Politics, Politics, Politics

Well I can't argue that, but I'm not talking just Turkey. It seems the US is always expected to help everyone and if we don't we are total *******, and if we do help them we didn't do it right.

"To those whom have been blessed with much, much is expected!" LUKE 12:48
Trump says Turkey Syria situation isn't his problem.
Yeah that's why he's been trying to get Turkey to stop, by threatening to destroy Turkey's economy and by getting Pence to beg them to stop. They literally couldn't care less.
Trump says Turkey Syria situation isn't his problem.
Yeah that's why he's been trying to get Turkey to stop, by threatening to destroy Turkey's economy and by getting Pence to beg them to stop. They literally couldn't care less.

trump really couldn't care less...….but with the impeachment thing going on and the republicans not happy about this...he can't afford to piss off the only ones able to maybe stop the impeachment...….if you notice...he is not sending the troops back in....he has already gave that to Russia and Turkey....all he is going to do is threaten some sanctions to try and appease the republicans and some of his supporters that are also pissed....but he will only go so far!

Turkey has already laughed in his face and going to continue to destroy all the Kurds they can before Russia shows up....and may not stop then.....but with the Kurds now asking Russia for help since we left them to slaughter....naturally P.utin will help....just another feather in his cap by disgracing the US
"To those whom have been blessed with much, much is expected!" LUKE 12:48

Here let me correct that for you,
Luke 12:48 But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

Don't take it out of context, doesn't quite mean what you want it to imply.
all part of P.utin's plan....when he put trump in power

Obama told P.utin he would destroy him through his economy if he didn't quit fucking in our election....couldn't risk Hillary following through on that promise....plus he didn't like Hillary anyway after she said his re-election was a sham...that pissed him off and created a little furor in Russia against P.utin

Obama: I Told the Russians to ‘Stop It’ and ‘Cut It Out ...
Dec 16, 2016 · President Barack Obama defended his response to Russia after Wikileaks published emails from top Democrats which disrupted the elections. “I told Russia to stop it, and indicated there will be consequences when they do it,” he said to reporters during a press conference on Friday.
you honestly believe that

The federal party leaders addressed allegations on Saturday that Warren Kinsella's Daisy Group consulting firm produced a social media campaign to "seek and destroy" Maxime Bernier's People's Party of Canada for an unnamed client. A source with knowledge of the project tells CBC News that client was the Conservative Party of Canada.

Estranged former federal Conservative leadership contender, cabinet minister and MP Maxime Bernier tells Steve Paikin about his newly-minted People's Party of Canada, and why he believes it deserves a voice on the national stage.