Husband doesn't seem interested in sex

I don’t know if you are referring to my profile picture or BBC1977. But it doesn’t matter to whom you are referring. For the following reasons:
1) As you yourself said, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
2) To whomever your insults were directed toward, you know not the function of our mind , personality , nor sensitivities.
3) I am unclear as to how you became the authority on beauty
4) Were you not raised with the age old adage “if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all” ?
Thank you for saying those things. Some people are such assholes.
Ahhh see, you have to be careful what you say because its funny how life does a boomerang. Austingirl can defend herself but i will say, but dude be careful with those words.
You are always my hero. Always my beautiful black knight in shining armor. Thank you for always be here for me.
Lately, my 44 year old husband seems to have no interest in sex. He had surgery on his shoulder almost a year ago. He claims pain is the reason but it's been 11 months since the surgery. He does work kind of long hours but even after a 2-3 hour "nap" he is not energized for sex. We have had many kid free weekends and all we do is sit around. He used to say to me "find us someone to fuck." Not anymore. I am horny, all the time lately. There are some days all I can think about is a fat cock in my wet pussy and I even tell him straight up I am horny, yet he comes home, has dinner and promptly falls asleep on the couch. I thought maybe he was cheating but his routine has not changed, and his nephew now works with him so cheating would not be an option as they carpool together. I am frustrated and don't know what to do. I feel guilty asking to have a playdate instead of trying to entice him to fuck me but I am getting tired of always initiating things just to be turned down. I am too young to give sex up. I almost feel like cheating but I do not want the guilt. He is a good man. I just don't know how much more patience I can have for this situation.
Also, yes, I have talked to him about this, and he uses pain as his excuse or "You don't come to bed with me." He goes to bed very early and while that is true, there are many nights I go to bed with him, and nothing happens.
He might be hooked on painkillers from his surgery and uninterested because of that
Depression and stress may play a vital role in hubby not wanting to engage in sex.
Hubby may feel less of a man that way, so the women goes astray and finds pleasure outside of the marriage.
In a strange way, I can't blame the wives...they have needs that must be met.
Hubbies just need to seek medical aid.
There is no shame in it.
Lately, my 44 year old husband seems to have no interest in sex. He had surgery on his shoulder almost a year ago. He claims pain is the reason but it's been 11 months since the surgery. He does work kind of long hours but even after a 2-3 hour "nap" he is not energized for sex. We have had many kid free weekends and all we do is sit around. He used to say to me "find us someone to fuck." Not anymore. I am horny, all the time lately. There are some days all I can think about is a fat cock in my wet pussy and I even tell him straight up I am horny, yet he comes home, has dinner and promptly falls asleep on the couch. I thought maybe he was cheating but his routine has not changed, and his nephew now works with him so cheating would not be an option as they carpool together. I am frustrated and don't know what to do. I feel guilty asking to have a playdate instead of trying to entice him to fuck me but I am getting tired of always initiating things just to be turned down. I am too young to give sex up. I almost feel like cheating but I do not want the guilt. He is a good man. I just don't know how much more patience I can have for this situation.
Also, yes, I have talked to him about this, and he uses pain as his excuse or "You don't come to bed with me." He goes to bed very early and while that is true, there are many nights I go to bed with him, and nothing happens.
He need his testosterone levels checked. ASAP