Politics, Politics, Politics

New January 6 court filings reveal what Trump is trying to keep secret from Congress​

Specifics about former President Donald Trump's efforts to keep secret the support from his White House for overturning his loss of the 2020 election were revealed in late-night court filings that detail more than 700 pages of handwritten notes, draft documents and daily logs his top advisers kept related to January 6.

The National Archives outlined for the first time in a sworn declaration what Trump wants to keep secret.

And the US House has told a federal court that Trump has no right to keep confidential more than 700 documents from his presidency, citing a committee's need to reconstruct Trump's efforts to undermine the 2020 election and his actions on January 6.

The court filings are in response to a lawsuit Trump brought nearly two weeks ago in which he is attempting to block congressional investigators from accessing hundreds of pages of records they requested from the National Archives, which inherited Trump's presidential papers. The House presents itself as in agreement with the Biden administration, in an unusual show of inter-branch alignment, to oppose Trump.
The records Trump wants to keep secret include handwritten memos from his chief of staff about January 6, call logs of the then-President and former Vice President Mike Pence and White House visitor records, additional court records revealed early Saturday morning.
"In 2021, for the first time since the Civil War, the Nation did not experience a peaceful transfer of power," the House Committee wrote. "The Select Committee has reasonably concluded that it needs the documents of the then-President who helped foment the breakdown in the rule of law. ... It is difficult to imagine a more critical subject for Congressional investigation."
Trump's court case is a crucial and potentially historic legal fight over the authority of a former president to protect his term in office, the House's subpoena power and the reach of executive privilege.

The secret records​

Trump is trying to keep secret from the House more than 700 pages from the files of his closest advisers up to and on January 6, according to a sworn declaration from the National Archives' B. John Laster, which the Biden administration submitted to the DC District Court on Saturday.
Those records include working papers from then-White House chief of Staff Mark Meadows, the press secretary and a White House lawyer who had notes and memos about Trump's efforts to undermine the election.
In the Meadows documents alone, there are three handwritten notes about the events of January 6 and two pages listing briefings and telephone calls about the Electoral College certification, the archivist said.
Laster's outline of the documents offers the first glimpse into the paperwork that would reveal goings-on inside the West Wing as Trump supporters gathered in Washington and then overran the US Capitol, disrupting the certification of the 2020 vote.
Trump is also seeking to keep secret 30 pages of his daily schedule, White House visitor logs and call records, Laster wrote. The call logs, schedules and switchboard checklists document "calls to the President and Vice President, all specifically for or encompassing January 6, 2021," Laster said.

Those types of records could answer some of the most closely guarded facts of what happened between Trump and other high-level officials, including those under siege on Capitol Hill on January 6.
The records Trump wants to keep secret also include draft speeches, a draft proclamation honoring two police officers who died in the siege and memos and other documents about supposed election fraud and efforts to overturn Trump's loss of the presidency.

Historic court fight​

Some of the questions Trump has raised in his lawsuit have never before been decided by a court. If Trump convinces judges to put Archives' document productions on hold as the case makes its way through appeals, the delay tactic could cripple parts of the House panel's investigation.
Generally, the House has sought records held by the Archives that speak to plans to disrupt the electoral count in Congress, preparation for the pro-Trump rallies before and on January 6 and what Trump had learned about the soundness of voting after the election.
The ex-President now claims he should have the ability to assert executive privilege even when the current President will not, and that the House's requests for records from his presidency are illegitimate.
So far, the Biden White House has declined to keep information about the Trump White House leading up to January 6 private, citing the "extraordinary" Trump-led attempt to overturn the 2020 election and the ongoing bipartisan House investigation. And the Archives -- represented by Biden's Justice Department in court -- has sided with President Joe Biden's directions.
In its own court filing overnight, the National Archives backed the House's request for access, arguing that the attack on the Capitol is worthy of waiving executive privilege.
"President Biden's sober determination that the public interest requires disclosure is manifestly reasonable, and his to make," lawyers for the Biden administration wrote in court.
The Archives has said it plans to begin releasing disputed Trump-era records to the House beginning November 12, unless a court intervenes.
Judge Tanya Chutkan of the US District Court in DC will hold a key hearing on Trump's lawsuit on Thursday.

