Politics, Politics, Politics

Not even going into the fact that now 58% of the country uses it!

Fully repealing Obamacare will cost $350 billion
President-elect Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans love to say how unaffordable Obamacare is. But completely repealing the health reform law would be pretty costly to the federal budget. A full repeal of Obamacare would cost $350 billion over the next decade, according to a new analysis from the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. This makes its wholesale dismantling much more complicated. Obamacare was carefully crafted in 2010 so that it didn't add to the federal deficit -- in fact, it boosted revenues slightly. The law affects the federal budget in three ways: coverage provisions, taxes and fees, and Medicare components. Here's the impact of repealing each (through ...

PAUL RYAN: Assange is 'a sycophant for Russia'
House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday called WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange a "sycophant for Russia," just as President-elect Donald Trump was on Twitter promoting Assange's interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

During an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Ryan said he would not "comment on every little tweet or Facebook post" from Trump. But he said he was hopeful the president-elect would "get up to speed on what's been happening" regarding Russian hacking of political operatives and organizations when he receives an intelligence briefing on the subject later this week.

Asked by Hewitt whether he had any thoughts on Assange, Ryan said he had "none, other than I think the guy is a sycophant for Russia."

"He leaks, he steals data and compromises national security," Ryan said, later adding, after Hewitt pointed out that Assange was facing accusations of ******* in Sweden, that he thought the WikiLeaks founder was "under house arrest."

for trump to go against our own security.... both parties in gov... and stick up for Russia..... he has to have been in with them from the start!
I hope someone digs into this and finds out.... jail the fucker for treason!
he keeps pissing off our own intelligence some one just might look!
All they have to do to end Obama Care is to make it no longer "Mandatory" it will die on it's own without the added unconstitutional tax that now supports it.
All they have to do to end Obama Care is to make it no longer "Mandatory" it will die on it's own without the added unconstitutional tax that now supports it.

don't think so.... not being a smartass or anything.... but there are a lot of people that got screwed on ACA.... but there are also a lot that benefitted from it also.. like my neighbor.. a hard core republican.. cried his eyes out after his heart attack and got dropped from health care... along comes aca and he is back in health care... never admit aca helped him... or like those in coal country with all the black lung... or those with diabetes... there are a lot of people that do benefit from it
it does need some work... about everyone will admit that... although the right has done their share to screw it up

maybe.. maybe because I don't really know... but competition is what drives price down... why are all these ins comp getting out?
and it must benefit some because they say over a million jumped on before closing this year in case something happens

I get mine through work so I don't know all the issues.... just what I read and hear... but just saw the thing on the minors with black lung... wish I could say that's what you get for supporting trump... but you have to feel for them if they lose health care... most said they never had it before aca....

and I have said this before.... but dropping aca will not lower the rates!
there is a problem with ins comp.... they say they are going broke....???? ... here they have raised all their rates every year... say it's tornadoes.... but for the first time since I have lived here... the state said no to an increase and wants to look into it!
....The ACA could easily be fixed, and rates would lower, if those obstructing it truly wanted to provide a fair and affordable health care plan for the majority. I use to have "back & forth" arguments with falcond, the o-p of this thread, and several others, here, 1-2 years ago, regarding the Republicans healthcare alternatives ... and they all INSISTED that the Republicans had several alternatives. Now that the responsibility is THEIRS, its now known that all along they didn't have ******* for a plan, and frankly didn't intend to .... all a bluff, all smoke & mirrors, all BS brought up every election year. First, those who argue that Republicans will provide a fair, affordable alternative, need to admit that the Republican reform is to privatize EVERYTHING from health care to social security ... anything remotely considered an entitlement or subsidy to the lower middle & poor classes of citizens they helped create with their "trickle down" tax cuts. They have no plan ... other than fooling the ignorant voters with their BS misleading info about ACA and how "great its going to be" with Republicans.
.....Reminds me of a joke about a woman who had been married 3 times but was still a virgin ...

The woman's friend asked her how that was possible, and the woman responded ...
"well, the first guy I married was much older, and when I got naked in front of him, he had a heart attack frm the excitement and died right there in our bedroom."
"and the second guy, he was much younger, and he was in such a hurry to have sex after our wedding, that he tripped, fell down the marble steps at the church, and broke his neck right there."

