Flowers - Very Sexy.

jeff & christy

Gold Member
After our 6th chilkd recently, I have been anxious to get back in the swing of the sport.

I was in a hotel room in Atlanta's Buckhead area visiting a gentleman friend this past Tuesday. It was around breakfast time - but we were "sleeping in." By that I mean, he had woken up quite "full of himself" and wanted to give me a better showing than the night before. I have worked very hard since March to get back in shape, but I am still somewhat out of shape, sensitive and very much in the motherly way. I was sweaty, wet, messy and lactating a little.

There was a knock at the door. My man got up and wrapped a towel around himself, as best he could, and answered the door. A young man asked for me by name, and my man came and got me out of bed by my arm so there would be no discussion. He knew what it was, but I didn't. I didn't get a towel in this deal.

They were flowers - from my husband - the young man announced. I was blushing like I was going to *******. The only thing I could hide behind were the roses, so I took them with some feeble excuse I only partly remember - assuring the young man they were from my husband. I scooted back into the room and set the roses down, giving them a couple of sniffs before my man had me on the way to the bed again. I felt like the biggest whore in Atlanta! I'm back!

Flowers are ALWAYS a good idea!