Louis Farrakhan - black supremacy quotes


what you guys think of Louis Farrakhan and his thoughts of black supremacy

He is a very well known personality with strong and polemical ideas
what you guys think of Louis Farrakhan and his thoughts of black supremacy

He is a very well known personality with strong and polemical ideas
So was Hitler! A discussion of Louis Farrakhan doesn't have a place in this forum, I don't think. pic_Opinion.jpg
Maybe you'd like some of us to share some of Hitler's quotes of white supremacy. You think? I didn't think so ...gif_Yellowball-Nazi.gif
Farrakhan hasn't said nothing no white man has.Think about all the past presidents,governors,senators,mayors,supreme court justices etc. that have lived who have done much worse.All of you want to WHITEWASH that but instead single him out.I respect Farrahkan who was taught by Elijah Muhammad about black independence and self sufficieny .Something KKKonservative whites in America say is what us black should be doing.Every black leader in American history has been assassinated physically or by their character.Name one who hasn't.By the way,let's start a list of white supremacists.Furthermore,no member of the NATION OF ISLAM has never a put one finger or attacked a person solely on race.So stop the KKK references with the nation.Honestly,everyone knows he scares the hell out of white America.
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Louis Farrakhan is a race baiter. The only one he is out to help is himself. Great people like Martin Luther King jr. sought to bring people together to solve problems, he showed us the problems belonged to everyone as did the solutions. Farrakhan creates division and feeds on the carnage, kind of like a cockroach
MLK was brilliant. He showed what was possible and he truly believed in it. I honor him for the great man that he was. Imagine what he could have done if he had lived.
Al, jesse and louis are evil bastards who are only concerned with themselves. Barack and Eric are the same way. They would rather stir up race trouble to keep their pockets lined.