Her friend said ... "well, what about that third guy?" .... so the woman continued.
"he was the worst of all, he was a damn Republican, and all he did was sit on the end of the bed and brag to me about how GREAT it was GOING TO BE"
The ACA could easily be fixed, and rates would lower, if those obstructing it truly wanted to provide a fair and affordable health care plan for the majority

they have had 8 years to come up with something... and haven't... I just saw on CBS that there are some republicans reluctant to do away with it...I think now that they have control they really don't know where and how to start.... it would not surprise me to see it stays!
it has just been a crying point for them for years.... but with the majority of the country on it... doing away with it with nothing to replace it.... could be political suicide... but then I think some of the things they have talked about doing is just that anyway!
as much as I dis-trust Trump..... he already put them in place yesterday over the ethics issue... they won't admit it... it also shows how little control Ryan has over them
what really bothers me is Trump.... he stated before he would not do away with it until he had a replacement... something really good you will really like....but we all know he is spiteful and has a temper and does not like to be told what to do... and with the Dems vowing to stop it he might do away with it out of spite!
funny... real fucking funny!


McConnell: We Won’t Tolerate Dems Blocking SCOTUS Nominee
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday that he will not tolerate Democratic efforts to block President-elect Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. McConnell’s remarks come just a day after Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer suggested that Democrats would block a Trump nominee for the vacant spot on the high court, in retaliation for the GOP’s refusal to hold hearings on President Obama’s choice, Merrick Garland. McConnell invoked the so-called “Biden rule,” and said it means that a nomination should not be confirmed in an election year. But Biden’s actual remarks in 1992 were referring to the period before the election, meaning a nomination could be voted on and confirmed ...

I think it is already to late... he has made a deal with the devil..... most know it... just won't say it!

Russian dissident Kasparov warns of a Trump-Putin alliance
Former world chess champion Garry Kasparov, a Russian dissident now living in exile in the United States, warned today that the world could be what he called “entering a very dark ages” unless President-elect Donald Trump reverses course and stands up to Vladimir Putin.

In an interview with Yahoo News chief investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff, Kasparov said that Putin and his top aides, including Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, are eagerly anticipating Trump’s presidency because they believe he will cut a “grand bargain” with Russia that will expand its sphere of influence.

“They are all waiting for Trump,” Kasparov said. “They believe Trump will change everything … and [give] in to all of Putin’s demands — recognizing Russian annexation of Crimea,” as well as undercutting NATO and “sacrificing the Baltic states.”

“I think that’s a crime,” Kasparov added. “Unless the United States is willing to restore the balance, we are entering a very dark ages.”

a lot of republicans are already warming to the idea.... it's money over country!

we all already know most politicians are bought and paid for anyway.... what's the difference where the money comes from?
.The ACA could easily be fixed, and rates would lower,

The only way the rates will come down is to remove the mandatory law. Then insurance will once again half to compete for your business, right now there is no competition - you must buy it. But Like I said, the ACA would not survive if it was not mandatory. Millions now have insurance because it is required by law, not becasue it is affordable.

and they all INSISTED that the Republicans had several alternatives.

Others maybe, but I never said they had an alternative, I stated they tried on several occasions to work with Obama on several parts of the bill - Obama would have no part of it, would not even consider anything from the Republicans. This was the driving wedge between Obama and the Republicans. From that point on I think both sides have acted like little children.

I now pay full price for single coverage - I must get it through the exchange as starting 2017, no other insurance will take on individuals (my previous insure simply dropped me). There are now only 2 choices on the exchange and one of those are considering dropping out, depending on what Trump does. My Rates are 3 times what they were when I provided insurance for a family of 4. My wife still gets her insurance from her employment. And because of that alone, I am not eligible for subsides threw the exchange. We both MUST carry dental insurance for a baby we do not have - everyone must carry it, check your policy. Not only are we ****** to buy something we may not want, we are ****** to buy something we do not need. I really doubt I would get away with claiming a dependent I don't have so why am I required to pay for one? I've said it a million times, the ACA should actually reformed health care - but instead it is nothing more than a heavy tax on the middle class with more laws and red tape.

