Black men, why don't you marry a white woman?

Why black men don’t marry white women

  • Cultural differences

    Votes: 71 24.6%
  • Lack of kinship/bond/lack of affinity

    Votes: 29 10.0%
  • Wanting full black ******* as opposed to mixed race *******

    Votes: 39 13.5%
  • Peer pressure from family/society to stick to black women

    Votes: 35 12.1%
  • Lack of access to the type of white women you want

    Votes: 54 18.7%
  • I never thought about marrying a white woman

    Votes: 26 9.0%
  • We are marrying white women!

    Votes: 82 28.4%
  • I’m just more attracted to my own race

    Votes: 32 11.1%
  • I don’t care about race, I care about love.

    Votes: 71 24.6%
  • The belief that white women only want black men for money

    Votes: 15 5.2%

  • Total voters
Tap dancing for these white folks , and these white folks dont give a ******* about you ...but your bbc. A fucking disgrace.
Don't have nothing to say about black women talking about black women huh?

Ok I tell you what then I will post the videos of the black women calling black men bullet bags, that all black men are broke and dusty, that we are all criminals, and calling for all black male babies to be deleted and see what you have to say?

So that's gonna be my next project is to show you and the rest of the simps and ******* husbands exactly what they think about you no matter what your social economic and legal status is!
Sheesh... That was uncomfortable. Lol. Not because the bulk of it was true. Because it SEEMS so desperately filled with self-hate. Just in case anybody's noticed. I do my very best not to get into any adversarial confrontations with Black people on this site...Or anywhere in fact (I'm trying right now by the way). We as "Family" have enough of that in general. But damn some of the things that were posted are just unnecessary on this platform... Particularly from a "Black man" ...? Again not because they're true...Because it SEEMS so pathologically "identity twisted." And just for the record I love my dad bod. I'm 56 strong and healthy There was a time in my life where I could have put most of these "Adonis" like characters to shame... In terms of musculature and definition... Looking like I just walked out of a "Pose Down Magazine" lost its appeal...Been there done that. "Life" took top priority. However I digress...LOL😉
I could see myself marrying a white woman. These last few years I only been dealing with white women and feels comfortable with them outside of sex. I shared secrets, laughed, hung out, been on vacations, and sometimes just laid in bed listening to jazz music with white women without any pushback or concerns. I can rock with a dope white woman that's mature and kind to me.
Don't have nothing to say about black women talking about black women huh?

Ok I tell you what then I will post the videos of the black women calling black men bullet bags, that all black men are broke and dusty, that we are all criminals, and calling for all black male babies to be deleted and see what you have to say?

So that's gonna be my next project is to show you and the rest of the simps and ******* husbands exactly what they think about you no matter what your social economic and legal status is!
Boom goes the Dynamite !!!!!
Don't have nothing to say about black women talking about black women huh?

Ok I tell you what then I will post the videos of the black women calling black men bullet bags, that all black men are broke and dusty, that we are all criminals, and calling for all black male babies to be deleted and see what you have to say?

So that's gonna be my next project is to show you and the rest of the simps and ******* husbands exactly what they think about you no matter what your social economic and legal status is!
Honestly, after I changed my life and became more professional I became invisible to black women. Last time I cold approach a black woman out here in California she went off on me and created a scene in public. Only thing I said was "Hey there, I'm (my name) and I find you attractive. I'd love to take you out someday" then she got loud, called me a creep, and her friends joined in on clowning me. This happened in a grocery store I always visit. I'm friends with a few black women through work and old jobs. They admitted they don't love black men and definitely don't want to see black men with white women. I didn't believe any of this until last month. This started a interest in me and that lead me to a YouTuber called Cynthia G. She's a black woman that sounds like a klansman and calls for all black women to abort their black sons. Come to find out this anti black male movement with black women been going on secretly for decades. After learning this and reflecting on all my interactions with black women I feel like I never been loved by black women as a black man. The only time I ever heard a group of people calling for black men to be wiped out we're by klansmen and black feminists on YouTube.
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Honestly, after I changed my life and became more professional I became invisible to black women. Last time I cold approach a black woman out here in California she went off on me and created a scene in public. Only thing I said was "Hey there, I'm (my name) and I find you attractive. I'd love to take you out someday" then she got loud, called me a creep, and her friends joined in on clowning me. This happened in a grocery store I always visit. I'm friends with a few black women through work and old jobs. They admitted they don't love black men and definitely don't want to see black men with white women. I didn't believe any of this until last month. This started a interest in me and that lead me to a YouTuber called Cynthia G. She's a black woman that sounds like a klansman and calls for all black women to abort their black sons. Come to find out this anti black male movement with black women been going on secretly for decades. After learning this and reflecting on all my interactions with black women I feel like I never been loved by black women as a black man. The only time I ever heard a group of people calling for black men to be wiped out we're by klansmen and black feminists on YouTube.
So she's racist ?
I rarely come across those brothers. But out here in California the sistas made it known they're not checking for black men until they're almost collecting social security checks.
Thankfully for the most part this is the only place I come in to contact with the "Black men" I describe. Additionally I'll make a note to stay off the West coast. Lol.😆
This supposed Christian virgin wanna be ghettogagger is still around??? Are you kidding me!

