Politics, Politics, Politics

And yes, we would still be fighting two wars and ISIS would not be an issue. Nor would the Taliban. They both are, because Obummer pulled us out too soon IN DEFIANCE OF THE GENERALS ON THE GROUND!!!!.
It's easy to Monday morning quarterback, falcond ... Obama took office saying he'd find BinLaden, and he did just that. He said he'd get us out of 2 unfunded wars ... and he did that, too. People knew that when they voted for him when he ran for office.
We'd be in a ground war in Iran if Obama had not been elected president ... and still in Iraq and Afghanistan as well. McCain was dying to get into another war. We entered Iraq on false information from Rumsfeld and VP Chaney ... they should be in a federal prison now.
We tried to inject a democracy into a country made up of warring tribes ... there's no way it would have ever worked.
Obama made the right call in my opinion ... its time the peaceful Muslims and other countries quit relying on the US military to police their problems ... war with Islam is coming whether we want it or not. The New Testament says just that ... the only thing I see that Obama did wrong was put up with the "our goal is to make Obama a 1-term president" congress for as long as he did before challenging them. A congress that has no solutions to gun violence short of saying give everyone guns, no solutions to immigration control except kick 'em all out and put up electrified fences, no solutions to health care for everyone other than return to a system that was failing, no solutions to anything ... other than tax cuts for corporations & the wealthy, and trying to leverage a party Presidency in 2016, all at the expense of working tax payers.
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Let me go on record here apologizing to time2try for not recognizing her as female ... it wasn't my intent to insult her by implying that she was a man, but simply as a genderless poster to the discussion we were all having. However, she was sensitive to my lack of recognition. As I explained to her, I was holding discussions with 5 of you at the same time ... 5:1 ... sorry if I didn't address everyone by proper names.
That said, however, it would help if everyone had their correct gender showing in their avatar if they desired being addressed by gender. I can assure you, however, that when entering discussions as sensitive as this one, the gloves of gender come off, just like the gloves of race. However, it doesn't mean we can't all be respectful of each other's comments.
I've said many times, I hate the discussions of politics because its like a dog chasing its tail, and quite frankly, when I'm reading the posts in black2white, I'm usually at work with only a few minutes between job responsibilities. My strong distaste for politics developed back in the late summer this past year, with the tampering of the voter's rights. Folks, this is a bigger picture than anyone may imagine. The only voices we have in government, as citizens, is at the voting booths ... if empowered parties are allowed to apply voter requirements where their only intent is to discourage the citizens to vote, we are all in BIG BIG trouble down the road.
Please read this article that I saved from my local newspaper ... this explains my attitude towards the politics in North Carolina. By the way, it was co-authored by a black man and white man. The movie Selma was made for a reason ... its just too bad it came out as late as it did. It should have come out in Aug-Sept of 2014.


Again, my apologizes to Rox for my failure to identify her as female.
Mac gif_Yellowball-flower.gif
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Sorry, I had to actually get some sleep.

Let's remember, myself included, that politics like religion, is deeply personal, and disagreements shouldn't be taken for personal insults. A lot of ground was covered tonight and while the discourse was mostly civil , the rhetoric was heated and dome tempers briefly flared. Going forward, let's just make sure that we can keep our cool and continue to engage like adults.
I don't think Adolf Hitler wanted total war
Germans declared total war when the situation was horrible for them.
I have no doubt Hitler wanted war, and total world domination. If the Treaty of Versailles hasn't have been so punitive and if the Great Depression hadn't come along Hitler would have been a minor footnote in history, he would have never came to power. For someone like Hitler they have to have a focus point to rally the population around. For Hitler it was the Jews and "other undesirables" that brought the downfall of Germany, he was simply going to restore Germany to it place in the world. Turned out costing at least 12 million lives
Sorry, I had to actually get some sleep.

Let's remember, myself included, that politics like religion, is deeply personal, and disagreements shouldn't be taken for personal insults. A lot of ground was covered tonight and while the discourse was mostly civil , the rhetoric was heated and dome tempers briefly flared. Going forward, let's just make sure that we can keep our cool and continue to engage like adults.
Politics like religion shouldn't be taken at face value. It never hurts to give the church and state a good look over and have some actual understanding. Unfortunately too many people simply mouth the dogma that their political and religious leaders spew.
It has been mentioned several times that I was the one who requested that B2W start a political thread. That is incorrect ... political topics were being discussed in other threads where a few of the complaints from posters was that politics didn't belong on B2W. I simply suggested that maybe there should be a political thread ... falcondw69 took it upon himself to set the thread up saying it was upon MacNfries request. .
"and I could hear him say as he rode out of sight, A Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night!" Ho, Ho, Ho!
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I have no doubt Hitler wanted war, and total world domination. If the Treaty of Versailles hasn't have been so punitive and if the Great Depression hadn't come along Hitler would have been a minor footnote in history, he would have never came to power. For someone like Hitler they have to have a focus point to rally the population around. For Hitler it was the Jews and "other undesirables" that brought the downfall of Germany, he was simply going to restore Germany to it place in the world. Turned out costing at least 12 million lives
He didn't want total world domination. He explained all in his book "Mein Kampf". He just wanted "living space" for Germans in Eastern Europe and the dissolution of USSR.
Above all he wanted a leading position (not world domination) for the Aryan race, because he thought Aryan race was spiritually (and physically) superior than other races.
falcond ... save your frk'n insults and sarcasm for someone else. I'm not against capitalism, but what our country has now is not capitalism, and you know that. It left basic capitalism 30+ years ago with the "walks on water" Reagan and his trickle down crap. What we have now is a wealthy class that preys upon the poor ... with their money and their influence in legislation, and now they're going after the appointed federal judges.
you should be against capitalism.
capitalism (=banksters) is going to destroy your own country (and the rest of the world)...
yes I made a mistake...I meant decaying...sorry
anyway you're not decaying because of Obama....
Roman Empire died...Ottoman Empire died...Austrian Empire died...
all super power nations collapse sooner or later...

"The Rise and Fall of Great Powers" by Paul Kennedy.

If you were a serious student of history you would know that it takes a very long time to know when a superpower reaches its apex and begins its decline.

The US still hasn't gone in decline.

We are still the worlds #1 economy by all standards. We are so far ahead of everyone else in miltary power that when there's trouble in the world, we are called to help. No one else. We are the worlds leading scientific and technological power.