The pandemic has been a consideration... but not nearly as much as it is to other people. My lover lives pretty close to my husband and I, and I know that he isn’t going out or doing much of anything during the lockdown, so we have felt comfortable having him over.
That’s very good for you both. During these times having someone to interact with is important for mental and physical health.
My wife and I had been doing into interracial swinging for a while. I loved watching her make it with black guys, and she enjoyed the freedom to explore her sexuality. After seeing several guys she met one she liked, and started seeing him exclusively. They saw one another one a week or so, and she even went out on dates wit him. One weekend we were together with him, and while they were making it the condom broke. I thought they’d stop, but they kept going and cummed inside of her. She loved it. After he left we talked about it, and she apologized to me and said it was a heat of the moment thing. She was on the pill so I figured it was safe, but the next time she got with him he got her to go bare from the start which was both scary but also erotic. Afterward we talked about it, and I told her that so long as she was on BC I was okay with her making it bare and that I’d stand by her no matter what. She assured me that the last thing she’d want was another baby, biracial or otherwise.

About five months after that she told me she was pregnant. She wasn’t 100% sure whose baby it was, but was pretty sure it was her lover’s baby because I’d been away on business for several weeks and she’d slept with him several times. She assured me that it wasn’t intentional if it was his baby, that it’d been a fluke. told her boyfriend, and he said he was gonna stand by her, too. I was stunned, and wasn’t sure how to proceed but after talking about it we decided to go through with the pregnancy. Her boyfriend also assured here that he would be there to support her if the baby was his. Sure enough, her baby was biracial.

After she gave birth (we told our family that it was in vitro due to my having been stricken by a low sperm count) her boyfriend came around a lot. That was weird for me, because they did things (her, her lover and their baby) together. They even went away together a few times but as time went on he came around less and less. Now, he hardly comes around at all and they haven’t had sex in over a year.

Now her baby is my responsibility, though he does send money. I can’t help but wonder if my wife wanted to get pregnant or if it is like she says, an accidental pregnancy? She swears it was, and I stopped asking, but I suppose I’ll always wonder. I write this as a cautionary tale because it’s erotic to think about but you may wind up in a situation that you from which you can’t easily escape without causing major emotional damage to those you love.
I would be happy just to be part of it