Politics, Politics, Politics

I said documented evidences not biased crap from biased sources

typical trumptard……..you have me confused with some one that gives a *******...……….I gave you evidence......not my problem it wasn't from a source you approve of...……...I said that is all you get for that little biased brain..........you want to push Russia....do it in your own country
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typical trumptard……..doesn't read how you want it so no good.....actually I think you have me confused with someone who gives a fuck....really don't care if you like it or not....it is what it is

so you have no evidence of Tusli colluding with the russians only insults and put downs when Tusli when her libel lawsuit against Hillary Clinton will you stull call Tusli a russian colluder?
so you have no evidence of Tusli colluding with the russians only insults and put downs when Tusli when her libel lawsuit against Hillary Clinton will you stull call Tusli a russian colluder?

If ….If....…...If...….If your Aunt had balls she would be your Uncle

just for you!
Why do TrumpCult membersignore facts?- #resist ...

Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?
If ….If....…...If...….If your Aunt had balls she would be your Uncle

just for you!
Why do TrumpCult membersignore facts?- #resist ...

Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?

dude provide evidence that Gabbard is Colluding ith the Russians. this is not about Trump
you got all you are getting from me......not my fault it wasn't what you wanted to read

she is suing Hillary Clinton for defamation

Hillary Clinton has now twice snubbed a process server attempting to deliver the defamation lawsuit filed against her by Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, according to Gabbard’s attorney.

“I find it rather unbelievable that Hillary Clinton is so intimidated by Tulsi Gabbard that she won’t accept service of process,” the congresswoman’s attorney, Brian Dunne, told The Post. “But I guess here we are.”

Dunne said their process server first attempted to effect service at Clinton’s house in Chappaqua on Tuesday afternoon — but was turned away by Secret Service agents.

The agents directed the server to Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, who on Wednesday claimed at his Washington, DC, firm, Williams & Connolly, that he was unable to accept service on Clinton’s behalf, said Dunne.

Gabbard sued the former secretary of state for $50 million last week for calling her a “Russian asset.” Clinton has refused to retract the statement.

Dunne said his team was weighing next steps.

Reps for Clinton did not immediately return a request for comment.

she is suing Hillary Clinton for defamation

Hillary Clinton has now twice snubbed a process server attempting to deliver the defamation lawsuit filed against her by Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, according to Gabbard’s attorney.

“I find it rather unbelievable that Hillary Clinton is so intimidated by Tulsi Gabbard that she won’t accept service of process,” the congresswoman’s attorney, Brian Dunne, told The Post. “But I guess here we are.”

Dunne said their process server first attempted to effect service at Clinton’s house in Chappaqua on Tuesday afternoon — but was turned away by Secret Service agents.

The agents directed the server to Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, who on Wednesday claimed at his Washington, DC, firm, Williams & Connolly, that he was unable to accept service on Clinton’s behalf, said Dunne.

Gabbard sued the former secretary of state for $50 million last week for calling her a “Russian asset.” Clinton has refused to retract the statement.

Dunne said his team was weighing next steps.

Reps for Clinton did not immediately return a request for comment.

I know all that...... a law suit is not a proclamation of innocence...….just another 10 minutes in the spot light
A lawyer for Hillary Clinton has finally accepted legal documents in connection with a $50 million defamation lawsuit filed by 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, the Hawaii congresswoman’s lawyer told Fox News on Thursday night.
“We look forward to finally moving forward on the merits” of the case, said Brian Dunne, lead attorney representing Gabbard, who is suing over Clinton indirectly referring to her as a “Russian asset” during an October interview.

The development comes after Clinton or her representatives declined to accept the papers in three previous attempts to serve them, Dunne said.

“Today, after the media picked up this story, Ms. Clinton’s lawyer changed course and agreed to accept service,” Dunne told Fox News in a statement. “We would have preferred that Ms. Clinton just accept federal judicial process in the first instance, without having to be called out by the press, but in any event, Tulsi Gabbard’s lawsuit against her will now be moving forward.”
Fox News left written and phone messages late Thursday for Clinton attorney David Kendall of the Washington law firm Williams & Connolly LLP but did not receive a response.
At a campaign event in Portsmouth, N.H., on Thursday evening, Gabbard hadn’t yet heard that Clinton’s team accepted the legal papers.
“The latest that I've heard is that it's what's been reported, that she has refused to be served the documents related to the lawsuit,” Gabbard told reporters. “I think this is unfortunate, you know. No one is above the law. This lawsuit is about accountability – not just for me but for all service members and for the American people.”

