Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah, liberals hate anything that contains FACTS... Did you watch it? What points are incorrect? How, exactly, is it "childish"?

Trump Told Lesley Stahl He Calls the Truth “Fake News” to ...

Trump Told Lesley Stahl He Calls the Truth “Fake News” to Discredit Journalists. So Why Did She Let Him Do It Again on “60 Minutes”? In her “60 Minutes” interview of Trump on Sunday ...

Donald Trump just accidentally told the truth about his ...

Donald Trump just accidentally told the truth about his disinformation strategy ... "If you say it enough and keep saying it, they'll start to believe you." ... the fake news," Trump told a VFW ...

Trump Claims He Invented the Term "Fake News"—Here' s an ...

During a press conference alongside Finnish President Sauli Niinistö Wednesday, President Trump took credit for inventing the term “fake news”: “I don’t even use fake anymore,” he said. “I call the fake news now corrupt news because fake isn’t tough enough.
HEY Dems tell us what a GREAT job ole Debacle Joe and Kamala are doing at our southern border.

400,000 got aways roaming our country now - 54 known terrorists picked up sneaking in - how many ya think included in those 400,000 got aways ??????!!! Gang members - criminals - ******* runners - sex slavers - just let any ole one into our country during a pandemic - does anyone REALLY question why I call ole Debacle Joe a DOOFUS ?????!!!
67% of Americans think those two are doing a SHITE job regarding our southern border - I don’t see how it’s not 100%. Guess there are a few radical Dems as represented in here that think they’re doing a bang up job letting our country be invaded. I hear there’s another caravan of 80,000 on the way to invade now.
Be NICE if we had a president that enforced our laws and DID his f’n job !!!!!! Instead of just being the total DOOFUS that he is !!!!!!
67% of Americans think those two are doing a SHITE job regarding our southern border - I don’t see how it’s not 100%. Guess there are a few radical Dems as represented in here that think they’re doing a bang up job letting our country be invaded. I hear there’s another caravan of 80,000 on the way to invade now.
Be NICE if we had a president that enforced our laws and DID his f’n job !!!!!! Instead of just being the total DOOFUS that he is !!!!!!
I think 67% is people who realize the mess trump left behind....most of the heat Biden is taking is trumps left over mess's........but do you hear him complain or point the finger....no he mans up and does the job

The Border Mess That Trump Left Behind - MSN

Feb 19, 2021 · When the coronavirus pandemic arrived, Trump invoked the CDC’s authority to expel any border crossers. Although Trump failed to get Mexico to …

Cleaning Up Trump’s Immigration Mess - The Bulwark

Oct 30, 2020 · Cleaning Up Trump’s Immigration Mess Reuniting children with their families, if it’s even possible, is just the first step in repairing the immigration system,

Biden needs to clean up Trump's mess - opinion - …

Jan 20, 2021 · FORMER PRESIDENT Donald Trump boards ‘Marine One’ as he departs Washington to visit the US-Mexico border wall in Texas on January 12. ... Cleaning up the mess left by Trump and Pompeo will ...

and it gores for Afgahn.....

Stop Blaming Biden for Afghanistan. He's Cleaning Up Trump ...

Aug 23, 2021 · They saved their denunciations for Biden's efforts to clean up Trump's mess—efforts which have as yet cost many fewer lives. But this hypocrisy is not limited to former Trump officials.

Joe Biden Is Cleaning Up Donald Trump's Mess In …

Aug 17, 2021 · Joe Biden Is Cleaning Up Donald Trump’s Mess In Afghanistan. Officials say that Trump committed the US to leaving Afghanistan but had no plan in place for the withdrawal, which means Afghanistan ...
HEY Dems tell us what a GREAT job ole Debacle Joe and Kamala are doing at our southern border.

