Question: Trump Supports

right now the economy doing better than it has in years... although I'm sure the right will want to try and take credit for it... but that's hard to do with their record of obstrtuctism
....Yeah, but they've never had a problem looking us directly in the eyes and lying & denying before ... here in NC the Republican controlled General Assembly is holding a "special session" to get some things done before our Republican governor leaves office and a Democrat governor takes office in January. The Republicans also lost control of the state judges by a 3:2 margin this election, so what are THEY doing about it? ... they're voting in 2 more State Judges seats and getting Pat McCrory (the Republican governor) to appoint 2 conservative judges BEFORE he leaves office. Here's the thing, however, this was one of the items on the LIST for their special session, then when the list was discovered, they flatly refuse to acknowledge that it is.
Some stupid Hollywood stars said if Trump wins, ''We will move to Canada''. Now I ask them mom fuckers how come you are still in U.S. And Trump has won. President Trump should throw the illigal immigrants out. They have taking American jobs and are burden on tax payers. If they are proud of their stupid country then what the fuck they are doing in U.S.
If they are proud of their stupid country then what the fuck they are doing in U.S.
....They're here because our government allows them to be here, Raj ... if the US truly desired to get rid of the 'illegals' all our state & federal governments would have to do is enforce the laws that are already on the books. The hype about illegals is nothing more than a ploy to divide the country more. If anyone has a right to bitch in this country its the native Indians who we have ******* on since we, ourselves, arrived as 'illegal immigrants' hundreds of years ago.
.....Coincidently, the state & federal governments, and employers collect billions in taxes and other pay deductions from many of these illegals' paychecks which the illegals will never benefit ... like Social Security and employer benefits which the illegals can't use because of their lack of documentation. So its not as cut-and-dry of a situation as one might think. Many companies benefit by employing the cheap labor of illegals, that's why they are here. And WE, as citizens, benefit too ... think about it. When you take bids to get your house painted, or your yard mowed, don't you look at the price quoted to do it? Or do you say "I only hire Americans, not illegals?" ... most people don't ask. Again, allowing them to be here by not enforcing the existing laws creates a dividing hatred for minorities which further divides the country.
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If anyone has a right to bitch in this country its the native Indians who we have ******* on since we, ourselves, arrived as 'illegal immigrants' hundreds of years ago.

Wish I had a dime every time I hear this, - Like you said, it was HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO, I'm not an "illegal" any more than you are Mac. We are now "native" to this country. Neither was our ancestors as there was no "law" making it "illegal" for them to be here. Like I have mentioned before, had the Natives killed them all instead of inviting them to dinner, things might have been much different. Does it make what our ancestors did right or OK? not at all, but it also does NOT serve as an excuse for the "illegal" immigration of today.

You are correct that it is more complicated than most think and we do need to enforce the current laws we have in place. However the Left media seem to have a hard time differentiating the difference between "legal" and Illegal" immigration, thus gaining more sheep to defend "illegal" immigration. THAT is what is dividing our country, not the laws. Every time we try to enforce the laws, the Left media is right their to call them a Raciest and a hater.

.Coincidently, the state & federal governments, and employers collect billions in taxes and other pay deductions from many of these illegals' paychecks which the illegals will never benefit ... like Social Security and employer benefits which the illegals can't use because of their lack of documentation.

It is always about the money - always.

Or do you say "I only hire Americans, not illegals?"
I do. Wife and I eat out for Breakfast every couple of weeks or so. We always go to a local dinner, not the big chains. The one we frequent is owned by a Mexican that came to this country legally, for a better life. I have no problem supporting that. He also does not expect this country to change to accommodate him. He also will not allow any of his family to come here unless they do it "by the book".

I think Raj-raj asks a legitimate question however, If they wish to live here, they need to give our country the respect that that our ancestors should have given the natives then, however this time and we need to insist on it. The only thing the past should tell us is not to make the same mistake that the Native Americans made hundreds of years ago.
I'm not an "illegal" any more than you are Mac. We are now "native" to this country.
... and neither are the babies of the illegals that are born in this country, as they are native to this country, but Republicans want to send them back with their parents.
....And its not the "left" anymore than it is the "right" ... Ronald Reagan .... remember? And the Republicans put up the impression that they're going to do something, then don't ... as their corporate backers and much of the country use their cheat labor more than we prefer to admit. You may run your business with legals, but you use the services of illegals as well, whether you admit it or not.
....If the US wants illegals to leave, all they have to do is enforce the laws and penalize those who hire them. They'll leave on their own, then.

