Politics, Politics, Politics

View attachment 1506365 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...n-fox-news-was-a-fake/?utm_term=.4220be92a597
View attachment 1506366 It seems all these so-called conservatives simply run in packs ... fakes, liars, exaggerators, limelight seekers ... they create their sensationalized stories, and when discovered, quickly move on to another fake story as their duckling followers waddle along behind them "quacking out their agreement" to their next lie, exaggeration,and/or fabrication.

washington post is fake news and have ties to the CIA and members of the builderberg


We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. (source)
your support of the communist party is bewildering...

Talk about lack of understanding - It's not about Republican or Democrat for me - It;s about a corrupt government. Just because I disagree with your mindless re-posting of news instead of posting your own thoughts and having a real conversation does not mean I defend the GOP.

shows your lack of understanding.....here in tornado country....they don't have basements!

It was an expression, duh. Get a job.

It is cool-aid drinkers like yourself that keep the people divided and not focused on the real issues. You liberal zombies walk around moaning Trumpies - trumpies Uuuhhhhh. Like little programed robots.

Think about it - Since Water Gate, what has happened to anyone in power with any type of scandal. Republican or Democrat? Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump - doesn't matter. No one has been held accountable. That can only mean one of two things, either the stories are just that - stories and no real proof - OR - We allow the government to get away corruption. Unfortunately with all the party line BS and biased fake news spreading around people remain confused so the government (both GOP and Dem) gets away with their crap. And people like you just settle for it.

If this Russian thing is real - what ever the truth may be, then it need to be brought to light, people need to be arrested and prosecuted. But that hasn't happened. Just like Hillary's emails, Either there wasn't anything there and it's just all smoke and mirrors or a Government as a whole it lying to us simply to keep her out of jail. Money talks.

I don't care who is behind the Russian scandal - I really don't. But if there is something their, some truth to what is being passed around, then I want to see actions taken and those people held responsible. But as long as people like yourself are distracted with party line bickering, the government is going to continue to get away with blowing smoke up our ass.
View attachment 1506365 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...n-fox-news-was-a-fake/?utm_term=.4220be92a597
View attachment 1506366 It seems all these so-called conservatives simply run in packs ... fakes, liars, exaggerators, limelight seekers ... they create their sensationalized stories, and when discovered, quickly move on to another fake story as their duckling followers waddle along behind them "quacking out their agreement" to their next lie, exaggeration,and/or fabrication.

In follow up news, Mr. Garofalo has just been hired by MSNBC as co-anchor of the 11th Hour with Brian Williams.
We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. (source)
You're trying to discredit the reliability of my post, are you ...
....Ok ... so I go to access your "source" and what does it say ... Youtube has canceled the story for copyright infringements ... that's really nice, Carl.
....And, are you denying that Fox News retracted a fake story they aired on the Navy Seal they had on their station BEFORE putting him on their station? Are you claiming that my statement that conservatives don't regularly sensationalize, lie, fabricate their accusations regarding liberals? How many times since the 2016 elections began in 2015 has Fox News been caught red-handed lying ... particularly of Hillary and Barrack? Anyhow, here's FOX NEWS retraction, dumbnuts ...

....And yet another one, just THIS WEEK with Trump's "General John Kelly" lying about Florida Senator Frederick Wilson, trying to discredit the reliability of her story regarding the conversation Trump had with the dead marine's family. So he fabricates a lie about her in 2015 ...

....So, let's get the Republicans normal tactic of telling a bold face LIE in public, in front of national TV, in large groups, then when they are caught in their LIE, they retract their statements in private .... ohhhhh, how sweet of them. Kelly is yet to publically come out and admit he LIED ... it wasn't by accident, because that would simply be a mistake ... General John Kelly LIED to the American people on purpose to protect the President. LIED ... that would be INTENTIONALLY creating a story "fabrication" to redirect the American viewers who have been caught up in the dead marine story. Oh, and everyone projected General Kelly of such HIGH MORAL STANDARDS when Trump appointed him. Hell, he's just another one of the larger monsters Trump stocked in his pond when he promised to DRAIN THE SWAMP in Washington. Drain it? LOL .... hell, he restocked the fucking swamp.

....Please go sit in the corner, Carl. Admit you've been duped by the President's stable of habitual liars once again. Hell, if you'll wait another 3-4 hours either President DumbNuts, or one of his reliable liars on his staff will tell yet ANOTHER LIE and this posting will become OLD NEWS. That's how FAST this administration LIES, Carl, baby!

Oh, and Carl, sweetie ... it appears President Trumps "Benghazi" is developing in black with the 4 slain marines that he swears he called their families to express condolences to ... LOL Try to keep up on that one ... you'll love it as it develops.
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You're trying to discredit the reliability of my post, are you ...
....Ok ... so I go to access your "source" and what does it say ... Youtube has canceled the story for copyright infringements ... that's really nice, Carl.
....And, are you denying that Fox News retracted a fake story they aired on the Navy Seal they had on their station BEFORE putting him on their station? Are you claiming that my statement that conservatives don't regularly sensationalize, lie, fabricate their accusations regarding liberals? How many times since the 2016 elections began in 2015 has Fox News been caught red-handed lying ... particularly of Hillary and Barrack? Anyhow, here's FOX NEWS retraction, dumbnuts ...

