Politics, Politics, Politics

Haven't you heard, here, blkmale80, voter suppression doesn't exist! Its all a figment of imagination; the scholars here have spoken ... so it must be true. What's the party's favorite term lately ... plausible deniability? ;)
And this thing with Israel being our "only true ally" in the region? View attachment 564928 Heck, any country, who was receiving almost $20 Billion from the US every year, would claim to be our strongest ally (or at least say they were), even though they knew of 9-11 (possibly even supported it) well before it happened. The US has used bunches of tax payer's money to keep their foot in the door in the middle east because of its oil, and to keep Israel from getting more cozy with China. Israel is one of the biggest arms dealers in the world, muchly financed by the US, and they aren't the least bit hesitant in handing our technology to the likes of China and other foes to make a dollar. We just bury our heads in the sand, deny its happening and keep giving them money and our latest technology.
So now you hate Israel too? DAMN, you really are a communist!!!!
So now you hate Israel too? DAMN, you really are a communist!!!!
Man, you sure are a mean spirited bastard lately, falcond ... all this name calling, what gives with you?
Where in my post does it say I hate Israel simply because I think spending the huge amounts of money we've spent in Israel is foolish. If there was no interest in the oil, we wouldn't even be there, and I think you know that. But, here are a few reports you might find interesting, well, probably not interesting to you.


The US is spending over $16 billion in money & technology to Israel annually, and they haven't done "jack gif_CRAP.gif " but bitch as to why we try to negotiate a peace in the region.
Man, you sure are a mean spirited bastard lately, falcond ... all this name calling, what gives with you?
Where in my post does it say I hate Israel simply because I think spending the huge amounts of money we've spent in Israel is foolish. If there was no interest in the oil, we wouldn't even be there, and I think you know that. But, here are a few reports you might find interesting, well, probably not interesting to you.


