Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Typical liberal reply. You have no explanation for your responses just insult away. Another reason you guys lost the election.

who lost? in case you have been sleeping we had midterms a while back...and not looking good for your party
but then what the don't vote anyway...just cry about the outcome
who lost? in case you have been sleeping we had midterms a while back...and not looking good for your party
but then what the don't vote anyway...just cry about the outcome
You must be new to US elections. There are very few instances where the governing party keeps both houses and the presidency. Happened to Obama too if you forgot. He then went on to win reelection. Also, Republicans also increased their lead in the Senate.
You must be new to US elections. There are very few instances where the governing party keeps both houses and the presidency. Happened to Obama too if you forgot. He then went on to win reelection. Also, Republicans also increased their lead in the Senate.

Guess again....been around US politics for quite a while now....and yes usually there is turnover in the midterms....have you checked the stats on last midterms?
apparently not...never has there been this big a turnover!
as for republicans increasing their lead in the surprise...very few up for re-election and those that were are in deep red states that usually vote for the right anyway...look at the states that went red during the midterms and see how they normally vote
won't get a real good talley on the senate until next election...but hopefully trump be impeached by then anyway
OPINION: Right Back Where We Started From — Senate And ...
The Senate side is a little more complicated. The average first mid-term loss for the president’s party is just one seat, which would leave Republicans in control. But Democrats are defending 27 seats (including the two independents who caucus with them) a historic high. Neither party has ever gained seats when defending more than 20 seats.

The Biggest Landslide in Midterm Elections History - HISTORY
The election had long-term impact on the Democratic Party. Between the Civil War and the midterm election of 1894, the influence of the two parties was generally divided.

Historic Midterms: Shellackings, Triumphs, Could’ve-Been ...
History is not on any president’s side in a midterm election. Since 1862, the president’s party on average loses 32 House seats and more than two Senate seats in a midterm.
Guess again....been around US politics for quite a while now....and yes usually there is turnover in the midterms....have you checked the stats on last midterms?
apparently not...never has there been this big a turnover!
Utter Bullshit as usual. The last two democrap presidents both lost more congressional seats in their first midterm elections than Trump did. Obummer lost over 50% more seats than Trump did.

Republicans gained 63 House seats and 7 Senate seats in Obummer's 2010 midterms:

Republicans gained 54 House seats and 8 Senate seats in Clinton's 1994 mid terms:
Utter Bullshit as usual. The last two democrap presidents both lost more congressional seats in their first midterm elections than Trump did. Obummer lost over 50% more seats than Trump did.

Republicans gained 63 House seats and 7 Senate seats in Obummer's 2010 midterms:

Republicans gained 54 House seats and 8 Senate seats in Clinton's 1994 mid terms:

foaming at the mouth as usual...and in your usual Barney Fife mentality......but it seems we have a problem here my search engine...which I posted above states one thing....while you state another...I will stick with what mine says because it matches what I heard on the news!

and from another source!

Democrats won the House with the largest midterms margin ...
Democrats took control of the House this year with the largest midterms margin of victory in history, surpassing the previous record of 8.7 million votes in 1974, according to NBC News election data. By the numbers: Democratic House candidates currently have an 8,805,130 vote lead over Republicans, gaining 53.1% of the more than 111 million ...

Voter Turnout For Midterm Elections Could Be the Highest Ever
The 2018 elections could see the highest turnout for a midterm since the mid-1960s, according to an elections expert who has been studying voting patterns. In fact, based on evidence to date, it ...

Midterm Election Results Saw Republicans Suffer Worst ...
Despite President Donald Trump’s claim of a tremendous victory in this month’s midterm elections, Democrats pulled off the biggest midterm victory in the country’s history by claiming 8.8 ...

all of those just off my search engine!
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and HH just a little food for thought....while looking up your false facts......I saw where some election prediction guy said back in Jan that the Dems would make a big sweep in the midterms....he is also saying that next election dems will take the senate!...Need A fucking crying towel?
biggest midterm blowout in 40 years - AARP Online Community › … › Politics, Current Events
4 days ago - Midterm elections occur halfway between presidential elections, which occur every four years. All 435 members of the House of Representatives are up for election every two years, with one-third of the Senate up for election.

your problem?....would be this!