I didn't say I have faith that someday we will know. I said it is a god of the gaps argument....which it is. I said it simply means we don't know at this time. We may someday find evidence to support a hypothesis for it or maybe we won't.......and may or may not ever have it..

You may not describe the gap argument as faith-based, but it is. The gap argument depends upon the gaps to become smaller, as they are filled with Man's Knowledge. The demonstrated success of gaps being filled, provides the expectation -- the faith -- that Man's Knowledge will continue to prevail against the unknown. When the gaps cannot be filled, or it is acknowledged that the gaps may never be filled, the gap argument is nullified as a predictor, which is fundamental to science.

Furthermore, while science is mandated to pursue truth -- wherever it may lead -- the refusal to consider Intelligent Design reveals a bias that compromises understanding. It's a bit like 1950s doctors recommending Marlboros.

No, life bearing planets are not necessarily going to be "a lot like ours".

Are too (Dee too). Everywhere we look, for as far as we can see, it's helium and hydrogen; the building blocks of everything. There may be a corner of the universe where it is turtles all the way down, but otherwise, the circumstances for life are similar wherever there is helium and hydrogen.

As I stated before, we've discovered just in the last couple decades that the Goldilocks zone is far larger than we realized. We used to think we'd only find liquid water in the narrow band around stars where planets like Earth and Mars would get enough heat from their sun to have suitable temperatures. Now we know what places like Enceladus which we presumed was just an icy ball can actually have liquid water (along with the complex organics that are needed to kick off life as we know it.)

Well, if you're going to vacay at Enceladus Great Lake of Ammonia, don't forget to bring spare batteries for your heated underpants.

You can have faith if you wish that your creator is going to help you win the powerball jackpot this time. However if you buy a few hundred million tickets you will win the powerball jackpot without any hand of god or touch of His noodly appendage.

It's reeeally subtle, but over several posts, I believe I detect a wee anti-religion bias in your attitude. I should clarify that my faith in an Intelligent Designer is not bound to a particular brand. For a very long time now, the church has neglected thoughtful apologetics in favor of public displays of emotion. The church has become a refuge for Ugg boot-Starbucks-white-girls to reclaim their born-again virginity and sway in eyes-closed, hand-waving rapture to the endless Jesus-Is-My-Boyfriend music. Sadly for them, the masculine men have long since bailed on church, and lil Miss Starbucks is left to sift through the noodle-armed manginas for BF material.

I fear that only adds fuel to your anti-religion bias, but I do not blame the Creator for the silliness of church-goers.
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You may not describe the gap argument as faith-based, but it is. The gap argument depends upon the gaps to become smaller, as they are filled with Man's Knowledge. The demonstrated success of gaps being filled, provides the expectation -- the faith -- that Man's Knowledge will continue to prevail against the unknown. When the gaps cannot be filled, or it is acknowledged that the gaps may never be filled, the gap argument is nullified as a predictor, which is fundamental to science.
You seem to be confused about the god of the gaps argument, or maybe this was another strawman argument attempt. I agree the god of the gaps argument certainly is faith based....that's why I didn't use it. I pointed out that it is a logical fallacy often used by religious/intelligent design advocates. Essentially it is an offshoot of the argument from ignorance informal logical fallacy. It most certainly isn't a predictor...quite the opposite, that's why it isn't used by science (other than pointing out the fallacious nature when used by others)
Well, if you're going to vacay at Enceladus Great Lake of Ammonia, don't forget to bring spare batteries for your heated underpants.
No I don't plan on taking any dips in the ocean's of Enceladus, just as I won't be going to camp out in Earth's hydrothermal vents at the bottom of our ocean. However, there are methanogenic archaea in Earth's hydrothermal vents which have been shown in the lab to survive and grow in the cold water ammonia environment believed to be under the ice crust of Enceladus.
Furthermore, while science is mandated to pursue truth -- wherever it may lead -- the refusal to consider Intelligent Design reveals a bias that compromises understanding. It's a bit like 1950s doctors recommending Marlboros.
Marlboros is a Red Herring logical fallacy. As for science's "refusal to consider intelligent design", we've been over this before. Science works on testable hypothesis. Science can't prove or disprove intelligent design because as soon as you throw out a suggestion X was caused or created by fucking magic, there can be no testable hypothesis to evaluate.

