Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Chris Wallace Struggled to Rein In an Unruly Trump at First Debate

On the eve of Tuesday night’s presidential debate, Chris Wallace of Fox News declared his goal as the evening’s moderator: “My job is to be as invisible as possible.”

With a pugilistic President Trump relentlessly interrupting his opponent, Joseph R. Biden Jr., Mr. Wallace struggled to keep the proceedings coherent, reduced at times to pleading with the president to pause and allow the Democratic presidential nominee to speak.

“Mr. President, I am the moderator of this debate, and I would like you to let me ask my question and then you can answer it,” Mr. Wallace, sounding more headmaster than moderator, instructed Mr. Trump early on. (Mr. Trump, the headstrong pupil, did not accede.)

Known for his sharp interrogations of political figures, Mr. Wallace — the veteran Fox News anchor who at 72 was the youngest of the three men onstage — succeeded in keeping Mr. Trump more or less in check during his first go-round as moderator four years ago, when pundits declared him a clear winner of the night.

On Tuesday, Mr. Wallace was facing harsher notices, as viewers assessed his performance on social media. “Moderate this debate — now,” Michael Beschloss, the presidential historian, demanded on Twitter 15 minutes in.

Mr. Trump did not make it easy. In a brute-******* style, the president flouted the agreed-upon ground rules and refused to allow Mr. Biden his two minutes to respond to questions, leaving Mr. Wallace yelping at one point, “Let him answer!”

Not satisfied with merely speaking over his Democratic opponent, Mr. Trump took aim at the moderator, too. “I guess I’m debating you, not him, but that’s OK, I’m not surprised,” Mr. Trump said after one Wallace query he disliked.

The debate had no breaks. But at the midway point, perhaps sensing that Mr. Trump was threatening to steamroller the event, Mr. Wallace did something unusual for a presidential moderator: He effectively called the debate to a temporary halt.

“The country would be better served if we allowed both people to speak with fewer interruptions,” Mr. Wallace said, directly asking Mr. Trump to yield a higher civic ideal. “I’m appealing to you, sir, to do it.”

“And him, too?” the president replied defiantly, nodding at Mr. Biden.

“Well, frankly, you’ve been doing more interrupting,” Mr. Wallace replied.

With Cross Talk, Lies and Mockery, Trump Tramples Decorum in Debate With Biden

WASHINGTON — The first presidential debate between President Trump and Joseph R. Biden Jr. unraveled into a rhetorical melee Tuesday, as Mr. Trump hectored and interrupted Mr. Biden nearly every time he spoke and the former vice president denounced the president as a “clown” and told him to “shut up.”

In a chaotic, 90-minute back-and-forth, the two major party nominees expressed a level of acrid contempt for each other unheard-of in modern American politics.

Mr. Trump, trailing in the polls and urgently hoping to revive his campaign, was plainly attempting to be the aggressor. But he interjected so insistently that Mr. Biden could scarcely answer the questions posed to him, forsing the moderator, Chris Wallace of Fox News, to repeatedly urge the president to let his opponent speak.

“Will you shut up, man?” Mr. Biden demanded of Mr. Trump at one point in obvious exasperation. “This is so unpresidential.”

Yet Mr. Biden also lobbed a series of bitingly personal attacks of his own.

“You’re the worst president America has ever had,” he said to Mr. Trump.

“In 47 months I’ve done more than you have in 47 years,” Mr. Trump shot back, referring to his rival’s career in Washington.

The president’s bulldozer-style tactics represented an extraordinary risk for an incumbent who’s trailing Mr. Biden because voters, including some who supported him in 2016, are so fatigued by his near-daily attacks and outbursts. Yet the former vice president veered between trying to ignore Mr. Trump by speaking directly into the camera to the voters, and giving in to temptation by hurling insults at the president. Mr. Biden called Mr. Trump a liar and a racist.

