The wall

the majority of the country is against the wall....does that tell you anything?
Yeah, it tells me that, as of right now, what the majority of the country wants doesn't matter.
I'd love to negotiate with Trump. He wants that wall so badly, I got a real deal for him, and everyone would GET what they wanted out of it.
I would really like to hear from the folks that are against the border wall and why? And i am not talking about the financing of it issue. I already realize that is an issue.

I am talking from a strictly border security issue why some folks are still against it.

There is not a single shred of evidence that a wall has worked keeping people out in over 4000 years anywhere in the world. And yet despit all the evidence Trump thinks a wall will work. The money can be better spend on things that actually work as a deterrent. Some examples of what actualy does work that will cost only millions instead of Billions which Trump will syphon into companies he runs or his cronies run.

  1. Seismic sensors,
  2. infared ,
  3. LIDAR.
  4. motion detectors ,
  5. active denial systems,
  6. increased aerial surveillance,
  7. SCUPLS system (Scalable Compact Ultra-short Pulse Laser System)
  8. Increased active patrols and personnel.
  9. Man traps.
  10. EMF denial system
  11. Skunk
  12. Increased Biological security units. IE dogs.
To answer your question, most people are against border security because someone they voted for, or some talking head on the news told them their political party is against it. If you press them for details, they go no clue what's really going on, sadly.

do you know why trump changed his mind from this Giant concrete wall to a steel barrier?
That amount and kind of steel can only be done in one place here in the US....and half of that company is owned by some rich Russian!

a friend of P u t I n "s....he is still catering to the enemy!
You built an entire universe off of one paragraph. LOL! But you have insulted me without a shred of evidence. I don't own a television, by the way. Hurling insults is totally unnecessary. If someone can't have a different opinion than yours, you make your world very small.
well...I certainly hope you are not mad.....just because my opinion was different than trumpies always say the say don't have a shred of evidence...nor any proof of anything....we give you's not what you want to we are the in a different world

and yes I should be concerned......anyone with a different opinion than mine...has to be wrong
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hey...the good news have Alan agreeing with you......but then he listens to rush Limbaugh every day and Rush and Ann Coultier are the two that are doing the most pushing for the wall.....but I'm sure they don't know either about it being money for trumps friends
Funny that nobody asked me about the wall and they didn't ask anyone that I know. You think MAYBE they were just calling the people who were going to say what they wanted to hear???!! Recheck your Vermont data, their immigration comes from that country where all the lying Hollywood puppets said they were going if President Donald Trump won. I think they are all racist, because nobody ever threatened to go to Mexico! LOL!
Newsflash - Memes are not facts.
I'm not mad, I'm sadden by the state of people in our country. I used to be a democrat, but I walked away when I saw two things: 1. The DNC in 2016 when everyone cheered for abortion! If there is a bad circumstance where you need to get an abortion, okay, but when you use it for birth control, that's wrong. 2. How mean and intolerant people are, who say that they are tolerant. Turns out they are only tolerant if you agree with them. I can give you 202 pages here, and I'm sure there are more, that are evidence of that. All my black friends, with the exception of one are Republicans and they TOTALLY support the president. And quit stealing my lines!

Mmmm Vermont not on there......BUT the fact remains how many of those state border with Mexico
Funny that nobody asked me about the wall and they didn't ask anyone that I know. You think MAYBE they were just calling the people who were going to say what they wanted to hear???!! Recheck your Vermont data, their immigration comes from that country where all the lying Hollywood puppets said they were going if President Donald Trump won. I think they are all racist, because nobody ever threatened to go to Mexico! LOL!
Newsflash - Memes are not facts.

you sure? Meme are facts....just not always the right facts!

Now what you want to run US citizens out of the country also?

I'm not mad either...I just have a hard time understanding why these trumpies just can't see the error of their ways
like I said this guy has done nothing for the country...and he is pushing for this wall because of a few conservatives...and to please his base...the rest of the country and the economy be damned...kind of like you saying these Hollywood types should leave the country...and you get on me and my biased opinions...are you any better?

I don't think the Dems are for birth control ….they just believe it should be the women's choice....I really doubt someone would use it as a form of birth control...especially after ACA and all that so readily you are letting your mind play tricks on you......and yes everyone knows of someone that does it...naturally!

Mean and intolerant...….this from a gut that offered to pay lawyer fees if someone was to punch a protester.....wanted the 2nd amendment people to take care of seem to be pretty one sided......just like your "god"!

202 pages huh?....ever see anyone have a peaceful p[olitical such are just crying because you got get on a political thread...and especially support trump...get used to it!...although I'm sure you have heard plenty of it by now!

all of your black friends are republicans? this one?


and all this wall is stop terrorists......and yet...


there is a whole lot of other things more important than wasting a bunch of money on a 4th century answer to a 20th century problem!

and as for stealing your lines...… can't be that do not have one line I would want to use.....unless it was to laugh at!

