Politics, Politics, Politics

if you think this guy is not about taking care of big biz and leaving America hanging you need to think again

Sen Warren says Labor Dept removed website for Wells Fargo employees

The U.S. Department of Labor removed a special website it created as a resource for current and former Wells Fargo employees on workplace issues, including whistleblower retaliation complaints, according to a U.S. lawmaker.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat, sent a letter on Friday to Acting Labor Secretary Edward Hugler after discovering earlier this month that the site, www.dol.gov/wellsfargo, read: "Page not found."

Former Labor Department Secretary Thomas Perez created the special website last September, shortly after Wells Fargo was ordered to pay $190 million in fines and customer restitution after its high-pressure sales environment led to the opening of as many as 2 million accounts that customers may not have authorized.

Some of the bank's employees filed whistleblower complaints with the Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration, saying they had been fired for reporting the gaming by Wells Fargo, while others complained that they were ****** to work late to meet sales quotas.

"Taking down this website enables Wells Fargo to escape full responsibility for its fraudulent actions and the department to shirk its outstanding obligations to American workers," wrote Warren, who is a member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, which oversees the Labor Department.

... they likely paid me more than you made last year
gif_yellowball-chuckling.gif ... "there you go again, another "dick measuring contest"! Just scan a copy of that check they paid you, and paste it in the forum for us to view, Torp, and I'll do the same with my W2 ... how's that? You so love boosting of your superior income, white women, knowledge, and boxing skills ... might as well get this one dick measuring contest out of the way early in the year."
....One Trump in this world is enough.

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Just scan a copy of that check they paid you, and paste it in the forum for us to view, Torp, and I'll do the same with my W2 ... how's that?
And why would anyone take you up on any such proposition? We all saw how quickly you broke your word on your pledge to stay out of the political forums. Why would anyone trust you to follow through with your end of the bargain????
And why would anyone take you up on any such proposition? We all saw how quickly you broke your word on your pledge to stay out of the political forums. Why would anyone trust you to follow through with your end of the bargain????
"Do you think they(SJW's, marxists, Globalists, ect.) even realize what would happen if Trump merely tweeted,
"Americans, rally to me. Our enemies are coming for me in DC and I need your help.
Consider this a distress call from your President going out to all citizen soldiers of the Republic.
Come, come now, and come prepared to fight."

I'd answer the call, and I mean that 100%.
Millions would. We'd have our modern day General Washington.

If he summons that spirit, giving us all the lawful authority (finally) to defend our land...
It would be a fucking human deluge on DC of biblical proportions.
A damn tweet of all things, could rip this country to shreds and reforge it.
I wonder if that's his plan all along, taunting them into his briar patch.

I wonder if these people understand anything at all,
or they would be deathly afraid of the precipice they're lunging for."

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View attachment 1132720
"Do you think they(SJW's, marxists, Globalists, ect.) even realize what would happen if Trump merely tweeted,
"Americans, rally to me. Our enemies are coming for me in DC and I need your help.
Consider this a distress call from your President going out to all citizen soldiers of the Republic.
Come, come now, and come prepared to fight."

I'd answer the call, and I mean that 100%.
Millions would. We'd have our modern day General Washington.

If he summons that spirit, giving us all the lawful authority (finally) to defend our land...
It would be a fucking human deluge on DC of biblical proportions.
A damn tweet of all things, could rip this country to shreds and reforge it.
I wonder if that's his plan all along, taunting them into his briar patch.

I wonder if these people understand anything at all,
or they would be deathly afraid of the precipice they're lunging for."

View attachment 1132619
View attachment 1132592
MSM caught faking inauguration crowd size as CNN's president warns Trump his network will deliberately discredit him

Joe Quinn
Sun, 22 Jan 2017 23:52 UTC

Anyone who thought that the Western media would cease in its efforts to trash the image of President Trump after inauguration day was sorely mistaken. Trump had not even been sworn in before NY Times' Washington correspondent Binyamin Appelbaum disingenuously tweeted an image of the number of people at the inauguration, before Trump had even arrived, and negatively compared it to an image of Obama's inauguration in 2009.

Note that the 2009 image is a Getty photo, whereas the 2017 image is a screenshot from a live video feed, which you can tell by the graphic across the bottom of the screen. When questioned about the relative timing of the two images, Appelbaum claimed that the 2009 image was taken at 11:30am, thus half an hour before the commencement of inauguration proceedings, and the 2017 image taken at 11:15am.

The 'story' and image was then picked up and carried by other "news" outlets. PBS published this timelapse video, which they used to support the case for 'large white empty spaces' at Trump's inauguration:

Did you notice what they did at the end of the video? They 'wrapped up' the timelapse - as if to suggest that those final moments showed the full extent of Trump's crowd - even as people were clearly still arriving. PBS - like most mainstream media do when they know they're selling fake news - disabled comments under the video.

The reality is that the areas available for public attendees at Trump's inauguration were full to about 90% capacity. Check out this interactive gigapixel image of the scene, taken during Trump's inauguration speech. Here are some screenshots from that wide-angle image, clearly showing large numbers of people all the way back towards the Washington Monument:


One or two of the blocks of designated viewing areas are thinner, but those large empty white blocks Appelbaum passed off as the extent of Trump's crowd are gone. Obviously, it's possible to quibble over the total numbers, and when you look at the crowd at Obama's 2009 inauguration, it certainly looks like more people came to see Obama take the oath of office. Nevertheless, Trump still drew between 700 and 900 thousand people.