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Trump's jarring white supremacist moment launches an online furor

In a night marked by constant interruptions and blatant fact-fudging, it was a moment that sparked a separate online melee

Moderator Chris Wallace gave President Donald Trump an uninterrupted opportunity to condemn the nation's biggest domestic terrorist groups: white supremacists. Instead, Trump said they should “stand back and stand by.” What's more, he said, the violence in cities like Kenosha and Portland is a “left-wing problem, not a right-wing problem.”

Trump's comments triggered a debate offstage. The Proud Boys, an alt-right self-described “western chauvinist” group, seized the moment, clearly viewing it as a call to action. The group quickly turned his words into a logo that has been widely circulated on social media. On the right-wing social media site Parler, Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs said he took Trump’s words as a directive to “f--- them up.”

Others took a different stance: "'Stand back and stand by,'" Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to Be an Antiracist, tweeted, "The line of the night. What Donald J. Trump said to the greatest domestic terrorist threat of our time: White supremacists."

The president’s refusal to condemn white supremacists follows a summer of protest and civil unrest in response to police ******* and systemic racism. Millions of Americans have taken to the streets since May in the wake of the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, African-Americans who were killed by police and white civilian vigilantes. Trump has denounced these demonstrations and referred to organizations like Black Lives Matter as “a symbol of hate.”

During a section pegged as “race and violence in our cities,” — a conflation that raised eyebrows pre-debate — Trump didn’t address the issue of police reform. Instead, he doubled down on his claims that violence is rampant in Democratically-run cities — a Republican playbook aimed at stoking fear among white voters.

Joe Biden parried, arguing the president’s current FBI director Christopher Wray referred to Antifa as “more of an ideology or a movement” than a terror organization as Trump claimed.

Social justice organizations were quick to censure the president’s comments. Alicia Garza, co-founder of Black Lives Matter, told POLITICO the president’s willingness to villainize the movement and pivot to talking points on law and order are meant to distract voters from his larger shortcomings.

“There are protests happening in this country right now because of the lack of racial justice. But alongside those protests there is a campaign of racial terror,” she said. “Rather than focus on the issues at hand, rather than addressing and solving problems, this administration has done more to stoke fear, to stoke division, to create anxiety and frankly to leave a very complicated narrative that distracts us from the utter failures of this administration to deliver on the issues that most Americans care about.”

“At this point, no one should be surprised that Trump is at minimum sympathetic to the Proud Boys and other White supremacists,” said Rashad Robinson, president of Color of Change. “It’s not just his words but his actions, through policy and practice, which have been enabled by so many that will pretend to be outraged or surprised.”

Jessica Byrd, an organizer with the Movement for Black Lives and leader of the Frontline project, which aims to galvanize voters ahead of the November election, issued a statement calling Trump’s refusal to condemn the Proud Boys “a stark insult” to Black Americans.

“His callousness toward millions of Americans and complete disregard for the systemic injustices our communities face is more than enough proof for why we must come together to vote him out of office,” she continued. “Another four years of Trump means another four years of shameless white nationalism and fascism. Our democracy cannot survive that.”

White supremacist groups have been cited by the State Department as one of the chief threats to national security. According to findings from an early September document shared with POLITICO from the Department of Homeland Security, white supremacist groups were listed above foreign terrorists in terms of immediate danger to the country.

Miles Taylor, a former Trump appointee who served as Chief of Staff to Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, said during an interview on CNN Tuesday night that the president’s refusal to criticize the Proud Boys is “disqualifying from the presidency.”

“I helped run the department responsible for thwarting terrorist threats to Americans,” Taylor said. “I'm sad to say a U.S. President is winking and nodding at violent groups that threaten American lives and our way of life.”

Fact check: Trump unleashes avalanche of repeat lies at first presidential debate

The first 2020 presidential debate Tuesday night in Cleveland featured an avalanche of lies from President Donald Trump -- while Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was largely accurate in his statements, though he did make some false or misleading claims.