400,000 got aways roaming our country now - 54 known terrorists picked up sneaking in - how many ya think included in those 400,000 got aways ??????!!! Gang members - criminals - ******* runners - sex slavers - just let any ole one into our country during a pandemic - does anyone REALLY question why I call ole Debacle Joe a DOOFUS ?????!!!
I think 67% is people who realize the mess trump left behind....most of the heat Biden is taking is trumps left over mess's........but do you hear him complain or point the finger....no he mans up and does the job

The Border Mess That Trump Left Behind - MSN

Feb 19, 2021 · When the coronavirus pandemic arrived, Trump invoked the CDC’s authority to expel any border crossers. Although Trump failed to get Mexico to …

Cleaning Up Trump’s Immigration Mess - The Bulwark

Oct 30, 2020 · Cleaning Up Trump’s Immigration Mess Reuniting children with their families, if it’s even possible, is just the first step in repairing the immigration system,

Biden needs to clean up Trump's mess - opinion - …

Jan 20, 2021 · FORMER PRESIDENT Donald Trump boards ‘Marine One’ as he departs Washington to visit the US-Mexico border wall in Texas on January 12. ... Cleaning up the mess left by Trump and Pompeo will ...

and it gores for Afgahn.....

Stop Blaming Biden for Afghanistan. He's Cleaning Up Trump ...

Aug 23, 2021 · They saved their denunciations for Biden's efforts to clean up Trump's mess—efforts which have as yet cost many fewer lives. But this hypocrisy is not limited to former Trump officials.

Joe Biden Is Cleaning Up Donald Trump's Mess In …

Aug 17, 2021 · Joe Biden Is Cleaning Up Donald Trump’s Mess In Afghanistan. Officials say that Trump committed the US to leaving Afghanistan but had no plan in place for the withdrawal, which means Afghanistan ...

Yeah blame Trump that CONTROLLED the border !!!!!

You Dems are freaking certifiable !!!!!!

Also the very definition of “MINDFUCKED” !!!!

Doofus Joe stops the wall construction let’s it rot while INVITING the WORLD in and it’s Trump’s fault - you guys are UNFUCKINBELIEVABLE in your FANTASIES :|
O'Biden is not running this country, how many times are you demon-crats going to ignore the truth? His mind is Gone and his body is failing as well, O'Biden getting nominated was nothing other then a ploy to steal back power. Bernie Sanders should have been the Demon-crats nominee the for both of the last two election cycles, he now has way more influence in the now Socialistic Demon-crate party then Joey O'Biden has. Remember that O'Biden falsely ran having more conservative promises, every move that has been made since O'Biden took office shows that was all lies.
O'Biden is not running this country, how many times are you demon-crats going to ignore the truth? His mind is Gone and his body is failing as well, O'Biden getting nominated was nothing other then a ploy to steal back power. Bernie Sanders should have been the Demon-crats nominee the for both of the last two election cycles, he now has way more influence in the now Socialistic Demon-crate party then Joey O'Biden has. Remember that O'Biden falsely ran having more conservative promises, every move that has been made since O'Biden took office shows that was all lies.

now go back to your full time job.....

b5 (1) stanley.png

The Senate’s findings on the last days of Trump’s presidency are grim. Will it matter?​

Last week, the Senate’s judiciary committee released its staff report on Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and bend the justice department to his will. Subverting Justice: How the Former President and his Allies Pressured DOJ to Overturn the 2020 Election lays out in grim detail the ex-reality show host’s concerted effort to weaponize the government’s legal machinery in his desperate bid to cling to power.

One conclusion reads: “President Trump repeatedly asked DOJ leadership to endorse his false claims that the election was stolen and to assist his efforts to overturn the election results.” Another informs us that “Trump allies with links to the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement and the January 6 insurrection participated in the pressure campaign against DOJ.”

As if we didn’t already know. Don’t expect the report to change hearts or minds.

On a Saturday night visit to Iowa, Trump told the crowd that he had not conceded defeat. Indeed, one day later, Steve Scalise, the No 2 Republican in the House of Representatives, refused to say that the election wasn’t stolen. Trump has the Republicans in a hammerlock. The impact of Senate report is likely to be negligible.

