How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Exonerated from what? You have to be exonerated from a crime. There was no crime committed. You can't be exonerated if you don't commit a crime.
The Senate will vote, and that will be the end of it. Trump will have had a slap on the wrist from some mentally-ill politicians who don't like the big, bad orange meanie in the Oval Office, and he will take that straight to the electoral college victory in 2020.
Not sure if you've been keeping up with the polls, but more and more people are against the impeachment as time goes on. Even Democrat politicians are starting to switch sides because of the insanity on the left.
You are hilarious. How do you want me to phrase it? If the so called "fact witnesses" had testified before Congress and Trump had truly done nothing wrong, wouldn't their testimony reflect that?
You said, "I think you leftists forget about executive privilege when your leaders aren't in office, but you certainly remember it when they are in office.
Try doing some homework on what the Constitution allows." The constitution does not mention executive privileged. Executive privilege is a legal interpretation. Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the Constitution.
It's a moot question to ask. Woulda, shoulda, coulda. If, if, if. The fact is, Schiff didn't allow Republicans to bring any witnesses, so Trump blocked other witnesses using his Constitutionally-afforded executive powers.
The good part is, there will be a Chief Justice presiding over the Senate vote, so Trump will have the Senate and the law on his side. #winning
Dodge duck dive dip dodge. I am going to block people that can prove my innocence from testifying... Said no innocent person ever.
You leftists fall on the wrong side of the law, every time lately. A man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If this were a legal proceeding, which it's not, Trump would have the right to call any witnesses he wanted, and to face his accuser. Schiff prevented that.
This is a political event, not a criminal case.
Learn the difference.
Right. Schiff had no obligation to allow any of that. But do you hear yourself? Don't you think an innocent president would like to avoid being impeached? Apparently not.
Of course he doesn't want to be impeached. It's why Trump tweeted to read the transcript so many times.
But when the process is political and can be unfair, as Schiff has made it, then why not use Executive Privilege to somewhat level the playing field.
Again, the Senate will decide Trump stays. And the electoral college will decide he's president again in 2020.
So how does blocking someone that could bolster his position level the playing field.
Wasting your time trying to convince a Dem that this impeachment wasn’t in the cards since roughly 19 minutes after President Trump’s inauguration when the Washington Post essentially said let the impeachment process begin. They just kenna see what sore freaking LOSERS they are - prolly be crying and whining all through 2024 too - good thing is - most Americans are SICK of their tantrums and it will become painfully apparent in the 2020 election :}
Political quid pro quo. You don't allow me my witnesses, I won't allow you your witnesses. But Schiff isn't that smart.
That's because the ReThuglicans were wanting to call in Joe Biden & ******* ... totally not pertinent to the hearing going on. Schiff & House hearing was about TRUMP, Eukraine and the recorded call to their President, not the Bidens. Get your facts straight.
If Republicans wish to address the Bidens and that job that supposedly Biden got his *******, then they can have a separate hearing ... but, it would NOT have changed the topic or the outcome of the House investigation of Trump's charge of quid pro quo attempt.
You should know that these lousy LIES and REDIRECTS you folks do to defend Trump, make you look just as bad as Trump + makes you look just as stupid! Thing is, Trump doesn't give a rats ass about you people. Once everything comes OUT on Trump, you people are going to be feeling totally foolish and deceived. Think about it ... he's lied and cheated on THREE WIVES, taken money from his charity to spend on personal things, been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits, money laundering, tax evasion, etc ... the list goes on and on. He's a traitor to this country. WAKE UP!
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Of course he doesn't want to be impeached. It's why Trump tweeted to read the transcript so many times.
Again, , you ReThuglicans refuse to tell the truth OR simply don't have the FACTS ... Trump offered a redacted transcript, just like the Mueller report ... black lines marking out what the President didn't want them to see.
Just do yourself a favor, here, you can get your facts RIGHT if you'll turn away from pic_FoxNews2.jpg
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LMAO watching Dems becoming constitutionalists - such PHONIES
Agreed. Booker wants term limits for Supreme Court judges. They all hate the electoral college. Most hate the idea of citizens having guns. Have no problem breaking the law regarding immigration (although they are quick to tell you nobody is above the law when talking about Trump). They think impeachment is a natural reaction when you lose an election.
But now they have all begun to reference the founding fathers and their ideas like it's gospel. Pretty soon they and the kool aid drinkers that buy their b.s. Will be dressing in powdered wigs, ruffled shirts and Ben Franklin spectacles.
California is indeed in a mess. And overtaxed. And I don't understand why the liberals who control that state still want more immigrants and to turn everything into a sanctuary city/ zone for illegals.

But gun violence does increase in the absence of gun control. The states with the highest availability of guns also have the highest incidence of gun fatalities.