you probably don't remember Jim Jones......but trump is close to being as bad......when he starts handing out Kool _Aid at his rallies...don't ******* it


and why would anyone want to ask your redneck ass any questions about what is good for the country!
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Recheck your Vermont data, their immigration comes from that country where all the lying Hollywood puppets said they were going if President Donald Trump won.
....I recall that, but, everyone ASSUMED we were going to have a FAIR ELECTION. The Right have been screaming about fake ballots, but, the only ones who seem to be getting nabbed are Republicans. Which is the usual case, the ones doing the most screaming are the ones with something to hide. You probably deny that Trump had anything to do with the Russian involvement in the 2016 election. And you probably deny Trump had ongoing communications regarding his hotel right up to the month of the election. And although many of his cabinet have been nabbed (including his lawyer) you probably deny Trump knew anything about the communications going on between Russia and US or that he has anything at all to hide.
....I wonder if, once Mueller divulges his findings, you will say what he found was fake and that Trump has done anything at all wrong. This coming from a man twice divorced, and a 3rd wife who wants nothing to do with him, and a President who lies on the average of 7 times a day ... over 4,000 lies documented to date. By the way, his second wife reported he use to sleep with the "speeches of Hitler" at the side of his bed ... I doubt he read it, probably just looked at the dictator WW2 photos. He doesn't even read his daily updates.
....As far as abortions, Republicans wish to overturn Roe vs Wade in its entirety. There are some Republicans who also wish to get rid of birth control pills. You say they support abortion for "bad circumstances" ... but, show me where the Republicans are running on that platform! They aren't. So if your ******* is raped and impregnated by a baby molester, or if you or your *******'s lives are threatened by an abnormal pregnancy, you wouldn't be allowed (by law) to seek an abortion. You can accuse Democrats of inhumane cruelty, but who is it that forces a woman to have a baby then pulls all the social services that woman needs to support that baby ... food stamps, welfare, baby healthcare, etc?
In other words, once that baby enters the world, that baby is at the mercy of that mom; no protections to help it have a normal life. And its not just the baby's life, its human life .... look who supports the Death Penalty ... Republicans. So please spare us liberals your grievance regarding abortions or values of human life.
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....I recall that, but, everyone ASSUMED we were going to have a FAIR ELECTION. The Right have been screaming about fake ballots, but, the only ones who seem to be getting nabbed are Republicans. Which is the usual case, the ones doing the most screaming are the ones with something to hide. You probably deny that Trump had anything to do with the Russian involvement in the 2016 election. And you probably deny Trump had ongoing communications regarding his hotel right up to the month of the election. And although many of his cabinet have been nabbed (including his lawyer & *******-n-law) you probably deny Trump knew anything about the communications going on between Russia and US or that he has anything at all to hide.
....I wonder if, once Mueller divulges his findings, you will say what he found was fake and that Trump has done anything at all wrong. This coming from a man twice divorced, and a 3rd wife who wants nothing to do with him, and a President who lies on the average of 7 times a day ... over 4,000 lies documented to date. By the way, his second wife reported he use to sleep with the "speeches of Hitler" at the side of his bed ... I doubt he read it, probably just looked at the dictator WW2 photos. He doesn't even read his daily updates.
....As far as abortions, Republicans wish to overturn Roe vs Wade in its entirety. There are some Republicans who also wish to get rid of birth control pills. You say they support abortion for "bad circumstances" ... but, show me where the Republicans are running on that platform! They aren't. So if your ******* is raped and impregnated by a baby molester, or if you or your *******'s lives are threatened by an abnormal pregnancy, you wouldn't be allowed (by law) to seek an abortion. You can accuse Democrats of inhumane cruelty, but who is it that forces a woman to have a baby then pulls all the social services that woman needs to support that baby ... food stamps, welfare, baby healthcare, etc?
In other words, once that baby enters the world, that baby is at the mercy of that mom; no protections to help it have a normal life. And its not just the baby's life, its human life .... look who supports the Death Penalty ... Republicans. So please spare us liberals your grievance regarding abortions.

her state is another that does a lot of "stifling" the vote
I would really like to hear from the folks that are against the border wall and why? And i am not talking about the financing of it issue. I already realize that is an issue.

I am talking from a strictly border security issue why some folks are still against it.
I live in Canada. We are getting huge numbers of irregular / illegal immigrants from the USA. They are showing up with suite cases at the border where they know they will be arrested then processed. These are not regular border crossing points. They are taking buses then taxis to with in a half mile and walking the rest of the way. They see the police standing there and just continue right up to enter and be arrested. Even after being directed to a border crossing point. Mostly in the north east USA. Two of the provinces ontario and Quebec was 300,000,000 in federal aid to cover the costs. Yes it is an issue.
her state is another that does a lot of "stifling" the vote
I can believe that ... over 900 absentee votes submitted in one of NC districts were fraudulent ... guess which party ... Republicans. The state board of elections has yet to seat that winning Republican and he's suing them saying that there is no proof that the number of fraudulent forms found would make a difference in the election. And it was HE who hired the man (a felon by the way) to go around collecting the absentee voter forms in person.
and tell me there deeannamontana…...what are they going to the wall up to a river and stop then start again on the other side of the river?...and can you tell me just how it will work in the grand canyon?...or are you just wanting it in residential neighborhoods and farms...where they can go on down the road and walk in anyway!
I think border secruity is far bigger then the wall. if it was a case of border secruity we would put wall on our northern border also. What is a serious issue, immigration reform has turned into a contest of who will cave first. The upper 10% domt supper everyone else does.

Makes you think is the wall up to keep others out, or is it to make sure thosw in power stay in.
wondered what went on with that...was on the news pretty regular for a while there and then nothing...I wondered if they went ahead and gave it to him
Its still being investigated and the seat open as of today. They're considering revoting, but first have to determine how involved the ReThuglican candidate was. Its in the news regularly HERE.
See what they've done. It's a trick bag and y'all are in it. They've got you hating your neighbors and now you've wasted time hating on me. Who mostly agrees with you, but you haven't taken the time to listen. You have automatically tagged me as a President Donald Trump supporter, and I'm an independent.