Politics, Politics, Politics

is that fucking Rand Paul and asshole or what!
when asked about the Russian hacking...
he doesn't think republicans should be investigating republicans... "we need to focus on getting rid of a bunch of these Obama programs"
and right along with Rand Paul.... nothing should get in the way of his agenda....

Speaker Paul Ryan declines to support independent Russian investigation after Flynn's resignation
Speaker Paul D. Ryan panned calls Tuesday for an independent investigation into Russia after the resignation of President Trump's national security advisor, Michael Flynn, saying the administration will explain what happened. Ryan said it "was right to ask for his resignation" after disclosures that Flynn, a retired general, misled some in the administration about his conversations with the Russian ambassador. It remains unclear whether Trump asked for Flynn to step down. Ryan dismissed the need for further investigation. Congress already is investigating Russia's intervention in the November election. "I’ll leave it up to the administration to describe the circumstances," Ryan said. "I’m not ...
how can they continue to lie.... when it has already been shown by the FBI that 4 different people on his staff talked to Russians during the campaign

Priebus Claims Report of Trump Campaign Contacts with Russians Is ‘Garbage’
White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, during multiple appearances today on the Sunday talk shows, stopped just short of agreeing with his boss President Trump that the media is the “enemy of the American people” and is no longer a credible news source.

Contrary to Trump’s unprecedented rants against the news media – most recently during his 45-minute, campaign-style rally in Melbourne, Florida, on Saturday before an adoring crowd of 9,000 – Priebus insisted that Trump still supports the First Amendment. “He believes in the free press,” Priebus declared but stressed the media is biased on both sides of the ideological spectrum.
The former Republican National Committee chair offered a full-throated defense of Trump’s complaints about “fake news,” especially a New York Times report last week that members of Trump’s campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year leading up to the November 8 election.

Priebus dismissed the newspaper’s story – based on intelligence intercepts that were described to The Times by unnamed sources – as “garbage” and totally unfounded.

“I can assure you, and I’ve been approved to say this, that the top levels of the intelligence community have assured me that the story is not only inaccurate but it’s grossly overstated,” Priebus said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday. “If I can say that to the American people, then what does it say about the story?”

The Times reported that American law enforcement and intelligence agencies intercepted the communications around the same time that Russia was trying to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election by hacking into the Democratic National Committee. According to the newspaper, the intelligence agencies then sought to determine whether the Trump campaign was “colluding with the Russians” on the hacking or other efforts to help Trump beat Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
Naturally... typical republican way of life.... if the vote doesn't go your way... change the laws so it will

After Clinton wins Virginia, state Republicans try to change how votes are tallied
A bill advancing in the Virginia House of Representatives would end the familiar "winner take all" system of awarding the state's presidential electoral votes and replace it with a system to award electoral votes by congressional district, similar to what's currently done in Maine and Nebraska. Under the winner take all system, the votes of people who opted for a candidate other than the statewide winner are quite literally not counted when the electoral college convenes in December. If votes were allocated by congressional district, the final electoral vote tally could more closely represent the statewide popular vote mix. In 2016, for instance, Hillary Clinton won 49.8 percent of Virginia's popular vote but 100 percent of its 13 electoral votes. ...
Both sides bend and change the rules to their advantage when ever possible. For starters go back to 2013 and look the Democrats solution to a Republican filibuster in the Senate. The thing I find most humorous is that when one party changes a law or bends a rule or even passes a Constitutional Amendment it invariably comes back to bite them in the ass (You don't need to jump on the Amendment thing, I am aware of the requirements to amend the Constitution)

The calls themselves aren't important, the verifiable content is what is. I could as a private citizen to Russia or any other country for that matter and have talks with whoever is willing to talk to me. Now if I represent myself as a U.S. government official and/or sign documents on behalf of the U.S. without authorization that is an entirely different matter.

Many times negotiations or at least the preliminaries are done through alternative means. A person respected by both sides may make an informal contact with the other party, the purpose is to gain knowledge of what the positions are over what is or might be negotiated. It might be learned that the sides are so far apart that formal negotiations are pointless and both parties will move those negotiations to the back burners. Often the informal contact will reveal a path to successful conclusion that allows both sides to appear to win.