....Yeah, but they've never had a problem looking us directly in the eyes and lying & denying before ... here in NC the Republican controlled General Assembly is holding a "special session" to get some things done before our Republican governor leaves office and a Democrat governor takes office in January. The Republicans also lost control of the state judges by a 3:2 margin this election, so what are THEY doing about it? ... they're voting in 2 more State Judges seats and getting Pat McCrory (the Republican governor) to appoint 2 conservative judges BEFORE he leaves office. Here's the thing, however, this was one of the items on the LIST for their special session, then when the list was discovered, they flatly refuse to acknowledge that it is.
I must admit Mac the politics of North Carolina have been interesting to say the least. Right now the Republicans are doing their best to give a the Democrats a good fucking while they can. Nothing more than the Democrats have done to the Republicans in years past. As I recall North Carolina lead the way with Jim Crow laws and did a pretty good job of keeping blacks away from the polls for quite some time. One of the thing I always find a bit amusing. Whichever party has the upper hands screws the other party and the screwed party wails about the injustice of it all seeming to forget that they have done the same things in the past and would do the same thing now if they if they could.
and neither are the babies of the illegals that are born in this country, as they are native to this country,

You are talking about anchor babies. While the ch|ld may be a US born citizen - what then do we do with the parents? We don't want to separate them, as the ch|ld would then just be a ward of the court - expense to the rest of us. If we allow the mom to stay and raise the ch|ld then she will most likely file for assistance, again costing honest Americans $$. Maybe give the mom/******* a choice - Stay in America with the ch|ld, require them to gain employment and file for citizenship - OR - renounce the ch|ld citizenship and go back to Mexico.

but you use the services of illegals as well, whether you admit it or not.
I'm sure I do, there is really no way around it. All I can do is my part and hope the service I am buying from does the same. I agree that our government needs to enforce the laws we have, but what I don't like is "instant amnesty/citizenship" idea It is nothing more than a ploy to gain votes and revenue. We can't call ourselves a country and have open boarders.

Maybe we should just make Mexico the 51st state of the Union, and I don't think it would be that hard to do. The ******* Cartel would probably give us more resistance than the Mexican people would.
Are you suggesting that he wasn't? Come on, Alanm, here's the video of Trump asking Russia to hack into Hillary Clinton's e-mails ... 7/27/2016 taped on national TV for Christ sake.
Are you saying this is false media?
I would say it is unlikely that Putin or Russia don't take orders from Trump. I have no doubt they hacked email accounts and likely the servers of at least the two major parties. And it isn't the first time. There is pretty good evidence that they have been doing it since at least the Reagan administration and likely before that. Espionage is done to promote the interests of the country doing the espionage.

Do doubt Russia did spy on this election and likely several others going back at least 20 years. However I haven't seen any evidence so far that they have tampered with the voting. The fact that you dislike someone doesn't make them criminal.
right now the economy doing better than it has in years... although I'm sure the right will want to try and take credit for it... but that's hard to do with their record of obstrtuctism..........see how it looks in another year.... most economists predict a serious nose dive with some of the policies he is wanting to implement
Economy doing better than it has in years? Let's see the workforce is smaller today than when President Obama took office. We have a mandatory health care program with costs rising faster than they did before it's inception. Most of jobs that were created were low paying part time jobs. There are a lot more people today working 2 or 3 part time jobs with little or no benefits instead of a single well paying job with benefits. The percentage of the available workforce that is working is at a lower level than when President Obama took office. A lot of people have simply given up. A high percentage of new car loans are considered to be at risk of default. There are more multi generational households than anytime in the last 50 or more years because too many people can't afford to live independently
First off I voted Libertarian. I was hoping that Johnson would get enough electoral votes to prevent either Trump or Clinton to clinch the election and throw the election to the HoR. Trump had hoisted the middle finger at the Republicans so I figured if it ended up in the House they would elect anyone that wasn't Clinton or Trump. However Johnson didn't do as well as I expected

