Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?

And it is your choice to be offended or not. It's not my obligation to not offend you
It's not an individual choice, which is what your extremely predictable dumb ass is trying to frame it as.
Again, there is history and action behind the word. It has been deemed by society as a word of great offense. Period. Doesn't matter whether your smooth brain can comprehend that part or not.

You can offend any individual you want, but it's actually a crime to be discriminatory in actions toward groups who have historically, and currently statistically been targets of discrimination. Again, words matter in the real world. And, it is your responsibility to not use such words. Or, suffer the consequences of the real world vs your libertarian philosophy.

If what I wrote, any part was untrue, you'd be using it now. Your theoretical waxing on may be great for philosophy class but in the real world, we have policy, history, and sometimes, consequences for those actions. You know it, which is why you're too much of a pussy to say it.
Why it's not OK? Because it gives permission to people like @whiteshadoe, and fake profiles like @Jen Dvorak and @ChristyandJake permission to freely write s'hit like:
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That ChristyandJake has been on a few threads with this same question. (For the record, like the OP here, it's a man, not a couple). The 'Simps' have given them permission to use the word freely. Not while fucking, just an open dialog like it just fine.

Now supposedly it's against the rules to write out the word, but, it's been there for five months now and the only response has been my thumbs down today, which is lost among the betas thinking it's a couple of they have a chance.

The word is toxic, and certainly has meaning.
Why it's not OK? Because it gives permission to people like @whiteshadoe, and fake profiles like @Jen Dvorak and @ChristyandJake permission to freely write s'hit like:
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That ChristyandJake has been on a few threads with this same question. (For the record, like the OP here, it's a man, not a couple). The 'Simps' have given them permission to use the word freely. Not while fucking, just an open dialog like it just fine.

Now supposedly it's against the rules to write out the word, but, it's been there for five months now and the only response has been my thumbs down today, which is lost among the betas thinking it's a couple of they have a chance.

The word is toxic, and certainly has meaning.
If whomever your fucking get's "offended" by the use of colorful language then stop fucking them and tell them to get their retarded ass out of your house.

I'm really tired of all of these crybabies screaming N******, N******, N****** in every single song they make, every conversation they have and then acting like a weak little bitch when some crakka tosses it back at them.
Just say that you're a racist, and be done with it.
Don't be asenine! Of course you can say anything you want, but you should also be ADULT understand and accept that some things bring repercussions. I'm mature enough to KNOW that word does not suit or fit me, and if asked beforehand will say so without judgement. Someone who would use that word after my own personal declaration in my mind is insulting me, denigrating me with INTENT. Something MUST give.
Have you heard any modern rap song? They blare it on my gym every day and I'm like WTF?
I have had mixed experiences with this. I've had guy say to me, "Mmm baby suck that N dick". But then if I say it back they will look at me like I said something wrong... but also some guys love it.

For me its like being called a cunt, whore, cumster, bitch during sex is hot for me but say that after and I might not be as open to it.

Any advice on using it?
Just like any other sexual encounter each is going to be different. There are things I like being called and told and things I am not into. Each man is going to be the same and have their own preferences as well. As a rule of thumb I tend to not use it until asked too myself.