My gfs pervy stalker


So my gf has a stalker hes a local guy pervy but harmless he has a couple of mental problems so hes a bit behind but hes obsessed with my gf shes 19 he left his number on her car he also sent her flowers and all sorts but its pretty well known he is very pervy he has stolen my gfs underware off the washing line in the past but a couple of days ago about 11.30 at night i was smoking in the garden while my gf was in the shower i heard a noise beside the house so i poked my head round and saw this guy by the house he was peeking in the bathroom window witch was open and u could see in the shower clearly as the shower curtan was right beside the window he was only standing there having a wank but somthing clicked i wasnt angry or anything i was quite turned on that there was a guy looking at my gf naked in the shower and getting off to it ever since then its all i can think about even when we are having sex it gets me off thinking about the things he would do to her if he could she still has no idea about the peeping tom thing but i dont know if its normal for me to feel like that or not any advice?
Quite normal I would say; especially if you like cuckolding. Hot thought for your GF to fuck the said guy. But in reality it may cause more problems than it is worth