Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I‘m just a little curious, did you call your “Dear Don” before you replied. I humbly ask this simply because your response sounds so much “Don” like … if not … you surely hang onto his every word because your response is so much like what he said a few years ago about not apologizing, or was it asking for forgiveness, for anything because he ”never” did nothing wrong!
My response sounds like someone not allowing a weak minded strawman argument logical fallacy. I see you couldn't address the fact you got called out on your strawman, but deflected to attempts at insulting. Unsurprising.

Since you bring up apologizing and forgiveness, have you apologized and asked forgiveness from this forum for lying about your citizenship status yet?
MOST JOBS in Seven Months ... way better than Trump

Trade, transportation, utilities payrolls rose 138,000. Biggest gain since September 2020Manufacturing employment up 74,000. Largest advance since September 2020Construction payrolls climbed 62,000 in December, the most since June 2020Professional and business rose 130,000. Gain was largest since June 2020
• Service-provider employment rose by 669,000 in December, the most since June, led by leisure and hospitality.
• Payrolls at goods producers increased 138,000, the strongest since September 2020.
• Companies with more than 500 workers added 389,000, the most jobs since June 2020. Small businesses posted a gain of 204,000 in December, which was the most in six months.
You bragged of last month's jobs report....are you going to brag about Biden's performance on jobs this month???

just a bunch of whacko's trying to keep the virus alive and the rest of the world in a mask
Nah - bunch of guys trying to throw off the yoke of government oppression and have a good chance to succeed - everything moves by truck. Unless you’re wearin an N95 masks are useless and most experts now agree we’re ALL gonna get Covid so WTF !!!!!
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just more proof you are fucking nuts!
good example of how far this thread has gone off into lulu land..................fuck I don't even have the words to describe your stupidity

since you obviously have not a clue as to how things work....or even which way is up......bing...google and a couple others are just search engines to find what you are looking for..............bing to my knowledge has no news articles of thier own and i don't think google does either........they just take you to a place on the internet where there are articles on the subject you typed in........now i will admit ....with your brain stuck in the stupid mode and not having any idea how to look for a link....or even clik on a link.....leave the thinking to others so you don't hurt yourself!

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Typical Dem response to ANYFUCKINTHING they don’t wanna hear - your stupid - it’s laughable REALLY 😁
What really drives us crazy is the fact that you have offspring that will follow in your dumbass footsteps.
Hell, I have a dog smarter than you Trumptards.
Your definition of intelligence or lack there of leaves much to be desired - you people exhibit what you decry 🤨
Yeah ya say it over and over and over and over and over and over - still doesn’t make it true 😉
Says our village idiot, buttdlaod, who incessantly repeats everything like a belching parrot with a jerk-smirk. Dope. :devilish:


  • buttdload Belching Parrot.jpg
    buttdload Belching Parrot.jpg
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My response sounds like someone not allowing a weak minded strawman argument logical fallacy. I see you couldn't address the fact you got called out on your strawman, but deflected to attempts at insulting. Unsurprising.

Since you bring up apologizing and forgiveness, have you apologized and asked forgiveness from this forum for lying about your citizenship status yet?

Like universally ALL lefties they ignore having been caught in a lie - think it’ll just go away.
Pretty sure they think it’s ok to lie and misrepresent the facts because in their deranged minds it’s for “the greater good”.

• "He tried to prove fraud. He tried to get elections officials to act as if there had been fraud. And then he just tried to steal the election. And when that didn't work, he tried to burn the house down."
This is the BEST SUMMARY of the Donald Trump SHOW I've read yet ....
Curious - anyone else nervous about the Ukrainian Crisis ?

I feel like with Debacle Joe and his administration of cavorting dildo brains in charge only the worst can happen à la Afghanistan 😳

Actually Afghanistan prolly created this situation in the first place in my view.
You bragged of last month's jobs report.... are you going to brag about Biden's performance on jobs this month???
Probably, it's not the end of the month YET, fatboy, only the 2nd. I'll let you know at the end of the month. If the covid starts trending down as everyone is saying it will in the next couple months, you'll be amazed at the numbers you'll see. We fully expect the numbers to be rising dramatically as people quit fearing the work ******* and start returning to work in the summer. I'm sure the ReTHUGlicans will attempt to hijack the recovery as they always do ... this one as the mid-terms arrive and the details of Trump's "political coup" become clearer of Trump's direct involvement in it. Thing is, Trump just can't help running his big mouth, as if HE IS IN CONTROL ... he's not in control of anything but the ReThuglican party and they're starting to get really scared of him.

word_Silence5.jpg..................... words_AndTheHitsJustKeepOnCum.jpg
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