White people adopting African American babies

as most of you probably know, Jep and Jessica Robertson from the Duck Dynasty clan have adopted a handsome little black baby. Also I know a few couples that have done this. I'm not saying that it's wrong. Matter of fact I think if a couple can give a baby, no matter what race a loving home is a great idea.

The thing I've noticed on some of the Facebook comments about the robertsons is some black people are against white couples adopting black children. The main reason is usually because they supposedly can't teach them about their heritage or how to be black.

I was just wondering what some of your opinions are on the matter. Thanks!!
some black people are against white couples adopting black children. The main reason is usually because they supposedly can't teach them about their heritage or how to be black.
Its not necessarily what you teach them, as long as its factual, as it is HOW you teach them. I imagine that baby will still grow up curious and interested in its heritage, except it'll have a different attitude about it. Probably the best thing that could ever happen to it, and definitely beat the immediate alternative.
Brad Pitt & wife, Angela Joli, adopted several.
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I agree with the black people, that it's bad because you can't teach blackness like a black couple can. We are two different races.
True, but I believe love for a baby can overcome what they might not experience by being with a black family.
I know a couple who actually adopted a baby from Africa. If they hadn't, the little one would probably spent her adolescent years in an orphanage. I don't see the problem

That IS better than being in an orphanage and in that, it's a good thing but it's still not the best situation.
Blackness? What is blackness?! Because as a black man black culture is not genetic or inheritant no more than white culture, hispanic or any culture for that matter. And just like any culture their are pros and cons and various forms of subcultures within the cultures. Blackness in all do respect doesnt make sense to me because there are different kinds of black culture; like jamaican culture, haitian culture, nigerian culture. I assure you these cultures a vastly different if you ask a black american from baltimore and a ghanian black african. Same applies to irish and german cultures, the only common denominator is that their of the same skin culture. This blackness is really no where near as important as raising a decent human being, and that doesnt require blackness or whiteness.
P.s. we need to stop saying different races bc if you ask a geneticist or an human anthropologist you will drive them nuts! Saying that you and I are different is making the argument that less than one precent of what makes a human being account for the remaining billions of genetic bits of information. Its moot point. It only reinforces prejudices and misguided beliefs
I disagree with it simply because... for the rich it seems like a "trendy" thing

there are a lot of ******* in this country that need homes!... spend some of that money on making laws easier to adopt here
we need to stop saying different races bc if you ask a geneticist or an human anthropologist you will drive them nuts!
What reason(s) do you give for there being disproportionate numbers of black athletes in basketball & football compared to white athletes? Do you feel, on average, that the white athlete in those sports is as equal as the black athletes? Regarding race, if genetics is a good thing in some cases, can it not also be a bad thing in other cases?
Very good question macnfries. It really comes down to opportunity and what has happened to the Black American pysche more than anything. Though we are not incarecated physically we are incarecated mentally. We have to talk about the environment young black men are raised in, we have to talk about the social construct and criminal justice system that is unfavorable for black youth to make upward mobility. Look at our schools, virtually every public shool in the inner city is under siege by state and federal cuts. Our neighborhoods lack the means to develop a economic stronghold to create businesses and jobs, and this consequentially limits our options to pursue the american dream. Not to mention 1 out of 6 households lack parental guidance, 1 out of 4 young black men will be arrested; and when arrested are 10 times more likely to be charged and convicted with jail time than their white counterparts. This further disenfranchises young black men with jobs and even having a voice in the political discourse due to felons not being allowed to vote. This deliberate systematic racist agenda has ****** young black men to inadvertently adapt to societal constraints in order to not only survive but succeed. Since public schools are huds of disastrous failed policies science and math let alone preparation for college is not emphasized at the schools or at home because in some instances the parents even if present either did not finish high school or did not attend a higher educational institution. Hence athletics come into play, on every blacktop with a milk crate for a rim to every empty parking lot next to a abandoned building playing tackle football, you will see a arms race of speed, agility and tenancity not seen in many other facets of american society. You may see aggression and toughness but what is actually happening is desperation, urgency, a form of darwinism of that yields the talent we see. Not to mention college recruiters and even professional sport teams have candidly said they are seeking young black men to be tagged franchise players or big names even at the collegiate level.
The idea that we are more athletically gifted has a double meaning if we were to truly lean into that argument. Lets say we are genetically far more gifted than other people of color; going on this theory if would show that we are deficient in the advamcements of science or other subjects deemed intellectually challenging. This idea has been broadcasted before by a rush lumbargh but hes rush lumbargh fuck that guy lol. Anyway, the answer in my opinion is purely circumstantial and environmental not genetics or science. There are way to many variables to conclude that we are superior even music or entertainment, james brown, michael jackson were revolutionary but so was beethoven and mozart. Another point I failed to make mention earlier and this will end my mindless ramble, havent you noticed the media and sports media especially put more emphasis on black athletes, think about? We have accomplished black men and women in other subjects besides sports but hardly any coverage is brought to light. We know more about serene williams than loretta lynch who is head of the department of justice, which is a pretty fucking important job, or a lebron james instead of neil de grasse tyson.
What reason(s) do you give for there being disproportionate numbers of black athletes in basketball & football compared to white athletes? Do you feel, on average, that the white athlete in those sports is as equal as the black athletes? Regarding race, if genetics is a good thing in some cases, can it not also be a bad thing in other cases?

