Alternate BWO History: Black takeover of the America

We are in early 21st century, and gender selection exists now, this is one of the tecnologies. the way to use would be to artificially create a 20+/1 white female to male ratio and, in your words, mandated breeding, white this time, to bolster the number of whites. My question was about the natural number of white births in a place with way more white females would be enough to avert crisis. In the BNWO universe created by Ken_50415 there is mandatory white births of exactly 2 per white female sans gender imbalance. If the BNWO in your universe would solve the numbers crisis, would be enough to just breed more white females to breed more whites.

The females would probably have more than just 2 white offspring. But I admit, creating a female biased gender ratio does sound more efficient.

My focus was more on the quality of the future white population and how well will they be able to serve and satisfy the black population. It’s more important to have new whites where the females are sexy and the males are submissive/productive workers.
The females would probably have more than just 2 white offspring. But I admit, creating a female biased gender ratio does sound more efficient.

My focus was more on the quality of the future white population and how well will they be able to serve and satisfy the black population. It’s more important to have new whites where the females are sexy and the males are submissive/productive workers.
The 20th century proved that a population can be propagandized quite easily, so the psychological aspect is moot. The physical aspect demands trial and error in many white wombs. That makes me think that the cap (1 or 2) is the number of mixed births so that white women have white chi**** at all (because propaganda makes them want black) and, in doing so, help in producing the desired quantity of whites.
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The 20th century proved that a population can be propagandized quite easily, so the psychological aspect is moot. The physical aspect demands trial and error in many white wombs. That makes me think that the cap (1 or 2) is the number of mixed births so that white women have white chi**** at all (because propaganda makes them want black) and, in doing so, help in producing the desired quality of whites.

You don’t need random trail and error to perform selective breeding. Population-wide genomic studies followed by gene editing can be used to understand lesson the amount of error.

You don’t even need white males to breed with white females when you can fertilize an egg with donor sperm. In Vitro fertilization is already a proven technology and can be made cheaper with mass utilization.

Just make sure enough cucks work on the above for 50 hours a week while black studs have some fun.
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Here is my alternate history that realistically could have been very possible:

1. Mid 1600's: European migration to North America is similar to our own history, but the importation of African Slaves was somewhat greater.

3. Late 1600's and early 1700's: The gradual increase in racism and prohibition of miscegenation laws occur as usual. Due to the higher Black population there was an increased amount of backlash to these new legislation, and a wave of hidden resentment began to seep collectively into the Black population over time.

4. Mid 18th century: The Cotton gin was invented and put into widespread use 40 years earlier, greatly increasing the revenue for the US colonies.

5. Late 18th century: Due to changes in economic circumstances and public opinion, Northern States did not abolish slavery. Black slaves took up the many positions in Northern factories and some gained valuable insight into manufacturing and industrial techniques. The Revolution and establishment of the US constitution proceeds as normal. Britain's ban on the Slave Trade was completely ineffective. The importation of black slaves continued in large quantities.

6. Early 19th century: Black slaves eventually consisted of 60% of the population in the South and 40% of the population in the North. This black majority took notes from the revolutions in Latin America and the Haitian revolution. The new leaders from these regions conspired for the slaves in the US to take the same course of action in secret by consulting the most capable free blacks that supported an overthrow.

7. Early-Mid 19th century:
Black conspirers discovered a significant gap in the ability for black and whites to wage a potential civil war due to how dependent the White population was on their slaves.

8. Mid 19th century: Emboldened by the events around them, the built up resentment, their high numbers, knowledge built up by industrial slaves in the North, the Black population went into open rebellion nationwide.

9. The hijacking of factories involves in weapons/munitions along with the seizure of most plantations in the South gave the Black revolutionaries a distinct advantage along with greater cohesion for their goal of freedom. Distribution networks once used to smuggle slaves are now use to transport vital wartime resources between different parts of the country. They are also aided by other Caribbean and Latin countries.

10. Within 7 years, the Black revolutionaries eventually gain full control of the US barring a few strongholds. This is where the 19th century NBWO begins:


11. The new Black American Nation implements new policies. Rather than mass slaughter, the vast majority of the white population is enslaved. Ports and borders around the countries are patrolled by black rangers to prevent whites from trying to flee.

12. Black plantation owners take up their respective roles in the South and reverse the racial roles, while in the North the Black population decides to keep the racial monopoly within the industry based on lessons learned from the war. White slaves are instead relegated to more other tasks such street cleaning, store assistants, and especially sex slaves.

13. Stories of the Black takeover in the US spreads gives many worldwide colonies controlled by Europe hope while also spreading fear into Europeans. Widespread anti European colonial attitudes grow rapidly worldwide.

14. Late 19th century: The Black American Nation grows political ties to the newly emerging East Asian nations. They collaborate to abolish all European colonies and to end all European colonial influence. The Boxer Rebellion is successful in China and Japan industrializes at an even faster rate. Development also occurs in Korea and former French Indochina (Vietnam). Progress then shifts to end British rule in India and to liberate all existing African colonies. The Ottoman Empire resists fragmentation. A near worldwide alliance strips Europe of virtually all it's colonies across the world.