The US is spending over $16 billion in money & technology to Israel annually, and they haven't done "jack View attachment 565286 " but bitch as to why we try to negotiate a peace in the region.
Oil? Seriously? And exactly how much oil do we import from Israel, Mac? I used to have respect for you. Your last post absolutely destroyed that. When you can do your research and understand what the numbers mean, contact me. Until that time, leave me the F alone.
Those Baltimore rioters sure have changed the subject from Freddy Grays ******* to "lets burn the city down".
Because they are not protesters. They have been bussed in to do exactly what you say "burn the city down". It was the same way with Furgeson. These are test runs for what Obama plans in 2016. Get riots going for whatever reason, declare martial law, suspend congress, the supreme court, and the Constitution, and suspend the elections indefinitely so he can remain King of Obamaland.
Because they are not protesters. They have been bussed in to do exactly what you say "burn the city down". It was the same way with Furgeson. These are test runs for what Obama plans in 2016. Get riots going for whatever reason, declare martial law, suspend congress, the supreme court, and the Constitution, and suspend the elections indefinitely so he can remain King of Obamaland.
Sure he will.
Sure he will.
Scoff if you want. More and more of the things I am seeing are leading up to this. I thought it was BS too, when I first heard the theory, but look at all the facts. These manufactured "emergencies". The firing of anyone in the military who disagrees with Obama. The multiple, HUGE purchases of ammo by DHS. Look at things seriously and then tell me what I say is not a possibility.
Who the FUCK started this thread!? Who cares about politics have you been watching TV lately!!? This isn't the place for that *******!! This is an interracial sex addicted loving community, so don't bring that demonrats, teabaggers, republifucks and libertads BULLSHIT here. If you want politics and policies got to CNN, BBC and and the always hating FUCKNEWS, and leave this beautiful people alone. POLITRICKS has dome more damage than good. Interracial sex has done everything good so FUCK OUTTA HERE damn it!!
Who the FUCK started this thread!? Who cares about politics have you been watching TV lately!!? This isn't the place for that *******!! This is an interracial sex addicted loving community, so don't bring that demonrats, teabaggers, republifucks and libertads BULLSHIT here. If you want politics and policies got to CNN, BBC and and the always hating FUCKNEWS, and leave this beautiful people alone. POLITRICKS has dome more damage than good. Interracial sex has done everything good so FUCK OUTTA HERE damn it!!
Nobody is forsing you to read or respond to this thread. So go away.
It doesn't it your reply that brought me back shoulda kept it to yourself don't you see what's politricks does? DIVIDE and RULE!
Oil? Seriously? And exactly how much oil do we import from Israel, Mac?
Oil from Israel? None, but the last time I heard, Israel was in the Middle East. gif_Yellowball-question2.gif
I used to have respect for you. Your last post absolutely destroyed that. When you can do your research and understand what the numbers mean, contact me. Until that time, leave me the F alone.
What the numbers mean? What numbers are you referring? As far as leaving you alone ... no problem. Just don't talk about me in third person, like the "perfect black man for all white women" guy does, and I can resist conversation with you or anyone else on b2w.
.... These are test runs for what Obama plans in 2016. Get riots going for whatever reason, declare martial law, suspend congress, the supreme court, and the Constitution, and suspend the elections indefinitely so he can remain King of Obamaland.
.... More and more of the things I am seeing are leading up to this. I thought it was BS too, when I first heard the theory, but look at all the facts. These manufactured "emergencies". The firing of anyone in the military who disagrees with Obama. The multiple, HUGE purchases of ammo by DHS. Look at things seriously and then tell me what I say is not a possibility.
gif_Yellowball-question2.gif Now I'm totally lost ... test run(?) for Obama plans in 2016? What plans? What theory? Where can I read about these "plans" and "theories"? I'm serious ... this is the first place I've heard of this "Obama Plans" other than Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
I think your hatred for the President runs very deep and you finally can't hold it in, any longer. ;)
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Who the FUCK started this thread!? Who cares about politics have you been watching TV lately!!? This isn't the place for that *******!! This is an interracial sex addicted loving community, so don't bring that demonrats, teabaggers, republifucks and libertads BULLSHIT here. If you want politics and policies got to CNN, BBC and and the always hating FUCKNEWS, and leave this beautiful people alone. POLITRICKS has dome more damage than good. Interracial sex has done everything good so FUCK OUTTA HERE damn it!!
I started this thread, buttmunch, at the suggestion of several others, to keep the political talk out of the sex threads. Shockingly enough, there are some people on here who have interest in things other than sex, like sports or history or politics. There are also some people on here who can string together a sentence without cussing everyone out. And BTW, it's really stupid to post when you are that *******.
Oh. One more thing. If you don't like the thread, DON'T FING READ IT!!!!!!
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Rick Perry was a decent Governor. He would never get my vote for President. He is too into "crony capitalism" and rewarding his friends.
As for the secession talk, Obama or whoever is President would make it FAR too expensive for any state to seceed. The nation is stronger as one anyway.
Oil from Israel? None, but the last time I heard, Israel was in the Middle East. View attachment 565398

What the numbers mean? What numbers are you referring? As far as leaving you alone ... no problem.

View attachment 565398 Now I'm totally lost ... test run(?) for Obama plans in 2016? What plans? What theory? Where can I read about these "plans" and "theories"? I'm serious ... this is the first place I've heard of this "Obama Plans" other than Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
I think your hatred for the President runs very deep and you finally can't hold it in, any longer. ;)
You are wrong about that, Mac.
Do I like Obama? No. Do I hate Obama? No.
Do I hate what his policies are doing to this country? Yes. Do I hate the irreverance he treats this country with? Yes. Do I hate how he treats our allies and how he lies to them and the American public? Yes.
It will not happen u need a vote from Congress to succeed from the union all this is just talk. Btw you want to be angry at some one be angry at Congress because they make the laws and control the purse.