See this https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/08/16/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/
CA officials aren't "liberals" - they are Far Left Progressives. In today's super heated environment, a dutiful, patriotic
liberal is bemoaned upon by the Left. Anyway, the CA Progressives are practicing a theory of George Soros' which essentially says that by overwhelming a system, any system, you bring that system down. The far left progs have this suicidal ideology that to create a new America, the old one must be torn down. Worse yet, they are giving the illegals drivers licenses, which automatically enable them to vote. Case in point - last year, 450,000 CA drivers were excused from jury duty because they aren't American citizens - the jury duty rolls are comprised from CA driver licenses. I wonder how many of them vote though and I'm sure the ones that do vote ,vote for the candidates that promise all the free stuff!!
I don’t feel happy about the political environment these days.
As someone who used to be liberal/ progressive, I don't like it when the people who normally make sense (the environmentally conscious, the egalitarian, the rainbow-friendly) start to tear down the foundations of our society and our security.
Because I was on the left myself when younger, I didn't build friendships or ties with the kind of people who frequent country clubs, places of worship, corporate boardrooms. So I have hardly any contact with their bigotry. Their racial or religious attitudes don't offend me. I am not playing golf or attending opera or sitting in church with them, so I don't need to like them.
But people on the political left have been annoying me more and more. If you're the wrong race or religion you're shut out and disregarded and ostracized. As a woman in academia, I am extremely offended by this kind of behavior.

Those who know me or those who have read enough of my posts on this forum should know that I really hate being interrupted, passed over, ignored or dismissed in class.
As someone with a doctorate in her late 40s, I can't tell you how mad it makes me, when some 15 year old rich white kid who doesn't even have a high school diploma disses me because his politics are purer than mine, more progressive, more woke, whatever.
This whole country is angry in one form or another. Correction this whole world! Progressive, Far Left, Democrat, Republican, Far Right or Independent, Capitalism, Conservatives and Liberal, then we have Socialism or Communism. Choose the perfect combination. Trump impeached during his third year as President, WHY? What has this Man done that caused this. He ran for the office against the Democratic's most horrible candidate and won. The Democratic, Progressive, Liberal, Far left and Socialistic is so messed up because Mankind has rules to keep them stabilized. Many of the people of the parties listed believe that they are being taken for granted and are rebelling against the rules, operating on Emotions, failing to use common sense or logic.

You say that you really hate being interrupted, passed over, ignored or dismissed in class. The real question is why? If you feel this way, what are the people on the far left, far right, progressive and conservative feeling ? Broken people pointing out the wrongs of other broken people, in order to feel better about themselves. Real Religion is meant to teach people how to exist in harmony with all people, but again is so many times misdirected because of false pride.
It says a lot for the brain dead fucktard that started this thread, when you look at his ignorant poll choices. Just sayin. Glad the whole country isn't like him. Talk about blinders! Must be one of the innocent bystanders handing out gas cans to the poor protesters, that start riots whenever the left don't get it's way. Notice there wasn't one riot when the libs voted to impeach OUR president. Prolly because we were all busy working, and wouldn't waste the gas, much less the fact we value human lives, and most of us believe in a stronger being.

That brings up another interesting left point. So when they were protesting the pipeline in the name of reducing pollution? I seem to remember the protesters leaving a huge toxic mess when they left. No one talks about that. How much pollution is created when these morons burn stuff in the name of protests? How much pollution is being created over in China, making the cheap toxic crap everyone is in love with? Not only is it creating huge amounts of toxic waste half way around the world, (and it will get here one day) but we are filling our landfills at an alarming rate when this cheap ******* fails. It makes me sick when the green lefties start preaching organic living, but they don't think about the big picture of the everything else. Eating organic (maybe) food with a plastic fork comes to mind
It says a lot for the brain dead fucktard that started this thread, when you look at his ignorant poll choices. Just sayin. Glad the whole country isn't like him. Talk about blinders! Must be one of the innocent bystanders handing out gas cans to the poor protesters, that start riots whenever the left don't get it's way. Notice there wasn't one riot when the libs voted to impeach OUR president. Prolly because we were all busy working, and wouldn't waste the gas, much less the fact we value human lives, and most of us believe in a stronger being.

That brings up another interesting left point. So when they were protesting the pipeline in the name of reducing pollution? I seem to remember the protesters leaving a huge toxic mess when they left. No one talks about that. How much pollution is created when these morons burn stuff in the name of protests? How much pollution is being created over in China, making the cheap toxic crap everyone is in love with? Not only is it creating huge amounts of toxic waste half way around the world, (and it will get here one day) but we are filling our landfills at an alarming rate when this cheap ******* fails. It makes me sick when the green lefties start preaching organic living, but they don't think about the big picture of the everything else. Eating organic (maybe) food with a plastic fork comes to mind
I agree with all of what you posted, I worked for a landfill that became transfer station for 8 years.
Yes. And they bitch about Trump! In a round about way, he is even trying to reduce world pollution in making China play on a level playing field. The more stuff that gets produced here with standards, the less China will be creating toxic waste.
Which brings me to another subject. Merry Christmas everyone!

Happy holidays is a crock of *******! Created by those we just mentioned! This holiday was meant for those believing in God. If you don't believe, then you don't have a reason for a holiday.

Again, Merry Christmas!