama's watch and you tell me the right can't manage money? If the right got it so wrong they how did the Democratic Party manage to loose around 1,000 elected seats in local, state and federal government in the last 8 years? subhub you are subscribing to the same tired dogma that has so dearly cost the Democratic Party. The Democratic party has diminished to the point that it really can't effect policies much of any place
Beginning in 2017, there will be only 17 Democratic governors, and Democrats will have full control of the executive and legislative branches in only five states, while Republicans will have total control of 25 states, with the remaining 20 states split between the parties. In all, Republicans will control 69 of 99 legislative chambers. Does this sound like the left has the hearts and minds of the people?