Politics, Politics, Politics

well unlike the current DICKtator…...she speaks a lot of the truth....something a lot of people just don't want to hear....that's why so may trumptards have made threats on her life.....the avg trumptard has no idea about reality except what he is told....can't read nor understand the facts...….that's why most trumptards just don't like her

That moron wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her in the arse - New York should be embarrassed that she got elected!!!!!!
That the Democrat candidates seek her endorsement - speaks volumes.
Whats worse is the left laps that kool-aid up. Only the left would believe that the USA is actually running Concentration camps. Can you insult those who actually suffered REAL concentration camps any more than that? Also, it's not just "the southern border" there are detention centers in every state.
again, a play on words to get people's panties in a bind. And I am STILL waiting for a good explanation why open boarders is a good Idea.

None of these parrots are going to pick a left candidate until the DNC tells them who to get behind.

Yeah if I were a member of that party I’d be mortified she got elected - that their Presidential candidates seek her approval and endorsement is extremely telling - that party has lost itself in socialism and is therefore doomed. America is not ready for what New York and California Democrats want - in any way - shape - or manner.
Yeah if I were a member of that party I’d be mortified she got elected - that their Presidential candidates seek her approval and endorsement is extremely telling - that party has lost itself in socialism and is therefore doomed. America is not ready for what New York and California Democrats want - in any way - shape - or manner.

you being a trumptard speaks volumes for your ability to comprehend
Mmmm well lets see here...….you are forsing people into a jail type atmosphere.....unsanitary conditions...….starving them....separating them from their families…..and some are dying....a trumptard would call that summer camp......to the rest of us that is a concentration camp

Yeah according to your party they should just be able to saunter into our country and settle down - what is it with you lefties - DON’T you know - IT’S AGAINST the LAW!!!!!!!!
A country isn’t a country without borders and immigration laws and enforcement - and when ya break the law - generally ya get detained - you people REALLY do come off as ignorant assholes - and - you call us stupid - gimme a break!!!!!
Yeah according to your party they should just be able to saunter into our country and settle down - what is it with you lefties - DON’T you know - IT’S AGAINST the LAW!!!!!!!!
A country isn’t a country without borders and immigration laws and enforcement - and when ya break the law - generally ya get detained - you people REALLY do come off as ignorant assholes - and - you call us stupid - gimme a break!!!!!

tell me just how did your ancestors get here?.....unless you are an American Indian..you are all imigrants of some kind...Yes I am part Indian!....this country is a nation of immigrants....at one time...we didn't want the irish….then it was the Chinese...then the Japenese….and now the Latinos?

and don't tell me they were slaves.....if so you have had more than enough chances to go back
spoken like a true republican ass.....well come to think of it ….you are
you must not watch the news much….but I'm sure fox doesn't cover that......but why not send your children to summer camp at the border
Those attachments are way, way too much reading fort the righttards. Besides, if it doesn't agree with their imagined vision of the real truth, its FAKE anyway.
tell me just how did your ancestors get here?.....unless you are an American Indian..you are all imigrants of some kind...Yes I am part Indian!....this country is a nation of immigrants....at one time...we didn't want the irish….then it was the Chinese...then the Japenese….and now the Latinos?

and don't tell me they were slaves.....if so you have had more than enough chances to go back

Legally through Ellis Island.

Didn’t sneak in and BREAK our LAWS !!!!!
and yet you begrudge the ones at the border trying to get in...they didn't sneak anywhere they came where they could possibly get asylum legally

That is total horseshite and you know it - something like 90% are denied when heard by a judge - I begrudge people sneaking in and scamming the system
That is total horseshite and you know it - something like 90% are denied when heard by a judge - I begrudge people sneaking in and scamming the system

where in the hell do you get those numbers?....must just pull them out of your ass....and yes under trump a lot are denied.....but the majority of illegals came here legally....last year alone it was 600,000......all came here legally! AND JUST OVER STAYED THIER VISA!

the majority of ******* come in through legal border crossing and just missed by border agents....because we don't have the proper technology/equipment to catch them...….but the pumpkin still wants his monument wall ignoring all the facts.....true a few years ago everyone wanted the wall....but with facts and stats showing other things....not counting what it will do to the natural environment