nanci whiteboy said:
Current racial doctrine (Critical Race Theory) states that white people are inherently racist. We are born racist and to deny our racism, as many whites do today, is further proof of our racism, because we are blinded by our white privilege.

Black people then, are incapable of racism because they are denied access to power and privilege.

I really hope you don't buy into that bullshit.

I doesn't matter if I buy it or not. Critical Race Theory dominates the racial discussion in every liberal country (whites evil bad/Blacks pure innocent). You can see it's effect in every version of social engineering: TV, movies, music, sports entertainment and the news. CRT originated on the college campus and it rages there now. One principal effect is to promote and justify white girl's preference for Black men. This entire site and seemingly half the freakin' internet celebrates IR now. (Trump-style push-back is only a very recent development.)

In my opinion, it is impossible to separate interracial sexual preference from observable racial difference. Millions of observations demonstrate Black men's undeniable sexual superiority and white girl's increasing commitment to Black only. Millions more social media posts show whiteboi's willing acceptance of feminized beta status (lookin' at you Tumblr). We are slowly normalizing Black superiority and whiteboi feminization. If that's not overtly racist, it is certainly racialized.
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If Hitler had the fore-thought to lead with that and not ******* Jews chances are the Nazi sluts would have conquered the world where we all probably would be speaking German now where the Nazis would not have needed to waste a single bullet.

After WW1, France stationed Black African colonial troops in occupied Germany. It's a fair guess that France did this to humiliate German males, knowing that German white girls would follow their natural craving to have sex with the Black troops....and of course, they did.

German men were angry and they responded with typical whiteboi cluelessness. They struck a pocket medallion intended to shame their wayward snowbunnies. They wanted white girls to feel humiliated and fearful of Black sexual power.

So they depicted a naked blonde white girl, weak from sexual ravishing, and helplessly chained to a gigantic stiff Big Black Cock. The words around her say "The Black Shame".

Umm, sure whitebois, that'll shame those sluts. :rolleyes: In doing so, they accidentally triggered all the racist/hate/lust/submission mental fog that has been discussed here. It's no wonder 1920's Germany was crawling with white sissies, fully femmed and mincing openly on the streets in their makeup and heels. The Black Battalion was in town and white girls wanted to polish those long rifles.

General question: what of this was was racism and what was preference?

(Also, have we ever seen a penis wearing a helmet?) ?

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Well this site is definitely racist by definition ... I can understand not letting white males verify.. But mixed males too?..
I think the point is, white males fake who they are and black males do not. I'm not sure what "mixed males do" lol Maybe they fake who they are half the time and the other half of the time they don't! That would make sense right?
I think the point is, white males fake who they are and black males do not. I'm not sure what "mixed males do" lol Maybe they fake who they are half the time and the other half of the time they don't! That would make sense right?

I think there are fakes in both colors.
Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | HuffPost
  • Author: Lydia O'connor, Daniel Marans
    • He attacked Muslim Gold Star parents. Trump’s retaliation against the parents of a Muslim U.S. …
    • He claimed a judge was biased because “he’s a Mexican” In May, Trump implied that Gonzalo …
    • The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people. When Trump …
    • In fact, discrimination against black people has been a pattern in his career. Workers at Trump’s …
    See all full list on
Again I keep providing facts that Trump is not a racist as you or anyone reading this can see right here as I am heavily repeating myself:

And from the evidence above he has helped the Black Reverend Jesse Jackson with his "Rainbow Coalition" in 1999, A$AP Rocky, and help to free Black basketball players from UCLA from China after they committed crimes there, greeted Blacks at the White House, and he has pardoned Blacks as well. And that is what I have uncovered so far.
Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | HuffPost
  • Author: Lydia O'connor, Daniel Marans
    • He attacked Muslim Gold Star parents. Trump’s retaliation against the parents of a Muslim U.S. …
    • He claimed a judge was biased because “he’s a Mexican” In May, Trump implied that Gonzalo …
    • The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people. When Trump …
    • In fact, discrimination against black people has been a pattern in his career. Workers at Trump’s …
    See all full list on
This is funny as hell

That was good. It is a world of understanding that we live in with the exception of few idiots. Why must the media and the Democratic party try to divide us and take away all the progress we have made with false claims and accusations? Why emphasize the negative instead of the positives? I don't really understand it. If we can joke with each other and appreciate our differences, that is what is really important.
Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | HuffPost
  • Author: Lydia O'connor, Daniel Marans

    • He attacked Muslim Gold Star parents. Trump’s retaliation against the parents of a Muslim U.S. …
    • He claimed a judge was biased because “he’s a Mexican” In May, Trump implied that Gonzalo …
    • The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people. When Trump …
    • In fact, discrimination against black people has been a pattern in his career. Workers at Trump’s …
  • See all full list on

if Trump is so racist why is he telling Sweden to Release a Black American rapper from Jail?
if Trump is so racist why is he telling Sweden to Release a Black American rapper from Jail?

good publicity......that is one black...…..what has he done for the majority of blacks

Blacks' approval of Trump reaches a high of 21% and NAACP ...
Trump's approval rating among black men increased in the week between April 22 and April 29, according to a Reuters poll. West made posted his series of tweet voicing support for Trump on April 25. It jumped from an 11 percent approval on April 22 to 22 percent on April 29.
good publicity......that is one black...…..what has he done for the majority of blacks

Blacks' approval of Trump reaches a high of 21% and NAACP ...
Trump's approval rating among black men increased in the week between April 22 and April 29, according to a Reuters poll. West made posted his series of tweet voicing support for Trump on April 25. It jumped from an 11 percent approval on April 22 to 22 percent on April 29.

Opinion: President Trump has delivered for African Americans

As President Trump returns to Cincinnati today, he brings with him an impressive record of accomplishment. Not only has the president delivered results for Americans across the board, he has done so specifically for the African American community.
Meanwhile, 2020 Democrats continue to lecture us about what they think our communities need, while refusing to cover their own records on race. But what they fail to explain is how President Trump’s record of success could ever be a bad thing.
Since President Trump took office nearly two and a half years ago, he has delivered transformative results. From passing tax cuts and renegotiating bad trade deals to rebuilding our military and fostering a booming economy, the president is making all parts of America and Ohio greater.

Not only is our national unemployment rate at historic lows, but in May 2018, African American unemployment hit a record low, and continues to hold strong. President Trump has helped create jobs and opportunities for the African American community, getting the economy working for us.

On top of keeping his promises for our economy, President Trump was successful in passing historic bipartisan criminal justice reform known as the First Step Act. This involved easing sentences for nonviolent crimes and allowing those sentenced under racially motivated mandatory minimums – something once supported by Joe Biden – to have their sentences re-evaluated and potentially overturned. Thanks to this reform, we have already seen people reunited with their families with the hope of starting a new life.

President Trump has also made fighting for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) a major priority. His administration in one year alone appropriated more money to HBCUs than any other president, and he has taken steps to establish the Presidential Board of Advisors on HBCUs, as requested by community leaders.
The Trump administration has also worked to create Opportunity Zones that spur investment into disadvantaged communities, impacting as many as 1.4 million minority households. These zones help put a priority on rebuilding and bettering many African American communities that have long been forgotten under prior administrations.
