Politics, Politics, Politics

ok.... I do like to stir the pot once in a while..... that's just..... entertainment..


surely you have read all the voting BS going on right now... I have posted several articles.... your parties actions speak for it's self

Sure, but don't you think the media might be blowing it out of proportion - just a little? Changes in any system will cause issues for someone - somewhere. However these changes do not effect the masses the way the one-sided media would have you believe. Your articles are about a handful of individuals out of millions.
Or possibly Trumplery:

Sure, but don't you think the media might be blowing it out of proportion - just a little?
in some cases... yes... it's about ratings!.... but on the voting issues.... there are a lot of problems and tampering and been going on for years... Florida seemed to start things wayyyyy back! when they gave the election to Bush.... and once they got away with it other states have jumped on the wagon and getting out of hand... that's a right for every American and the people who try to take that away should go to jail!
hh... that Trumerly.... could just be our next president!

tough pill to swallow but COULD happen!.... I think the RNC has/had other plans on who they would put in.... but I don't think the PEOPLE will let it happen and they also know if they screw with TRump and he goes independent they are still out!

Sanders going nowhere... and I look for something from the Benghazi committee to come up with something to mess with Hillary... hopefully people will understand it is just more political BS... but...
Well Cruz is getting desperate - already named his running mate. Just a ploy to gain the women voters. This race sickens me in more ways than one.
Well Cruz is getting desperate - already named his running mate. Just a ploy to gain the women voters. This race sickens me in more ways than one.
Cruz picked her for one reason... Calif... it's his last hope!

this race sickens a lot of people... I really think there will be a lot of people that won't vote!... Just like T. Boone Pickens this morning saying he has never voted for a Dem in his life.... but didn't take it further and say he was this time

What's really funny... for me and some liberal Dems anyway.... the republicans have been for a long time just pretty much handing the election over to the Dems.... staying with trickle down and only representing a select few.... they have been their own worst enemy for a long time... that is what created the tea party.... but the tea party is so far out there they can't get enough support... but they do seem to be gaining for some crazy reason.. ( goes back to my saying it is a ME world anymore)... so they gave it to the DEMS!

But what do the Dems do? they run Hillary... she might be alright but she is still "old school" and not the best choice ... but hopefully she is... or you have sanders... nothing on world affairs and even what he is pushing... we really do need but just not going to happen with what's in DC right now... it all does need to happen... just won't so he is a waste of time... so now we are back to screwing people out of voting to make up for their inadequacy of taking care of their supporters/voters and other dirty tricks... and I think the best is yet to come from the Bengazi committee they are just waiting for the right time to spring some kind of BS....... everything against the Clintons for years has all been political and nothing else but still playing those games is just... BS!
So now we are back where you started this conversation..... it all just plain sucks!
to add to that... probably the best guy running is Kasich but people don't want him for whatever reason.... and I think even if Biden had jumped him.... MAYBE a better bet than Hillary ... but still old school.... we just can't get anyone decent to run anymore
and the ONLY reason Sanders is hanging around..... he is counting on Benghazi or something like that to take Hillary out and he would end up being the only choice.... just like Kasich hanging in there he knows a lot of people don't like either Trump or Cruz so he is the only choice.... but if he can't draw more voters than he is the RNC is not going to support him either.... but I think Trump is getting a lot of "counseling" here lately because the RNC is starting to realize they might be stuck with him
It's ALL THEY HAVE IS BENGHAZI ... they got no accomplishments, got no platform, got no qualified candidates. They'll do what they ALWAYS DO ... fabricate ... scare ... demonize ... blame ... character assassinate ... redirect and obstruct, and they get billionaires to finance it all for them. Its been their playbook for 6 straight years.
It really is ALL THEY HAVE!
It's ALL THEY HAVE IS BENGHAZI ... they got no accomplishments, got no platform, got no qualified candidates. They'll do what they ALWAYS DO ... fabricate ... scare ... demonize ... blame ... character assassinate ... redirect and obstruct, and they get billionaires to finance it all for them. Its been their playbook for 6 straight years.
It really is ALL THEY HAVE!