As to a traitor, the traitor is the person that leaked the information about Flynn's call
the purveyors of FAKE news

A top White House adviser cited a nonexistent terror attack to justify Trump's immigration ban

One of President Donald Trump's top White House advisers referred to a terror attack that never happened in an MSNBC interview that aired on Thursday night. Kellyanne Conway suggested that the so-called "Bowling Green Massacre" in Bowling Green, Kentucky, was one of the catalysts for Trump's executive order banning nationals from seven Muslim-majority states like Iraq. There was no such attack in the US. During her interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Conway described the false incident as two Iraqi refugees having come to the US, becoming radicalized, and masterminding the nonexistent attack. Conway offered no evidence to back up her claims and flatly suggested that "most people don't know ...


Just more of those Alt Facts right?!
Subhub if we got rid of every politician that fed us bullshit we wouldn't need term limits. That applies to both major parties
Yeah, know what you mean. Its totally embarrassing, actually. Those of us that live here do the same thing ... we get up and turn on the tube just to see what "sh*t" Trumps administration is up to that day. Now he's threatenting to sue the supreme court judges over his immigration band. He lives in his own virtual world of delusional reality. Bear with us in the US ... I imagine there may be some major changes coming before the mid-term elections in 2018.
Midterms should be interesting and will be critical to the Democrats. Since 2010 the Democrats have lost ground at all levels of government. I haven't seen much in the way of a game plan to recover. The first thing the Democratic Party needs to figure out is how they got to their present state. Since the 2010 midterms the Democratic party has lost around 1000 seats in local, state and national elections. And it just isn't in this country in Europe and South America there a very definite swings to the right

Much is made of Trump's personality, he really isn't different from many CEO's I have known over the years. Most are assholes that is how they became CEO's. He will have to learn the White House has a different set of rules than the boardroom. The only real edge the Democrats have is Trump is second generation wealthy. Trump never experienced what it took to build the empire he inherited. I would wager Fred Trump was a far better negotiator that President Trump.

I will leave you with a final thought. Take a good look at the age and health of our Supreme Court justices. I would say there is a serious chance that he will get to appoint another Justice
Russian jets in 'unsafe' encounters with destroyer: U.S. official
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Multiple Russian military aircraft came close to a U.S. Navy destroyer in the Black Sea on Feb. 10, incidents considered "unsafe and unprofessional," a U.S. official said on Tuesday.

The Russian Defense Ministry said no such incidents had occurred.

"There were no incidents of any kind on Feb. 10, related to flights by Russian military jets in the Black Sea near the U.S. Navy destroyer Porter," Russian news agencies cited a spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, as saying.

But Captain Danny Hernandez, a spokesman for U.S. European Command, cited three separate incidents involving Russian aircraft and the USS Porter. One involved two Russian Su-24 jets, another a separate Su-24, and the third a larger IL-38.

"USS Porter queried all aircraft and received no response," Hernandez said. "Such incidents are concerning because they can result in accident or miscalculation," he added.

The incidents involving the Su-24 were considered to be unsafe and unprofessional by the commanding officer of the Porter because of their high speed and low altitude, while the IL-38 flew at an unusually low altitude, Hernandez said.

Another U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the lone Su-24 came within 200 yards (meters) of the Porter at an altitude of 300 feet (90 meters).

In April 2016 two Russian warplanes flew simulated attack passes near a U.S. guided missile destroyer in the Baltic Sea so close that they created wake in the water.

Russia deploys cruise missile as another spy vessel spotted off US east coast
Vasudevan Sridharan,International Business Times 10 hours ago .
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Russia is believed to have deployed a new cruise missile in an apparent violation of the cold war-era imposed arms treaty. The move is set to muddle up the outlook of US-Russia relations. In addition, a Russian spy ship has also been spotted off the US East Coast with Moscow's flights conducting sorties very close to a US Navy warship. However, the authorities have not yet linked these events. The deployment of the cruise missile, first reported by the New York Times and later officially confirmed by the US authorities, will prove to be a major challenge for President Donald Trump during the early days of his presidency – especially in the wake rapidly changing environment in his administration. ...