There were times, particularly during the conclusion of the debate, when almost every comment from Trump was inaccurate. Most of his false claims were ones he's made before and which have been repeatedly fact-checked and found to be false, rather than one-time slips or gaffes.

Fox News's Chris Wallace moderated the debate, which covered both candidates' records as well as the Supreme Court vacancy, Covid-19, the economy, the recent racial justice protests across the country and questions about the integrity of the upcoming election.

Trump was like a wild beast’

What on earth did America just see Tuesday night?

After last night’s presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, things were different. Asked what the most important moment of the debate was, our contributors hesitated … and as the answers began to trickle in, they felt as much like a verdict on American democracy than commentary on the 90-minute political slugfest they’d just seen. Across the political spectrum, the reactions echoed almost eerily: “It’s chaos. It’s anger.” “Undignified, unpresidential.” “Not since the Cuyahoga River caught on fire...” “A total disaster.” “A dumpster fire on steroids.” “No strategy, just ******* and eat.”

Many found it nearly impossible to extract real policy insights about the candidates from the rolling scrum of interruption and personal attacks. But it wasn’t hard to pinpoint a list of norm-shattering moments: a sitting president who balked at considering the election fair, invited a white-power group to “stand back and stand by,” and ran roughshod over time limits, the moderator and his opponent’s attempts to speak.

So what did all that mean? For people who care about the wellbeing of civic society, nothing good. “It’s going to be an ugly sprint to Election Day,” wrote one. Here’s what they zeroed in on.

‘That was not a debate’

Jennifer Victor is a professor of political science at George Mason University, a co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Political Networks and a member of the board of directors of the nonprofit Center for Responsive Politics.

That was not a debate. The event was nearly impossible to follow because President Trump constantly interrupted the moderator and Joe Biden. In a functional democracy, political opponents respect one another’s right to participate in the political arena. This event had none of the characteristics of a structured event designed to engage political adversaries in a substantive exchange. Trump behaved like a bully or abuser who needed to control his environment. As the underdog incumbent who is behind in the polls, he came across as caged, mad and afraid.

Trump dominated the event with his bluster and helped to generate an unwatchable 90 minutes of television. It was closer to a choreographed professional wrestling event than a professional political event. Some of his supporters will have found the event entertaining and encouraging. Pathetically, the president encouraged white supremacy by directly responding to the moderator’s question on the topic by telling “Proud Boys” to “Stand down, and stand by,” which is what a leader says to his followers, not to people he’s denouncing. Democracy is in decline in America, and that was made clear at this event.

‘Biden had trouble defining himself outside of the “anti-law-and-order” framework that Trump boxed him into’

Douglas Schoen is a political analyst, campaign consultant and former adviser to President Bill Clinton.

Following the first presidential debate, the biggest takeaway of the night is that there were no surprises, and nothing happened that will change any attitudes, cause either candidate to gain or lose any votes, or persuade any undecided voters one way or the other. Though the debate was contentious, and at times became personal, it lacked any real or meaningful policy-oriented discussions between the two candidates that could change voters’ minds.

Indeed, on substance, the debate was entirely predictable. President Trump was weakest on the topic of the coronavirus, while Biden was the strongest in this area. The pandemic is a clear political vulnerability for the president, and, during the debate, Trump struggled to communicate a compelling case for his handling of the crisis. Trump also flailed and veered off topic when Biden attacked the president for his failure to lead on the pandemic, at one point calling Biden stupid and questioning his college record.

However, as the conversation shifted away from the coronavirus, Trump’s performance on substance slowly improved, whereas Biden’s slowly tapered off. On the issue of the economy, which followed the coronavirus segment, Trump improved from the prior discussion, and both candidates performed about evenly. And then by the time the conversation had evolved into a discussion of race relations and law-and-order, Trump was in complete command of the discussion, and this was a clear weak point for the former vice president. Indeed, Biden had trouble defining himself outside of the “anti-law-and-order” framework that Trump boxed him into, and he struggled to respond to Trump’s attacks on violence and riots in Democratic-led cities.

