Politics, Politics, Politics

Well, not no one, just the media, the Democrat party, textbook writers, who have all conveniently misremembered that inconvenient fact.
I noticed a real difference in what was taught in U.S. history in high school vs. college. Brings to mind the death of Huey Long. History records that Dr. Carl Weiss shot Huey Long and in return was shot over 60 times by Mr. Long's bodyguards. As I recall several body guards we wounded in the exchange and I think one died. Mr. Long did not immediately die, he was taken to the hospital and on admission it was noticed that he was ******* from the nose. The doctor at the hospital inquired how he had injured his nose and Mr. Long indicated that Dr. Carl Weiss had punched him in the nose. Now if you think about it a bit it is pretty unlikely that if Dr. Weiss had actually intended to shoot Mr. Long that he would have punched him in the nose first. A number of years back the Weiss family asked Dr. Doug Ubelaker to perform an autopsy on Dr. Weiss remains. Dr. Ubelaker is the head forensic pathologist for the Smithsonian and does a lot of bone cases for the FBI. He found nearly 40 bullet tracks in the skeletal remains and determined that the doctor had been completely surrounded by shooters. He had been shot standing, falling and laying on the ground. Dr. Ubelaker determined that it was very unlikely that Dr. Weiss was holding anything in either hand (like a gun) when he was shot. Shortly after he had completed his autopsy there was a convention of forensic pathologists in Baton Rouge and Dr. Ubelaker planned to announce his findings there. He was contacted by the State Attorney General (not positive it was the AG) and was told that anything that contradicted the accepted history wouldn't be good and a person could end up in jail for making slanderous statements. He did not deliver his finding at the convention.
It is important to understand where we have been and how we got to where we are. Jim Crow laws, the KKK, the Holocaust and the Gulags and other dark sides of humanity need to be remembered and understood.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed (I believe the quote is actually destined, but doomed seemed more appropriate in this case.) to repeat it.
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The thing is, Republicans aren't really trying to hide their Jim Crow tactics anymore; they just don't like the use of the name in what they're doing. Put simply, if you can't win their votes, suppress their votes. I really suggest those of you supporting this party start taking a closer look at who you're supporting. This party isn't about "shrinking government", its about transferring more wealth. I use to be a registered Republican too ... that stopped with Bush I.

http://americablog.com/2015/04/liberal-compromise-voter-id.html <~this will never happen; should, but won't!

Eventually, that "wealth pie" won't be big enough for the 1%ers to provide you your share and you'll go down like the rest of the middle class.
In Raleigh, NC just this week, the Republican state legislation gerrymandered the 7-seat commissioners seats (currently held by Democrats) to guarantee at least 2 Republicans would be seated in the next election regardless of the votes. NC republican appointed state judges simply turned a deaf ear to protests of the overnight process.
pic_ItIsWhatItIS.jpg ....Mac
I don't see Mac ever being a Republican. I think his best bet is going to be moving to another state. While he goes on at length about the sins of the Republicans he seems to be ignoring the sins of the Democrats.

A good example that come to mind is Warren Buffet's best investment by far has been Barack Obama. Buffett's support of Obama has paid massive dividends

Here is a nice short video that addresses some conspiracy issues. I highly recommend it

Both parties cater to the one percenters.

As far as identification I have to carry a driver license while driving a car, to get a post office box (2 required forms of ID), if a police officer feels I am behaving in a suspicious manner I need to produce identification and if I don't have ID I can be detained until my identity is verified, when I travel and rent a car or rent a hotel room I must identify myself. I don't see requiring a picture ID to vote as being excessive. For people that don't drive a voter card would be issued. Each state could do a registration drive. I would certainly be happy to provide transportation to anyone that needed it.
The thing is, Republicans aren't really trying to hide their Jim Crow tactics anymore; they just don't like the use of the name in what they're doing. Put simply, if you can't win their votes, suppress their votes. I really suggest those of you supporting this party start taking a closer look at who you're supporting. This party isn't about "shrinking government", its about transferring more wealth. I use to be a registered Republican too ... that stopped with Bush I.

http://americablog.com/2015/04/liberal-compromise-voter-id.html <~this will never happen; should, but won't!

