
Hold up, you actually caring about the black community? C'mon with that bulls.h.i.t. that you are talking! Keep this mind since you are not aware, the oppressed cannot be called racist by the oppressor! A known fact in history!!
Convenient deviation from the ACTUAL definition of racism. I care, might not like most of you but that's because your ideas are garbage.
Convenient deviation from the ACTUAL definition of racism. I care, might not like most of you but that's because your ideas are garbage.
Like I said, you DO NOT care about anything pertaining to the Black community! Why don't you stop lying to yourself! The s.h.i.t. that you claim is the same s.h.i.t. that lying ass Republicans say!!
Not likely...most likely outcome is you switch parties because DeSantis is able to show you the error of his ways and you join the MAGA crew and vote republican the rest of your life and become a decent person for all of your efforts and you admit I have been right about everything all along and wish you had listened to me sooner
Started drinking early today I see.
I condone facts, I dont care if you interpret them as racist because you are not applying the correct definition of racism.
So, you think what I said was a definition for racism? LMAO, that was not what the quote was about! Seriously, stay in your lane because you truly are in over your head! He said "definition of racism"! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Can tell he didn't comprehend AT ALL of what that quote is saying!!
I GENUINELY care about making this country better and stronger. If the black community succeeds, we succeed. Pretty sad statement that black communities do not care about White communities, racist much? See where the problem actually is?
We care about being part of America with the same rights, opportunities and protections under the law that others take for granted and assume are so easily obtained. You can't even see the barriers that still exist for some and the policies that are not enacted on an even plane.
So, yes, I do see where the problem actually is.
We care about being part of America with the same rights, opportunities and protections under the law that others take for granted and assume are so easily obtained. You can't even see the barriers that still exist for some and the policies that are not enacted on an even plane.
So, yes, I do see where the problem actually is.
Can u super specifically tell me what right I have that you do not? Just one, any one will do.
Can u super specifically tell me what right I have that you do not? Just one, any one will do.
You think we have equality in the criminal justice system for the same crimes?
You think we have access to government services like you do?
You think businesses still franchise at equal rates with the same chance of success and support to blacks as they do all others?
You think the funding of schools in minority majority districts is the same?
You think banks lend at the same rate to potential homeowners?
You think landlords rent to nonwhites like they would you?

Businesses are fined everyday for civil rights infractions. Government entities are always doing some study or requesting oversight for the same reasons.

And the voting restrictions across the country, beyond just voter id, are disproportionately negatively affecting black Americans.

So, you 'generally' don't have the same barriers to a good education, home loan, promotion, job options, geographical living areas, rental and leasing approvals, sentencing, arrests, interacting normally with the police, or voting.
Hmmm, ya know, shawty, I wonder the same with your infatuation of Black people! And, you never answer the question as to why you are so addicted to us! What is your reasoning because I guarantee you Black folks do not care what goes on in white communities?
Shawty?....Isn't that what you call a chick your trying to smash?

I get it, I am a fine piece of white chocolate but no homo
Not Gonna Happen No Way GIF by FaZe Clan
You think we have equality in the criminal justice system for the same crimes?
You think we have access to government services like you do?
You think businesses still franchise at equal rates with the same chance of success and support to blacks as they do all others?
You think the funding of schools in minority majority districts is the same?
You think banks lend at the same rate to potential homeowners?
You think landlords rent to nonwhites like they would you?

Businesses are fined everyday for civil rights infractions.
What are the stats? I bet businesses have a six sigma level of operating within the confines of civil rights violations. For context, there are something like a billion consumer transactions a DAY so I am starting to think there is less of an issue than I already believed, and I thought it was almost nothing before. Also, as the fines are levied by mostly liberal leaning agencies, not a lot of weight in the value of what those fines truly represent.

Government entities are always doing some study or requesting oversight for the same reasons.

Government is run by politicians using government resources for purely political reasons. They do it because it plays well on the evening news.
And the voting restrictions across the country, beyond just voter id, are disproportionately negatively affecting black Americans.
What law restricts black voting that only applies to black people?
So, you 'generally' don't have the same barriers to a good education, home loan, promotion, job options, geographical living areas, rental and leasing approvals, sentencing, arrests, interacting normally with the police, or voting.
So no...nothing...nada...just a bunch of circumstantial examples that have no basis in law or public policy.
I could fix
You think we have equality in the criminal justice system for the same crimes?
You think we have access to government services like you do?
I think black people get MORE government services than I do as an average
You think businesses still franchise at equal rates with the same chance of success and support to blacks as they do all others?

Not likely, franchising is expensive, seems to me that only helps already rich people, more a function of wealth than race
You think the funding of schools in minority majority districts is the same?

In NY as an example, they make a wealth and minority modification to school funding, so YES, minority inner city schools get MORE state funding...poor rural white communities get dicked over in comparison.
You think banks lend at the same rate to potential homeowners?
Function of income and credit
You think landlords rent to nonwhites like they would you?
Yes, a higher chance a nonwhite is renting...if we are using me as an example since i own a mortgage
Businesses are fined everyday for civil rights infractions. Government entities are always doing some study or requesting oversight for the same reasons.

And the voting restrictions across the country, beyond just voter id, are disproportionately negatively affecting black Americans.

So, you 'generally' don't have the same barriers to a good education, home loan, promotion, job options, geographical living areas, rental and leasing approvals, sentencing, arrests, interacting normally with the police, or voting.
Also, what the hell is normally interacting with the police? By my estimation that means NO interaction because I am not out committing crimes (minus speeding).
Shawty?....Isn't that what you call a chick your trying to smash?