‘Biden was, to whatever degree possible, the calm to Trump’s chaos’

Alex Castellanos is a Republican strategist, a founder of Purple Strategies and a political analyst for ABC News.

Apparently, I tuned into the wrong debate. I saw children debating, interrupting, calling each other names, never listening to dad. But Joe Biden acted as if he were a few years older than Donald Trump. Biden looked into the camera and spoke calmly and directly to voters. He often shook his avuncular head and smiled in response to Trump’s attacks. He gave as good as he got in exchanges with the heavyweight champ, demonstrating he also had presidential strength. He didn’t show up in his WWI uniform, and he spoke clearly, with only a few stumbles, passing the mental agility test. Biden was, to whatever degree possible, the calm to Trump’s chaos. Trump was Trump, the alpha-predator in the political jungle. No strategy, just ******* and eat.

That’s what scares the handful of swing voters America still has left. If anything changed because of this debate, it won’t be to help Donald Trump. And now he will lose the post-debate Nascar race: For the next week, the media will replay Biden’s smooth laps and Trump’s car crashes. Trump needed to show calm strength, not chaotic muscle tonight. He didn’t do it. We should all hire Trump’s accountants because we are closer than we were yesterday to President Biden raising our taxes.

‘Not since the Cuyahoga River caught on fire has Cleveland witnessed such a spectacular auto-da-fé’

Jacob Heilbrunn is editor of the National Interest.

Donald Trump did it again. His latest accomplishment was to smash another venerable institution on Tuesday evening. Not since the Cuyahoga River caught on fire has Cleveland witnessed such a spectacular auto-da-fé. Trump torched not only the debates but his own presidential aspirations. His defiant refusal to condemn white supremacy and to abjure violence in the aftermath of the election, not to mention his petulant sneering, played into Joe Biden’s hands. Does Trump take pride in the Proud Boys? It would seem so.

Biden shrewdly allowed Trump, a walking repository of what Shakespeare called “the insolence of office,” to fulminate to his heart’s desire. Trump indicted himself. Biden never lost his composure. Trump never had it in the first place. Biden barely attempted to address Trump other than to suggest that he golfs rather than governs. Instead, he followed the old debating principle of trying to persuade the audience, not your opponent. Game, set and match to Biden.

‘It was the most undignified, unpresidential presidential debate in the history of the country’

Michelle Bernard is a political analyst, lawyer, author and president and CEO of the Bernard Center for Women, Politics & Public Policy.

It was the most undignified, unpresidential presidential debate in the history of the country. The moderator appeared impotent in his ability to wrangle and control of Trump and, at times, Biden. Trump was like a wild beast, relentlessly charging his opponent and the moderator. In between lies, name calling and dog whistling, he told the world all we needed to know about him: He is not the president of all Americans. He is the president of those who would deny American women the right to choose. He is the president of those who would deny health care to millions of Americans. He is the president of those who equate democratic norms with socialism. He is the president of those who don’t believe in science. He is the president of those who believe that those who died in war are “losers” and “suckers.” And, he is the president of those who refuse to condemn white supremacists, who refuse to say that Black lives matter, and who believe that the killing of unarmed black women and men under the guise of “law and order” is an act of patriotism.

After tonight, the American people may very well declare, “A pox on presidential debates! Give me Biden or give me Netflix.”

‘It’s going to be an ugly sprint to Election Day’

Michael Starr Hopkins is a Democratic strategist who has served on the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Delaney.

If aliens came down to take over the world and watched the president’s performance tonight, they would deem us not worthy of their efforts. Vice President Joe Biden attempted to make his case to be the next president of the United States, but he was constantly interrupted. In spite of that, Biden looked like a steady hand: He showed the type of energy and vigor needed to tolerate the constant interruptions and attacks, while also managing to push back against the president’s lies. Biden’s response on the issue of Covid will play well with Americans scared of what the future holds.