And that fact in itself is remarkable.

92% of electors in Washington, DC voted for crooked Hillary Clinton. Do we expect that many of them came to see their nemesis Trump take office? Conversely, most of those who voted for Trump live far from DC (and the East coast in general), so the fact that so many people actually made the trip is evidence of the high level of support the new president enjoys. The alternative view on this is that Trump enjoys far more support than the election results would have us believe.

Then there are TV viewings. The mainstream media doesn't dispute that Trump's inauguration is second only to Obama's 2009 ratings, but what they neglect to mention is that, these days, about the same number again watch TV on the internet. If we add just CNN's online viewings to the official TV viewings, Trump's inauguration was indeed the most-watched in history.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer justifiably called out this borderline treasonous media propaganda at his first press briefing yesterday, and also lambasted Time Magazine White House reporter Zeke Miller — who Spicer did not mention by name — for falsely reporting on Friday evening that President Trump had removed the bust of Martin Luther King Jr. from the Oval Office.

The widespread and consistent media attacks against Trump are clearly deliberate. To underscore that point, in an interview published on Thursday by New York Magazine, CNN President Jeff Zucker warned US President Trump that if he continued to call out the mainstream media on its use of fake and distorted news, CNN (at least) would negatively shape the perception of the Trump to people around the world."One of the things I think this administration hasn't figured out yet is that there's only one television network that is seen in Beijing, Moscow, Seoul, Tokyo, Pyongyang, Baghdad, Tehran and Damascus — and that's CNN," Zucker said. "The perception of Donald Trump in capitals around the world is shaped, in many ways, by CNN. Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake." Just to remind our readers, the establishment media, in particular outlets like CNN, The NY Times, The Washington Postand the Wall Street Journal, are outlets with a long track record (that continues to this day) of deceiving the public over issues that serve the interests of the Washington political elite while ignoring the interests of the American people. Specifically we can refer to the lies these media tools peddled about the Iraq war (Saddam's WMDs), Libya (the real reason for the NATO destruction of the country and the death of Ambassador Stevens), Syria (including CIA funding of Muslim terrorists in that country), and their continuing flagrant misrepresentation of Vladimir Pu tin and Russia's role in Syria (destroying the CIA's jihadi terrorists). The cherry on this fake news pie being the bogus allegations about Russian 'hacking' of the US election and connections between Trump and Pu tin.

The point, then, is this: if these media scoundrels are anti-Trump, then we can assume that Trump must, in one way or another, represent a threat to the Washington political elite warmongers and pedophiles and their yellow journalism lackeys. That, in itself, is reason enough for all people of good will to, at the very least, oppose the scurrilous and duplicitous attacks against Trump.
The Oakland A's take a jab at President Trump about crowd sizes

The A’s held their annual FanFest on Saturday in Oakland and their crowd estimate might have used some, ahem, alternative facts.

Oakland A's ⚾
✔ ‎@Athletics

Report: More people attended A's FanFest than the Inauguration. #RootedInOakland

5:33 PM - 28 Jan 2017 · Jack London Square

A week later, but still a solid joke if we at The Stew say so ourselves. A’s relief pitcher Sean Doolittle — one of the most socially conscious guys in the game — also took a jab at Trump:

Sean Doolittle
✔ ‎@whatwouldDOOdo

Thank you so much A's fans! A million, a million and a half people showed up! Largest crowd to ever witness an A's Fan Fest. Period.

5:37 PM - 28 Jan 2017

There was no official Twitter response from the president. His usual early-morning angry tweets were aimed at the New York Times. But if Trump had fired back at the A’s, we *imagine* it would have gone something like this:

I'm meaning all of the Goosesteppers who seem to be so emboldened by their "winning" as of late.

I feel it's dementia...or rabies, perhaps.
still pushing the fake news .... when everyone in the country knows the truth... even Trump now!
Similar to "fuzzy math."

I believe the correct terminology is "alternative facts"...which are whatever seems most convenient for one's agenda at the moment, lols.

Sort of like Winston Smith's "2+2=5"
British Pm invited Trump to britian... BUT.... the brits don't want him there... so now it has to go in front of parliament for approval..... this guy is really highly thought of!.... and we got him!

there is a limit on stupid.... and they don't want it spreading to over there... plus the women have higher standards and don't want groped... nor want him around their teens....especially with his upcoming divorce

One million sign petition to cancel Trump's UK state visit

they have standards... and morale's!
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Koch network launches effort to ******* Republican border tax plan

Billionaire industrialist Charles Koch is launching a campaign to sink a border tax under consideration by Republican leaders in Congress, a move that could complicate the lawmakers' efforts to find a way to pay for President Donald Trump's proposed wall on the U.S. border with Mexico.

Americans for Prosperity, a conservative political advocacy group founded by Charles Koch and his brother David, plans to use its network of wealthy political donors and activists to ******* the proposal, which aims to raise $1.2 trillion over 10 years on goods coming into the United States, according to officials from the group, which gathered this weekend for a conference.

Republican House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan is pushing the tax as part of a broader overhaul of the U.S. tax code.

The White House has given mixed signals on whether Trump supports the approach, but proponents say revenue collected from the border tax could finance Trump's drive to build a wall along the southwestern U.S. border. Proponents also say it would discourage U.S. manufacturers from moving abroad.