Will Trump succeed? Really hard to say but he just might. A smart businessperson surrounds themselves with advisors that are smarter in specific areas than they are. He seems to be doing that. Despite what President Obama would like us to believe the economy isn't doing that well. Real growth has been stagnate and a lot of people that should be in the workforce aren't. The national debt debt nearly doubled under president Obama's watch to nearly 20 trillion dollars. The last figures I have seen show more small businesses closing their doors instead of opening them. Traditionally about 60% of new jobs are created by small business. Until there is a sustained increase in small business formation any long term economic recovery is unlikely. One the problems the current administration created was the mountain of new regulations that businesses had to contend with. It averaged out to about 30,000 pages of new regulations a year during his tenure. Nobody tells you what applies to you or your business but you must comply because penalties for non compliance can be severe. On the plus side Trump has promised to get rid of some of the regulations. There should also be something done to encourage small business formation

Quantitative easing has pushed the stock market to record highs plus Trump's election has what is likely a short term effect to increase values. The problem is the market is way over valued. QE has succeeded in pushing values up but it is a false value, a bubble. When QE is ended the market will correct itself and I think it will be a correction of around 35%.

We are currently paying over 250 billion dollars annually in interest on our national debt. The Fed is expected to raise interest rates at least twice in 2017. While those rate increases don't directly effect what the government pays for interest it will have an effect on the cost of the debt.

A lot of things need to change in Washington. Trump might pull it off. On the downside his proposed economic plan doesn't seem viable to me. Better than Clinton's but not as good as Johnson. Of course what is talked about and what happens in Washington are often very different I expect that will be the case with Trump also

One last thought I will leave you with. In the last 8 years the Democrats have lost over 1,000 local, state, a federal elections. The Democrats control only about 30% of the elected governing bodies at the State and Federal level. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts as to why
Nothing more than the Democrats have done to the Republicans in years past. As I recall North Carolina lead the way with Jim Crow laws and did a pretty good job of keeping blacks away from the polls for quite some time
....Oh good grief, Torp ... just how far back in history do you wish to go to prove your point? You're talking about the late '40s - early '60s with the formation of the Dixiecrats ( "Segregation Forever" movement in the southern states) and Strom Thurman and Barry Goldwater ... Christ, that was 60-70 years ago, man. That's when the parties (Republicans & Democrats) basically switched sides and platforms.
....Let's try, if possible, to keep our conversations within the current party platforms if you don't mind ... for Republicans that would be Ronald Reagan-forward (1980's) and Supply Side "Trickle Down", ok?
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....Oh good grief, Torp ... just how far back in history do you wish to go to prove your point? You're talking about the late '40s - early '60s with the formation of the Dixiecrats ( "Segregation Forever" movement in the southern states) and Strom Thurman and Barry Goldwater ... Christ, that was 60-70 years ago, man. That's when the parties (Republicans & Democrats) basically switched sides and platforms.
....Let's try, if possible, to keep our conversations within the current party platforms if you don't mind ... for Republicans that would be Ronald Reagan-forward (1980's) and Supply Side "Trickle Down", ok?
As to your constant condemnation of Supply Side Economics, Bill Clinton's trade agreements has a much worse long term effect on the economy and employment than anything Reagan did.