Conversely, the president spoke directly to his base and failed to show any empathy or leadership. Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, you can’t be proud of the president’s performance. Trump acted like a baby flailing in the deep end of the pool. No one won the first presidential debate. It just confirmed what we all already knew: It’s going to be an ugly sprint to Election Day.

‘It’s chaos. It’s anger. It’s not following the rules’

Sophia A. Nelson is an American author, political strategist, opinion writer and former House Republican Committee counsel.

The most profound line of the night for me was when Vice President Biden was talking about the staggering U.S. death toll due to Covid-19 and he looked Trump in the face and said, “It is what it is. Because you are who you are.”

That line summed up the entire debate—and the state of our nation under Donald Trump’s leadership. It’s chaos. It’s anger. It’s not following the rules. It’s violence. It’s bullying. It’s disrespect.

The debate was like nothing we have ever seen. It was an embarrassment to our citizens, and to our once glorious republic in the eyes of the world. Joe Biden won the debate because he conducted himself like a civilized statesman. Donald Trump was bad even for Donald Trump. Chris Wallace lost the debate as moderator because he lost control of the debate.

The question for all of us now is: Will there actually be other debates after tonight’s awful, awful horror show?

‘Maybe tonight Trump killed the tradition of presidential debates’

Bob Shrum is a former political strategist and the director of the Center for the Political Future at the University of Southern California.

Trump’s strategy is to turn the debates into a dumpster fire on steroids. He did nothing to win over the suburbs, college educated white women, seniors and people of color. He offered a base appeal to his base—and he can’t close the gap with that. The alienating character of his conduct was compounded by his answers and his fabrications. The white supremacist Proud Boys, he says, are supposed to “stand back and stand by” as the ballots are counted. They now appear to be using that as a slogan on their social media accounts. It was the lowest moment in the history of presidential debates.

The “Sleepy Joe” meme is over. Biden refused to be bullied, pushed back effectively, and was strong all the way through. Trump may not be toast yet, but he’s in the toaster. It’s been said that everything he touches dies, and maybe tonight he killed the tradition of presidential debates. I hope not. But two more of these debates in 2020 will only debase our democracy.

‘Donald Trump made substantive discussion of anything all but impossible’

Tom Nichols is professor at the U.S. Naval War College and author of The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why It Matters.

This was not a debate. It was a sustained attack on the American system of government by the President of the United States. There is nothing to comment on regarding policy; Donald Trump made substantive discussion of anything all but impossible. But Trump did make a few things clear: He takes no responsibility for the pandemic deaths that occurred on his watch, he refuses to condemn white supremacists, he wants his followers to engage in voter intimidation, and he intends to challenge any election result he doesn’t like. Any sense of decorum, any possibility that an election is a contest between Americans who want the best for the nation, went out the window as Trump railed—and lied, repeatedly—in desperation. Any reasonable viewing of this debate can only lead to two conclusions: One is that something is deeply wrong with Donald Trump, mentally and emotionally. The other is that the president will attack anyone and anything, that he will sacrifice any principle, ignore any norm, and even that he will violate any law that he thinks stands in the way of staying in office. Trump has brought a new disgrace upon his own country, and we should be horrified that our fellow citizens, our children, our allies—and especially our enemies—have now seen the United States brought low in a way few of us could have imagined possible even five years ago.

‘The moderator should have the power to cut off a candidate’s microphone’

Michael Kazin is a professor of history at Georgetown University and co-editor of Dissent. He is writing a history of the Democratic Party.

What happened Tuesday night was not a debate but a confirmation. Both Trump and Biden revealed what any American who has been paying attention to this campaign and this presidency and were honest with themselves already knew: Donald Trump is a narcissistic, insecure bully who is incapable of admitting even the slightest failure or displaying empathy ever to anyone. Joe Biden is a career politician of average intelligence who inspires hardly anyone but genuinely cares about individuals and a society in pain. Every answer—or rather every interruption and insult—just supplied more evidence of those realities.

