How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Completely agree....Obama is a perfect example

perfect example of your stupidity!
what did he inherit?.... and what did he leave?

But of course you only follow Glen Beck so have no real idea of the world around you

you can't see past your gun barrel... and sniff to much Birchwood and Casey's" products

and like I said earlier.... a LIAR has no credibility....
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You and this garbage is pathetic
None of this stuff is true or accurate
All of it is put together from bits and pieces of garbage
Perhaps you did not watch the hearings when Comey testified before House committee investigating the Russai vs Trump involvement
There is absolutely no proof that Donald a Trump has or does have ties to Russia
Sen Goedy specifically asked the questions which he went state by and ask whether was any evidence that proves Russia had any thing to do with the election answer was No
Only stuff you have is this left wing garbage because they cannot stand that a republican won
I notice you did not put one comment by Ayers Saraos or Solosky
Oh maybe you have no idea who they
Plus your question is about Trump getting impeach get educated into law and politics any you will no that there has to be a violation of the Constitution by the president for him to be impeached
Bill Clinton was for Whitewater not for sex eith an intern
Most of your stuff is fabricated
Good luck with it
Donald J Trump will not be impeached he will be President four more years
Republicans Block Democrats Attempt To Expose Trump Conflicts
On Tuesday, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee successfully blocked an attempt by Democrats to request information on Donald Trump’s conflicts of interests and ties to Russia.

The committee voted along party lines to block the resolution from Congressman Jerrold Nadler. Congressman Nadler’s resolution would have directed the Attorney General to turn over to Congress any documents or communications that related to the counterintelligence investigation targeting Donald Trump and his associates.

The resolution would have also required the Justice Department to provide the House with documents about investments by foreign governments in Trump’s businesses, as well as Donald Trump’s plan to turn over management of his businesses to his adult sons and how Trump plans to avoid breaking the Constitution’s “emoluments clause.”

“Between Mr. Trump’s potential conflicts of interest and the potential coordination with a foreign power to interfere with our elections and with our government, the security and integrity of our nation are at stake,“ Nadler said.
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And now INFO WARS get a press pass...WTF??????

Lizard people and false baby slave rings morons in theWH press room..
Ohh wait. It counts as a step up for Trump doesn't it?​
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Sen Goedy specifically asked the questions which he went state by and ask whether was any evidence that proves Russia had any thing to do with the election answer was No

You mean Gowdy?... The same guy that falsified Hillary's emails?
But anyway... Comey said it was STILL an active investigation... several of Trump's top team were involved... to many involved for trump not to know anything.....see what Flynn says..... I think... unless Trump gives him a massive amount of money... he will eventually sing like a bird!

You and this garbage is pathetic
None of this stuff is true or accurate
All of it is put together from bits and pieces of garbage
Perhaps you did not watch the hearings when Comey testified before House committee investigating the Russai vs Trump involvement
...There is absolutely no proof that Donald a Trump has or does have ties to Russia
Kind of reminds you of the 9 ... huh ... yes, NINE Benghazi hearings Republicans spent millions of taxpayer dollars on trying to convict Hillary, doesn't it? And they accomplished nothing in the 6 years they spent doing them ... not even a health care plan. Yet, once the election was over, a few of them even admitted it was to tarnish Hillary for the election. Karma hurts, doesn't it? Dems haven't even had their first full turn at Trump yet so enjoy the next 4 years .... that is if he and many of the ReTards he appointed can last that long.
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Dude. ..do you know what whining means. Cause thats all you do

no.... I state facts and opinions..... and listen to you cry because you never have a valid argument... you have to wait for someone to give you an idea to say so you don't look to stupid

that's the problem with you conservatives you have been mind fucked and programed what to say... and if it hurts you don't have a reply of anything consequential... so you cry
Let's hear that chant now...... lock HIM up, lock HIM up!

Donald Trump former aide Carter Page refuses to provide Russia contacts to Senate

Former Trump adviser Carter Page has declined to provide records of his communications with Russians to the Senate intelligence committee, saying that anything of note has already been recorded by former President Barack Obama’s administration.

Mr Page, who advised President Donald Trump on foreign policy matters during the 2016 campaign, is the subject of investigation by the FBI and congressional committees looking into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. In a letter sent to the Senate intelligence committee, Mr Page blasted the request for his contacts saying that the US government had already been keeping tabs on him.
“I suspect the physical reaction of the Clinton/Obama regime perpetrators will be more along the lines of severe vomiting when all the facts are eventually exposed regarding the steps taken by the US Government to influence the 2016 election,” Mr Page wrote in response to an April letter he received from the Senate committee.

Mr Trump and those loyal to him have charged that Mr Obama wiretapped the Trump campaign. Those claims have been denied by the FBI repeatedly.

A joint statement from the top senators on the intelligence committee, chairman Richard Burr and ranking member Mark Warner, said that they will continue to investigate Russia’s influence in the 2016 election whether Mr Page cooperates or not.

