Strangest or most unusual place you've had sex.

In the Hot tub at the Autogragh Collection hotel in Regina, Canada. Definitely the most exhilarating as that was my first time with an older white Milf.(2006).

Some more:

Somewhere between LA and San Diego.
Public areas in Charlotte, Atlanta and Los Angeles
Steam room in Frankfurt @ the Radisson SAS
Beach in Nizuc, Cancun
When i was in high school, a church sunday school room, a grain bin with corn in it, back of a car while cruising the strip in Daytona.

In the Army, an x-ray techs break room at the army hospital in Wurzburg, Germany. While on staff duty, the post Sergeant Majors office in Gieblestadt. In the helicopter hangers while on duty and in and outside the bowling alley.
When i was in high school, a church sunday school room, a grain bin with corn in it, back of a car while cruising the strip in Daytona.

In the Army, an x-ray techs break room at the army hospital in Wurzburg, Germany. While on staff duty, the post Sergeant Majors office in Gieblestadt. In the helicopter hangers while on duty and in and outside the bowling alley.
Salute. Lol smh @ Sunday school church room. But I did it in the back of a church van once... So.. touché.