Louis Farrakhan - black supremacy quotes

Interesting that Soulpole tries to juxtapose the Nation of Islam with the KKK:


And this priceless gem, George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, attending a Nation of Islam rally in 1961:

DUDE!!! HOW WELL-SPOKEN ARE YOU????? My god, you completely amaze me with your knowledge. I thought I knew a lot, until I met you and Torp. SOOOOO Impressive.
Interesting that Soulpole tries to juxtapose the Nation of Islam with the KKK:


And this priceless gem, George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, attending a Nation of Islam rally in 1961:

What about the majority whip of the Republican Party Steve Scalise speaking at a White Nationalist meeting in Louisiana.Even the KKK Grand Dragon David Duke was gonna spill the beans on other politicians with ties to him.We can go all day with this.Muhammad Ali even spoke at a White Nationalist/KKK group.Their premise is whites and blacks have never lived in peace so they were seeking a solution with land of their own.Jude Wanniski (a white Jewish guy) who was well respected in conservative circle reached out to Farrahkan.Even Jack Kemp offered encouraging words for the million man march so if you wanna play the guilt by association please dig up all the facts.
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Louis Farrakhan is a race baiter. The only one he is out to help is himself. Great people like Martin Luther King jr. sought to bring people together to solve problems, he showed us the problems belonged to everyone as did the solutions. Farrakhan creates division and feeds on the carnage, kind of like a cockroach

So why are black leaders always called a race baiter.e didn't start slavery and segregation in this country.We're just living with the effects.It seems like MLK is the only leader a lot of white americans know.The man was thrown into a Birmingham jail,called a communists,received death threats and was labeled a troublemaker and race baiter.To this very day in ALABAMA MLK Birthday is celebrated with Confederate General Robert E Lee.
MLK appealed to the better nature of our souls. Which is why he was so damn effective.
That's all yall know is MLK.What about Harriet Tubman,Sojourner Truth,Rosa Parks,Marcus Garvey,Medgar Evers,Booker T Washington,Huey Newton,and the thousands of me and women who fought on behalf of all black people in America to have a better way of life.I know it rubs alot of yall the wrong way but I like the strong,fearless black leader types.And guess what.ITS MY DAMN BUSINESS.
Interesting that Soulpole tries to juxtapose the Nation of Islam with the KKK:


And this priceless gem, George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, attending a Nation of Islam rally in 1961:

Where do you find this stuff. I have always been considered a good researcher but those two articles are pure gold. It irritates me when someone starts spouting some rhetoric about problems being someone else problem. It always seems that person or group wants a focal point for their anger. For Hitler it was the Jews, it he hadn't had the Jews it would have been the gypsies, foreigners, someone has to be blamed. If there wasn't someone to hate his rise to power would never have never happened

I have made substantially more than minimum wage most of my life. I think it would be fair to assume that syscom3 and bm_from_southjersy also make a good living. We are hardly unique. But some people work hard, set long range goals, get an EDUCATION, and do well. Some people piss and moan that life ain't fair. And there are people like Louis Farrakhan and Thomas Metzger standing in the wings to preach their crap. Why your failure is someones else's fault. I grew up fearing and hating the KKK. I find it very disconcerting when a group like the Nation of Islam finds common ground with the KKK. I also find it disturbing that people like Shabazz, Ayers, Wright and Farrahkan quietly visit the Whitehouse The White house has claimed that these are visitors with similar names. George Soros has been on the guest list. I sure money was never brought up, likely just stopped by for a beer.
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That's all yall know is MLK.What about Harriet Tubman,Sojourner Truth,Rosa Parks,Marcus Garvey,Medgar Evers,Booker T Washington,Huey Newton,and the thousands of me and women who fought on behalf of all black people in America to have a better way of life.I know it rubs alot of yall the wrong way but I like the strong,fearless black leader types.And guess what.ITS MY DAMN BUSINESS.
Those are all great men and women who have earned an honored place in history. But it took a man like MLK jr. to form and galvanize a movement that started change
So why are black leaders always called a race baiter.e didn't start slavery and segregation in this country.We're just living with the effects.It seems like MLK is the only leader a lot of white americans know.The man was thrown into a Birmingham jail,called a communists,received death threats and was labeled a troublemaker and race baiter.To this very day in ALABAMA MLK Birthday is celebrated with Confederate General Robert E Lee.
MLK created unity, Farrakhan creates discord
That's all yall know is MLK.What about Harriet Tubman,Sojourner Truth,Rosa Parks,Marcus Garvey,Medgar Evers,Booker T Washington,Huey Newton,and the thousands of me and women who fought on behalf of all black people in America to have a better way of life.I know it rubs alot of yall the wrong way but I like the strong,fearless black leader types.And guess what.ITS MY DAMN BUSINESS.
I have a short list of people in history that I would have loved to have had the opportunity to meet. Top of the list is Booker T. Washington. To spend an afternoon with that intellect
MLK was brilliant. He showed what was possible and he truly believed in it. I honor him for the great man that he was. Imagine what he could have done if he had lived.
Al, jesse and louis are evil bastards who are only concerned with themselves. Barack and Eric are the same way. They would rather stir up race trouble to keep their pockets lined.
Sums things up pretty well
We are all equal. No race is superior then any other. We are all human
We are all entitled to equal opportunity. In reality we aren't all equal. If we were I would be able to throw a football like Aaron Rodgers and be as smart as Neil deGrasse Tyson. I am reasonably certain that neither gentleman is loosing any sleep over me taking their respective jobs. I would agree that no race is superior, the good, bad and really stupid exist in every race and ethnic group. Although most of us walk upright in a bipedal fashion there have a few individuals that I have met I would question whether they are really human. Then there are individuals like Hitler, Stalin or even Ottis Toole that I have a very hard time believing they are the same species as the rest of us.
We are all entitled to equal opportunity. In reality we aren't all equal. If we were I would be able to throw a football like Aaron Rodgers and be as smart as Neil deGrasse Tyson. I am reasonably certain that neither gentleman is loosing any sleep over me taking their respective jobs. I would agree that no race is superior, the good, bad and really stupid exist in every race and ethnic group. Although most of us walk upright in a bipedal fashion there have a few individuals that I have met I would question whether they are really human. Then there are individuals like Hitler, Stalin or even Ottis Toole that I have a very hard time believing they are the same species as the rest of us.
Don't be a smart ass. You know what I meant
soulpofor post: 746483 said:
What about the majority whip of the Republican Party Steve Scalise speaking at a White Nationalist meeting in Louisiana.Even the KKK Grand Dragon David Duke was gonna spill the beans on other politicians with ties to him.We can go all day with this.Muhammad Ali even spoke at a White Nationalist/KKK group.Their premise is whites and blacks have never lived in peace so they were seeking a solution with land of their own.Jude Wanniski (a white Jewish guy) who was well respected in conservative circle reached out to Farrahkan.Even Jack Kemp offered encouraging words for the million man march so if you wanna play the guilt by association please dig up all the facts.
They all play for the same time. All of them are fake.