The wall

Jan 26, 2017 · The actual cost for the rest of the border wall (roughly 1,300 miles) could be as high as $16 million per mile, with a total price tag of $15 billion to $25 billion.
You see, all Trump's got to do is give up golf for a year, flying back & forth to Maralargo every two weeks, and BINGO ... wall is paid for. Do you think Trump would do that IF it were possible? Hell no ... Trump never inconveniences himself ... he never puts his OWN SKIN in the game.

Another idea .... invite ALL the illegal immigrants to report to the border and actually BUILD the wall for the US. All that stay until its finished go to the front line of approval for citizenship ... I think they said the wall could take 2+ years.
Another idea .... invite ALL the illegal immigrants to report to the border and actually BUILD the wall for the US. All that stay until its finished go to the front line of approval for citizenship ... I think they said the wall could take 2+ years.

welllll……. I'd rather see the trump supporters do it......that way never get built....they would want to argue about it and who does what....and the materials...trump never around
welllll……. I'd rather see the trump supporters do it......that way never get built....they would want to argue about it and who does what....and the materials...trump never around
The way I look at it, if the illegals build the wall EVERYONE wins ... Trump can say Mexicans built his frik'n wall, we didn't have to really pay for it, and the illegals get documented and a much quicker way to enter the US ... everyone goes home happy.
I see that the Yellow Haired Dictator has misappropriated another $2.8 billion approval from HIS SUPREME COURT that he now owns. Again, FUCK CONGRESS ...

a 4th century answer to a 20th century problem.....wasted money...facts show most ******* come though regular entry points....most illegals FLY In and have expired Visas!
5 billion for a wall when he just gave major tax cuts to the rich....and major payouts to the farmers over his trade deal

money could be better used for more scanners at border...more agents...and etc.

you do know now that tunnels are the way in anymore....sure we get the caravans...but they go right to the check points so what we have been doing for years...back ground checks and etc...either let them in or send them home......don't separate their families and incarcerate all of them at our expense

Besides he said Mexico will pay for it. I don't wana pay for the damn wall and who will pick fruit in the farms? Milk the cows and do landscaping?
Even if they get his big beautiful wall America will still be full of what Trump wants to keep out. We won't be safe. I still got to fear the white crack head, or white *******, traffickers, ect. ******* won't change. It's only a big deal if they're not white.
Even if they get his big beautiful wall America will still be full of what Trump wants to keep out. We won't be safe. I still got to fear the white crack head, or white *******, traffickers, ect. ******* won't change. It's only a big deal if they're not white.

hey good one!