Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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yes and everything they did for the country... just chaps your ass that neither of the bush's or your great Reagon came anywhere near doing for the country that they did
Well for starters they increased the national debt more than George H.W. Bush did. Bill Clinton signed the NAFTA treaty which was did nothing for our economy and was the start of exporting manufacturing jobs. Then there was the trade agreement with China that gave China permanent normal trade relations and allowed China to gain admission to WTO. President Clinton talked long and loud about all the good it was going to do to the U.S. economy. Clinton said the pact would increase jobs and reduce the federal trade deficit. The reality? Since the pact was signed the United States has lost about a third of its manufacturing jobs, about 5.6 million. In 2000 our trade deficit with China was 83 Billion, by 2009 it hit 227 billion. Wages have stagnated, 14 trillion dollars has been dumped into the economy in stimulus packages, and we have had the highest unemployment in decades. Did I mention that the Chinese government has donated millions to the Clinton Foundation and other Clinton causes?
OMFG! If Trump ever gets in! I am moving sooooooooooo far away from here! And I live in Canada!! America will be the laughing stock of the world, I hope u realize that everyone! God forbid if he landed the strongest position in the world! YOU ARE FIRED! BOOOOOOOOOOOM , there goes the world!
I can't say that I am impressed with Trump but if Hillary gets in the Clinton's would likely the first politicians in this country that became billionaires from all the fees they collect from people and countries that want favors

How about back to a time when the damn government isnt sticking their nose into every aspect of our private lives....believe it or not we can live our life without the government telling us how to do so.
Your Constitution was written over two hundred and thirty years ago! That lil thing about baring arms was made to protect America by mainly Militia's! Do u really think it was made for people to carry more fire power than the police have in a lot of cases? I'm not saying u should not have guns, go ahead, what I'm saying is that u should not be able to buy certain guns and definitely a lot of people should not be able to get their hands on guns period! The saying guns don't ******* people, people ******* people is getting a bit lame to say the least! Think about it, I saw a pic of 4-5 (MAYBE) American ex service men or whoever walking down the street in Cleveland fully armed to the teeth! Who's to say they were not terrorists just taking a walk in the downtown area waiting for a large crowd somewhere before they could easily blow away 100 people within a minute! Getting spinning out of control where people are buying guns through the shear terror that everyone else has one also!! Take a look around the world, how many other countries have the same problem? This isn't a Republican versus Democrat issue! Its just a common sense issue! Go to the shooting range, hunt or collect them as collectors items, but lets face it, its getting to fucked up!
It's a nice theory but take a look at France, they have some of the toughest gun control laws there are and look what has happened and what is likely to happen again. In this country Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the United States and have 10 or more people shot on a weekend isn't all that rare. If you go across the state of Illinois to East St. Louis they have the highest homicide rate in the country and Illinois has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country
Show me a person that can pull the trigger 13.3 in a second. Automatic weapons are only for military and police. what is sold is a semi automatic weapon meaning you have to release and squeeze again
Getting permitted for a fully automatic weapon always been very rare and I would imagine even rarer in the past few years. You can't go to any firearms store and just buy a fully automatic weapon
This myth has been floating around for years, it simply isn't true. Picture of Reagan in his pajamas was taken the day before the bombing. He did not continue golfing when he received word of the attack
how can it not be true..., you just said he was golfing... and continued to golf after he got the news!
Why do u need a semi auto weapon for to start with? Duck hunting! You must be one lousy shot if that's the case! The fact is, if u keep upping the anti on weapons tit for tat! Where does it stop! Costco Defensive Home Nukes! I can see the advertisement now! "Nobody Will Fuck With You Now, Because You Will Just Take Out all The Criminals In Your City" !!
Interesting that you mention duck hunting. In England (I don't think they were ever used here) they had large gauge shotguns that were usually 1 or 2 gauge that were mounted in a boat called a punt, they were called punt guns. Most were single barrel but there were some double barrel ones. They were used by commercial hunters to ******* water fowl. I have read that as many as 200 ducks or more could be killed with one shot. So pretty much anything today would pale in comparison to these monsters. Hopefully no one gets the bright idea to use one of these on people