Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Proud Boys def attract racists just like BLM
Yes, Proud Boys definitely does, but BLM doesn't! The right-wing groups portray that false view because they are always at the BLM protests! I even saw them at one of the protests I was attending! Though, it is surprising though how none of the right-wing groups show up when we are doing our One Million Man march held in Washington, D.C.!!
Yes, Proud Boys definitely does, but BLM doesn't! The right-wing groups portray that false view because they are always at the BLM protests! I even saw them at one of the protests I was attending! Though, it is surprising though how none of the right-wing groups show up when we are doing our One Million Man march held in Washington, D.C.!!
That's ignorant but you are entitled to it
That's ignorant but you are entitled to it
It's not ignorant, idiot! There have been numerous articles printing that about right-wing groups interfering with BLM protests! How the fuck can you NOT KNOW that? Now, try and read the fucking link, okay?


If they ever get that lard ass orange blob in court....lot of judges love to deal with him​

Trump 'stoked' crowd on January 6 and should be held accountable, federal judge says​

Afederal judge suggested Wednesday that Donald Trump and others who spoke at the "Stop the Steal" rally on January 6 should be held accountable for the US Capitol riot that followed, saying the then-President "stoked" the crowd and "might've inspired what happened."

Though she did not refer to Trump by name, District Judge Amy Berman Jackson said during a sentencing for riot defendant Russell Peterson that the former President and other speakers at the Ellipse riled the crowd and "explicitly encouraged them to go to the Capitol and fight for one reason and one reason only -- to make sure the certification of the election didn't happen."

"There may be others who bear greater responsibility and should be held accountable," Jackson said to Peterson. "But this is not their day in court. It's yours."

Jackson joins the ranks of several federal judges in Washington who have sharply criticized Trump for his inflammatory speech at the January 6 rally, with one judge saying last month that rioters were "pawns" provoked into action.


Don't you just love it when a plan comes together​

GOP infighting just gets uglier​

House Republicans can't seem to stop fighting with each other, despite potentially being less than a year out from winning the majority in the 2022 midterm elections.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)

Just two weeks ago, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) urged Republicans to stop attacking each other after 13 moderate GOP lawmakers were marked as traitors by some of their conservative colleagues over their votes for the bipartisan infrastructure bill championed by President Biden.

McCarthy, the odds-on favorite to be the next Speaker if the GOP does win back the House next year, said his conference should focus instead on their opposition to Democrats' social spending and climate package.

Weeks later, conservative and ultraconservative lawmakers are again making headlines with schoolyard insults on Twitter.

The GOP drama on Tuesday was the nasty Twitter fight between Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), with Greene calling the swing-district lawmaker "trash" for condemning Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.). Mace fired back by using emojis to label Greene as "batshit crazy.

My only question......who in the fuck votes to send these people to washington?

is that the best they have?
Guess Susan Collins can start eating her own shorts now.....she put the SOB in there with a promise to not overturn ....but now...

Kavanaugh, who told Senate Roe v. Wade was ‘settled as precedent,' signals openness to overturning abortion decision​

Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh on Wednesday repeatedly indicated he would be open to overturning “settled law,” including Roe v. Wade, citing a long list of past Supreme Court cases that had been ruled against precedent


Don't you just love it when a plan comes together​

GOP infighting just gets uglier​

House Republicans can't seem to stop fighting with each other, despite potentially being less than a year out from winning the majority in the 2022 midterm elections.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)

Just two weeks ago, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) urged Republicans to stop attacking each other after 13 moderate GOP lawmakers were marked as traitors by some of their conservative colleagues over their votes for the bipartisan infrastructure bill championed by President Biden.

McCarthy, the odds-on favorite to be the next Speaker if the GOP does win back the House next year, said his conference should focus instead on their opposition to Democrats' social spending and climate package.

Weeks later, conservative and ultraconservative lawmakers are again making headlines with schoolyard insults on Twitter.

The GOP drama on Tuesday was the nasty Twitter fight between Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), with Greene calling the swing-district lawmaker "trash" for condemning Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.). Mace fired back by using emojis to label Greene as "batshit crazy.

My only question......who in the fuck votes to send these people to washington?

is that the best they have?

That’s EXACTLY how I feel about the “squad” who the fuck would vote for those commies??????!!
Guess Susan Collins can start eating her own shorts now.....she put the SOB in there with a promise to not overturn ....but now...

Kavanaugh, who told Senate Roe v. Wade was ‘settled as precedent,' signals openness to overturning abortion decision​

Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh on Wednesday repeatedly indicated he would be open to overturning “settled law,” including Roe v. Wade, citing a long list of past Supreme Court cases that had been ruled against precedent

Dems panicking that maybe they won’t be able to keep killing babies 🤨
Dems panicking that maybe they won’t be able to keep killing babies 🤨
Not so sure it's about politics because plenty of women on both sides are pissed off that the Supreme Court is evening hearing this case! I wonder if this is happening because many white folks are afraid of becoming the minority, which it will happen regardless!!

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