How should interracial be promoted more in society?

I didn't understand, I think the law has to protect women with all their strength, and through women a new life is born, they are the most important thing in the world!

As for the white couple becoming more vulnerable, it will be the white man who will be extinct, the husband who will not pass on his gene, the wife does not need to worry, her gene will be mixed with that of the black bull and will be carried for the story along with his through his *******!

That is, the white husband genes who is in a vulnerable position, but who cares!
There's been some really positive trends lately.

Here's an article from CNN published today on the benefits of cuckolding. They leave race out of it to be PC, but it's fairly clear the majority of cuckolding in the US is interracial.

Also encouraging is these Pornhub Insights study on German Women from Jan 2nd. From these trends we can see the following:
1. German women want their men to be cuckolded
2. German women want BBC/Ebony
3. German women are becoming less interested in German men.

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BBC is on the way to the top 👍🖤
The white male power structure has been the biggest obstacle to allowing white women to follow their natural instincts and have sex with black men. But white males can be part of the solution if interracial cuckolding was not considered a secret and disreputable subculture! Rather, it must be seen as a valid and respectable lifestyle choice that allows the woman to fulfill her sexual needs, gives white males a more appropriate form of sexual pleasure (by masturbating while watching and taking emotional satisfaction from their wife’s increased sexual enjoyment), and allowing virile black men the unrestricted access to white women that they deserve.

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Great. White pussy is the for black man and m asturbation is the best for white man like me. 🖤🖤🖤
Guys, I didn't understand anything, the purpose of this topic is to promote racial equality, and of course to present the beauty of IR to the world and especially to women, here is not to make war, it is to make love, of course some of us just gonna be watching lol !
It may not be related to the topic at first glance, but the effects of this work are directly related.
Question: So, do you only date black men now?
Kendra: Yeah.

Kendra is definitely a role model for all white girls.

The swedish pop star Zara Larsson also prefere black boy frends
Interracial Advertising

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The increasing presence of interracial advertising should be obvious to anyone who has even a cursory awareness of pop culture. These ads feature all kinds of couple constellations, but there’s a noticeable emphasis on Black man/white woman pairings.

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Since advertising is kind of a science nowadays and nothing in an ad is without purpose anymore, it’s fun to think about why companies choose to go down that route and who they’re trying to sell to with that strategy.

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I’ve compiled a small international sampling of interracial ads to make my points here. Let’s start with a famous Swedish furniture store:

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This one says “Where life happens”. Our next example from a German insurance company expresses a similar message:

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“When life turns upside down, we’re by your side”, featuring a happily pregnant mixed-race couple looking at an ultrasound picture of their baby. And last but not least, the least subtle one of the bunch:

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These ads, despite being from very different industries, have a few things in common:

• We don’t really learn anything about the products themselves
• Even though it wouldn’t be strictly necessary, all featured couples appear in intimate poses
• The couples are attractive, but they’re not supermodels; the average person can relate to them

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Clearly these ads are selling a feeling rather than a product: “Your relationship choices are valid and beautiful--and by the way, our widgets could certainly enrich your life.” And who is the target audience here? Young women, young white women in particular.

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This becomes all the more juicy if you know, as marketing people probably do, that young women are outperforming young men in terms of education and career success, leave their parents’ homes earlier and more permanently and have more disposable income. They have the means to do whatever they want; all they need is social and cultural approval which hip companies are lining up to give to them.

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But social approval could come in so many forms and marketing specialists would not choose interracial relationships to express “you go, girl” sentiments unless there was solid evidence that this would sell. Which suggests that highly paid marketing researchers have figured out that young, independent white women are best reached if you celebrate their desire to date Black men.

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Nationalists sometimes call these campaigns “anti-white propaganda”. Unfortunately for them, interracial advertising only works because the desire to go Black already exists and wants to be validated. We can only hope these valiant corporate efforts will encourage many young women to finally live and do what they’ve been dreaming about for so long!

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This is great black to white propaganda. Many companys makes a great jobb for tve mixed future