....And yet another one, just THIS WEEK with Trump's "General John Kelly" lying about Florida Senator Frederick Wilson, trying to discredit the reliability of her story regarding the conversation Trump had with the dead marine's family. So he fabricates a lie about her in 2015 ...

....So, let's get the Republicans normal tactic of telling a bold face LIE in public, in front of national TV, in large groups, then when they are caught in their LIE, they retract their statements in private .... ohhhhh, how sweet of them. Kelly is yet to publically come out and admit he LIED ... it wasn't by accident, because that would simply be a mistake ... General John Kelly LIED to the American people on purpose to protect the President. LIED ... that would be INTENTIONALLY creating a story "fabrication" to redirect the American viewers who have been caught up in the dead marine story. Oh, and everyone projected General Kelly of such HIGH MORAL STANDARDS when Trump appointed him. Hell, he's just another one of the larger monsters Trump stocked in his pond when he promised to DRAIN THE SWAMP in Washington. Drain it? LOL .... hell, he restocked the fucking swamp.

....Please go sit in the corner, Carl. Admit you've been duped by the President's stable of habitual liars once again. Hell, if you'll wait another 3-4 hours either President DumbNuts, or one of his reliable liars on his staff will tell yet ANOTHER LIE and this posting will become OLD NEWS. That's how FAST this administration LIES, Carl, baby!

Oh, and Carl, sweetie ... it appears President Trumps "Benghazi" is developing in black with the 4 slain marines that he swears he called their families to express condolences to ... LOL Try to keep up on that one ... you'll love it as it develops.

you rant and raves have nothing to do what the wash post ties to the CIA

American journalism has entered highly dangerous terrain.

A tip-off is that the Washington Post refuses to face up to a conflict of interest involving Jeff Bezos — who’s now the sole owner of the powerful newspaper at the same time he remains Amazon’s CEO and main stakeholder.

The Post is supposed to expose CIA secrets. But Amazon is under contract to keep them. Amazon has a new $600 million “cloud” computing deal with the CIA.

The situation is unprecedented. But in an email exchange early this month, Washington Post executive editor Martin Baron told me that the newspaper doesn’t need to routinely inform readers of the CIA-Amazon-Bezos ties when reporting on the CIA. He wrote that such in-story acknowledgment would be “far outside the norm of disclosures about potential conflicts of interest at media organizations.”

But there isn’t anything normal about the new situation. As I wrote to Baron, “few journalists could have anticipated ownership of the paper by a multibillionaire whose outside company would be so closely tied to the CIA.”

TheWashington Post ‘s refusal to provide readers with minimal disclosure in coverage of the CIA is important on its own. But it’s also a marker for an ominous pattern — combining denial with accommodation to raw financial and governmental power — a synergy of media leverage, corporate digital muscle and secretive agencies implementing policies of mass surveillance, covert action and ongoing warfare.

Digital prowess at collecting global data and keeping secrets is crucial to the missions of Amazon and the CIA. The two institutions have only begun to explore how to work together more effectively.

For the CIA, the emerging newspaper role of Mr. Amazon is value added to any working relationship with him. The CIA’s zeal to increase its leverage over major American media outlets is longstanding.

After creation of the CIA in 1947, it enjoyed direct collaboration with many U.S. news organizations. But the agency faced a major challenge in October 1977, when — soon after leaving the Washington Post — famed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein provided an extensive expose in Rolling Stone.

Citing CIA documents, Bernstein wrote that during the previous 25 years “more than 400 American journalists... have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency.” He added: “The history of the CIA’s involvement with the American press continues to be shrouded by an official policy of obfuscation and deception.”

Bernstein’s story tarnished the reputations of many journalists and media institutions, including the Washington Post and New York Times. While the CIA’s mission was widely assumed to involve “obfuscation and deception,” the mission of the nation’s finest newspapers was ostensibly the opposite.

During the last few decades, as far as we know, the extent of extreme media cohabitation with the CIA has declined sharply. At the same time, as the run-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq attests, many prominent U.S. journalists and media outlets have continued to regurgitate, for public consumption, what’s fed to them by the CIA and other official “national security” sources.

The recent purchase of the Washington Post by Jeff Bezos has poured some high-finance concrete for a new structural bridge between the media industry and the surveillance/warfare state. The development puts the CIA in closer institutionalized proximity to the Post, arguably the most important political media outlet in the United States.

