Wave of Migration to Europe

Most middle east countries have religion, beliefs and a way of life that don't match at all with the rest of civilization.
Especially Sweden.

Girls get ra*ed, beaten, killed. Bombs and shootings is now a daily occurrence here.
Gang violence, robbery and violent crimes have skyrocketed.

Yes many of them are honest hard working people. I know a few.
I know more that aren't that nice.

Skin color don't matter. What matters is your personality.
Being raised by violence and terrorist makes you a shitty person.

My 2 cents.
*Taking cover before all the accusations and stone throwing from people not living in reality 😀
When my family moved to the area where we now have a farm they had been indentured servants to wealthy land owners for two generations. Another three generations were needed to carve out the farm land from the bush and rocks. My great grand ******* both died at 45 and 51 old and broken their bodies used up. I can walk to their graves and we have their diaries. My grand ******* like his brothers fought for king and country in the First World War. My dad was too late to the game for the Second World War. Up until my dad all family members married locally. Other than going to war the travelled maybe 100 miles from home once in their lives.

Me I am different I have seen a good bit of the world mostly on the governments dime. They sent me to the worst you had better be armed to the teeth tourist locations. I have seen the results of ethnic cleaning and religious cleaning. I have been shot at a few times. However the only time I was truly afraid was in two times in the southern USA when I was sent there to help Clean Up after hurricane when the locals shot at us with semi and full auto rifles while cleaning the roads because they claimed we were escapees from a local jail.

Yes we are now and will continue to live in interesting times.

Don’t even get me started on politics.

Time to duck and cover.
You idiots don't understand basic biology. White women prefer Black men for sex, sex is for reproduction. We live in an era of contraception which denies that but on instinct it's for reproduction. White women prefer to reproduce with stronger males than weaker ones. White boys fall into the weaker camp in general and Black men fall into the stronger camp. This is basic biology/evolution. You lost.
Get some help, bro.
Simple demographics and news is enough, every one of you stands your ground post nut but when you're horny you want Black men to breed your white wives.
Both are props. You're a talking horse dildo as much as the women are human fleshlights.
If they control in the direction we want, why not haha
This is why you might wish to reconsider your response ....

It was a major embarrassment to Duke University, its entire Lacrosse team AND the citizens of Durham, NC and it lasted quite a while, falsely dragging several of the players on that team through the mud. Their season canceled, the coach fired, several players leaving the school.
And it was the local MEDIA that did it and other than finally admitting the falsifications after trial, chose not to apologize for what they did to that
I was THERE ... I recall every day of it. I'm not a Duke fan, but I live in Durham, and a avid ACC fan & like the Duke University sports programs.
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This is why you might wish to reconsider your response ....

It was a major embarrassment to Duke University, its entire Lacrosse team AND the citizens of Durham, NC and it lasted quite a while, falsely dragging several of the players on that team through the mud. Their season canceled, the coach fired, several players leaving the school.
And it was the local MEDIA that did it and other than finally admitting the falsifications after trial, chose not to apologize for what they did to that
I was THERE ... I recall every day of it. I'm not a Duke fan, but I live in Durham, and a avid ACC fan & like the Duke University sports programs.
Just like the Duke volleyball player false claim of hearing Brigham Young fans saying racist stuff to her. The Duke play never apologized and Dawn Staley South Carolina women's head basketball coach who cancelled games with BYU and never apologized or reinstated the games after 3 investigations revealed no racist crap was said.
Why because I'm right and you can't accept it?
I don't need to accept anything. You are the embarrassment here. Ask yourself why whites hide behind a lifestyle before dealing with you? They don't do this with other groups or nationalities. But it seems you are simply incapable of getting it. If you are happy to reduce yourself to be used as a private fuck a n i m,al, so white husbands can get off on you "ch i mping out" (whites use this expression. I'm just quoting) over their wives, then more power to you.
I don't need to accept anything. You are the embarrassment here. Ask yourself why whites hide behind a lifestyle before dealing with you? They don't do this with other groups or nationalities. But it seems you are simply incapable of getting it. If you are happy to reduce yourself to be used as a private fuck a n i m,al, so white husbands can get off on you "ch i mping out" (whites use this expression. I'm just quoting) over their wives, then more power to you.
No one is hiding behind ******* is a rapidly exploding lifestyle. White men are by default cucks aka choosing black men to fuck their wives. Sex is ab an act of reproduction so white men and women are choosing African genes over their own.