Would you cheat with a bigger dick?

Cheating is the constant pain in the butt and mix of emotions. First it is kind of fun and naughty to do. I know that is bad to say. Second I do not know why as soon as you're with someone people seem to start coming out of the walls you want to sleep with or even just flirt with. Maybe it's a grass is greener on the other side thing or something like that. The big downside besides people getting hurt is the drama waiting in the background. I hate drama.

All in all my husband loves to play around and does not mind me doing so which keeps it fun and games like you said. If we woke up tomorrow and he said no more and that was that what would I do. I do love my husband and he is a good man so I think I would choose to respect his wishes and try to just keep it nice and kinky between the two of us and my toy box.
You sound like a good woman. You’re husband is a fortunate man. He chose well.
So you’d easily and casually betray this man that you “love” for selfish reasons? That makes you dirt. At least have some honor and respect for the person you “love” and tell him I can’t do that. Sometimes there are only bad choices in life. Doesn’t give you the right to betray.

yeah but in this lifestyle you can do what you want because lust and justification means everything. Who cares about loyalty.
Once you get a taste of BBC - nothing matters
I have a bit of knowledge on this topic, Back during a time in my life when I had weekdays off, I placed ads on the web for dates and mentioned some kink that I enjoyed. I was 100% honest about my looks, height, weight (not slender) and modest endowment. I ended up meeting several married ladies quite quickly. The sex was all over the place and usually hot; everyone had something they were looking for. Most of the time, we were making out in my car or hers in less than 5 minutes after meeting in a safe location for her. I could write a book, but getting around to this thread, not one of theses women criticized or seemed concerned about my endowment. The key thing for them was the quality of a guys erection and a few of them said so directly. One lady told me that a large cock is eye candy and has nothing to do with good sex, she was turned by a hard as steel erection and a nice load. By the way NO ONE every mentioned a condom and I never used one. My ad said I had a vasectomy and we never discussed 'safe sex.'
As for cheating, their stories were remarkably similar to the lady who stared this thread. Their husbands were sexless, more interested in golf or other hobbies. Most said they had propositioned their husbands to try new things such as swinging, nudist venues/cruises, slutty attire etc. and all of these guys turned their backs. The women liked sex, were horny and chose to do something about it. Less one or two, they all enjoyed being touched/groped in public and open mouth kissing in public places.
One woman wanted a threesome for her second date with me, so I arranged for another gent to join us and she was so happy that she even showed up with a broken leg in a cast. This lady is the only one that I recall who never propositioned her husband for more sex (adventures) because she was physically afraid of him.