It's time people realize that we are not "entitled" to anything. You want something then work for it. It is really not that hard. In fact, I know some people that work very hard at staying unemployed.
I always thought she was/is a fucking dingbat anyway!

This Republican congresswoman's Twitter poll on Obamacare didn't go very well for her

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha ...

A Twitter poll by ardent Obamacare foe Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., on whether the health-care law should be repealed backfired big-time Wednesday as lots more people — a whole lot more people — tweeted "No," rather than "Yes."

Blackburn posted the poll Tuesday, asking people their views on repeal, and requesting that they retweet their support for killing Obamacare if they favored repeal.

She also asked in that tweet what people want to see as a replacement for the Affordable Care Act.

Marsha Blackburn
✔ ‎@MarshaBlackburn

Do you support the repeal of Obamacare? RT if you do, and share what you want to see as the replacement.

9:47 AM - 3 Jan 2017


Vote 7,968 votes

When the poll closed Wednesday, a whopping 84 percent of the nearly 8,000 votes were for "No" on the question of repeal.

The Hill.com noted that Blackburn's cause probably wasn't helped by the fact that White House Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz retweeted the poll Tuesday to his more than 23,000 Twitter followers.

Schultz's boss, President Barack Obama , lists the ACA as his signature legislative achievement, and on Wednesday visited Capitol Hill to encourage his fellow Democrats to defend it against Republican repeal-and-replace efforts.

Also Wednesday, President-elect Donald Trump , who has repeatedly called for the repeal of the ACA, warned his fellow Republicans in several tweets to "be careful" how they handle the issue. Trump's tweets said Democrats "own" the "mess" and "disaster" of Obamacare, implying that if Republicans repeal-and-replace efforts lead to spikes in uninsured rates and premium prices, they too could suffer political fallout.

Donald J. Trump
✔ ‎@realDonaldTrump

massive increases of ObamaCare will take place this year and Dems are to blame for the mess. It will fall of its own weight - be careful!
I guess now that Trump doesn't like what the intelligence is telling him.... he is just going to overhaul it and do away with some of it!

where does that leave us as a country?

guess we could ask Russia what they are up to... or just wait and see
....I'll say this again, because some prefer not to hear the truth, but Republicans have NO intentions of providing an alternative to the ACA ... never did, never will. They're entire agenda is to eradicate entitlements & subsidies paid to the poor and under-privileged citizens, and instead, pass along tax cuts that favor the very richest Americans. It's what their platform is all about ... why conservatives wish to THINK that their party has a better solution to helping the poor & under-privileged, I'll never know. You look at the poorest, the most under-educated, under-insured states and the majority are ALL Republican run states.
....TwoBi and others, like Torp, love to charge Obama with the reason why Republicans could not work with Obama on so many issues, like ACA. And every time, they ignore those most important first 4 years of Obama's term when they were meeting to form "Just Say No", and to obstruct every effort Obama made in order to, as Mitch McConnell said, make Obama a 'one-term-president'. There has NEVER been an effort by Republicans to work with Obama on healthcare or the ACA, EVER ... they've obstructed the program 62 times in Congress with a cost of over $600,000 per congressional vote, saying they HAD a better plan. They've stopped Obama and supporting states from modifying identified flaws, they've obstructed the implementations of Medicaid, and the effort to create competition to help lower rates through competing exchanges. They then stick out their chests and point when the costs go UP and say ACA is a failure and its Obama's fault. Their efforts to destroy Obama has failed miserably ... his popularity is as high as its ever been, and congress as low as its ever been.
....Here in NC the Republican legislature has stripped the powers of the incoming Democrat governor by getting the current sitting Republican governor to sign off on the changes. Now, our incoming Democrat governor can not even assign jobs to key positions without a signoff from our Republican legislators. First time that has ever been done. A 3-panel Federal Judge has ordered the Republicans to hold new voting in 2017 in the gerrymandered districts where Republicans didn't even have anyone running against them. The Republicans have gone to the US Supreme Court to get the order reversed. And THIS coming from the very party that is openingly calling for Democrats to work together with Republicans, then quietly trying to stab them in the back.