Russia testing Trump with spy ship, missile
A Russian spy ship is spotted off the U.S. coast as Vladimir Poroshenko deploys a banned missile at home. CNN's Michelle Kosinski reports. ...

and our pres says.... nothing?!?!
During Obama's reign the Chinese start laying claim to the South China Sea, Russia invades Crimea, Iraq develops a longer rancget missile they recently tested and they negotiated a treaty with Obama that allowed them to upgrade their nuclear weapons program and move it inside a mountain that could survive anything short of a ground burst nuclear strike.
During Obama's reign the Chinese start laying claim to the South China Sea, Russia invades Crimea, Iraq develops a longer rancget missile they recently tested and they negotiated a treaty with Obama that allowed them to upgrade their nuclear weapons program and move it inside a mountain that could survive anything short of a ground burst nuclear strike.
there you go with more right wing bullshit while ignoring other facts that you don't want to know about or discuss.... we have covered this same subject on numerous occasions!

you want to blame crimea on Obama.... and yet forget all about Bush and the invasion of Georgia... you guys and your selective facts/memory!

and you want to go into the lies and false claims that put us into the middle to begin with.... all a bunch of lies and bullshit just so Cheney and a few others make millions off the backs of americans.... and while we are at it... Bush with his lies and bullshit got how many americans killed... he also cut medical/schooling and other benefits for vets!..... the only thing that sick mom fucker wanted from the American people was our ******* and money!
he trashed the economy...... put social security in a death lock... although Reagan started it... bush just finished it... all the while him and cheney just reaping the rewards.... well and their friends!.... now that's how you run a country

Obama did more to correct the fuck-ups and intentional fucking of this country than most could have done... and did it with an obstructionist congress.....since Reagan there has not been a republican that could manage.... and Reagan showed that.... everything they do is strictly for their own interest!

and let me throw in that we do not negotiate with terrorists...so they say... and yet your republican presidents have done it many times!

you guys really are the height of stupidity!.... the ones that have done more for America than anyone else... and you can't stand them.... and yet the ones that have gone out of their way to fuck the country... you worship.... all because of your personal greed!
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hell lets cut education funding some more .

Employers Say They Can't Find Good Workers, but the Fix Is Simple

Employers have sent jobs to other parts of the world or axed them completely, in some cases. A July report from the Dallas Federal Reserve, previously covered by Business Insider, contained a couple of quotes from employers explaining their plight. “Entry-level candidates cannot read or follow instructions. What is wrong with the educational system?” asked one employer. “The ability to find qualified employees is our largest problem at this time,” said another. ...

As to a traitor, the traitor is the person that leaked the information about Flynn's call
spoken like a true republican!.... it's alright he was cutting deals with Russia while we still had a pres... that was not Trump... it's just the guy that gave the info is the rat.... you fit right in with Chevattez/Paul/ Ryan and a few others.... what's best for the country just doesn't fit into your way of thinking.... but then you have shown that on several statements!
During Obama's reign the Chinese start laying claim to the South China Sea, Russia invades Crimea, Iraq develops a longer rancget missile they recently tested and they negotiated a treaty with Obama that allowed them to upgrade their nuclear weapons program and move it inside a mountain that could survive anything short of a ground burst nuclear strike.

Everything you stated is correct, but i think you are missing a piece of information as to why Crimea rejoined Russia.

Crimea democratically voted, monitored by international observers, with an 85% plus majority to rejoin Russia.
The reason 85% of Crimea voted to rejoin Russia, is because 80% of Crimea is ethnically Russian.
Second reason they voted to rejoin Russia is the people who took over Ukraine, did it by over throwing the elected government at the time. Crimea wanted no part of it.

Historically speaking Crimea was originally part of Russia, hence why they are 80% ethnically Russian.

Russia did not invade Crimea, they were already there since that is were the Russian naval bases have always been located and 80% of the population is Russia.

Starting a nuclear war or Trade war over Crimea is misguided to say the least.

As for Buzzing each others ships and plans(close passes), that has been going for ever. It's a show your big balls type of thing.

People flipping out over a Russia cruiser off our cost aline, might want to know that we(the U.S.) are doing the same thing to their cost line(black sea and baltic sea), about 5x more then them.
Perhaps we should say "we will stop buzzing you and sailing right up to your cost line, IF you do the same for us."

Ignorance will land us in a unneeded war and many Americans are feed BS by the media or half the story(weapon of mass destruction?).
Since i was one of the guys who used to go over and fight our wars, i now first hand they should be avoided at all costs.

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