Question: Trump Supports

Hillarious exchange on the propaganda media outlet where the woman gets upset about another woman quoting Trump using the word Pussy yet she didn't get upset about Trump using it, 'CLASSIC'.

Watch how Anna (A REPUBLICAN) lets another Republican Trump supporter absolutely have it on National TV. I Love it.

EXCERPT from video: "Will you please stop saying that word? My ******* is listening," said Hughes.

"You know what, Scottie? Don't tell me you're offended when I say 'p---y' but you're not offended when Donald Trump says it. I'm not running for president — he is," she said.

Navarro went on to say that Hughes' taking offense to her quoting Trump but not Trump's quotes was "just absurd."

Trump is not Sorry for those comments, he is only sorry he got caught of being a slimy Bastard.

Here you go a Pic from a Trump Rally:


well we could start with his foundation and the money there.... that could go several different directions!... he still has a couple court cases coming up next year on ....fraud
