Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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We had a lot of candidates......all the better ones got beat.
I agree there thought Graham was a shoe in!... didn't think Bush stood a chance... people have not forgot George yet!....was really hoping it wouldn't be Cruz but his ******* and the religious right was pushing him..... think people knew a couple years ago it was going to be Hillary.... although sanders did bring out some new voters... but they are disillusioned now and probably won't vote.... he still is not talking... knows he was playing games and got burned.... but for whatever reason is still out rallying the troops... problem is... he IS RIGHT on the majority of what he is pushing.... but would take a major change of some kind to make any of it happen... and some of it he even admitted he didn't know how to make happen
Not this bull ******* again. Cheney didn't profit from the war. This has been explained to you so many times it is now just abbreviated as response 15

Hint, see post 6492 in politics thread.

I really shouldn't have to say more than 15, but it has been slightly over a month, so you've done several rounds of your merry go round since then.
Cheney didn't profiteer from the war???? And Halliburton was a private daycare. COME ON, MAN! If we're going to have a discussion, at least let's have some honesty in the conversation! Dubya made MILLIONS after the war..but Cheney was an innocent Halliburton made tens of millions of dollars in private contracts and such! I'm pretty convinced Cheney ran the show for 8 years while Dubya spent close to 800 days golfing/vacationing in those 8 years!
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No you did not prove me wrong. You made some feeble attempts which I schooled you on, then you gave up and posted more of your silly memes.

Here's the background for the umpteenth time.


I'm gonna call BULLSHIT on your claim...and I'll forever stand on the opinion that the Dark Lord DID benefit from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just my opinion, but I'm not getting into recent American political history.
We had a lot of candidates......all the better ones got beat. It doesnt matter though....this election is a joke no matter who wins.
... and that's EXACTLY what the conservatives want you to do ... toss up your hands and NOT vote. Republicans didn't really have anyone worth a crap running ... I'm not a fan of Hillary, but I damn sure am confident that Hillary is smarter than ALL of the Republican candidates put together ... god, what a bunch of clowns they were. Its just further proof that the Republicans need to take some time off and redesign their party ... its a disgrace and embarrassment.
Well you can yell bullshit all you want, but facts are facts and they are in the link I provided. My facts "Trump" your opinion ;)
And facts are like assholes....everyone's got one. You honestly think Cheney didn't profiteer from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan??? I'm glad YOU feel comfortable with his altruistic means.
And facts are like assholes....everyone's got one. You honestly think Cheney didn't profiteer from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan??? I'm glad YOU feel comfortable with his altruistic means.
No facts are facts and verifiable, provable by definition. People don't own facts, they just exist. People own their opinions....thus the saying is opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.

Maybe this will help you:
No comments on "hot mike" Donnie and Billy Bush? Hmmmm

This is all the comment we need on Don Voyage and Billy Bush:

This fool Trump who should absolutely be 'Dumped', I love this exchange on the propaganda media outlet where the woman gets upset about another woman quoting Trump using the word Pussy yet she didn't get upset about Trump using it, 'CLASSIC'.

Watch how Anna (A REPUBLICAN) lets another Republican Trump supporter absolutely have it on National TV. I Love it.

EXCERPT from video: "Will you please stop saying that word? My ******* is listening," said Hughes.

"You know what, Scottie? Don't tell me you're offended when I say 'p---y' but you're not offended when Donald Trump says it. I'm not running for president — he is," she said.

Navarro went on to say that Hughes' taking offense to her quoting Trump but not Trump's quotes was "just absurd."

Trump is not Sorry for those comments, he is only sorry he got caught of being a slimy Bastard.
Just curious with all the liberals hating trump so bad i am wondering how willing you would all be to having Ted Cruz back or Rand Paul or even Mitt Romney.
My wife hates Obama and Hillary. I believe the Obama administration turned her off to engaging in more BBC sessions....I don't know for sure but it is my opinion.

This is all the comment we need on Don Voyage and Billy Bush:

This fool Trump who should absolutely be 'Dumped', I love this exchange on the propaganda media outlet where the woman gets upset about another woman quoting Trump using the word Pussy yet she didn't get upset about Trump using it, 'CLASSIC'.

Watch how Anna (A REPUBLICAN) lets another Republican Trump supporter absolutely have it on National TV. I Love it.

EXCERPT from video: "Will you please stop saying that word? My ******* is listening," said Hughes.

"You know what, Scottie? Don't tell me you're offended when I say 'p---y' but you're not offended when Donald Trump says it. I'm not running for president — he is," she said.

Navarro went on to say that Hughes' taking offense to her quoting Trump but not Trump's quotes was "just absurd."

Trump is not Sorry for those comments, he is only sorry he got caught of being a slimy Bastard.
Saw that video. Ann Navarro is a beast!
having a little trouble selling your fact story?
your facts don't match the ones posted on the internet!
but you have that trouble occasionally
My facts on the topic are posted on the net and I included the link.

You're the one who just spews made up bullshit. Still waiting for you to show your evidence of me supporting Glenn Beck on here. There's a simple search tool on the forum you can use...or you could just admit you just made the ******* up.
I loved how when Trump was bashing Hillary about Bill's infidelity that when it was her turn to reply she totally delfected the issue back to Trump without.

Thats why i think she is going to win the election. She is a Professional politician schooled in the art of Bullshit. Why do you think she was smiling so much last night. She learned from the best....her husband.