Eventually, that "wealth pie" won't be big enough for the 1%ers to provide you your share and you'll go down like the rest of the middle class.
In Raleigh, NC just this week, the Republican state legislation gerrymandered the 7-seat commissioners seats (currently held by Democrats) to guarantee at least 2 Republicans would be seated in the next election regardless of the votes. NC republican appointed state judges simply turned a deaf ear to protests of the overnight process.
View attachment 561049 ....Mac
I just don't understand what your deal is with requiring voter ID. You have to have ID to buy cigarettes or alcohol. You have to have ID and insurance to drive a car. You have to have ID to claim Social Security. When you get insurance, you are issued an ID card.
Isn't voting more important than all of those?
They found there are over 6,000,000 registered voters in the USA who are over 105 years old. 6,000,000!!!! Over 105!!! Seriously? Still want to say there is no voter fraud?
They found there are over 6,000,000 registered voters in the USA who are over 105 years old. 6,000,000!!!! Over 105!!! Seriously? Still want to say there is no voter fraud?
That's not true, falcond ... quit spinning the truth. They may have found a considerable number of deceased names still on the books, but there was NO PROOF of voter fraud ... that was only the Republican's response as to why they were making the changes. NO PROOF!
Secondly, you guys talk about the ID thing ... IDs had absolutely NO impact in the 2014 election; IDs don't go into effect until 2016! ... comprende'? The Republicans are notorious for saying one thing and meaning or having intent for something else. They cut the voter locations, cut the # of days, cut the number of booths, cut the time to vote ... here in NC they even mailed out misinformation as to where to vote. So for the umpteenth time ... ID law had NO IMPACT IN THE 2014 elections. It was VOTER SUPPRESSION, falcond. Its funny, 26 states implemented so called new voter ID for 2014 as the Republicans called those changes. Want to know how many were Republican Run States? Out of ... no, I'm not giving you the answer, damn it, you're going to go RESEARCH the answer yourself because ANYTHING I say, you're going to call me a liar. GO check it out, I dare you.
Jim Crow laws are coming back, and this time its not the Democrats doing it, and its impacting a lot more than black people. You're just too boneheaded to admit this party offers nothing for the common people of this country. You look at the statistics of 35 years of "trickle down" and deny 'em. Why don't you quit pissing down people's backs and telling them its raining?
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You guys got me pegged as a frik'n liberal, and I don't know how many times I've told you I'm a moderate. Yes, I am registered as a Democrat; actually switched parties after G H Bush's first term and his "read my lips". I've said many times that I believe the government should be required to have a "balanced budget" approach to spending. The problem is, Republicans and Democrats can't agree on what that budget should be because they can't agree on what services the government should provide. Democrats have had a history of "tax & spend" ... a reason I was initially registered Republican. But, its funny, when Republicans have the trifecta in Washington, government grows every bit as big and fast as it does under Democrats. So, don't feed me that BS that Republicans are wanting to shrink government ... no, they're cutting revenue by giving tax cuts that mainly impact the rich, which create even bigger deficits which they say is caused by entitlement spending. Fact is the top 10% earners in the US receive 70% of the entitlements when you recognize subsidies as entitlements. The tax code book isn't 7,000+ pages long because of nothing ... most is for all the exceptions give to people so they don't pay the tax. We have a growing poor class in this country because we're stagnating lower income and increasing upper income ALL because some THINK that it will create new jobs ... BS! They need to smell what they're shoveling.
Same thing with this Religious Freedom Act that Republicans are trying to implement. All in Republican run states, and all it is, is simply an attack on a class of individuals that Republicans don't agree with. People might wish to look up the difference between matrimony and marriage before they try substantiating their arguments for the Religious Freedom Act.
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That's not true, falcond ... quit spinning the truth. They may have found a considerable number of deceased names still on the books, but there was NO PROOF of voter fraud ... that was only the Republican's response as to why they were making the changes. NO PROOF!
Secondly, you guys talk about the ID thing ... IDs had absolutely NO impact in the 2014 election; IDs don't go into effect until 2016! ... comprende'? The Republicans are notorious for saying one thing and meaning or having intent for something else. They cut the voter locations, cut the # of days, cut the number of booths, cut the time to vote ... here in NC they even mailed out misinformation as to where to vote. So for the umpteenth time ... ID law had NO IMPACT IN THE 2014 elections. It was VOTER SUPPRESSION, falcond. Its funny, 26 states implemented so called new voter ID for 2014 as the Republicans called those changes. Want to know how many were Republican Run States? Out of ... no, I'm not giving you the answer, damn it, you're going to go RESEARCH the answer yourself because ANYTHING I say, you're going to call me a liar. GO check it out, I dare you.
Jim Crow laws are coming back, and this time its not the Democrats doing it, and its impacting a lot more than black people. You're just too boneheaded to admit this party offers nothing for the common people of this country. You look at the statistics of 35 years of "trickle down" and deny 'em. Why don't you quit pissing down people's backs and telling them its raining?

