The N word is not a turn on. Period.

Sometimes ya gotta call a spade a spade.
I don't think so. Name-calling brings dishonor to the name-caller. And if you were trying to be funny with the "call a spade a spade" comment, you were unsuccessful. Pease don't pretend you didn't know the term spade is a derogatory one meant to insult Black people.
I don't think so. Name-calling brings dishonor to the name-caller. And if you were trying to be funny with the "call a spade a spade" comment, you were unsuccessful. Pease don't pretend you didn't know the term spade is a derogatory one meant to insult Black people.
Please, don't pretend you don't know that it means to call something by it's rightful name, to be bluntly honest. Dishonor, means nothing to me.
I’m gonna say this right now, I don’t care how much you love or want black dick, or support black people, the N word is not a turn on nor should it ever come out of any white person’s mouth period in or out of the sheets. It is disrespectful as hell and I don’t know why some black people find it to be kinky.
If a person has to mistreat someone to get off they have a problem. I have no place for the N word in my life, and not words like bitch of whore. I have always has more pussy than I should be entitled to and I never had to degrade or humiliate anyone. I will qualify that with in my teens and early 20's I was an angry young man and I did some things that I am not proud of. but I grew up
Just a thought. Over the years I've had sex with many black men. If I'd stopped every time a black man or men used that word my experiences would be cut by half. Hundreds of times i would be ask if i loved their N dick, or tell me you want my N dick. It was a very common occurrence. I didn't bring that word up they did. Why , who knows.
On the word it's self my feelings not offensive unless you use it that way. My opinion in part from a black man Redd Fox who's club we attended many times while i was in college. He did a entire act on the word with demonstrations on both the proper and improper use of that word according to him. It made sense to me growing up in the deep south and hearing that word spoken by more black people than white. Both black and white used it in a offensive manner as well. It was a common word heard hundreds of times every day.
I've always found this to be an interesting topic. Personally, I'm not having it. I won't prompt a woman to say it & she better not go saying it on her own. But to each his own. Why the fuck do some sick fucks like to be ******* on? Who the fuck knows but if that works for them then that's on them. End of the day I just don't get why any of us would get turned on by having some white chick say it to us but again, to each his own.
I’ll go out on a limb here knowing many won’t agree. It isn’t for white people to opine on whether the n word is or isn’t appropriate to use in a particular situation given it’s historic meaning was derogatory. I know people will claim this isn’t equal but that’s just childish. If you came to my house and called it messy without prompting I’d be pissed. It is messy and I might even comment on that. In time we might build up enough of a rappor that you can say it too. This just seems like common sense when about something trivial so why do people not just accept the same logic here…
I’m gonna say this right now, I don’t care how much you love or want black dick, or support black people, the N word is not a turn on nor should it ever come out of any white person’s mouth period in or out of the sheets. It is disrespectful as hell and I don’t know why some black people find it to be kinky.
I agree. It's happened to me once. I stopped what I was doing and told the WW to leave and never spoke to her again. To honest I don't even like blk ppl using that word. I don't use it at all to refer to other blk ppl.
Just a thought. Over the years I've had sex with many black men. If I'd stopped every time a black man or men used that word my experiences would be cut by half. Hundreds of times i would be ask if i loved their N dick, or tell me you want my N dick. It was a very common occurrence. I didn't bring that word up they did. Why , who knows.
On the word it's self my feelings not offensive unless you use it that way. My opinion in part from a black man Redd Fox who's club we attended many times while i was in college. He did a entire act on the word with demonstrations on both the proper and improper use of that word according to him. It made sense to me growing up in the deep south and hearing that word spoken by more black people than white. Both black and white used it in a offensive manner as well. It was a common word heard hundreds of times every day.
There is something soooo hot when white girl uses N word in the right way. There is something primal in it and makes blod rush.
You're not a Black man are you?
Hot, right, and primal like "officer that nigg*r attacked me" ?
B.lood rush to follow? 🙄
This is interesting. I thought this was a hard limit for me. Yet I have played with countless black men that love it. This doesn’t mean they have no self respect. These are highly successful men. I try not to judge what gets someone off. I also find it interesting that there are guys saying they would slap a woman for saying it. It’s none of your business what two or three consenting adults do in private. Period.
There are fetishes for those who like race play . There is a difference in the way the N word is used . Black people don’t use the N word pronunciation with the N’er ( the N*><er ) . Black peoples say it with ing of N%GGA. Big difference and whole mom subject . White people say the wired with the ending ( ER ) N%ggEr. To totally different words and meaning .
There are fetishes for those who like race play . There is a difference in the way the N word is used . Black people don’t use the N word pronunciation with the N’er ( the N*><er ) . Black peoples say it with ing of N%GGA. Big difference and whole mom subject . White people say the wired with the ending ( ER ) N%ggEr. To totally different words and meaning .
You should be looking up another video to make yourself a victim
I’m gonna say this right now, I don’t care how much you love or want black dick, or support black people, the N word is not a turn on nor should it ever come out of any white person’s mouth period in or out of the sheets. It is disrespectful as hell and I don’t know why some black people find it to be kinky.
so why should only black people say it? just curious 🤔