Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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That’s EXACTLY how I feel about the “squad” who the fuck would vote for those commies??????!!
on top of all your other flaws you can't fucking read!

they are NOT in the GOP.......they are fighting for america.....unlike the party of trump

you need to spend more time on that tractor out in the park..........your hate for the Dems has ruined that cheerful disposition.........oh wait.....you never had one
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on top of all your other flaws you can't fucking read!

they are NOT in the GOP.......they are fighting for america.....unlike the party of trump

you need to spend more time on that tractor out in the park..........your hate for the Dems has ruined that cheerful disposition.........oh wait.....you never had one

The “squad” fighting for America ?????!!

Give me a freaking break - so either you’re a Commie yourself or a Commie lover - no wonder ya talk about Russia so much 🤨
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Looks like ya can’t take a joke - too bad - I should be used to it Dems have NO sense of humor generally :{
We have not just humor, but we have much joy! I've tried to tell you politely that your corny ******* just ain't funny, clown.

P.S. After stating you only wanted the death penalty for Dems....then trying to play it off as a joke...you might think about dropping the 'mini guns' bullshit, implying everyone else wants to get violent.

It's not ignorant, idiot! There have been numerous articles printing that about right-wing groups interfering with BLM protests! How the fuck can you NOT KNOW that? Now, try and read the fucking link, okay?

READ the propaganda damn it !!!!
Proud Boys def attract racists just like BLM
You slipped up with this one, podnuh. The Proud Boys are by self definition, racist, intent on radically changing the structure of the U.S. It would be inaccurate and inappropriate to suggest that all white people are members or of the same thought. BLM is NOT the literal organization you right wingers try to define it as, frequently with the inaccurate moniker 'antifa' thrown in.

Point blank..... we get it that SOME of you are simply saying "the n***rs" did it, and others of you under appreciate the unspoken structure of the words you're using, the statements your making.

IMHO, it's getting riskier and more dangerous on my side of America to split hairs over who is who; the question of survival is infinitely more important.
The “squad” fighting for America ?????!!

Give me a freaking break - so either you’re a Commie yourself or a Commie lover - no wonder ya talk about Russia so much 🤨
we have covered this before....several times...........but anoither of your many flaws.....your short memory and your resistance to facts

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Dems panicking that maybe they won’t be able to keep killing babies 🤨
you act like a cunt.........but don't believe you are so you should have no say in it.............will say this part just once....i have said a bunch on it several times before.......

but you ******* a woman to have a c.hild she doesn't want..........what are the odds that c.hild will grow up loved.....or a ward of the state!...........and we all know the right cares not for anyone after birth.....we already have laws.....on limits and etc....it is all that is needed
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Looks like ya can’t take a joke - too bad - I should be used to it Dems have NO sense of humor generally :{
what?....we are ****** to laugh....alot.....at your posts and others on here.....they are so stupid we have to laugh

as for you.........I think this about sums it up........................I don't think you are as hardcore as you want others to think......more along the lines of a ******* stirrer

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