Only simp manginas and efeminine ******* husbands will listen to a ghettogagger say that she is to good to be around them, stay around them and even take her seriously! The sad part about it is that y'all are almost not wanted or welcome anywhere because everyone y'all are so is the drama!

I have never seen women eat cum of chicken before until a ghettogagger did it!
You’re a buck damcing, self hating loser. Why are you obsessed with how many men I’ve fucked and how am I a bed wench if I only mess with black men? And no I’m not a virgin you fucking creep but the fact you’re obsessed with my vagina is creepy.
You’re a buck damcing, self hating loser. Why are you obsessed with how many men I’ve fucked and how am I a bed wench if I only mess with black men? And no I’m not a virgin you fucking creep but the fact you’re obsessed with my vagina is creepy.
Nobody said bed wench nappy I said ghettogagger get it right!!! Learn how to read and spell before you talk to grown folks! Nobody is obsessed with a black womens vagina and there is plenty of data that says so! Let me show you!

According to the data released by all the major dating apps and websites guess who what demographic of women are the least successful and the least desired on all those apps and websites? They actually admitted that they hid the data for some time because it was so disparaging for a specific demographic!

According to the data released by all the major dating apps and websites guess what group of women attempted to date other races and were the least successful?

According to the data of the US Census Bureau which group of women in America:
.Are the most divorced?
.Are the most single in the country?
.Are the least likely to ever be paired?
.Have the most multiple baby daddy's?
.Have the most educated debt?
.Have the most consumer debt?
.Are the most obese women in America?
.Are at the top of the poverty list in America?
.Are the most evicted demographic in America?
.Has the highest STD rates next to the rainbow 🌈 community?

I will give you a hint nappy they look just like you! All of this is true and factual data and supposedly it's self hate when you speak the truth but only in the black community!
Stop spamming my thread with these videos you weirdo.
Your the weirdo who said you're too good to be here yet here you are nappy!

The little beta male simps and ******* husbands y'all always seem to attract to defend y'all plantation foolishness are weak looking like chewed bubble gum! They never have nothing to say about women who speaks the truth about women but when a man speak the truth he's self hating or he hates his mama! No the plantation is full of ignorance and foolishness and they are allergic to the truth!
This is video is clear evidence that shows you why there is a problem in the black community between men and women and who is the cause of that problem! Black women literally create their own white supremacists websites!

This video is from the UK and shows a Black Quean worshipping her own ancestors colonizer! This is proof that the slave and colonized mentality can be passed down and effect generations like a generational curse! Let's see how the Black Quean can explain this one?🤔

This video is from the UK and shows a Black Quean worshipping her own ancestors colonizer! This is proof that the slave and colonized mentality can be passed down and effect generations like a generational curse! Let's see how the Black Quean can explain this one?🤔

Appalled is an understatement for my reaction to that lady with the king. A friend showed me on vids from the queen's funeral how some black women queued for hours to say good bye to her. But, hey, there were some black men too, dressed in the Union Jack colors doing the same and looking really ...
There is a lot of true that has been said in this thread about the problem between black men and women. From my experience I can say this is bc black women don't believe in black men anymore. How could they? Our history is mostly tragic. yeah, there's been slavery among whites and among Africans, and so on, but we are still mentally slaves of that past. We have no revolution, no epic events to be proud of. Women are the weakest link all across the human species and they look at us and look at the white men and hey I get that. I only had one meaningful rel with a black woman and I've been a self-made man. I worked in consulting and made good money. Still, I felt I had to answer for Mrk Tyson, HL Wallace, and every single low-life showing up on the news. Our people, and women especially, are unable to think positively about the black community. Latino politicians have advanced more than black ones in the last 20 yrs. Their language is their religion and main cultural weapon. We've got our music, our idols, our sport heroes, but we put them under huge stress to prove themselves until they break. I dont' need that *******.
This is a spin off thread based on the other thread about why white women don’t marry black men. It seems like most of you don’t understand this basic fact- men are the gatekeepers of marriage not women. Men decide who they want to marry, men decide who they want to propose to.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex. But marriage? The power is in the men’s hands. If you feel like BM and WW aren’t getting married, you should be asking the men why.

So to the black men here, you enjoy fucking white women. But why aren’t you marrying them?
Because I'd prefer to marry a black woman if you want me to be honest and you know what ? I think most white women would prefer to marry a white man. So let's meet in the middle and have some fun. Also you are talking to black men. We are not playing the same game as white men. A lot of BM are not in an economic position to be able to get married, start a family, buy a house etc. So it's not as simple as it is for WM who have more doors open to them
Because I'd prefer to marry a black woman if you want me to be honest and you know what ? I think most white women would prefer to marry a white man. So let's meet in the middle and have some fun. Also you are talking to black men. We are not playing the same game as white men. A lot of BM are not in an economic position to be able to get married, start a family, buy a house etc. So it's not as simple as it is for WM who have more doors open to them
Honest and true. We’ve been a cuckold couple for most of our long and happy marriage. There’s more to marriage than sex. But these days there’s no reason a wife can’t enjoy a great sex life , and as far as we are concerned that means with black men, and have all the benefits of a ‘ conventional ‘ married life, with family, with a nice safe and supportive white guy.