Former members and scholars take Congress' side​

In recent days, the fight over the Trump-era National Archives documents has been heating up.
A bipartisan group of 66 former members of Congress, including some Republicans who had served in leadership posts, told a federal court earlier this week they support the US House in the case.
Their position comes in a "friend of the court" brief this week that Chutkan could look to for legal guidance.
The former members say the need for Congress to understand the January 6 attack shouldn't be undermined by Trump, and they are urging Chutkan to reject his request for a court order that would stop the Archives from turning over documents.
"An armed attack on the United States Capitol that disrupted the peaceful transfer of presidential power -- and not the document requests necessary to investigate it -- is the only grave threat to the Constitution before the Court," the former members write.
A group of government transparency organizations, law professors and other experts are also supporting the House, and the Archives turning over the Trump records, according to court filings.
The case also could play into the possible criminal prosecution of Trump ally Steve Bannon, who has defied a subpoena from the House January 6 committee by pointing to Trump's challenge in court and the possibility the former President might try to claim communications with Bannon are protected. The House voted to hold him in contempt last week, and the Justice Department has said it is evaluating whether to prosecute him.

sounds like blkdlaur

Trump Whines About Wall Street Journal Fact-Checking His Angry Letter in Insane Statement Pushing Election Lies​

Donald Trump is gone from Twitter but he’s still making bogus claims about voter fraud in the 2020 election and is still generally mad online.

On Friday, Trump accused the Wall Street Journal of issuing a “white-washed statement” about the election in its response to criticism it received for running a letter to the editor from Trump that was steeped in lies about the election.

Trump had written the angry letter in response to an editorial in which the board stated the fact that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. This happened because we live on a very dumb timeline

After taking heat for running the letter, the Journal responded by fact-checking Trump on Thursday. “Some of Mr. Trump’s figures appear to come from amateur spelunking into voter data,” the editorial board wrote. “Caveat emptor when this is done by motivated partisans unfamiliar with election systems. The ‘audit’ team in Arizona asserted that Maricopa County received 74,000 more mail votes than were sent out. This was debunked as a misunderstanding of the files.”

Trump responded by issuing a statement on Friday that began, “The Wall Street Journal just did a white-washed statement, so incorrectly, almost as incorrect as their views on tariffs against China, a country that has been ripping off the United States for years (not even including the disaster of the China Virus), trying to justify the fraud of an election in Pennsylvania, but also saying ‘even if’ we are right, ‘Mr. Trump would be two states short of victory.'”

He later closed by saying,

For whatever reason, the Wall Street Journal is doing a complete cover-up of the facts and figures behind the 2020 Presidential Election. After having dealt with them and others in the media for 4 years as president, I have lost complete confidence in them. They don’t want the facts, but the people of our Country, and indeed the world, understand what is going on.
I’d like to conclude by thanking all of the millions of wonderful people who are working so hard against the Radical Left Democrats and the Fake News Media in order to show and prove this massive election fraud.


It's not a 'Great Resignation' that will change work forever, one economist says. His calculations show the labor shortage is ending soon.​

  • Some say the labor market is in a "Great Resignation," but that term is wide of the mark, economist Daniel Alpert said.
  • Most unfilled are in low-paying sectors with mediocre wage growth, Alpert's Jobs Quality Index found.
  • Alpert also found that workers' cash piles will run out soon, and hiring will rebound in a matter of weeks.
The unusual phenomenon sweeping across the US isn't a "Great Resignation." It's not a labor shortage, either.

