Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?

A word is just a word. It all depends of the context in which it’s used. If it’s ok for black lads to call their mates it but it’s offensive for a while lad to call his black mate the same word, then that would be treating someone different because of skin colour. Correct me if am wrong but isn’t that the definition of racism?
A word is just a word. It all depends of the context in which it’s used. If it’s ok for black lads to call their mates it but it’s offensive for a while lad to call his black mate the same word, then that would be treating someone different because of skin colour. Correct me if am wrong but isn’t that the definition of racism?

Wait a second. You yourself just said that it all depends on the context within which a word is used . . . so when blacks use it among themselves that's within one context . . . and when whites use it with respect to blacks, that's within another context. In my country, white people refer to themselves as "rednecks" all the time, but I doubt too many of them would appreciate me going around casually saying that about them. I've even heard white people joke about themselves being "pastey" or even "white trash". The reality of human behavior and belonging is that when you say certain things about your own, it's often at least tolerated among your own. But don't let somebody else come up in here sayin' that *******! Them's fightin' words!
Wait a second. You yourself just said that it all depends on the context within which a word is used . . . so when blacks use it among themselves that's within one context . . . and when whites use it with respect to blacks, that's within another context. In my country, white people refer to themselves as "rednecks" all the time, but I doubt too many of them would appreciate me going around casually saying that about them. I've even heard white people joke about themselves being "pastey" or even "white trash". The reality of human behavior and belonging is that when you say certain things about your own, it's often at least tolerated among your own. But don't let somebody else come up in here sayin' that *******! Them's fightin' words!
That’s not different context, it’s a different situation. If the word was said with no intention to cause offence then they were in the same or similar context. If you tolerate one thing from one race and you won’t tolerate it from another race then it’s racism at its finest. It’s really simple, you either see us all as the human race and see us all as equal or you don’t
Damn y’all why do we have to ruin everything can’t we have some good things?? Let’s FUCK have whatever fun we all here for!!! With all do respect to ALL but I’m here for some fun not politics or political party debates or race convo this is definitely not the place or maybe I’m the one out of place and mistaking 🥴🥴🥴. LETS FUCK PEOPLE LETS FULFILL OUR DESIRES AND DONT INVOLVE THE N WORD OR POLITICS!!!
Damn y’all why do we have to ruin everything can’t we have some good things?? Let’s FUCK have whatever fun we all here for!!! With all do respect to ALL but I’m here for some fun not politics or political party debates or race convo this is definitely not the place or maybe I’m the one out of place and mistaking 🥴🥴🥴. LETS FUCK PEOPLE LETS FULFILL OUR DESIRES AND DONT INVOLVE THE N WORD OR POLITICS!!!
Now that’s off my chest WHOS TRYING TO HAVE SOME FUN?? Let’s chat and see where it goes
It's a fucking word thats all its like your in line and somebody cut in front if you and used it, if guy uses it during sex then its fine he said it first its on his mind . Don't say it if its wrong to say that's no worse then calling me a dirty bitch and that's supposed to be OK its a word of moment not because you did me wrong words of passion depends where your standing I guess or laying lol, its a fucking word its not used in public environment where different thoughts id be mad if somebody used it and wasn't getting pussy but your getting pussy so don't do nothing or say anything that can't be repeated doesn't matter who says it should be same for both everything has to be equal or it will never be the same
My wife’s BBC bulls do the same when fucking her, but she never says it back, not her place.
So if that's not fucked if its ok for one and not the other then wheres equality you want equal rights but already have scale tipped thats bullshut whats good for one is not good for other ? How's that equal
the golden rule not the black rule or white rule, everyone quit acting like babys. And just fuck . Who cares wirry about the fucker who can't his dick hard that's the one i hate.
Its personal preference of the man. My partner doesn't like using the word but one of her bulls makes her say that she loves that n**ga dick. Whereas her other doesn't like hearing it.

I think because it is in essence a derogatory word towards men of African/Caribbean descent, it should always be upto that individual if it should be used
When cleaning up after
The guys leave I've muttered it
Under my breath
But No way when they are
Here sexing her
Idk maybe it’s just me NOTHING ANOUT THE WORD black man IS GOOD NO MATTER THE SITUATION!!! Unfortunately a lot of things have been ruined due to our ignorance to certain things and we as the people have tarnished a lot of good things where now even if it’s preferred it’s just wrong