“Three days ago, Carter Page told Fox News he was cooperating with the committee’s investigation into Russian activities surrounding the 2016 Election,” the statement said. “Today we have learned that may not be the case.”

The two senators continued to say that Mr Page had previously indicated to the committee that he wanted to cooperate with the investigation and that doing so would only help to resolve claims that he colluded with Russians. Federal investigators believe that he was knowingly or unknowingly being cultivated as a Russian asset by Russian spies. Mr Page denies all these allegations.

The Senate committee had previously indicated that it would take further steps if Mr Page refused to provide the documents they asked. The committee also sent requests for records to Trump advisers Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, and Paul Manafort.


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perfect example of your stupidity!
what did he inherit?.... and what did he leave?

But of course you only follow Glen Beck so have no real idea of the world around you

you can't see past your gun barrel... and sniff to much Birchwood and Casey's" products

and like I said earlier.... a LIAR has no credibility....

Oh yeah....typical liberal *******. Blame someone else.
no.... I state facts and opinions..... and listen to you cry because you never have a valid argument... you have to wait for someone to give you an idea to say so you don't look to stupid

that's the problem with you conservatives you have been mind fucked and programed what to say... and if it hurts you don't have a reply of anything consequential... so you cry

Facts????????? Hahahahahaha.....again your confused between fact and opinion which is all you spout. I haven't been whining about anything....you been crying about Trump since he got elected.
Oh yeah....typical liberal *******. Blame someone else


It might take me a little time..... but I can go back prior to the election and point out the number of times you said you were refusing to vote for either candidate!
so...... you really have very little say in any of this!
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you been crying about Trump since he got elected

AGAIN.... no more than I would do about any other politician that is flat out fucking us!
if you took the time to read
you would see it.... but you don't... you just want to spout the liberal *******... like a friggn idiot!
and again this thread has to do with his upcoming impeachment.... which you have yet to mention.... except for your crying about liberal statements... that are just the facts!

I just point out the facts on the fucking you/we are getting..... and it offends you to be told?
kind of the heights of stupidity wouldn't you say?

clean air/water
workplace rules
pension funds
health care
and more..... and none of that bothers you?

All of Trump’s major executive actions so far

very few are good.... MOST are not!

you just keep listening to your savior... Glen Beck..... and ignore the facts!
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AGAIN.... no more than I would do about any other politician that is flat out fucking us!
if you took the time to read
you would see it.... but you don't... you just want to spout the liberal *******... like a friggn idiot!
and again this thread has to do with his upcoming impeachment.... which you have yet to mention.... except for your crying about liberal statements... that are just the facts!

I just point out the facts on the fucking you/we are getting..... and it offends you to be told?
kind of the heights of stupidity wouldn't you say?

clean air/water
workplace rules
pension funds
health care
and more..... and none of that bothers you?

All of Trump’s major executive actions so far

very few are good.... MOST are not!

you just keep listening to your savior... Glen Beck..... and ignore the facts!

Its really quite funny that when we were getting fucked by Obama and the left all you could say was it was Bush's fault or the Republican congresses fault. Now that its Trump well its all his fault. Seems it depends what letter is by the persons name in office that determines your level
Anger and outrage. Honestly i could give a fuck about Trump. And i dont agree with a lot of his policies....yes i voted for him just because i couldnt see putting a career politician and criminal in the white house.

I vote for who i think will represent the values and things that i agree with the most. I had many other first choices for president but the idiots in washington would never let a true conservative make it on the ticket. Maybe someday
Its really quite funny that when we were getting fucked by Obama and the left all you could say was it was Bush's faul

just goes to show... your mind is playing tricks on you.... or else there is a major shortage up there to begin with
I don't recall EVER complaining about Obama fucking me... maybe the party of no.... but not Obama
you have let Glen Beck twist your head so much you can't keep things straight...pay attention

yes i voted for him just because i couldnt see putting a career politician and criminal in the white house.

no credibility there!
nor to any of your other political comments
and for about the fifth time now because you must be pretty dense... or slow to get a grasp... this is an impeachment thread!
to spout whatever political bullshit you may have... because you lack creditability....do it on the political thread
just goes to show... your mind is playing tricks on you.... or else there is a major shortage up there to begin with
I don't recall EVER complaining about Obama fucking me... maybe the party of no.... but not Obama
you have let Glen Beck twist your head so much you can't keep things straight...pay attention

no credibility there!
nor to any of your other political comments
and for about the fifth time now because you must be pretty dense... or slow to get a grasp... this is an impeachment thread!
to spout whatever political bullshit you may have... because you lack creditability....do it on the political thread

Ummm. First of all maybe you have a comprehension problem. I said when WE were getting fucked by Obama all you coukd say was it was Bushes or congress fault. Of course you didnt say he was fucking us you loved the guy.

And if you could read i stated way back that Trump is not going to be impeached....stop wasting your time. Never going to happen. Just like comey wasting his time with Hillary....she could shoot someone in the middle of times square and they still couldnt convict her.