Working Americans are just taking their time looking for better jobs, Daniel Alpert, managing partner at Westwood Capital and a senior fellow of macroeconomics at Cornell Law School, told Insider. He also said that search won't last forever, and predicted that job creation will surge in a matter of weeks.


The US Navy is going underground as NATO increases its focus on its northern border with Russia​

  • The US Navy deployed a mobile hospital to a cave system in Norway in October.
  • The US Navy and Marine Corps have used Norway's caves to store weapons and equipment for decades.
  • This deployment comes amid tensions with Russia that have led NATO to increase its activity in Norway.
The US Navy set up a new facility in a cave system in northern Norway in October, reflecting the increased focus that the US and its NATO allies have put on the alliance's northern borders with Russia.

This month, the US Navy announced that Naval Forces Europe and US Navy Expeditionary Medical Support Command had delivered an Expeditionary Medical Facility to a cave system near Bogen Bay in northern Norway, some 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle.

EMFs have many of the same capabilities as a modern hospital and can be deployed on short notice, according to Lt. Cmdr. Michael Lucas, director of operations for US Navy Expeditionary Medical Support Command.

Norwegian caves are "an excellent storage solution" that allow for quickly stowing and deploying the EMF, and Civil Engineering Support Equipment already in them will support the EMF, Lucas said in a press release.

now what about China?
When will Trump give up his whining claims of a false & bias 2020 election? Probably never, now.
Unfortunately, no longer can Trump rely on his Fox & Friends to back his whining. So, why the continuance?
• so many newly released info on the Trump Administration as his own staff begin revealing what they know​
• Trump truly needs a distraction by his followers right now as Federan AND State charges begin to add up​
• A divided nation would help Trump in the short term​


Fox News Hit With Massive Lawsuit Over Rigged Election Lies

Fox News is facing another massive lawsuit over its conspiracy-addled 2020 election coverage. The network already stood to lose nearly $3 billion in a case filed by Smartmatic in February. Now, a ...

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The Fox "News" Lie | Media Matters for America

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The extremist right-wing network of Fox News and talk radio had built up an audience that could easily be exploited for political support. Even though the extremist media network was fomenting anger and hatred that is disastrous for society overall, the network could also be used to deliver political votes to Republican politicians.

Fox News uses 'hate' five times more often than ...

Fox News uses 'hate' five times more often than competitors, study finds. This article is more than 1 year old. Study finds Fox’s usage of the word has increased over time, with a notable spike ...

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This is how Fox News spreads hate: How right-wing media tells lies about Islam. The media highlights extreme voices. GOP wingnuts amplify irrationality. An expert explains how the madness works ...

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This is how Fox News keeps its viewers coming back for a steady diet of hate-filled rhetoric and lies. About. ... promoting isolated events as ... There are entire websites dedicated to correcting ...

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Many Americans, who have witnessed this Fox News addiction “rapture” firsthand (whereby an agree-to-disagree loved one is transformed into raging tribalized hyperpartisan nutjob), have come to refer to Fox News as “Foxycontin” because of the addictive nature and massive size of its tribal hate porn audience; 85% of Fox News fans and

Hell all his biz falling apart and yet he still gets rich through his dummies​

How Trump has dodged social media bans to amass a staggering war chest​

Former President Donald Trump has been raking in upwards of $1 million per week through fundraising efforts that manage to skirt his social media bans and work around some campaign finance laws, reports The Washington Post

The ex-president has been amassing an enormous war chest since leaving office, with plans to run for another term. Even though he was banned from Facebook, the Post writes that his primary political action committee, Save America, has been able to spend $100,000 a week on Facebook ads "because Trump is not posting them personally through his suspended account and the ads do not speak in Trump's 'voice.'" And because he hasn't officially launched a campaign for 2024, the donations pouring in can be used to pay for his political staff, rallies, and promotional travel.