But Trump came off worse because he could not play off an adoring crowd that would have cheered his belittling attacks. In struggling to dominate both Biden and the moderator, he looked and sounded like an aggressive boor whom few people would tolerate as a party or dinner guest.

One more thing we learned that should also be obvious: In the next two of these events, if they occur, the moderator should have the power to cut off a candidate’s microphone if he interrupts his rival. Otherwise, Americans should boycott the non-debates and read a book or find a playoff basketball or baseball game to watch instead.

‘The most significant thing that happened tonight was when millions of Americans just tuned out’

Charles Ellison is a political strategist and talk-radio host.

Joe Biden should consider not participating in the remaining debates—seriously. This was not productive. The most significant thing that happened tonight was probably at 9:30 PM, that moment a half-hour in when millions of Americans just tuned out and possibly changed the channel, too.

Tonight showed the American people that the current president has no interest in a productive and civil exchange on what his plan is for navigating the country through a crisis—should his attempt to suppress and steal the election succeed. He has no plan, and he’s not interested in one. The problem here is that I can’t really remember a thing Trump said the entire time. The president was actually talking all over himself the entire time. The most alarming points in this conversation that people will remember: 1) an American president still refusing to condemn white domestic terrorists and throwing out bizarre activation codes (“stand back, stand by” to the Proud Boys). And: 2) an American president so frightened of losing that he again suggested there would be widespread voter fraud.

There’s no both sides-ing tonight. We are by no means better off now than we were four years ago. The president may be underestimating how exhausted everyone is from this. People are dying, every crisis indicator is on red alert while the nation is in a tailspin—and the president is acting like a fool.

‘The debate made it clear that democracy is on the ballot in this election’

Jennifer Lawless is a professor of politics at the University of Virginia whose research focuses on political ambition, campaigns and elections, and media and politics.

The first presidential debate may very well not be remembered for anything other than chaos and Donald Trump’s complete and utter disrespect for his opponent, the moderator, and the Presidential Debate Commission’s rules. In some ways, that’s understandable. Trump’s interruptions, personal insults and basic refusal to comply with the format made it difficult for viewers to focus on the substance of the candidates’ answers. But that’s a shame, because the debate made it clear that democracy is on the ballot in this election.

Nearly every topic the candidates addressed offered them an opportunity either to embrace or eschew democratic values. Joe Biden chose to embrace them. He recognized systemic inequality and racial discrimination. He articulated that health care is a basic human right. He said he’d fight for a more equitable tax code. Trump, on the other hand, refused to condemn white supremacy, doubled down on the ills of racial sensitivity training, offered no health care plan and bragged about taking advantage of a tax code that benefits the rich.

Biden and Trump also offered very different views of democratic rule. Trump refused to say that he’d trust the results of the election or that he’d encourage his supporters to stay calm while the votes were being counted. Biden’s positions? The complete opposite.

Never before has the contrast between two presidential candidates—in their own words—been so stark. That’s because until Trump’s 2016 candidacy, promoting democratic values and democratic governance wasn’t controversial. The parties didn’t agree on the way to do it, but they espoused the same general goals. Democracy itself wasn’t up for debate.

Until tonight. As the debate concluded, a friend texted me, “Democracy was crying tonight. Not little tears like she stubbed her toe. But big sobs like she lost her teddy bear.” The two men vying to occupy the Oval Office have fundamentally different views about the importance of upholding the values and supporting the institutions that serve as the foundation of our democratic government. And if nothing else, at least the debate made that painstakingly clear to the American people.

‘It seems pretty clear that Trump intends to drag out the election until the last possible moment’

Alan Schroeder is a professor in the school of journalism at Northeastern University in Boston. Schroeder is the author of several books, including Presidential Debates: Risky Business on the Campaign Trail.

This debate will not dent Joe Biden's lead in the polls, and it will not help Donald Trump overcome his deficit. From the standpoint of substance, very little was offered—or at least very little managed to come through. Biden may not have been able to deliver a clear message amid the overall lunacy, but his performance should put to rest once and for all the stereotype of Sleepy Joe afraid to come out of his basement.