You are wrong, as usual, Mac. Go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_ID_laws_in_the_United_States. Florida has had voter ID laws since 1977 and Georgia had their tightened laws start in 2012. There are many other states too. Check your facts Mac. You know I will.
Or maybe you could try this Article from the EVER Conservative Washington Post as of Sept. 27, 2012 : http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2012/09/27/voter-id-laws-in-all-50-states-in-1-map/
Now. Would you like to continue the lies?
You guys got me pegged as a frik'n liberal, and I don't know how many times I've told you I'm a moderate. Yes, I am registered as a Democrat; actually switched parties after G H Bush's first term and his "read my lips". I've said many times that I believe the government should be required to have a "balanced budget" approach to spending. The problem is, Republicans and Democrats can't agree on what that budget should be because they can't agree on what services the government should provide. Democrats have had a history of "tax & spend" ... a reason I was initially registered Republican. But, its funny, when Republicans have the trifecta in Washington, government grows every bit as big and fast as it does under Democrats. So, don't feed me that BS that Republicans are wanting to shrink government ... no, they're cutting revenue by giving tax cuts that mainly impact the rich, which create even bigger deficits which they say is caused by entitlement spending. Fact is the top 10% earners in the US receive 70% of the entitlements when you recognize subsidies as entitlements. The tax code book isn't 7,000+ pages long because of nothing ... most is for all the exceptions give to people so they don't pay the tax. We have a growing poor class in this country because we're stagnating lower income and increasing upper income ALL because some THINK that it will create new jobs ... BS! They need to smell what they're shoveling.
Same thing with this Religious Freedom Act that Republicans are trying to implement. All in Republican run states, and all it is, is simply an attack on a class of individuals that Republicans don't agree with. People might wish to look up the difference between matrimony and marriage before they try substantiating their arguments for the Religious Freedom Act.

Mac, newsflash, EVERYONE on here has you pegged as a liberal, because that is how you react and because of the things you post.

Now, YOU have me pegged as a Republican. I am not. I vote that way most times, because the Republicans are either the best of 2 bad choices, or because I agree on more points with them than I do the Democrats. I am actually a Conservative. If I lived in New York, I would probably be a member of the Constitutionalist party.

I don't just want Washington to get spending under control, I want it shrunk down to the original 5 cabinet posts. I want a balanced budget amendment. I want HUD and the Dept. of Education Closed. I want the IRS and the EPA shrunk down to skeleton crews. I want the Department of Energy closed. Period.

It is way the hell out of control.

One of these days, I will post here what I wrote. I actually went through (at that time) the proposed federal budget for FY2012 (I had a lot of time on my hands), using the numbers for FY2011 as a baseline. I found over 10 trillion in savings in 10 years. It balanced the budget almost immediately and it stopped the government overreach that is pervading and perverting so much of our lives these days. And the numbers I used were the governments own numbers. Just general numbers. If I had gotten specific, I bet the savings would have gone up by at least 50%. And it did not gut our military. And it took the things OUT of federal government hands that the fedderal government sucks at, which is almost everything - SSI, Medicare, Health Care, Education, Energy, The Environment, and returned them to the states and local municipalities, where it was originally intended to be by the writers of our Constitution.
Any improvements in the economy are more due to the economy improving despite government involvement rather than than because of it. New business starts are down as is foreign investment. Many automaker on the Pacific rim and Europe are spending billions to expand in Mexico. If you can get the real unemployment rate the "U6" rate below 5% most issues relating to wages will correct themselves due to supply and demand. One of the problems now is structural unemployment. There are jobs and no one to fill them. The economy is still very shaky and a lot of people are reluctant to go in the hole for the cost of additional education. The biggest thing holding back the economy right now is ACA. Current numbers I have seen indicate that cost of compliance is in excess of 200 billion a year. That's a lot of money that businesses could use to expand. The other job killer is that ACA requires health care for employees working more than 30 hours hours a week. The average health care cost is a little more than $5,500 for an individual and a little more than $15,500 for family coverage. If you are paying someone $15.00 an hour for a 30 hour week you pay them a little more than $23,000 per year. Add the employers share of FICA and you are up to just under $25,000. This doesn't include the cost of unemployment, workman's comp, liability. If the employer bumps the employee to 31 hours then the employer must provide health care beyond a certain size threshold. The average single policy is subsidized around 78 to 79% by the employer the average family plan is subsidized 72 to 73% on an average. It pretty much a no brainer from the business stand point on what to do. Hire a lot of people and work them 25 to 30 hours a week. Costs are a lot less.