Though it's not unusual to run a political operation without an official campaign in motion, "what is different with Trump is the sheer amount of money raised and the often-misleading way he has raised that money," the Campaign Finance Legal Center's Brendan Fischer told the Post. Though Trump is holding campaign-like rallies and talking publicly about an even more glorious victory in November of 2024," all the money he's raised can't technically be used for campaign expenses once he launches an official bid. However, advisers reportedly say they have a plan to shuffle funds around to benefit an eventual Trump 2024 campaign, arguing the campaign laws are not a major barrier.

The Trump team's fundraising efforts on social media have been remarkably successful, especially considering his bans from several platforms. Facebook, for example, blocks ads that quote from Trump, but allows deceptive Save America ads about public belief that "Trump is the true president." Read more at The Washington Post.
Trump will get re elected
The Wire GIF

Found you!!!
Trump will get re elected and your cock will shrivel up into your bowels more than it already has.
you sure shoot off your mouth alot.......with nothing but bullshit opinions......people who normally talk ******* like that get very little pussy

so i would guess you are nothing more than a hardup trump supporter with out a fucking clue

There’s way more of us than MSNBC tells you brother .
Who said anything about MSNBC?
I don't need some network to tell me about politics or history.
You seemed to be OK with NBC when they were paying you.
Keep being a pawn in the game and stay oppressed. Dumbass
Yeah right. You support the same people that White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis support, got no one who looks like you in leadership and very very few in elected office, yet "I'm" the pawn?
You haven't backed up a damn thing you've been trolling about all day. Just popping off ******* hoping for approval and acceptance.
The Dumbass is clear.
Dick Wolf GIF by Wolf Entertainment
When will Mac n fries surrender to the black cock and stop talking about Trump ?
This is a 2 part question ... one will never happen and the other probably won't happen.
"Surrender" .... hahahaha .... damn strong word.
And most of us are at least hoping the courts aren't too biased to exercise the laws and throw that bastard Trump in prison. But they probably won't. Wealth has its privileges in society. You got the "bucks" you can practically do or say anything you like. Just the way it is.
I guess if I believe that “I ain’t black”.
And I tend to agree with this statement ... I personally don't think you are black. Just some white ass dude trying to start arguments using a "color disguise" because you feel it might be advantageous here.
Personally, I don't give a rats ass WHO you pretend to BE ... I do know you don't know crap about covid-19.
You provide nothing but a bunch of BS opinion ... not worth challenging U on anything, you provide NOTHING to the forum but use up space running your dumbass mouth.

It’s clear capitalism isn’t working when US politicians try to bring back baby labor​

Back in the good old days American children didn’t sit around playing video games, making TikToks, and bingeing Netflix. They worked long hours in factories and sweatshops; they knew the value of hard graft. They didn’t take sick days either, they just died of diphtheria. It was a simpler time.

Some US politicians, it would seem, are trying their best to return the country to a golden era of loose labor laws. The Wisconsin senate recently approved a bill that expands the working day for minors, allowing 14- and 15-year-olds to work until 11 pm on non-school nights. Must be fun being a baby in Wisconsin! Not only do adults want to take away your free time, they also want to take away your free food. Over the summer school board members in the Waukesha school district made headlines after they voted to leave a federal free meals program because they worried it made it easy for families to “become spoiled” or develop an “addiction” to the service. Imagine if ******* became addicted to the government ensuring they didn’t starve, eh? They might not be so keen to work for peanuts until 11 at night. Then you might have to start paying adults a living wage and the whole system would fall apart!

As I’m sure you are aware, the United States – along with much of the world – is facing a dramatic labour shortage amid what has been termed the Great Resignation. Earlier this month the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that an unprecedented 2.9% of the workforce, about 4.3 million people, quit their jobs in August. Republicans have been doing their best to starve people back into the low-paid jobs that keep the economy running by cutting off pandemic unemployment benefits, but that hasn’t immediately solved the issue. So some bright sparks have been turning to baby labour instead. Over the summer New Jersey passed legislation temporarily increasing the number of hours that ******* aged 16-18 are able to work. Meanwhile, fast-food chains across the US have ramped up their efforts to recruit *******. Last month a McDonald’s in Oregon sparked headlines after it put out a banner urging 14- and 15-year-olds to apply.