Democrats made massive state-level gains in the midterms ...
Democrats made massive state-level gains in the midterms. ... Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico and Wisconsin. ... the chairman of the Democratic Governors Association who oversaw the party’s gubernatorial campaign efforts this year.

doesn't that just chap your republican ass!
foaming at the mouth as usual...and in your usual Barney Fife mentality......but it seems we have a problem here my search engine...which I posted above states one thing....while you state another...I will stick with what mine says because it matches what I heard on the news!

and from another source!

Democrats won the House with the largest midterms margin ...
Democrats took control of the House this year with the largest midterms margin of victory in history, surpassing the previous record of 8.7 million votes in 1974, according to NBC News election data. By the numbers: Democratic House candidates currently have an 8,805,130 vote lead over Republicans, gaining 53.1% of the more than 111 million ...

Voter Turnout For Midterm Elections Could Be the Highest Ever
The 2018 elections could see the highest turnout for a midterm since the mid-1960s, according to an elections expert who has been studying voting patterns. In fact, based on evidence to date, it ...

Midterm Election Results Saw Republicans Suffer Worst ...
Despite President Donald Trump’s claim of a tremendous victory in this month’s midterm elections, Democrats pulled off the biggest midterm victory in the country’s history by claiming 8.8 ...

all of those just off my search engine!
In the 2018 midterms Democrats gained 41 House seats:

In the 2010 midterms Republicans gained 63 House seats.

We've seen Mac is mathematically challenged. Here's a quick quiz for you. Which number is greater 63 or 41????
who lost? in case you have been sleeping we had midterms a while back...and not looking good for your party
but then what the don't vote anyway...just cry about the outcome


  • 220px-Arguing_with_Idiots.jpg
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odd that you would post that...he never misses Beck....and because at one time beck said neither were any good...he didn't vote
If I understood you correctly, let me elaborate that beyond a deliberate attempt to drive home your point, I am not featuring the content of the book nor am I interested in the character of the author as a political writer, pundit and even as a citizen. In fact, its principle we diverge on many fronts. I was simply using the comment and pic in the most satirical way possible.

Further more, A man in a German military regalia adorned with a Russian military hat is deep on so many levels that when you actually think about, you realize it couldn't have been any more pungent and you couldnt argue with such a person. Even more so with what's going on now.
If I understood you correctly, let me elaborate that beyond a deliberate attempt to drive home your point, I am not featuring the content of the book nor am I interested in the character of the author as a political writer, pundit and even as a citizen. In fact, its principle we diverge on many fronts. I was simply using the comment and pic in the most satirical way possible.

Further more, A man in a German military regalia adorned with a Russian military hat is deep on so many levels that when you actually think about, you realize it couldn't have been any more pungent and you couldnt argue with such a person. Even more so with what's going on now.

No...I was in no way implying you had anything to do with beck....I just thought it funny you posted that.....and that very person is the guy Alanm listens to everyday!
post whatever you always seem to come up with "odd" facts
I will stick with this

The Biggest Landslide in Midterm Elections History - HISTORY
The election had long-term impact on the Democratic Party. Between the Civil War and the midterm election of 1894, the influence of the two parties was generally divided.
Well that certainly speaks volumes about you. Your "evidence" is a story that doesn't say anything about the 2018 midterm election couldn't since it was written before the election even happened. The most recent election the article even mentions was the first GW Bush midterm 16 years ago.

It does make my point quite well though since the primary point of the article is discussion of a landslide midterm where the democrats lost 116 seats in the House....nearly three times as much turnover as in the 2018 midterms.

In the future it would behoove you to try to read and comprehend articles instead of lazily doing a yahoo/google search and blindly posting links based on their headline.
Well that certainly speaks volumes about you. Your "evidence" is a story that doesn't say anything about the 2018 midterm election couldn't since it was written before the election even happened. The most recent election the article even mentions was the first GW Bush midterm 16 years ago.

It does make my point quite well though since the primary point of the article is discussion of a landslide midterm where the democrats lost 116 seats in the House....nearly three times as much turnover as in the 2018 midterms.

In the future it would behoove you to try to read and comprehend articles instead of lazily doing a yahoo/google search and blindly posting links based on their headline.

what you want me to post more links?
I posted several...ok I didn't read the whole thing saw the header and it proved my case so I posted it....trying to hurry
but as for proving your such thing
don't remember which one right now...but I did open and read most of it...enough to know it also proved my point!

something about biggest loss or blow out or something

I had the perfect meme for you...something about being busy so go ahead and offend your self
but I am to busy to look for it!
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