ACA was poorly written for the citizens of this country. If you don't believe me take a look at what has happened to stocks in the health care industry over the last few years. ACA should be dumped and start over. Implementing such a huge program in a recessionary economy borders on stupidity. A friend of mine suggested that the two things the economy needs to have done is scrap ACA and exempt all businesses with less that 500 employees from federal regulation. I tend to agree. Take the hobbles off and let good old Capitalism do it's thing
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For the first time in history, last year, More businesses in America went out of business than were started.
falcond, I never said there were no voter laws in states, just that states (Republican states) were changing or adding them, was my point. Here in NC, we now have the strictest voter laws in the nation, where we really had NONE prior to 2014.
Do you think the "strong support" of the ever so popular, hard working Congress had anything at all to do with the number of businesses going out of business? ;)
Since I work with ACA enrollments on a weekly basis, I can tell you that the overall acceptance of the program has been very good in NC ... certainly not the death spiral, train wreck, or doom & gloom that Republicans predicted. Had NC set up its own exchange (to invite competition as Republicans so often preach about that wonderful Capitalism) the overall impact to insurance costs would have gone down further than it has. And in fact, the inflationary costs have been the lowest in 10 years. And to think, ACA was originally the Republican's idea.

What I find is that employees love ACA but hate Obamacare. Guess its easy to hate something you know nothing about.
And even as Republicans continue to hunt for ways to ******* the program, they have NO solutions of their own ... none, nein, aucune, ninguna.

And back to that voter fraud statement ... "They found there are over 6,000,000 registered voters in the USA who are over 105 years old. 6,000,000!!!!" .... what does that have anything to do with voter fraud?
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falcond, I never said there were no voter laws in states, just that states (Republican states) were changing or adding them, was my point. Here in NC, we now have the strictest voter laws in the nation, where we really had NONE prior to 2014.
Do you think the "strong support" of the ever so popular, hard working Congress had anything at all to do with the number of businesses going out of business? ;)
Since I work with ACA enrollments on a weekly basis, I can tell you that the overall acceptance of the program has been very good in NC ... certainly not the death spiral, train wreck, or doom & gloom that Republicans predicted. Had NC set up its own exchange (to invite competition as Republicans so often preach about that wonderful Capitalism) the overall impact to insurance costs would have gone down further than it has. And in fact, the inflationary costs have been the lowest in 10 years. And to think, ACA was originally the Republican's idea.

What I find is that employees love ACA but hate Obamacare. Guess its easy to hate something you know nothing about.
And even as Republicans continue to hunt for ways to ******* the program, they have NO solutions of their own ... none, nein, aucune, ninguna.

And back to that voter fraud statement ... "They found there are over 6,000,000 registered voters in the USA who are over 105 years old. 6,000,000!!!!" .... what does that have anything to do with voter fraud?
Ok. I will explain this REEEAAAALLLL Slow-like so maybe you can ummerstan me. Me not that edumacated. Even a bulb as dim as mine realizes there sure as hell are not 6 million people in this country who are over 105. Registered voters can vote and where they don't have to show ID, they often do. That is called voter fraud.

NOW, half-humor over, I know you are smart enough to have understood EXACTLY what I meant earlier. You are just being a PITA, instead of having an honest debate.

Who the hell said anything about strong support for Congress being the reason for Voter ID laws?? It sure as hell wasn't me. Again, the reason is to prevent fraud. If you have to show up in person and display a photo id, it is a whole heck of a lot harder to vote when you are not supposed to, without a lot of extra effort or expense.