Perhaps the most vivid—not to mention menacing—exchange came at the very end, in the discussion of election integrity. It seems pretty clear that Trump intends to drag out the election until the last possible moment, to keep his reality show on the air as long as he can. If that exchange doesn't make voters sit up and take notice, nothing will.

Trump relied on the very instincts that pushes supporters away

Atima Omara is founder and principal strategist of Omara Strategy Group. Since 2016, she has been one of Virginia’s elected representatives to the Democratic National Committee.

Trump was supposed to try to use this debate to bring back the suburban white women voters and working class white women he’s been ******* from his support. Instead, he as usual relied on his dark instincts that pushed them away.

Trump appealed to white supremacists by refusing to denounce them, he made fun of Joe Biden’s ******* Hunter’s struggles with addiction, and he lied about voter fraud and refused to say he would concede the election if he lost. Biden had strong moments in which he turned Trump’s attack on Hunter’s struggles with addiction to a common struggle in many American households, and he hit on the urgency of the pandemic—both its deaths and the everyday difficulties it’s created, in childcare, employment and more.

‘His outright lies … won’t work on voters who have lived through four years of his failure’

Sean McElwee is a writer, data analyst and co-founder of the progressive think tank Data for Progress.

Much like Trump’s presidency, the debate was a total disaster. Trump couldn't offer a plan on health care or condemn white supremacists. Biden has been leading in the polls and performing strongly with non-college whites and religious whites where Democrats have struggled because voters don’t trust Trump to handle climate, coronavirus or racial justice. Nothing that happened tonight will change that, and the initial polling shows no evidence he's gained ground. His outright lies about his record (like the idea insulin is as cheap as water) simply won’t work on voters who have lived through four years of his failure. Even the Fox News moderator couldn't help but treat him like a baby.

‘A clear contrast’

L. Joy Williams is a political commentator and president of Brooklyn NAACP.

What we watched last night was a president who is solely focused on himself rather than the needs of the American people. In every section of the debate, from healthcare to the economy to climate change, President Trump showed an utter disrespect and callousness while Vice President Biden’s empathy and authentic connection to people demonstrated a clear contrast. Trump used a national stage to throw a violent racist organization a bone telling them to “stand down and stand by” and turned a discussion about racial injustice into the need for law and order, a regular dog whistle to appeal to voters who believe people of color are inherently criminal. Biden talked directly to the 200,000 families who lost a loved one to Covid-19, the millions who are concerned they would lose health care coverage if the Affordable Care Act is repealed and the families of those who served in the military.

‘Trump behaved much the same way as Biden in 2012, but it didn’t have the same effect’

Timothy P. Carney is commentary editor at the Washington Examiner and a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

Eight years ago in the vice presidential debate, Joe Biden had moderate success with his strategy of interrupting and insulting Paul Ryan. It partly worked for Biden because it was a deliberate strategy and it caught Ryan off-guard.

Tuesday night, Donald Trump behaved much the same way as Biden in 2012, but I don't think it had the same effect. For one thing, Biden was prepared for Trump's boorishness. For another, Trump's interruptions and irrelevant comments were not planned gibes; they were the incontinent blurtings of an angry old man.

‘It was not Biden’s best-ever debate performance, but he held his own’

John Neffinger is a speaker coach, lecturer on political communication at Georgetown University and Columbia Business School, former communications director of the Democratic National Committee and coauthor of Compelling People: The Hidden Qualities That Make Us Influential.

Unfortunately, I don't think this will be anywhere near the craziest thing the president does in the next six-plus weeks. Tonight he did next to nothing to make his case to the country or appeal to undecided swing voters. That's because he's not interested in competing in the usual democratic contest to win voters' allegiance. He is in power and he's trying to stay in power the way autocrats do: by leading always with rule-breaking dominance behavior, undermining institutions that could help constrain him—we can now add the Commission on Presidential Debates to that list—and creating the chaos he needs as a pretext for his "I alone can save you" authoritarian shtick. Tonight on live national television, after point-blank refusing to condemn white supremacy, he told a neo-fascist group to “stand by,” adding “Someone's gotta do something about antifa and the left.”