Instead of rehashing what we've been over, if I'm wrong please provide a testable hypothesis and experiment we can run to prove or disprove intelligent design. I'd be happy to wear the Nobel Prize....especially for actually accomplishing something, unlike Obozo's Nobel.
Does the intelligent being behind intelligent design build evolution into their design, because organisms evolve. A fact that seems to put the theory to bed quite early.
Marlboros is a Red Herring logical fallacy.

Just because you misinterpret my argument as a Red Herring, does not make your response any less fishy. You've employed the logical fallacy known as What a Load of Carp.

As for science's "refusal to consider intelligent design", we've been over this before. Science works on testable hypothesis. Science can't prove or disprove intelligent design because as soon as you throw out a suggestion X was caused or created by fucking magic, there can be no testable hypothesis to evaluate.

"And that" sighed Yoda "is why you fail."

Doctrinal adherence to The Known excludes The Unknown and is religious in its fervor. You cannot explain where it all came from -- and expect you never will -- because what you are certain of, prevents consideration of what you don't understand. I do not expect you to agree, or even belabor the point, because The Creator is not limited by Man's understanding or imagination. Up the page, someone chimed in, suggesting that observed evolution disproves Intelligent Design. Absolutely incorrect. The Creator is not limited by Man's vain assumptions that evolution is not part of Creation.

Instead of rehashing what we've been over, if I'm wrong please provide a testable hypothesis and experiment we can run to prove or disprove intelligent design.

No. I am under no obligation to provide arguments that are constrained by your worldview. And to be fair, I do not expect you to conform to mine.

From my perch, my sole concern, is this discussion may flounder.

Now I'm hungry.
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Just because you misinterpret my argument as a Red Herring, does not make your response any less fishy. You've employed the logical fallacy known as What a Load of Carp.
I didn't misinterpret....your Marlboro statement was red herring logical fallacy. Your response here is also a nice example of the tu quoque logical fallacy. This site is certainly fertile ground for logical fallacy research. Congratulations....you're the first person I've had to call out for tu quoque.

Doctrinal adherence to The Known excludes The Unknown and is religious in its fervor. You cannot explain where it all came from -- and expect you never will -- because what you are certain of, prevents consideration of what you don't understand
It appears you either don't understand the fundamentals of the scientific method, or you're intentionally mischaracterizing it. Science most certainly doesn't exclude the unknown. Turning the unknown into the known is at the core of science. However, there is a fundamental difference between the unknown and the unknowable using the scientific method. Science relies on facts, evidence and testable hypothesis.

For example, Einstein's General Relativity predicted time would pass more slowly for an object close to a large mass than one further away from the mass. That was certainly an unknown, and very much counter intuitive to our human brain's interpretation of the world....but the physics and mathematics Einstein developed suggested it would happen. The science involved says a testable hypothesis could be using two highly accurate clocks and measuring any discrepancy between them based on their proximity to the Earth's center of mass. That test couldn't be performed when Einstein came up with the theory given the technology of the day. Today I can take two synchronized atomic clocks, move one to the top of a mountain while leaving the other near sea level and in a relatively short period of time, the time reported by the clock on top of the mountain will be measurably ahead of the clock near sea level, precisely by the amount predicted by General Relativity within the limits of precision of the clocks.

If I do that experiment 10,000 times and always get the same result, it becomes pretty strong evidence that Einstein was right and the unknown has become known.

Is it possible that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is just fucking with me, touching my clocks with his noodly appendage to alter the data in such a way as to magically make the clocks show Einstein was right, when in fact time runs backwards on top of that mountain? Sure it's possible....and fundamentally impossible to prove through science. Better hope the FSM doesn't get bored and stop his gravitational time dilation hoax. GPS will stop working properly since time dilation correction is built into the system in order for it to work.