There’s obviously nothing wrong with teenagers getting summer jobs. But there is something very, very wrong with a system that would rather recruit more ******* into the workforce instead of paying better wages and providing more benefits to adults. There’s something very wrong with a system where billionaires have seen their net worth balloon during the worst public health crisis in recent memory – and politicians seemingly have no desire to make them pay their fair share in taxes. There’s something very wrong with a system where minimum wage isn’t enough to afford a two-bedroom rental anywhere in the US. And, increasingly, people aren’t putting up with all this any more. They’re not swallowing the lie that if they just buckle down and work hard, they can achieve the American dream. They’re not quietly getting on with it, they’re organizing: the past year has seen a wave of labour uprisings across America. Meanwhile, socialism (once an incredibly dirty word in the US) has been gaining popularity among young Americans. And that last bit should surprise no one. If politicians are trying to bring back baby labor to plug labor shortages then I think it’s pretty clear that capitalism isn’t working.

Kellogg’s to give staff in the UK fertility, menopause and miscarriage leave​

The company has said it is aiming to help staff feel “psychologically safe” at work. Not sure if that ethos extends to its employees in the US: 1,400 Kellogg’s workers recently went on strike to protest against poor working conditions.




Calmes: Virginia governor race shows how Trumpism rotted the entire Republican Party​

For the sake of our two-party system, I would have liked to believe that Republican Glenn Youngkin, should he win the Virginia governor’s election on Tuesday, could show the way to a post-Trump restoration of the GOP, away from the crazy and the culture wars. After all, Youngkin is a moderate businessman who has long been a traditional Republican.

But I can’t, because that’s not how he’s campaigned against former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

Youngkin is no Donald Trump, but neither is he disavowing the worst of Trump. He’s using weasel words, but all the same he’s corroding faith in our elections, exploiting racial divisions and embracing phony culture wars. Trump says what he thinks, and his cultists love it; Youngkin says what they want to hear, just without the bile and bombast that has cost the party the support of many moderates, college-educated Republicans and independent voters in the suburbs, and turned the once-red state a purplish blue.

It may be working for Youngkin. A Washington Post-Schar School poll Friday showed the race is a dead heat, and Youngkin seems to have the momentum. A new Fox News poll showed him with an eight-point lead.

*******.......news not good for Dems and Joe.....looks like at least he will turn congress back over to the right......alot of "blue" spots turning red right now.....he still may be able to save the white house if things change.......but right now that could go to ANY republican that runs.....and I think trump is counting on that

really sad where the country is going right now.....Dems can not work together to show the country they can govern........and the right has no party....just wanting to appease some orange god that most of the WORLD hates....he has done nothing but sell a bunch of fools lies and false hope....and they are buying it....because the Dems can not help america...or at least not showing it right now....and they have to be seeing it in the polls

and fuck....just when you thought Trump was in Deep *******.......all of his biz either in trouble or losing money........and why should he care....he found a new golden goose.....the republican party....making a million dollars a week telling lies that the right wants to hear....................and this million dollar a week can not even be used for campaign funds....it is just a gift to him!......they are looking at how they can move some of it to his re-election legally.........but I am guess trump is only going to let so much of that be moved.......

and the Dems right now...could not buy a vote if they had to....suprised they don't see that......but then maybe that is what a couple of them want

not sure where we are headed....but it isn't looking good right now
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The man who said he'd be TOO BUSY to play as much GOLF as Obama when he became President.
REMEMBER those words Trump said .... wish to DENY it happened as usual?

He actually played more golf than ANY OTHER President and YOU and I helped pay for it ... you guys are such fools.