As far as sports...it's a socio-economic thing, NOT physical! Notice you don't see many ( ONE) black golfer, hardly any black tennis players, NO black race car drivers, very few black MMA fighters....why?? Training in these takes money! Boxing, football, baseball, basketball....these are inner city sports that anybody can afford to play! If you don't have money for equipment, the school you're playing for will pay for it!
It takes talent to be as good as Serena Williams but Loretta Lynch is just lucky to be in the right place at the right time. No brains, no talent. She's just " Window Dressing". It looks good to put her in that postion.
Really kevin? Going to harvard law school is window dressing. Becoming the top law enforcer in the country required brains?! Her mom being a coal miner and ******* a baptist preacher obtaining a grade school education not to mention grew up in the improvished segregated south; overcoming tremendous odds of racism and sexism to be elected a prosecutor, to eventually become attorney general of the eastern district of new york did not require talent? What r u saying kevin? That their isnt such thing as intellectual talents? Stephen Hawkings as a theoritcal physicist or brillant eisentein who is the ******* of modern physics were not talented?
The exception proves the rule...how many out of how many make that kind of cut? See?
Kevin your proving my point...obivously very few obtain just a goal hence ruling out color or ethnicity, the reason why so many whites in the past were chosen as the u.s. attorney general esp white men were bc of the perception of people of color and esp women of color. Since the department of justice was created the office has never had a woman of color in office; the so called exception to the rule rules out the fallacy you have presented.
no he's black and he won't know as much about his culture and his character being raised by whites
Kevin with all due respect what are you talking about? Please read southjersey's rhetoric question again. Bc ultimately what he is saying like I said earlier, their is no such thing as race. Tell me where their is empirical data by any scientist in the field of genetics or biology who can say their is a fundamental differences between whites and blacks let alone other races. The entire scientific community is in agreeance that we originated from africa, and that over 100s of thousands of years human beings migrated to other continents and true to natures true fashion; we had to adapt to our surroundings. Your skin color is simply a result of ecological constraints hence why you have lighter skin. The evidence shows nothing about intellectual prowess bc virtually every so called race has made major contributions to humanity.
Otherwise being black is a human invention. Tell me kevin when we are born are we born knowing we are black or white or does society tell us? Just like judaism. There is no such thing as a jewish race. Anyone can covert to judaism; but bc there are jewish social, political institutions judaism is viewed as seperate. Same applies for other ethnicities