And yes what goes around comes around. The Democrats fucked the Republicans in the past, now the Republicans are fucking the Democrats. About the only difference I see is that the Democrats whine more. I would like to see both parties replaced
As to your constant condemnation of Supply Side Economics, Bill Clinton's trade agreements has a much worse long term effect on the economy and employment than anything Reagan did
....Then THOSE are the starting points of both parties ... Reaganomics & Clinton trade agreements, if these are their current platforms, but for Christ sake, man, lets look at what IS, not what use to be a half century ago. That has no relevance in the discussions of today's needed changes.
....They're here because our government allows them to be here, Raj ... if the US truly desired to get rid of the 'illegals' all our state & federal governments would have to do is enforce the laws that are already on the books. The hype about illegals is nothing more than a ploy to divide the country more. If anyone has a right to bitch in this country its the native Indians who we have ******* on since we, ourselves, arrived as 'illegal immigrants' hundreds of years ago.
.....Coincidently, the state & federal governments, and employers collect billions in taxes and other pay deductions from many of these illegals' paychecks which the illegals will never benefit ... like Social Security and employer benefits which the illegals can't use because of their lack of documentation. So its not as cut-and-dry of a situation as one might think. Many companies benefit by employing the cheap labor of illegals, that's why they are here. And WE, as citizens, benefit too ... think about it. When you take bids to get your house painted, or your yard mowed, don't you look at the price quoted to do it? Or do you say "I only hire Americans, not illegals?" ... most people don't ask. Again, allowing them to be here by not enforcing the existing laws creates a dividing hatred for minorities which further divides the country.
Its kind of hard to collect taxes on someone who works for cash, $60 a day. And has three ******* in the public school while collecting benifits
....They're here because our government allows them to be here, Raj ... if the US truly desired to get rid of the 'illegals' all our state & federal governments would have to do is enforce the laws that are already on the books. The hype about illegals is nothing more than a ploy to divide the country more. If anyone has a right to bitch in this country its the native Indians who we have ******* on since we, ourselves, arrived as 'illegal immigrants' hundreds of years ago.
.....Coincidently, the state & federal governments, and employers collect billions in taxes and other pay deductions from many of these illegals' paychecks which the illegals will never benefit ... like Social Security and employer benefits which the illegals can't use because of their lack of documentation. So its not as cut-and-dry of a situation as one might think. Many companies benefit by employing the cheap labor of illegals, that's why they are here. And WE, as citizens, benefit too ... think about it. When you take bids to get your house painted, or your yard mowed, don't you look at the price quoted to do it? Or do you say "I only hire Americans, not illegals?" ... most people don't ask. Again, allowing them to be here by not enforcing the existing laws creates a dividing hatred for minorities which further divides the country.
Enough is enough. Why the fuck we care about illigal immigrants more than our American citizens. We need law and order in this country. We need tough leaders otherwise leaders from other countries will take advantage of us like they have been doing for so long. I am glad we have Mr. Trump as our next president. I don't understand why the fuck we care how the U.S. Treats the ISIS leaders they have caught. In my opinion we should get rid of stupid ISIS as soon as possible because they have created hell for Syrian people. So the bottom line is we should stand with Mr. Trump.
Wish I had a dime every time I hear this, - Like you said, it was HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO, I'm not an "illegal" any more than you are Mac. We are now "native" to this country. Neither was our ancestors as there was no "law" making it "illegal" for them to be here. Like I have mentioned before, had the Natives killed them all instead of inviting them to dinner, things might have been much different. Does it make what our ancestors did right or OK? not at all, but it also does NOT serve as an excuse for the "illegal" immigration of today.

You are correct that it is more complicated than most think and we do need to enforce the current laws we have in place. However the Left media seem to have a hard time differentiating the difference between "legal" and Illegal" immigration, thus gaining more sheep to defend "illegal" immigration. THAT is what is dividing our country, not the laws. Every time we try to enforce the laws, the Left media is right their to call them a Raciest and a hater.

It is always about the money - always.

I do. Wife and I eat out for Breakfast every couple of weeks or so. We always go to a local dinner, not the big chains. The one we frequent is owned by a Mexican that came to this country legally, for a better life. I have no problem supporting that. He also does not expect this country to change to accommodate him. He also will not allow any of his family to come here unless they do it "by the book".

I think Raj-raj asks a legitimate question however, If they wish to live here, they need to give our country the respect that that our ancestors should have given the natives then, however this time and we need to insist on it. The only thing the past should tell us is not to make the same mistake that the Native Americans made hundreds of years ago.
Ok if we are for open borders then soon this country be mess. If democratic leaders like them then why don't they take them to their own homes. We have many people who live in poverty who are U.S. Citizens why not help them. Why not American dreamers why to bring them from other countries and those countries don't give a fuck about us.