Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Don't start crowing until after the election, Sweet ... Trump seems to be like Teflon to attacks. You really can't insult a person with his reputation because he doesn't care what people really think and is he'll do anything just to "win".
You're absolutely right. He's a win at any cost kind of scumbag..whether legally, or not. Proven at the last election..and his help from his buddy Vladimir P U T I N...and his low rent mobster attitude..and his ripping off his employees/contractors..and his bully boy behavior..and his intimidation tactics..and his being a general douchecanoe. Donald J. Trump is a POS!!
*WTF is going on with the spellcheck here?? I type in P U T I N...and I get Poroschenko! Signs of Russian influence?*
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So NOW Trump announces today that he wants the illegals picked up AT THE BORDER and taken back. No "due process" as the Constitution states ... screw the rules and regulations, right Trump? He's already broken so many rules what's one more, right? And where are the Democrats harmonizing their objections ... not like Republicans who would be raising pure HELL if it was Obama doing the exact same thing. THAT'S a big reason the A-hole is in the White House.
So NOW Trump announces today that he wants the illegals picked up AT THE BORDER and taken back. No "due process" as the Constitution states ... screw the rules and regulations, right Trump? He's already broken so many rules what's one more, right? And where are the Democrats harmonizing their objections ... not like Republicans who would be raising pure HELL if it was Obama doing the exact same thing. THAT'S a big reason the A-hole is in the White House.

Sorry Mac, but the constitution doesn't state illegal aliens at the border get due process. Also hate to break the news to you, but deporting illegals without any court hearing or due process has been happening for over 20 years. It started in 1996 when the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 was signed into law by....oh gee who was that....oh yeah, good ole Billy get blowjobs from interns Clinton.

Here's a little primer for you from the ACLU whining about the rapid deportations that were taking place under Obummer with no court hearings.

From the ACLU report: "The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA)6 dramatically changed that system. In creating new and dramatically expanding preexisting summary removal procedures, IIRIRA established an administrative system that replaced judges with immigration officers—the same officers who arrest, detain, charge, and deport. IIRIRA allowed these officers to issue deportation orders"

Also from the ACLU report: " In 2013, the United States conducted 438,421 deportations In more than 363, 2793 of those deportations— approximately 83 percent—the individuals did not have a hearing, never saw an immigration judge, and were deported through cursory administrative processes where the same presiding immigration officer acted as the prosecutor, judge, and jailor. "

Of course under Obummer & Clinton this sort of thing was a non event as far as the main stream media was concerned. Trump does the same thing and it is headline news 24/7.....gotta keep all those useful idiots stirred up...Seems to be working like a charm!
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You're absolutely right. He's a win at any cost kind of scumbag..whether legally, or not. Proven at the last election..and his help from his buddy Vladimir P U T I N...and his low rent mobster attitude..and his ripping off his employees/contractors..and his bully boy behavior..and his intimidation tactics..and his being a general douchecanoe. Donald J. Trump is a POS!!
*WTF is going on with the spellcheck here?? I type in P U T I N...and I get Poroschenko! Signs of Russian influence?*
I noticed that the other day. I type 'our friend in the kremlin' instead lol :)
Sorry Mac, but the constitution doesn't state illegal aliens at the border get due process. Also hate to break the news to you, but deporting illegals without any court hearing or due process has been happening for over 20 years. It started in 1996 when the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 was signed into law by....oh gee who was that....oh yeah, good ole Billy get blowjobs from interns Clinton.
The only "SORRY" is your ability to read the full intent of the reform act. If you did, you'd find that it did NOT apply to those applying for asylum which is the majority of those bringing their ******* to the US. This was even confirmed this weekend by Professor Lawrence Tribe, a Constituional Law professor at Harvard University ... I feel quite confident that Professor Tribe has probably forgotten more constitutional law than you, me and the Trumpster will ever know all rolled up in one, god forbid. But, as usual, President Chump wishes to be the prosecutor, judge, and jury ... he still hasn't broken away from this civilian job of screwing whomever he comes into conflict with ... doesn't work in government quite that way. Too many people anxious to pull out the law books in government jobs.
pic_political-Amendment14.jpg....... and please don't bother responding, I have no time for your BS confrontational drool.
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If you did, you'd find that it did NOT apply to those applying for asylum
Ah yes, the oh so typical Mac N Fries strawman argument. I never said the IIRIRA applied to people applying for asylum. I proved you were dead wrong, thanks to a law past by one of your democrap presidents and a link to the liberal extremists at the ACLU complaining Obummer deporting 85% of aliens without due process in a court. So you make up ******* I didn't say to argue against of course.

and please don't bother responding, I have no time for your BS confrontational drool.
And as I've told you before, don't waste your keystrokes telling me what to do. You're currently #98742 on my don't give a fuck what you tell me to do list.

By the way, I do partially agree with you on one thing. I'm quite confident Lawrence Tribe has forgotten more about constitutional law than you will ever know. He's probably also a damn sight better at 7th grade mathematics than you, given how you screwed up basic percent error calculation a while back.
I think you're the one with the denial issue but that's here or there and a primary reason I despise discussions with you ... you go on and on and on with one thing is mind .... to prove someone WRONG. You NEVER initiate a conversation, you wait and criticize on what someone else writes. You don't give a rats ass about the topic.
And as I've told you before,
.... and I've always told YOU BEFORE so many times I can't remember ...
gif_Yellowball-golfing.gif"Go fuck yourself and call it a personal love story" ... ok?
I think you're the one with the denial issue
I merely pointed out you were using one of your common straw man arguments, which is demonstrable fact. If it isn't, show where I said IIRIRA applied to aliens applying for asylum. You can't because I didn't. Therefore your whole diatribe about that was a strawman argument. Don't feel bad about using your strawmen. Its often the last bastion people use when they have no other leg to stand on. It's quite common in politics. As I've said before, you missed your calling. You could be the next ISOTUS.
Funny, here's a CBS survey on the wall taken just a few months ago .... wonder what caused that swing in opinion?
If Mexico pays for it, I could give a rat's ass, but if we, the taxpayers, are paying for it, absolutely NOT. It was his primary campaign promise.
Tell taxpayers they're paying for the wall ... which, by the way they STILL have no clue how much it will be, but Trump has started building anyway ... fuck everyone else, right ... and I can guarantee the taxpayers would say NO.
The new CBO report just hit, and they're projecting the Trump Tax Cuts (for the poor ... lol) to increase the country's national debt another $1.8 trillion .
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oh yeah ... Those TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMIC tax cuts sure work for some folks ... except EVERYONE gets to enjoy the DEBT it creates ... as the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, then we're blessed with someone like Donald Trump.
Funny, here's a CBS survey on the wall taken just a few months ago .... wonder what caused that swing in opinion?
If Mexico pays for it, I could give a rat's ass, but if we, the taxpayers, are paying for it, absolutely NOT. It was his primary campaign promise.
Tell taxpayers they're paying for the wall ... which, by the way they STILL have no clue how much it will be, but Trump has started building anyway ... fuck everyone else, right ... and I can guarantee the taxpayers would say NO.
The new CBO report just hit, and they're projecting the Trump Tax Cuts (for the poor ... lol) to increase the country's national debt another $1.8 trillion .
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And Dipshit Donnie will find a way to blame the Democrats and Barack Obama...bcuz nothing is EVER his fault...even if he caused the problem! The tariffs..the Wall..the asylum seekers..the travel ban..the jobs lost...ALL Trumplethinskin!