A LOT of states changed the voter ID laws that they had on the books. Look at the charts I posted. Both Democrat and Republican states.

Just because inflationary costs have been the lowest in 10 years DOES NOT MEAN COSTS WENT DOWN!!! What are you not getting about this? Republicans were never going to vote for the law anyway. YOU DEMOCRATS were the ones LIED to by the President!!!!! Not us. If even ONE of you had said no, the whole thing comes crashing down and Obama knew it. He was lying to you, not to me or other conservatives. Is this really that hard to figure out?

Republicans may not have a solution. Don't know, Don't care. Conservatives have several solutions. You just haven't bothered to search for them. And the Republican leadership doesn't want to promote them and have their gravy train end. And even if Boehner and McConnell wanted to, I don't think they are capable of explaining the points of the Conservatives ideas. Trust me, I don't like them about as much as I don't like Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Holder, Jarrett, etc., etc., etc.

Question: Could those employees who like Obamacare be either the ones that are not very well informed, don't care about politics, or tend to be healthier? If so, then HOW WOULD THEY KNOW??????
The top chart is the U3 unemployment percentages for the years indicated. These are the figures that are typically published to inform the public about employment trends. The people in this chart are unemployed people that are drawing unemployment and seeking work.

The bottom chart includes the people in the U3 chart plus people unemployed but no longer drawing benefits, people that are under employed, people no longer looking for work.

I have considered U6 a lot more informative about what is going on with the economy that the U3 numbers

U3 chart 1994 to 2015.png U6 1994 to 2015.png

What concerns me most is in the last few years the U6 rate isn't falling as fast as the U3 numbers. This is telling me that there is an increasing number unemployed and underemployed. Numbers from the Census Bureau support this. The median income has decreased slightly. Inflation has been low but most people making less than $100,000 per year lost ground
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I find unions stances toward illegal immigrants mildly amusing. From the 1950's through the 1990's. The unions lobbied long and hard to restrict immigration because it took jobs away from U.S. workers. Since the recent defeats in the upper Midwest and other parts of the country the unions have started actively recruiting immigrants legal and other wise. I have read that they are even recruiting potential members before they are inside the U.S. It seems to me it increases the likelihood of stuffed ballot boxes at some point. One thing that should be done ASAP is to pass a law that permanently denies citizenship to any alien that votes illegally and order their immediate deportation. If there is no no fraud there is no problem, I think it is worth doing. It would be interesting to see organized labors take on that
When it comes to Iran, Obama is between a rock and a hard place. He is doing as well as can be expected from any president.

What I fear from a nuclear armed Iran is they could very well use it, consequences be damned. Literally, "Allah wills it".

North Korea has been told by Beijing to not use their nukes under any scenario so they can make a lot if noise and be ignored.
I find unions stances toward illegal immigrants mildly amusing. From the 1950's through the 1990's. The unions lobbied long and hard to restrict immigration because it took jobs away from U.S. workers. Since the recent defeats in the upper Midwest and other parts of the country the unions have started actively recruiting immigrants legal and other wise. I have read that they are even recruiting potential members before they are inside the U.S. It seems to me it increases the likelihood of stuffed ballot boxes at some point. One thing that should be done ASAP is to pass a law that permanently denies citizenship to any alien that votes illegally and order their immediate deportation. If there is no no fraud there is no problem, I think it is worth doing. It would be interesting to see organized labors take on that
Its the African Americans that have been clobbered by illegal immigration.

Every dollar spent on an ESL class is a dollar not spent on an AP class for an inner city school.
Its the African Americans that have been clobbered by illegal immigration.

Every dollar spent on an ESL class is a dollar not spent on an AP class for an inner city school.
I disagree. It is not the African Americans who have been clobbered. It is everyone.
Legal immigration is one thing. My ex-wife, many of my friends are legal immigrants. Many are now citizens.
The ones who do it the right way, the legal way, are the ones getting crushed. They spend months or years waiting in line. They get here. They have to wait again, before they can work. Then they have to apply for a work permit. They have to wait again. Then they have to take a test. Then they have to pass a FULL background check and give their fingerprints. Then they have to wait to hear if they have passed the background check. THEN and only then, can they become full citizens with voting rights.
The illegals today just cross the border and Obama gives them a voter ID and allows them to get unemployment, welfare, ssd, and medicaid.