No. I am under no obligation to provide arguments that are constrained by your worldview.
Of course you're under no such obligation....which is quite convenient for you since you're also unable to provide a testable hypothesis proving or disproving intelligent design.
I'm not watching over an hour of some nobody jabbering on. Can you summarise his argument please Carl?

In my experience, people who don't believe in evolution are either religious fanatics or people who didn't really listen in school and, frankly, don't really understand it.

1) No empirical proof exists that macro-evolution (that is, evolution from one distinct kind of organism into another) is occurring at present, or has ever happened in the past. No one, throughout recorded history, has ever seen it.

Evolutionist anthropologist Jeffrey H. Schwartz stated in his 1999 book Sudden Origins . . . that with the exception of Dobzhan sky's claim about a new species of fruit fly (micro-evolution, not macro-evolution), the formation of a new species, by any mechanism, has never been observed.

2) No transitional fossils. If evolution had taken place there should have been a great many transitional structures preserved in fossilised form recording the stages of development from one type of organism to another type.

For instance, invertebrates are supposed to have transformed into vertebrates, having passed through many intermediate stages. The fossil record does not document such transitions.

Yet there are countless millions of fossils, all of which are non-transitional. Prof Schwartz claims that instead of filling in the gaps in the fossil record with so-called missing links, most paleontologists found themselves facing a situation in which there were only gaps in the fossil record, with no evidence of transformational intermediates between documented fossil species. Not only are the links missing, but professional evolutionists now admit they cannot even imagine how one species could be linked with another.

In the American Scientist review of the book In Search of Deep Time by Henry Gee, Peter J. Bowler writes: "We cannot identify ancestors or `missing links', and we cannot devise testable theories how particular episodes of evolution came about.

"Gee is adamant that all the popular stories about how the first amphibians conquered the dry land, how the birds developed wings and feathers for flying, how the dinosaurs went extinct, and how humans evolved from apes are just products of our imagination, driven by prejudices and preconceptions" (vol 88, March-April 2000, p169).

3) There is no evidence of evolution at the molecular level. Even with DNA sequence data, we have no direct access to the processes of evolution, so objective reconstruction of the vanished past can be achieved only by creative imagination (N.A. Takahata, Genetic Perspective on the Origin and History of Humans - Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics; vol 26, 1995, p34).

DNA and other genetic evidence as proof of evolution are found to be inconsistent with the fossil record and comparative morphology of the creatures.

Anthropologist Dr Roger Lewin has commented: "The overall effect is that molecular phylogenetics is by no means as straightforward as its pioneers believed . . . The Byzantine dynamics of genome change has many other consequences for molecular phylogenetics, including the fact that different genes tell different stories" ("Family Feud", New Scientist, vol 157 January 24th, 1998, p39).

4) Geological timescale questioned. Evolution theory depends upon the great age of rocks calculated by the geologic timescale. This scale was based upon principles of geology recently invalidated by laboratory experiments. (French Academy of Science 1986, 1988, Geological Society 1993, Fusion, May-June 2000).

If this fact had been known in the 19th century, Darwin could never have formulated his theory. Evolution depends upon geological formations taking millions of years to form, and Darwin's geologist friend Charles Lyell provided those years with his principles of geology. It is these principles that now stand refuted.

I'm not watching over an hour of some nobody jabbering on. Can you summarise his argument please Carl?

In my experience, people who don't believe in evolution are either religious fanatics or people who didn't really listen in school and, frankly, don't really understand it.
He's not exactly nobody...he's a devout creationist, with published articles at creation.com. It's difficult to follow his ramblings, but in some of his writings it appears he's one of those proponents claiming the Earth is only thousands or 10's of thousands of years old. His lecture, which some claim is "refuting the claims of evolution", is largely a bunch of citations showing certain others before Darwin had ideas of the Earth being very old and life developing/changing over time. He even states fairly early on that the purpose of his talk in the video is to show that evolution has ancient roots. I suppose there's lots of people who just want to believe in some version of a sky fairy, lack the education needed to understand evolution will suck that up hook line and sinker as somehow disproving evolution.

He doesn't even actually try to refute evolution in the talk. He just says he wants it taught in philosophy rather than science class, claiming it can't be science because (you'll love this) we can't reproduce a whole universe to test it....its the ultimate fallacy....god of the gaps X 10^100!