Politics, Politics, Politics

Maybe we'll wind up with California's first black governor finally

This guy will never be governor. But, I see why you would like him...

He will never win California. He will win California Republicans in an example of how far they are detached from the rest of the state.
Wednesday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) reacted to a report that General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called his Chinese counterpart General Li Zuocheng multiple times and told him that he would warn him ahead of any military action.

Paul told FNC’s “Fox & Friends” that Milley should be investigated “immediately” and called on him to take a polygraph test. Paul added that if the report is true, Milley needed “to be immediately removed of his command.” He added that if true, Milley’s actions were “treasonous.”

Mark Dice?!
As a black man, you support this guy?
Oh wait, you're a Canadian. Carry on.

find a racist quote or video made by Marrk Dice?

saying that black people cannot support Mark Dice is condescending and racist.

you are saying that all black people think a like common trait about liberals/left
Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO)’s campaign has spent over $130,000 for personal security services for the congresswoman, despite Bush’s longtime support of efforts to defund the police.

Media reports of the spending surfaced again on Friday with the release of campaign spending numbers from the Federal Election Commission.

The left treats black people like being black is a disability.
Any examples of what you are referring to, or are you just wanting to run your sorry ass mouth?
Then every 4 years try to make promises again that go undelivered.
Promises? Again, general, unsupported statements don't mean much more than just your opinion.
macnfries is the biggest retard on this site I’ve learned.
Really? Surprising since you don't sound like one that learns much of anything. What makes you say that? Again, your opinion unless you give examples.
What if someone went around this website calling YOU NAMES without addressing the grievance with you first? I don't even know you ... I've never addressed you on here, so what exactly prompts you to attack me?
If you don't wish to discuss them here, that's fine ... maybe you would prefer calling me? ... 910-328-7448 (eat *******)
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The left treats black people like being black is a disability. Then every 4 years try to make promises again that go undelivered. I guess if I believe that “I ain’t black”.

oh by the way macnfries is the biggest retard on this site I’ve learned.
the shame of all of this is that for over twenty years we have had relationships,sexually, with black mensome were just one nighters because it just did not click, nothing else. and all thsat time race had no part in it just was sex where everyone enjoyed. today its the race card. I think alot of people are holding back on these relationships. afraid of being called a racist or using a term like bbc we both grew up knowing all types of people. one of our friends put it best by sayingto his friends that this was a great set up. we call him he calls us we meet and have a great time. he can cum in her mouth pussy or anywhere he or she wants, has even brought male friends to enjoy another mans wife with no strings. nothing racial just people of colr enjoying sex. time to stop this BS before its over for most of us.
The left treats black people like being black is a disability.
Nope. More of a disadvantage when it comes to simple fair treatment or the benefit of doubt.
The 'left' has been the party to address these types of discrimination.
On the 'left' there are blacks at the table where decisions are made and in leadership, it's more representative.
On the 'right', you have extremists like Nazis, white supremacists, and Klansman. Plus, a social agenda that supports taking society back.
I guess most black people, like me, can't see a reason on earth why we would be voting in the same way neo-Nazis and White Supremacists vote.
We tend to vote for who'll do less damage, not who will bring the gifts.
Then every 4 years try to make promises again that go undelivered.
And people on the right feel the same way about the Republicans.
Maybe we shouldn't put much faith in politicians. However, going back to Johnson, you can trace the deliverables pretty clearly - if you want. Democratic and Republican Presidents have delivered for their constituents each term.

I guess if I believe that “I ain’t black”.
It's not about what you 'feel' or 'believe'. We got this thing called Google Machine that can pull up actually bills and history for you to check for yourself.
oh by the way macnfries is the biggest retard on this site I’ve learned.
stay tuned.