In light of that, the other most important thing that happened tonight was at the end, when Uncle Joe looked us all in the eye and said ignore all this scary smoke and mirrors stuff and just go vote. Because if we do, we can put this all behind us. It was not Biden’s best-ever debate performance (that's the Paul Ryan-Biden vice presidential debate in 2012), but he held his own when he had to, and the contrast could not be clearer.

‘It’s unlikely this debate changed many minds’

Alex Conant is a Republican strategist and partner at Firehouse Strategies.

Trump was in a catch 22—he needed to knock Biden off his game, but by interrupting constantly, he probably turned off the very voters he needs. It’s unlikely this debate changed many minds, which is always a de facto win for the front runner.

Biden landed punches in the first debate, but you'd barely notice because Trump doesn't fight fair
  • Joe Biden has talked about wishing he could have beaten President Donald Trump behind the high school gym. But he surprised to be in the room with an out of control bully.
  • Trump heckled, lied, and steamrolled Biden every time he tried to speak.
  • Biden got in some good shots, like calling the president "a liar," "a racist," and "the worst president we've ever had."

Maybe Biden’s strategy of punching back, but not too hard, will work in the end. But it’s a risky bet, because Trump’s not going to ever fight fair, and these are the last debates of his life.

'This clown' - 'Nothing smart about you': Un-presidential insults fly in first Trump-Biden debate

Reuters) - Interrupted repeatedly by President Donald Trump in their presidential debate on Tuesday, an exasperated Joe Biden resorted to insults and name-calling against an opponent who built his political career by coining belittling nicknames for his rivals.

You're the worst president America has ever had," Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, said during a back-and-forth on taxes.
The insults featured heavily during a chaotic encounter in which Trump often talked over Biden and moderator Chris Wallace. Biden's frustrations were frequently apparent.

Sad thing for Trump about the reviews ... Trump will see them as "compliments" to his ego and powerful "self" image. He needs to recognize himself as "in control" and the "most powerful" since he knows so little about the FACTS.
Does Instagram detected an unusual login attempt from Moscow (Троицкая башня) on your personal account? That is creepy...
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G.O.P. Alarmed by Trump’s Failure to Disavow the Proud Boys

President Trump’s refusal to condemn an extremist right-wing group in his first debate with Joseph R. Biden Jr. sent a shudder through the Republican Party at a critical moment in the 2020 campaign on Wednesday, as prominent lawmakers expressed unease about Mr. Trump’s conduct amid mounting fears that it could damage the party on Election Day.

to late party already damaged they just do not know it yet

It was the second time in two weeks that a collection of party leaders broke with Mr. Trump over behavior they regarded as beyond the pale. Last week, Republicans distanced themselves from Mr. Trump’s unwillingness to promise a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election.

Study Finds ‘Single Largest Driver’ of Coronavirus Misinformation: Trump

WASHINGTON — Of the flood of misinformation, conspiracy theories and falsehoods seeding the internet on the coronavirus, one common thread stands out: President Trump.

That is the conclusion of researchers at Cornell University who analyzed 38 million articles about the pandemic in English-language media around the world. Mentions of Mr. Trump made up nearly 38 percent of the overall “misinformation conversation,” making the president the largest driver of the “infodemic” — falsehoods involving the pandemic.

The study, to be released Thursday, is the first comprehensive examination of coronavirus misinformation in traditional and online media.

“The biggest surprise was that the president of the United States was the single largest driver of misinformation around Covid,” said Sarah Evanega, the director of the Cornell Alliance for Science and the study’s lead author. “That’s concerning in that there are real-world dire health implications.”

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