As America’s cold civil war continues, hyper-partisanship is the rule, not the exception

Since Trump’s backers pillaged Congress back in January, the Republican party has selectively forgiven and forgotten. By the numbers, 57% of Republicans now believe “too much attention” has been paid to the 6 January riot. Only roughly a third of Republicans concede that storming the Capitol was about overturning the election. Too many Republicans still blame it on antifa.

The new normal is neither particularly normal nor new. As America’s cold civil war continues, hyper-partisanship is the rule, not the exception. And among Republicans, fealty to Trump is the acid test.

Look at Mike Pence, Trump’s hapless vice-president and an aspiring 2024 presidential nominee. Even after having been kicked to the curb by his former boss and targeted for hanging by Capitol rioters, Pence continues to play political lapdog.

He is all too aware that Trump remains the Republican party’s boss and that his future rests in Trump’s hands. “I know the media wants to distract from the Biden administration’s failed agenda by focusing on one day in January,” Pence told Fox News.

“One day in January” – really?

Apparently, signs that screamed “Hang Mike Pence” were an illusion, as were the gallows near the capitol
. Then again, Pence’s brother Greg, a congressman from Indiana, voted against certifying the election despite his having seen first-hand what his sibling had endured.

Although the report will not change the political landscape, it is likely to have real consequences for Jeffrey Clark, a former assistant attorney general and the most senior justice department official to plot with Trump. The report recommends that the DC bar’s disciplinary counsel “evaluate Clark’s conduct to determine whether disciplinary action is warranted”.

In plain English, the Senate’s Democrats are inviting the DC bar to strip Clark of his law license. Working for Trump frequently comes with a downside.

Tellingly, the committee’s Republicans do not offer a particularly full-throated defense of Clark. Instead, Senator Charles Grassley, the committee’s ranking Republican, intimated that Clark had failed to receive sufficient due process. “Committee Democrats opted to release their report having not yet received requested government documents and having not yet heard from Jeffrey Clark,” Grassley said.

Substantively, the Republican party appears ready to sacrifice Clark to spare Trump. The president “listened to all data points”, they wrote in a competing report, and the path advocated by Clark “would be rejected”. In all fairness, he wouldn’t be the first person to thrown in a front of the proverbial bus for the sake of a sitting president.

Not surprisingly, where there’s a raging dumpster fire, Rudy Giuliani is close by.

According to the committee, Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff, asked the justice department to investigate a theory pushed by Giuliani known as “Italygate”, which “held that the Central Intelligence Agency and an Italian IT contractor used military satellites to manipulate voting machines and change Trump votes to Biden votes”.

Let that sink in.

As the Senate report recedes from the voters’ conscience, expect the House’s investigation to emerge as a focal point for all things Trump, with the ex-president seeking to block the cooperation and testimony of his former aides, including Meadows, all in the run-up to the midterms.

Beyond that, Trump is also invoking “executive privilege” to keep Steve Bannon, his 2016 campaign chairman, from testifying. To be sure, Bannon was not a member of the administration when 2021 rolled around. He had left the White House in the summer of 2017.

Instead, Bannon was goading Trump, telling him, according to Peril, the latest Bob Woodward book, co-authored with Bob Costa: “People are going to go, What the fuck is going on here? We’re going to bury Biden on January 6th, fucking bury him … We’re going to ******* it in the crib, ******* the Biden presidency in the crib.”

For the record, Bannon had previously suggested that Anthony Fauci’s head be severed from its body. Whether Bannon is found to be in criminal contempt for refusing to testify before Liz Cheney and others is a live question.

The bottom line remains that Trump was never going quietly into the political night. Short of his own re-election, he viewed the process as “rigged” and “corrupt”.

How the House and the courts handle all this remains to be seen. Right now, the broader public is far from riveted, and the Republicans are either on board with Trump or simply cowed.
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