I get it, I am a fine piece of white chocolate but no homo
Not Gonna Happen No Way GIF by FaZe Clan
Nice try, but maybe you should try to stop trying to understand Black slang that you DON'T understand the meaning of! Since, as always, you like to instigate s.h.i.t., I will explain some real information about the term "shawty"! That word originated from MY home state! The term "shawty" has numerous meanings and it's NOT what you call a female that you're trying to f.u.c.k.! The term "shawty" can mean your cousin, a close friend, a muthafuka that you don't like, or a term of endearment! The rapper, from my home state, "Shawty-Lo" made that term very popular to represent the city where he is from and where that term originated from! Same thing with the famous southern comedian "Shawty", though he called himself that because he was so short! Then, you have the Black females, that are born and raised from my home city, who would call guys a "shawty" or "their homeboys"! That's what the REAL definition is!!
I could fix

I think black people get MORE government services than I do as an average

Not likely, franchising is expensive, seems to me that only helps already rich people, more a function of wealth than race
I'll use a local company we all know as McDonald's as an example.
McDonald's has been sued by the Black franchisees, the Black executives, the Black employees, the Black vendors, and 52 percent of the McDonald's stockholders recently voted to hire a third-party firm to investigate McDonald's for civil rights violations.
Let's focus on the non-employee suits, the franchisees and vendors. Black franchisees, are steered toward locations in Black, often poorer, neighborhoods, where the costs of security and insurance and employee turnover are higher and the annual sales are sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars lower.

In NY as an example, they make a wealth and minority modification to school funding, so YES, minority inner city schools get MORE state funding...poor rural white communities get dicked over in comparison.
State funding? Schools are mostly locally funded.
Doesn't matter. Funding an after school enrichment program, goes a lot further than a couple of security guards but, safety is important too. So, before diving in too deep. IF what you believe is true, then explain why. Property taxes in wealthier areas are naturally going to yield more for their schools.
However, the point is, schools that have poorer students have less funding to do anything about academics.

Function of income and credit
If only...
and so on and so on.

Yes, a higher chance a nonwhite is renting...if we are using me as an example since i own a mortgage
You always go subjective when you got nothing to say. We are not talking directly about you and me.

Also, what the hell is normally interacting with the police? By my estimation that means NO interaction because I am not out committing crimes (minus speeding).
Your home alarm accidentally goes off and the company sends the cops for a check.
You get into a minor fender bender.
Your garage alarm lights up.
Neighbors dog shits in your lawn, constantly.
You go to the private cop club and start winning at Texas Hold 'em. Gonna have to figure out when enough is enough, while you can win all night and then drive home with their money.

Normal interactions with police.

I'll use a local company we all know as McDonald's as an example.
McDonald's has been sued by the Black franchisees, the Black executives, the Black employees, the Black vendors, and 52 percent of the McDonald's stockholders recently voted to hire a third-party firm to investigate McDonald's for civil rights violations.
Let's focus on the non-employee suits, the franchisees and vendors. Black franchisees, are steered toward locations in Black, often poorer, neighborhoods, where the costs of security and insurance and employee turnover are higher and the annual sales are sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars lower.

State funding? Schools are mostly locally funded.
Doesn't matter. Funding an after school enrichment program, goes a lot further than a couple of security guards but, safety is important too. So, before diving in too deep. IF what you believe is true, then explain why. Property taxes in wealthier areas are naturally going to yield more for their schools.
However, the point is, schools that have poorer students have less funding to do anything about academics.

If only...
and so on and so on.

You always go subjective when you got nothing to say. We are not talking directly about you and me.

Your home alarm accidentally goes off and the company sends the cops for a check.
You get into a minor fender bender.
Your garage alarm lights up.
Neighbors dog shits in your lawn, constantly.
You go to the private cop club and start winning at Texas Hold 'em. Gonna have to figure out when enough is enough, while you can win all night and then drive home with their money.

Normal interactions with police.
So again....a bunch of links to opinion pieces and nothing definitive. What law? What policy gives me a right that you do not have? I told you a billion consumer transactions a day and you tell me about McDonalds in the hood but you cannot tell me the count of daily violations of businesses. Is it a thousand a day? A million?

You have nothing but echo chamber opinion pieces.
So again....a bunch of links to opinion pieces and nothing definitive. What law? What policy gives me a right that you do not have? I told you a billion consumer transactions a day and you tell me about McDonalds in the hood but you cannot tell me the count of daily violations of businesses. Is it a thousand a day? A million?

You have nothing but echo chamber opinion pieces.
Opinion pieces???
These are factual and sourced links and more importantly, research studies.
The research methodology is right there for you to check accuracy - if you know how.
The lawsuits happened.
The sworn testimony and financial reports are real - they happened.
The settlement happened.

You deny facts when it's convenient. This is why a conversation with you turn to insults and personal.
You are clueless, or pretend to be clueless on how to support an argument, when your argument is soundly defeated.

Oh, and you try to take the subject down a rabbit hole by asking ridiculous questions. YOUR question has been answered. If you don't like the answers, then maybe the problem is your question.

I'm not going to dumb it down for the sake of you or your position because you don't know how or won't take the time to read. It's exactly what the Cons want from you. Full of emotion, void of facts, ripe for scapegoating and hatred.

Devil be gone!
Get Out Theatre GIF by Tony Awards