15. Early 20th century: To combat the rapidly decreasing white population, many black slaveowners start selectively breeding whites. Over time, the role of white slaves becomes more and more focused on sexual slavery for both females and males.

16. With most European Nations severally weakened and plagued by infighting: The Black American Nation launches frequent raids in Europe to capture more white slaves.

17. Mid 20th century: Emboldened, the Black American Nation, newly liberated African empires, Eastern Empires, and the Islamic Caliphates begin to reverse colonize Europe.

18. Un nuovo rinascimento nero si verifica nella nazione nera americana: la cultura, la religione e l'ideologia europee precedenti sono sostituite da un nuovo folklore africano neopagano. Questa nuova religione e cultura è suprematista nera, afro-centrica e sex positive.

19. Fine del 20 ° secolo: l'America è un posto completamente diverso da quello che è nel nostro mondo. Le più grandi distinzioni sarebbero la morale sessuale e le dinamiche razziali. La società è dominata dai neri e i bianchi hanno valori suprematisti neri instillati in loro nel momento in cui nascono. Le ragazze bianche bramano apertamente la BBC, e i ragazzi bianchi sono di solito femminucce orgogliose a cui piace guardare le ragazze bianche farsi scopare da uomini neri muscolosi o avere un po 'della BBC per se stessi. Il ruolo dei bianchi in questa società per servire la razza nera e fornire loro conforto e piacere. Ci si aspetta che gli schiavi bianchi mantengano un fisico desiderabile per i loro padroni.

20. Inizio del 21 ° secolo: Con la popolazione bianca in pericolo critico in tutto il mondo, le nazioni nere americane iniziano un massiccio progetto per salvare il poco che rimane dellapopolazione europea prima che sia troppo tardi. Molti altri bianchi purosangue vengono catturati e trasferiti nella nazione nera americana, a volte creando conflitti con altri imperi che occupano l'Europa. Viene intrapreso un grande progetto per creare un enorme archivio del genoma delle varie popolazioni europee bianche. Per ogni razza designata viene sviluppato uno stock riproduttivo purosangue composto da circa 10.000 a 100.000 bianchi: anglosassone, teutonico, celtico, gallico, frisone, iberico, scandinavo, fenno-ugro, slavo, italiano, greco e varie altre razze.

21. Mid-Late 21st century (future): Mentre la Black American Nation progredisce nel futuro, la trasformazione da una cultura eurocentrica a una prospettiva afrocentrica neopagana è completa. Lungi dall'essere un'utopia perfetta, la nazione nera americana è la più prospera del mondo. Aiutati dall'automazione, i cittadini e gli schiavi di questa nuova società in generale sono orgogliosi della loro nazione e vivono vite felici che sono edonistiche ma appaganti. I progressi tecnologici progrediscono a un ritmo tipico. La popolazione bianca aumenta drammaticamente nella Black American Nation grazie agli sforzi nazionali di allevamento, pur essendo ipersessuale e fedele alla supremazia nera. Questa nuova popolazione bianca è incredibilmente attraente a causa dell'allevamento selettivo e di una piccola quantità di editing genetico, oltre a seguire le norme sociali che si aspettano che rimangano in forma fisica per il piacere dei loro tori neri.

22. 22 ° secolo (futuro): Sarebbe difficile per me descrivere tutti i cambiamenti che si sarebbero verificati in questo periodo. Per farla breve, laBlack American Nation inizia ad assomigliare a un proto Wakanda e inizia l'emergere di colonie spaziali NBWO.

Sentiti libero di continuare la storia per me nei commenti qui sotto o dare un feedback!

Le storie di Uchronia sono divertenti ma non cambiano la realtà.
Più interessante, a mio avviso, è sottolineare che alcuni veggenti spirituali europei predicevano, già 80 anni fa, l'avvento al potere dei neri negli USA: e sembra che ciò avverrà tra la prima (attuale) e la seconda fase della guerra contro la Russia.
I agree with everything save the conclusion.

Of course I support White subjugation and dispossession and enslavement but c'mon.
Of course I feel sorry for being White.


Come on.....

This is not a realistic conclusion, we all know that Blacks are too stupid to build a Wakanda.

What would happen is an Indian Caste system, reduced to pre-feudal levels.
You would have non-whites on the they increasingly are not in society anyways.

But Blacks would never be able to build Wakanda. Most of them can't even keep their city street lights on, even with all the subsidies and privileges we grant them.
lol... theyd turn it into africa in one year hehe
lol... theyd turn it into africa in one year hehe
It would
It’s the job of the white cucks to maintain civilization in order to serve the Black Bulls so that they don’t have to worry about all the boring nerdy stuff. Once they reach a certain level of productivity each week they can spend the rest of the time either watching snowbunnies get bred by BBC or get bred themselves.