Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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and nothing new......trump was the first to claim credit for the Va. win

wonder what all those anti trump republicans in Va. thought of that....had he made a similar claim the night before things might have been different......the only way the right won is because they distanced them selves from trump.......

but then again just shows trump can not win anything...he is hated so much.......and the right in order to win has to run without trump

Both Democrats and Republicans mobilized their voters. More than 3.3 million Virginians showed up to vote, either early or on Election Day itself, a surprisingly strong turnout for an off-year election. Youngkin, making his first run for public office, won more votes than any of the 74 governors who came before him. Former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) won more than half a million more votes than he did in the 2013 race that he won.

Tuesday's results will have a thousand parents: President Biden's low approval ratings, lingering anger over restrictions imposed during the pandemic, a revival of the culture wars spurred by Republicans who made spurious claims about critical race theory in the classroom, and the traditional voter backlash against an incumbent president in his first year in office all played some role in Youngkin's victory and McAuliffe's defeat.

Former President Donald Trump, desperate to maintain his iron grip on the Republican Party, was among the first to claim credit for the red tide washing over the Old Dominion - even though his involvement, to Youngkin's relief, was limited to a a few phoned-in appearances.
and nothing new......trump was the first to claim credit for the Va. win

wonder what all those anti trump republicans in Va. thought of that....had he made a similar claim the night before things might have been different......the only way the right won is because they distanced them selves from trump.......

but then again just shows trump can not win anything...he is hated so much.......and the right in order to win has to run without trump

Both Democrats and Republicans mobilized their voters. More than 3.3 million Virginians showed up to vote, either early or on Election Day itself, a surprisingly strong turnout for an off-year election. Youngkin, making his first run for public office, won more votes than any of the 74 governors who came before him. Former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) won more than half a million more votes than he did in the 2013 race that he won.

Tuesday's results will have a thousand parents: President Biden's low approval ratings, lingering anger over restrictions imposed during the pandemic, a revival of the culture wars spurred by Republicans who made spurious claims about critical race theory in the classroom, and the traditional voter backlash against an incumbent president in his first year in office all played some role in Youngkin's victory and McAuliffe's defeat.

Former President Donald Trump, desperate to maintain his iron grip on the Republican Party, was among the first to claim credit for the red tide washing over the Old Dominion - even though his involvement, to Youngkin's relief, was limited to a a few phoned-in appearances.

I think McAuliffe lost cause he was a DOOFUS 😁
Sides I LIKED what Winsome had to say !!!!
you made your point about 15 posts ago.....the rest is just wasted posts gloating on something you have nothing to gloat about


so instead of your gloating over something you that should have been a gimme.......you should be worried about keeping your firearm..........but that is going right over your head because of your blind support for your dictator
no surprise here for a trump pick....nothing but the finest to send to Washington....fit right in with other trump picks

Parnell allegations roil GOP bid to keep Pennsylvania Senate seat​

New allegations of abuse against former President Trump's pick to succeed retiring Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) are setting off a panic among some Republicans as the party looks to maintain its grip on one of the most competitive Senate seats in the country next year.

Since Trump endorsed Republican Sean Parnell's Pennsylvania Senate campaign in September, the retired Army Ranger and author has faced a series of damaging headlines. One of his rivals for the GOP nomination revealed that Parnell's estranged wife had sought protective orders against him. Last month, a judge rejected Parnell's request for a sweeping gag order that would have barred his wife and her attorney from discussing those protective orders.

Then on Monday, Parnell's wife, Laurie Snell, accused him in court of physical and verbal abuse, alleging that he once tried to ******* her, verbally accosted her and hit their children, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported. Snell is seeking primary custody of their children. The couple currently splits custody.

That testimony has deepened the concerns of some Republicans who have become increasingly wary of Parnell's candidacy, fearing that the allegations against him could jeopardize their efforts to hold on to a coveted Senate seat in a hotly contested battleground state.

"This is the kind of thing that kills campaigns," one Republican consultant who has worked on Senate campaigns said. "Forget the Trump endorsement for a minute. I think we need to take a step back and ask if this is really the candidate we want to move forward with."

funny.....sad but true...

QAnon Supporters Disappointed That JFK Jr. Did NOT Come Back From Grave to Support Trump​

QAnon supporters flocked to Dallas, Texas today, in anticipation of seeing John F. Kennedy Jr. come back from the dead and join Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential ticket. Naturally this did not occur, as JFK Jr. died 22 years ago in a tragic plane crash. But QAnon supporters won’t let little things like truth and logic stop them from gathering at the site of JFK Sr.’s assassination in anticipation of Jr.’s unveiling.

Trump supporter with a giant Q-shaped sign hanging around his neck looks sad and tired.

we should be ashamed.......and after trump just built up our milatary....all he ever built up was his bank account

UK Royal Marines dominated US Marines in a desert battle simulation, prompting them to surrender less than halfway through, report says​

Personnel from 40 Commando, Royal Marines, seen on October 24, 2018 in Duqm, Oman Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
© Dan Kitwood/Getty ImagesPersonnel from 40 Commando, Royal Marines, seen on October 24, 2018 in Duqm, Oman Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
  • US Marines recently took on Britain's Royal Marines in a battle simulation in the Mojave Desert.
  • British commandos ****** their US counterparts to surrender before half time, The Telegraph said.
  • The Royal Marines went from controlling 20% of the battle area to more than 65%, the newspaper said.
US Marines were driven into submission by their British counterparts during a training exercise held deep in the California desert last week, according to a report in Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper.

The paper reported that the group of Royal Marines employed new tactics which helped them get the better of the American troops on home soil.

According to The Telegraph, Exercise Green Dagger involved the two nations facing off against each other in a dummy competition where the sides were tasked with taking out one another's assets.

The Royal Marines "dominated" the US in the five-day simulation, it said, with US forces asking to for a "reset" less than halfway through.

At one point, the Royal Marines had taken out or disabled almost all the US assets, the Telegraph said.

The Royal Navy told Insider that the victory was decisive.

In a statement it said that the mock battle "concluded with a last-minute 'enemy' assault which was repelled, leaving allied forces in control of over two thirds of the entire 'battlefield.'"

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