At this point, about 30,000 people have signed a petition (launched by RootsAction.org) with a minimal request: “The Washington Post’s coverage of the CIA should include full disclosure that the sole owner of the Post is also the main owner of Amazon — and Amazon is now gaining huge profits directly from the CIA.” On behalf of the petition’s signers, I’m scheduled to deliver it to the Washington Post headquarters on January 15. The petition is an opening salvo in a long-term battle.

By its own account, Amazon — which has yielded Jeff Bezos personal wealth of around $25 billion so far — is eager to widen its services to the CIA beyond the initial $600 million deal. “We look forward to a successful relationship with the CIA,” a statement from Amazon said two months ago. As Bezos continues to gain even more wealth from Amazon, how likely is that goal to affect his newspaper’s coverage of the CIA?

Norman Solomon is co-founder of RootsAction.org.


looks like McNfries have reading comprehension problems ' Says one of the three bubble heads.

LOL god you three three bubble heads are comedy gold
Talk about lack of understanding - It's not about Republican or Democrat for me - It;s about a corrupt government

you have to get out of that bubble you live in....you play the cards you are dealt!

It was an expression, duh. Get a job.
I KNOW the expression...and I have a great job...long hours but great job!

We allow the government to get away corruption.

that would about sum it up!

Unfortunately with all the party line BS and biased fake news spreading around people remain confused so the government (both GOP and Dem) gets away with their crap. And people like you just settle for it.

Wrong....like I told you several times now...I have to settle for the lesser of 2 evils....while you on the other hand defend the most corrupt of the 2 ...and somehow try to convince...me or yourself.....you are above it....say what you want ...you defend all of it...maybe not a lot I can do...but I do speak up...and post all the fuckings your party is giving the working people of this country!

If this Russian thing is real - what ever the truth may be, then it need to be brought to light

spoken like a true republican and Trumpie....all of security agencies have shown it was Russia already...most believe it....except the right....they don't care they have their own agenda
and need trump to help them fuck the country!

Just like Hillary's emails, Either there wasn't anything there and it's just all smoke and mirrors or a Government as a whole it lying to us simply to keep her out of jail. Money talks.

And like a true republican it comes back to Hillary and the email......what about Bush deleting 20,000 when they wanted an investigation into his firing of those judges...guess that doesn't count....and right now..Trump's whole cabinet using private server...nothing said....go back to Powell and etc...but nothing said...only Hillary....just a little bias there wouldn't you think?

I want to see actions taken and those people held responsible. But as long as people like yourself are distracted with party line bickering, the government is going to continue to get away with blowing smoke up our ass.

never happen...they will not put a pres in jail...to big to fry!

and you are not above party line bickering and seem to do a lot of it....actually more than me!

look at the majority of my posts......mostly cut n paste from news articles...where as you spend your time defending your man and his policies!

my posts are just pointing out the error of those policies

on top of that I would bet I have spent more time writing/calling my congressman/senator/even pres in one year than you have in a lifetime....I speak my fucking mind....and don't mind telling them when they are fucking us!
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Fox News been caught red-handed lying

that's why they ARE NOT considered a news station in Canada......they have laws preventing news stations from lying.....where we here in the US let anyone with enough money say whatever in the hell they want!

as for the fox news retraction I just posted an article on that



Is that you HH?

I see you right wingers have a true friend of the party!....now you don't have to defend him yourself so much

Stop Criticizing Donald Trump. Vladimir Putin Says So.
HuffPost David Moye,HuffPost

If you want to be a good American, listen to Vladimir Putin and stop criticizing Donald Trump.

That’s the “helpful” suggestion the Russian president made Thursday at a foreign affairs conference in Sochi, according to the state-run Tass news agency.

“Mr. Trump was elected by the American people. And at least for this reason it is necessary to show respect for him, even if you do not agree with some of his positions,” Putin said, before adding this dig: “Inside the country, disrespect is shown for him. This is a regrettable negative component of the U.S. political system.”

Putin then demurred about whether he could offer tips to Trump.

“I believe that the president of the United States does not need any advice because one has to possess certain talent and go through this trial to be elected, even without having the experience of such big administrative work. He [Trump] has done this,” Putin said. “He won honestly.”
I beg to differ with him, but, the majority of the American people didn't elect Trump, and IF the cheating were to be taking out of the election it probably wouldn't have even been close.

Your right - we also wouldn't have a congress full of Democrats and Republicans. I think we would have a fairly decent mix of Libertarians and independents as well, probably even more.
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what about Bush deleting 20,000 when they wanted an investigation into his firing of those judges

You missed the mark with my entire reply, but I will go ahead and respond to this one part simply because your incomprehension is so blatant I just half to point it out.

The scandals with Bush is exactly my POINT.
We keep letting the government "explain away" the scandals and not one is ever held accountable. That just gives the green light for the next person, and the next and the next. And each time the scandal gets worse and worse - Like I asked - name one that has been prosecuted since Watergate. But you go ahead and keep that one eye closed and keep turning left, following that carrot seems to suit you.