If that is so true (I do agree to a point but...) Then why has the Democrats not been able to turn anything around? Why are we still in the same boat? After 8 years one would think SOMETHING would get done or change. Instead it is politics as usual. Defend your democrats all you want - but ******* is ******* whether it comes from an ass or an elephant.
.... Defend your democrats all you want - but ******* is ******* whether it comes from an ass or an elephant.
I could swear YOU TOLD ME to leave you alone, TwoBi ... want me to give you the link to that? And I had every intention of doing just that ... honoring your request, but it appears you can't HONOR YOUR OWN request.
get over yourself and leave me alone
So, before I answer anymore of your comments, do you still wish me to LEAVE YOU ALONE, because I will ... just play by the same game as you ask me to play.
Your choice ... YES or NO?
I could swear YOU TOLD ME to leave you alone, TwoBi ... want me to give you the link to that? And I had every intention of doing just that ... honoring your request, but it appears you can't HONOR YOUR OWN request.

So, before I answer anymore of your comments, do you still wish me to LEAVE YOU ALONE, because I will ... just play by the same game as you ask me to play.
Your choice ... YES or NO?
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If you want to have an adult conversations and reply with a level head, then by all means reply. If all you can do is throw insults and call me a stupid bobble head then yes - leave me alone. And if I like another comment in a conversation in which you are involved in I can assure you it has nothing to do with you.

And like you said....
And lastly, this is a forum for "discussions" and "opinions" ... the little bar at the top even says Off-Topic Discussion. I am entitled to my opinion as you, aren't I?
Icahn: Republicans don’t understand economics and it’s killing the country

Republican lawmakers are suffering from a near "pathological" misunderstanding of the national economy, and they may be hurting markets and Americans alike, billionaire investor and Donald Trump supporter Carl Icahn told CNBC on Thursday.

Icahn, who Trump had previously suggested could serve as his Treasury secretary, warned that markets will have a " day of reckoning " without fiscal stimulus, and argued that the U.S. government "certainly could do more spending."

"The Republican Party that I used to be more sympathetic with — I'm right in the middle now, although as you know I'm for Trump — but what I would say is Congress is in this massive gridlock," he said, explaining that the Republican-controlled body is "obsessed with this deficit to a point that I think it's almost pathological."

The result of this gridlock and a lack of fiscal stimulus has been that the Federal Reserve has been ****** to keep interest rates low, and that has created "tremendous bubbles" and "the wealth gap."
Additionally, worrying about a deficit when there is no significant inflation and the dollar remains the global reserve currency is not a smart way to govern, Icahn said, adding that "a country is not a company."

While a company would go bankrupt if it owed too much money, the same could not be said of the United States anytime soon, Icahn explained, reiterating that he can't "understand this obsession" that many Republican politicians have with the deficit.

"They keep saying we owe all this money to China , but we're really not going to pay it back ever in a normal way," Icahn said. "So China decides 'I want my money back.' OK, well how do you want it back? You want dollar bills, you want Treasurys, what do you want?"

That said, Icahn cautioned that he was not advocating for the government to "go crazy and borrow money and have money floating around and have rampant inflation."
"Everything has equilibrium, everything has a middle ground, and we are so obsessed with that deficit," Icahn said. "And I never thought I'd agree completely with guys like (economist Paul) Krugman, but in this sense he's sort of right: I mean, you absolutely need fiscal stimulus in this economy."

Despite those comments disparaging one of the key arguments of many Republican politicians, Icahn had come out in support of the party's presidential front-runner.

Of fellow billionaire Trump, Icahn said the "right-wing establishment" doesn't like him in part because he's a pragmatist.

"He's going to do for this economy what should be done," Icahn said.
Icahn was on hand earlier this month to celebrate Trump's massive New York GOP primary win, and the real estate magnate even called out to Icahn during his victory speech.

When asked about the relationship between the two titans of business, Trump said, "We just like each other." And for his part, Icahn declared that "Trump is the only candidate who can stop the terrible gridlock in Washington and make Congress work again."

Don't care for his Trump endorsement.... but he is right about THE REPUBLICANS AND THIER VERSION OF THE ECONOMY!